1972. Ripon Society Endorsements RIPON OCTOBER, 1972 Vol. VIII No. 19 ONE DOLLAR TOWBrrd a Revival 01 ProllressivislD by Daniel J Elazar THE RIPON SOCIETY INC is a Republ~can research , • poUcy orgarnzation whose members are young business, academic and professional men and COMT·EMTS women. It has national headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts. chapters in thirteen cities, National Associate members throughout the fifty states, and several affiliated groups of subchapter status. The Society is supported by chapter dues, individucil contribu­ tions and revenues from its publications and contract work. The Society offers the following options for annual contribution: Con­ tributor $25 or more; Sustainer $100 or more; Founder $1000 or more. Inquiries about membership and ch~er organization should be addressed to the National Executive DIrector. ENDORSEMENTS .............................................................. 3 NAnONAL GOVEllNING BOABD Officers The Ripon Society's Endorsements of GOP Sena­ ·Howard F. GUlette, Ir., President torial, Congressional and Gubernatorial Candi­ " 'au! F. Anderson, Cbairm_ of the Bom "Patricia A. Goldman, Chail'maD of the Executive Committee dates. ·Howard L. Reiter, Vice President "Edward W. MUler, Treasurer "Ron Speed, Secretary Boston Pittsburgh "Martha Reardon "Murray Dickman READER SURVEy .............................................................. 20 Martin A. Linsky I ames Groninger Michael W. Chrlstian Bruce Guenther Please return this Reader Survey to help us plan Cambridge Joel P. Greene Seattle the future of the FORUM. "Bob Stewart "Tom Alberg Gus Southworth Dick Dykeman Chicago Mason D. Morisset "Jared Kaplan Gene 1- Armstrong Thomas Russell WashingtolL Detroit "Allce Tetelman "Dennis Gibson Lorry Finkelstein Stephen Selander WilUe Leftwich Mary E. Low Hartford Nicholas Norton At Large at issue "St art H McC h "·Josiah Lee Auspitz Los &~:;eles' onaug y ""Christoper T. Bayley "Michael Halliwell Christopher W. Beal Thomas A. Brown Robert L. Beal Edward McAniff ""Rohert D. Behn TOWARD A REVIVAL OF PROGRESSIVISM ............ 11 Mem'(>his ""Michael Brewer by Daniel Elazar William Whitten Jan Bridg~ Rohert Lanier Ralph Caprio Where the Liberals, the Conservatives and the Mary Sullivan ""Bruce Chapman Radicals have failed, can the Progressive tradition Minneapolis Pamela Curtis "John Cairns Robert W. Davidson provide an alternative? Daniel Elazar, director of Jim Manahan Christopher DeMuth Temple University's Center for the Study of Fed­ Kati Sasseville Evelyn F. Ell!s eralism, examines the past and projects for the fu­ Nashville Al Fe1zenberg ture. "Robert H. Donaldson Emil H. Frankel Jerry H. Smith Glenn Gerstell Cary Mlller Ralph J. Heikkinen New H.... elL ""Lee W. Huebner ·Peter V. Baugher Philip C. Johnston Jeffrey M!ller WUliam J. Ki1berg Melvin DUman Judith R. Lumb New Jersey ""J. Eugene Marana "Richard Zimmer Martha McCah!l1 Nancy MUler Tanya MeUch John Brotschol Don Meyer New York ""John R. Price, Jr. leatu.es "Werner Kuhn ""John S. Saloma III Richard Rahn Chris Topping Richard Scanlan Leah Thayer Philadelphia R. Quincy_White COMMENTARY: LOOKING AHEAD TO 1976 ............ 4 "Robert J. Moss W!l1iam Whitten by Robert D. Behn William Horton Lyndon A.S. Wilson Ex.Offlcio At Large "Ralph C. Loomis, National Executive Director Will it be Agnew vs. Percy at the 1976 GOP con­ "Daniel J. Sw!l1inger, National Political Director vention? Maybe. Then again maybe not. ·Richard E. Beeman, Policy Chairm_ ""Peter J. Wallison, F'm_ce Chairm_ "Robert GuUck, CoU1lSel "Clair W. Rodgers, Jr., Counsel "National Executive Committee Member POLITICS: REPORTS ........................................................ 6 ""Past President, Chairman of the Board. or Chofrm_ of the Executive Commiltee Arizona, Indiana, Louisiana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Utah, Wisconsin. THE RIPON FORUM is published seml.monthly by the Ripon Society, Inc., 140 Ellot Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138. Second crass postage rates p¢d Boston, Massachusetts. Contents are copyrighted © 1972 by the Ripon Society, Inc. Correspondence to the Editor Is welcomed. POLITICS: PEOPLE ............................................................ 10 In publishing this magazine the Ripon Society seeks to provide a forum for a spirit of criticism, innovation, and Independent think· ing within the RepubUcan Party. Articles do not necessarily rep" These notes on people, long featured in the resent the opinion of the Ripon Society, unless they are expUcitly FORUM newsletter, will now occupy a regular so labelled. page in the FORUM magazine. SUBSCRIPTION RATES are $10 a year, $5 for students, service· men, and for Peace Corps, Vista and other volunteers. Overseas air mail, $10 extra. Advertising rates on request. $10 of any con· trlbution to the Ripon Society is credited for a subscription to the Ripon FORUM. Editor: Dick Behn DULY NOTED ...................................................................... 16 Contributing Editors: Clifford Brown, Glenn Gerstell, Howard Reiter. Circulation Dept.: Judith H. Behn. Book review of Sydney Hyman's Youth In Politics Art: LesUe Morrill, David Omar White. and other media notes. Correspondents Mike Halliwell CcrIUomia Al Felzenberg, New Jersey Stephanie MCConaughy, Conn. Deryl Howard, North Carolina James F. McCollunu Jr., Florida Henri Pell Junod, Ohio Michael McCrery, Idaho W!l1iam K. Woods, Ohio LETTERS ................................................................................ 18 Ben Violette, Illinois Stephen Jones, Oklahoma Thomas A. Sargent, Indiana Eric R. Blackledge, OregolL Ripon's Endorsement of President Nixon - C.R. Connell, fowa Richard Oher, Jr., PeDDBylvanfa Eric Karnes, Kentuc~ Donato Andre D'Andrea, B. L Some Dissenting Views. ames Harrington, Mciine Bruce M. Selya, Bbode Island JuUa M. Renner, Michigan Foy McDavid, Tennessee Arthur F. McClure, Missouri Stanford M. Adelstein, S. D. William Harding, Nebraska Fred O'Brien, West Virginia Scott Green, New Hampshire W. Stuart Parsons, Wisconsin 14a ELIOT STREET ............................................................ 19 1972 Ripon So(iety Endorsements Each year the Ripon Society endorses candidates for public office. The endo1'Sements are based 011 the candidates' public record, campaign statements, issues' positions, and in the case of incumbent Sena­ torJ and Representatives, their rating in the annual Ripoll Congressional Ratings. This year'J endone­ ments COI'er candidates for Senator, Governor and u.s. Representative. In measuring a candidate's record we, of course, examine announced positions, but we also look a/ the context in which the position was taken, i.e. the state or locality, the quality of the opponent, and the candidate's long-term potential. In those states with Ripon chapters, the chapter decided the endorsements. In addition, some chap­ ten will separately endorse other statewide and local candidates. We hope that this list will serve as a guide for progressive Republicans. The men and women be­ lou' are Republicam who are looking toward the future, bttt with firm roots in the Republican traditions of cizlil liberties, decentralized gOlJernment, a full market economy, and, mO.rt of all, peace at home and abroad. Their election is important to the future of the Party and the Country. SENATORIAL Edward J. Mason (Maryland, 6th) "'Gilbert Gude (Maryland, 8th) Winton Blount (Alabama) "'Silvio O. Conte (Mass., 1st) "'Ted Stevens (Alaska) Martin A. Linsky (Mass., 4th) "'J. Caleb Boggs (Delaware) Howard M. Miller (Mass., 9th) "'Charles Percy (Illinois) "'Margaret M. Heckler (Mass., 10th) "'James B. Pearson (Kansas) Will~am D. Weeks (Mass., 12th) "'Edward W. Brooke (Mass.) "'Marvin Esch (Michigan, 2nd) "'Robert GrUlin (Michigan) "'Donald Riegle, Jr. (Michigan, 7th) *CMfford Case (New Jersey) "'Philip Ruppe (Michigan, 11th) Pete Domenlci (New Mexico) David Serotkin (Michigan, 12th) Dewey F. Bartlett (Oklahoma) "'Albert H. QuIe (Minn., 18t) "'Mark O. Hatfield (Oregon) "'William Frenzel (Minn., 3rd) John Chafee (Rhode Island) Alan Davisson (Minn., 5th) "'Howard Baker, Jr. (Tennessee) "'John Zwach (Minn., 6th) Jon Haaven (Minn., 7th) Russell Sloan (Missouri, 6th) GUBERNATORIAL "'Peter Frellnghuysen (New Jersey, 5th) "'Russell Peterson (Delaware) "'Edwin Forsythe (New Jersey, 6th) "Richard Ogilvie (Illinois) "'WUllam Widnall (New Jersey, 7th) Dr. Otis Bowen (Indiana) Alfred Schdaffo (New Jersey" 9th) *Robert D. Ray (Iowa) Milton A. Wwdor (New Jersey, 11th:) Christopher "Kit" Bond (Missouri) Joseph Maraziti (New Jersey, 13th) °Malcolm McLane (N. Hampshire) Fuller H. Brooks (New Jersey, 15th) Herbert DeSimone (Rhode Island) "'Manuel Lujan, Jr. (New Mexico, 1st) *Daniel Evans (Washington) Joseph Boyd, Jr. (New York, 1st) Jane Pickens Langley (New York, 18th" *Peter Peyser (New York, 23rd) Carl Vergari (New York, 24th) CONGRESSIONAL Benjamin Gilman (New York,_ 26th) *Howard Robison (New York, 27th) "'Willdam Mailliard (California, 6th) "'Frank Horton (New York, 34th) "'Paul N. McCloskey, Jr. (California, 7th) "'Barber Couable (New York, 35th) *Alphonzo Bell (California, 28th) "'Mark Andrews (North Dakota, AI,) William Ketchum (California, 36th) "'Charles Whalen, Jr. (Ohio, 3rd) Clair W. Burgener (California, 42nd) "'Clarence Brown (Ohio, 7th) James Johnson (Colorado, 4th) "'J. Willlam Stanton (Ohio, 11th) "'Robert Steele (Connecticut, 2nd) "'Charles Mosher (Ohio. 13th) "'Stewart McKinney (Connecticut, 4th) Ralph Regula. (Ohio, 16th) "'Nerre "Pete" du Pont, IV (Delaware, A.L.) "'John Dellenback (Oregon, 4th) "LouIs Frey,
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