Aug. 13, ‘194-0. E. BRY 2,211,642 NOVELTY WOOL AND MOHAIR KNOP YARN Original Filed July 4, 1939 MOHAIR , g BINDER WOOL 6 ~’5 I“ I’). 1 c0115 WO0,L 4 2' 3 "1- ‘ " A ‘1% a‘ BINDER _ '“/%WW/ INVENTOR EDWIN BR Y. M ATTORNEYS ‘ Patented Aug. 13, 1940 2,211,642 UNITED ‘STATES iQATEhi'i‘ @FFEZQE 2,211,642 NOVELTY WQOL AND MOHAIR KNUP YARN Edwin Bry, Elberon, N. 5., assignor to Edwin & Louis Bry, Inn, New York, N. Y., a corporation of New York Original application July 4, 1939, Serial No. 282,775. Divided and this application No vember 24, 1939, Serial No. 305,759 4 Claims. (G1. 57--l44) My invention relates to the art of textiles and yarn and further twist the threads of wool and. I to a novelty yarn formed of separate threads or threads of mohair in initially relatively close re strands of mohair and wool, said novelty yarn lation so that upon shrinking said yarn the faster having alternate knops of wool and mohair along shrinking threads of mohair act to press out the its length. More particularly my invention re threads of wool in the form of bunching or loose lates to a yarn comprising a thread or strand of arcuate loops. mohair and a thread or strand of wool twisted Again, in the above twist, because of the greater ' together and about a core thread and having al shrinkage of the threads of mohair the mohair ternate knops of mohair and knops of wool along knops that are formed are relatively large, irreg ll) its length. , ular and shiny, while the wool knops are rela 1.0 My invention further relates to the gimp or tively small, loose and bunchy. ~ ratine twist having an unusual crinkled effect Further, in addition to the enhancing of the between said knops of mohair and wool, such beauty of the yarn by the use of this particular gimp or ratine twist being formed by the shrink combination of threads of mohair and threads age of the thread or strand of mohair against of wool in a twist formation, I secure a yarn of 15. the thread or strand of wool. ‘ de?nitely superior properties. The threads of My invention further relates to a novelty yarn mohair shrinking far and fast as they do, tend formed by twisting a thread or strand of mohair to compress themselves about the threads of and a thread or strand of wool about a core wool; the wool being a ?uf?er material absorbs 20 thread and then shrinking the resulting yarn, the strain of the shrinking threads of mohair 20 which shrinking causes the greater shrinking and further acts as a resilient base against which strand or thread of mohair to force the strand the threads of mohair may be compressed when or thread of wool out into arcuate loops to give the yarn is subject to strain in its actual use. a crepe effect. Alternatively, I may use mohair and wool of This application is a division of my co-pending such relative count so that the mohairis bunched _ 25 application Serial No. 282,775, ?led July 4, 1939. out into arcuate loops by the wool. For the sake of brevity, I shall refer to the My invention therefore lies in the combination threads or strands of mohair and wool as threads of threads of mohair and threads of wool in a of mohair or threads of wool, respectively, said particular twist whereby alternate knops of mod threads consisting of aplurality of twisted ?bres hair and wool are spaced by gimp or ratine 30 of wool or mohair respectively. formed by twisted threads of mohair and threads My invention further relates to a novelty fabric of Wool. In that ratine because of the respec formed from the novelty yarn described above tive differential shrinkage between ‘the threads and particularly a fabric in which such novelty of mohair and the threads of wool the ratine 35 yarn comprises all or part of the woof or ?ller has a {peculiar crinkled effect formed by the forc 35 and/or all or part of the warp. My yarn may ing out by the threads of mohair of the threads comprise all or part of the fabric. of wool into arcuate fluffy loops. The desirability of providing textile yarns of . Alternatively, the ratine may have its crinkled attractive and. distinctive appearance has long effect produced by the forcing out of the mohair been recognized. One method of obtaining such by the wool, which would be determined by the 40 novelty effect is by the provision of knops on said relation of the count of the mohair. to the wool. yarn which consists of loops of thread bunched It is, therefore, the object of my invention to and twisted about speci?c areas of the core of provide a novel yarn comprising threads of wool the novelty yarn. Such knops are formed by and threads of mohair. 45 twisting a thread of suitable yarn about a core It is a further object of my invention to provide 45 thread which is alternately progressed and a novel yarn of twisted threads of wool and stopped so- that such over-twisted thread alter threads of mohair carrying alternate knops of nately bunches in the form of loops about such Wool and mohair at spaced intervals thereon. core thread and then progresses on and twists. It is a further object of my invention to .pro- ' 50 I have provided a novel textile yarn of dis vide a novel yarn of twisted threads of wool and 50 tinctive appearance which comprises a core ma threads of mohair in which the wool is formed terial which may be of cotton and twisted about into arcuate loops which extend out from the such core material, threads of wool and threads yarn. of mohair. I form alternate knops composed of ‘It is a further object of my invention to pro 55 threads of mohair and threads of wool in my vide a novel yarn of twisted threads of. wool and 2 2,211,642 threads of mohair in which the mohair is formed hair 3 are subjected to longitudinal tension they into arcuate loops which extend out from the are compressed against the threads of wool 2 yarn. and inasmuch as the threads of wool 2 are a fluffy It is a further object of my invention to pro and resilient material and the threads of mohair vide a crinkled yarn formed of twisted threads are thus given an unusual resilience and resist of mohair and threads of wool in which because ance to rupture. of the differential in shrinking properties between In Figure 3 which diagrammatically represents the threads of mohair and threads of wool, the the machine for manufacturing the novelty yarn wool is formed into arcuate fluffy loops. of my invention, I show a supply of core thread 10 It is a further object of my invention to pro on the spool Ill which travels between the rollers 10 vide a crinkled. yarn formed of twisted threads i I and I2. These rollers alternately move the of mohair and threads of wool in which because core thread material I forward and then arrest of the differential in shrinking properties between its motion so that the knops can be formed. the threads of mohair and threads of wool, the The core thread I travels about the guide roller 15 mohair is formed into arcuate large loops. I3 and then towards the bobbin I4. 15 It is a further object of my invention to pro The wool is supplied from the spool I5 and vide a novelty yarn which comprises a core thread travels between the rollers I6 and I‘! which de over which is twisted threads of mohair and liver it about the core thread I. The faller bar threads of wool. 20 is located just above the point where the 20 It is a further object of my invention to provide thread of wool 2 is twisted about the core thread I 20 a novelty yarn which comprises a core thread as set forth. The thread of mohair 3 is supplied over which is twisted threads of mohair and from the spool 2| and passes between the rollers threads of wool, said novelty yarn having thereon IG and I1 and passes beneath the faller bar 23 at alternate knops of mohair and wool. which point it is twisted over the core thread I 25 It is a further object of my invention to pro and the thread of wool 2. vide a novelty yarn which comprises a core When the core thread I is progressed steadily thread over which is twisted threads of mohair forward the wool and mohair are twisted about and threads of wool, said novelty yarn having it in an even twist which forms the ratine or thereon alternate knops of mohair and wool, said gimp of the novelty yarn of my invention. When 30 yarn being bound back with a binder thread. by means of the rollers H and I2 the forward 30 It is a further object of my invention to pro movement of the core thread I is stopped, the vide a novelty yarn of relatively increased wool and mohair are still being twisted about strength in which threads of wool and threads of the core thread and form knops 4 and 5 of wool mohair are twisted in such a way that upon and mohair respectively.
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