BOARD OF BUILDING AND SAFETY CITY OF Los ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMISSIONERS CALIFORNIA BUILDING AND SAFETY 201 NORTH FIGUEROA STREET MARSHA L. BROWN lOS ANGELES, CA 90012 PRESIDENT VAN AMBATIELOS VICE·PRESIDENT ANDREW A. ADELMAN, P.E. VICTOR H. CUEVAS GENERAL MANAGER HELENA JUBANY RAYMOND CHAN ELENORE A. WILLIAMS EXECUTIVE OFFICER ANTONIO R. VILLARAIGOSA MAYOR May 22, 2009 Council District: # 9 / Honorable Council of the City of Los Angeles Room 395, City Hall JOB ADDRESS: 405 EAST FLORENCE AVENUE, LOS ANGELES, (aka: 405-407E. FLORENCE AVE.) ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. (APN): 6011-008-031 On September 4,2008, September 24, 2007 and August 17,2006 pursuant to Section 98.0402(e) of the Los Angeles Municipal Code ("L.A.M.C"), the Department ofBuilding and Safety (the "Department") performed annual inspections on vehicle repair facilities located at: 405 East Florence Avenue, Los Angeles, (aka: 405-407 E. Florence Ave.), California (the "Property"). The property owner was given notice of the unpaid annual inspection fees on the property as follows: Description Amount Annual inspection Fee $ 1,065.00 System Development Fee 42.60 Collection Agency fee 237.79 Title Report fee 53.00 Graud Total $ 1,398.39 Pursuant to the authority granted by Section 7.35.3 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code, it is proposed a lien for a total sum of$ 1,398.39 be recorded against the property. It is requested that the Honorable City Council of the City of Los Angeles (the "City Council") designate the time and place protest can be heard conceming this matter, as set forth in Sections 7.35.3 and 7.35.5 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code. It is further requested that the City Council instruct the Department to deposit to Dept 08, Fund 48R, Balance Sheet Account 2200, any payment received against this lien in the amount of$ 1,398.39 on the referenced property. A copy of the title report which includes a full legal description of the property is attached as Exhibit A. A list of all the names and addresses of owners and all interested parties entitled to notice is included (Exhibit B). Also attached is a report which includes the current fair market value of the property including all encumbrances of record on the property as of the date of the report (Exhibit C). AL"IDREWA. ADELMAN, P. E. Gen ral Manager renpeneraW~ Chief, Resource Management Bureau Department of Building and Safety Lien confirmed by ATTEST: JUNE LAGMAY, CITY CLERK City Council on: BY: ~~~--------------- DEPUTY LADBS G-5 (Rev.6f08) AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY· AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER EXHIBIT A WestCoast Title Company ~ 15480 Arrow Hwy. Suite 216 Irwindale, Ca. 91706 {626} 307-1145 {626} 307-1784fax Work Order No. HT0043 Preparedfor: City of Los Angeles Type of Report:GAP Report Order Date: 04-24-2009 Dated as of 04-24-2009 Fee: $48.00 -SCHEDULE A- (Reported Property Information) For Assessors Parcel Number: 6011-008-031 Situs Address: 405 E, Florence Ave City: Los Angeles County: Los Angeles -VESTING INFORMATION (Ownership) The last Recorded Document Transferring Fee Title Recorded on: 12-17-2004 As Document Number: 04-3342205 Documentary Transfer Tax: $2,700.00 ,/ In Favor oj: 4fi:05Florence, LLC, a Limited Liability Company e D Mailing Add, s: Jacob Yadegar 11677 San Vicente Blvd., Suite #206 Los Angeles, CA 90049 -SCHEDULE B- -The Property Reported Herein is Described asfollows: Lots I and 2, Tract 3010, in the City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 30, Pagers) 99 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. Page I of 2 Continued .... WestCoast Title Company 15480Arrow Hwy. Suite 216 Irwindale, Ca. 91706 {626} 307-l/45 {626} 307-1784fax Page 2 Order Number: HT0043 -Schedule B Continued- 1. A Deed of Trust Recorded on 12-27-2004 as Document Number 04-3342206 Amount: $480,000.00 Trustor: 405 Flornece, LLC, a Limited Liability Company Trustee: First American Title Corporation, a California Corporation Beneficiary: Jerome Weiss and Marcia Weiss, Trustees of the Woodale Associates Trust Dated September 30,1965 t!V / Mailing Address: Woodale Associates Trust Dated September 30,1965 Attn: Jerome Weiss P.o. Box 64361 Rancho Park Station Los Angeles, CA 90064 2. A Notice of Pending Lien Recorded 05-31-2005 as Document Number 05-1265292 Filed by the City of Los Angeles Dept. of Building and Safety 3. A Notice of Pending Lien Recorded 02-10-2006 as Document Number 06-0320384 Filed by the City of Los Angeles Dept. of Building and Safety 4. A Notice of Pending Lien Recorded 01-12-2007 as Document Number 07-0074230 Filed by the City of Los Angeles Dept. of Building and Safety 5. A Notice of Pending Lien Recorded 03-21-2008 as Document Number 08-0491662 Filed by the City of Los Angeles Dept. of Building and Safety 6. A Notice of Pending Lien Recorded 12-05-2008 as Document Number 08-2138503 Filed by the City of Los Angeles Dept. of Building and Safety A Statement of information may be required to provide further information on the owners listed below: No Statement of information is required. End of Report Multi Search Page http://www.titletraceit.comimultiprint2. phr -----_.- APNNo. 6011-008-03\ Situs Address: 405 E FLORENCE AVE LOS ANGELES CA 90003 MailingAddress: 11677 E SAN VICENTE BLVD STE 206 LOS ANGELES CA 90049 -, Legal Description: TRACT NO 3010 EX OF ST LOTS 1 AND LotlSec 2 Owners Name(s): 405 FLORENCE LLC Special Name: Date Of Transfer: ,-,-----12127/2004 Tax Data Land value: $202.690 Taxes Is1 Half 2nd Half Improvement: $106.120 Status "PAID·· OPEN Horreowrersfixemption; 0000' Pmt Date 12/16/2008 Net Total: $308,810 Total Tax 4,086, \4 Tax Install 2,043.07 - 2,043.07 Penalty 204.31 209.07 Balance Due .00 2,043.07 Total Tax Due 2,043.07 Sn.cJal , ,. ro.al ray. P<:ct nO.188.51 Agency: CITY LT MNNT 21 Amount: 181.24 /Ic.ct nO.001.70 Agency: TRAUMNEMERG SRV86 Amount: 63.24 P<:ct no.035.92 Agency: COUNTY PARK 01ST21 Amount: 15.78 kx;t nO.188.71 Agency: CITY 911 FUND 21 .A.roount: 18,78 P<:ct no.030.71 Agency: FLOOD CONTROL 52 Amount: 61.70 Met nO.188.69 Agency: LA STORMWATER 21 Amount: 49.19 Pcct no. 188.50 Agency: LACITY PARK 01ST21 Amount: 14.94 k.d.no.061.81 Agency: LACO VECTR CNTRL85 Amount: 7.25 Special Assessments Total: 412,12 Region. 26 Use Cede- 2600 Zoning. LAC2 SQ. Ft.v 1,700 Yr. Built- 1948 Yr. Sold to State- 0000 mle 7'roce (l Division of the Loren Data Group. ue. all rights reserved. 50fl6 4/30/2009 8:28 M ... 12127/04 . RECORDING REQlJESTED BY: First American Tolle 04 3342205 AND WHEN RECORDED MAI~ TO: ~c!¢r- ~ndlng 116n San Vicente Bi?A::S~ft8·th06 l.os Angeles. CA 90049 THIS SPAce FOR RECORDER'S use ON~Y. EKfaWNo.: 110303-PC GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX ,. $660.00 CITY TRANSFER TAX $2,700.00 !Xl computed on fIJI value of properly conveyed. or [ 1computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances. remalning~t ti fsale. I IUnlncorpomted area !Xl CIty of Los Angeles AND uU: S) FOR A VAlUABLE CONSIDERATJON, receipt of which Is herebyacknowl • Jerome W..... and Marcia We'.. , Truet4H 0'The Wood.,.Assoclates Trust dated September 30.1985 \ ~eby GRANT(s) to: '\ 405 Florence. U.c, a LiDtited Liability Company the rea! property in the City of Los Angeles. COunty of Los Angeles. State of california. described as: LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACfIE'O HERETO AS EXHISIT 'A' AND MADE A PART HEREOF. AlSo Known as: 405 -419 East FiorenceAvenue, Los Angeies. CA 90003 API/: 6011-008-032 I 6011-OOB-031 I 6011..008-033 I 6011''()()8-034 DATEDNovember 22, 2004 WDCdal, AssOCiatesTrust.dated September 30. 1985 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGEI.ES •. J - On Nc>V'e-¥'<e ~,( 'l.ea<=+. ~:4ht<-? ~ .. Before met 'f1IM 1&'1'..ft p.', Ct 1 -p 1rxdfPc.. BY WIT stee A Nplary Public In and for said Slata, personally appeared • e e 55. ru .J !E~e::. cN"'b ~::$ tI +''2 ~ MAo.Q....<....\.J:;.- V\J eM S '!i.'-- '/' l/;w- . .tJ,!.dV4.< PI 4-d< UI~~~~~~~~~~~~:;~~~me (or proved to me on the baSl$ of BY: a a Weiss. Trustee sa1isfactoI)' evidence) to be the person(s) WhOse name(s) lsIare SIIbscribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged 10 me that he/shelthey exewtad the same In hislherltheir ~ ft ft .ft 0PZft'J"s.t3Rl:n1ll1 . ~ed capacityQes). and that by hlslherlthelr slgnature(s) J8, C~' 139064 , on the Instrument the person(s). or the enlfty upon behaW of I NoI<Iy P\lIlIC - CQI/omIcI which the person(s) acted. the Instrument LeI AngeIiII Co\tIIy I WITNESSmy hand ~d0r?:l. .. t:tgaI"....~=!~i2f1, SIgnature ~ - ./ (This area for official nolalial seal) MAIL TAX STATlJMENTS 0 p"", , "HOWN BELOW; IF NO PARTY SHOWN. MAIL AS DIRECTED ABOVE: 1IfC-u-N D4;.UPII FlDHlrrt 1iIII,Iean Tltl. .., . T-t86 P.OOtIOOl F-ITI Order Number: 1685818 (11) Page Number: 6 , . LEGAL DE5tiUP UGH II.eIIl property In the Oty of Los Angeles, County of I.Ds Angeles, Slate rIf california, desaibed lIS 1'oIIcIws: PARCELl: "ILOTS 1 AND 2, TRACT 3010, NS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 30. PAGE 99 OF MAPS, OFFlaAL RECORDS OF SAItl CDUHTY OF LOS ANGElES. IiXC!PTTHE SOUTH ZO FEET OF SAl!) LOTS.
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