Prefeasibility Report of Proposed project of Gypsum Mining Production Capacity 17250 TPA, N/v–Tanwarewala, Tehsil–Kolayat, District–Bikaner, (Rajasthan), Lease area–5.0 Ha. 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This is a new mining lease (STP Project) of Gypsum, located near Village- Tanwarewala, Tehsil-Kolayati, District –Bikaner (Rajasthan) over an area of 5.0 hectares. The LOI was issued in favor of Shri Ramlal S/o Manni Ram vide order no ME/Bika/Zypsumpermit/2017/5308 dated 16.6.17 by Mining Engineer, Department of Mines & Geology, Govt. of Rajasthan, Bikaner for four years. The Simplified Mining Scheme has been approved, vide letter no.-843 dated 27.07.2017 by Department of Mines & Geology, Govt. of Rajasthan, Bikaner. The mining area is of 5.0 Ha. The proposed production capacity is 17250 TPA of Gypsum. The method of mining is Open cast semi mechanized method. Topographically, the lease area is comprised of flat terrain. This is a STP Project. LOI granted of this project vide letter No.ME/BIKA/GYPSUMPERMIT/2017/5308 Dated 16/06/2017. This mining lease period is 5 years. After 5th year this mining lease used for agriculture purpose only. 33% of the lease area will be planted outside or near mining lease to improve the biological environment of the area and also improve the aesthetic beauty of the surrounding area. This will improve the biological environment of the surrounding area as well as enhance the aesthetic beauty o the area. Total land of mining lease comes in Agriculture Land No forest land is involved in this area. Salient features are given in table 1.1 below: Table 1.1 Salient Features of the Mine Site & Surrounding Details S.No. Particulars Details 1. Application Ref. No. 201731060 2. Name of Mineral Gypsum 3. Khasra Nos. Details of village wise Khasra details are as: Name of Total Area in S.No Khasra No. Village Ha. 1 Tanwarewala 187/35 5.0 4. Land Type Agriculture Land 5. Area 5.0 Ha. 6. Latitude & Longitude Latitude 28 014’50.76” N to 28 014’59.02” N Longitude 72 011’53.46” E to 72 012’1.00” E 7. Near Village Tanwarewala 8. Tehsil Kolayat Project Proponent: Shri Ramlal Page - 10 Prefeasibility Report of Proposed project of Gypsum Mining Production Capacity 17250 TPA, N/v–Tanwarewala, Tehsil–Kolayat, District–Bikaner, (Rajasthan), Lease area–5.0 Ha. 9. District Bikaner 10. State Rajasthan 11. Toposheet No. 44D/3, 44D/4, 44D/7 & 44D/8 12. Nearest Railway Station Kolayat Railway Station is nearest Railway Station, at a distance of ~ 86.0 km from mine site. This station as located on Broad gauge line of Phalodi- Lalgarh section. 13. National Park There is no National Park in the 10 km radii of lease area. 14. Biosphere Reserve There is no Biosphere Reserve in the 10 km radii of lease area. 15. Heritage There is no heritage located in 10 km radii of lease area. 16. Reserve Forest/Protected There is no RF/PF located in 10 km radii of lease area. Forest 17. National Highway/State NH- 15 is at a distance of 81 km, SE from the mine Highway site. SH-40 is at a distance of 42.0 km, SE direction from the mine site. MDR-103 is at a distance of 20.0 km, East direction from the mine site. 18. Water Bodies There is no water body located in 10 km radii of lease area. 19. Population of nearest Densely populated or built-up area is Kolayat village village 81.0 km from the mine site. 2.0 Introduction of the project/background Information (i) Identification of Project Proponent. In case of mining project, a copy of mining lease /letter of intent should be given. Project Proponent- Shri Ramlal S/o Shri Maniram Address of the Lessee: R/o- Village – Tanwarewala, Tehsil – Kolayat, District - Bikaner Email- [email protected] Brief Description of Nature of Project: This is a mining project of Gypsum. As per MoEF Notification S.O 2269(E) Dated 1 st July 2016, thus project falls under category “B1”. LOI is issued for lease area is 5.0 Ha. This is a new mining lease of Gypsum, located near Village- Tanwarewala, Tehsil- Kolayat, and District –Bikaner (Rajasthan) over an area of 5.0hectares. The method of mining will be open cast semi- mechanized method. (ii) Need for the project and its importance to the country and region Due to the globalization and new ventures, the requirement for Gypsum has been on the rise over the last few years. Mineral Gypsum is used in various forms in used in Wallboard, Cement, and Plaster of Paris in many industries. Project Proponent: Shri Ramlal Page - 11 Prefeasibility Report of Proposed project of Gypsum Mining Production Capacity 17250 TPA, N/v–Tanwarewala, Tehsil–Kolayat, District–Bikaner, (Rajasthan), Lease area–5.0 Ha. Mining industry play an important role in economic sector in India. Rajasthan is rich in mineral wealth. The state is endowed with major and minor mineral resources. The region, where the project is situated is mostly dependent on agriculture and mineral resources. The developments of mining in the area provide direct and indirect employment opportunities, infrastructure development, communication and socio-economic infrastructure. The important benefits accruing from the project can thus be stated as-boost to local and regional economy, direct contribution to the state exchequer. (iii) Demand and Supply Gap Considering the demand of Gypsum sufficient availability of the mineral in the area, it is essential to have Gypsum Mine to sustain the supply of raw material in cement industries in nearby areas & also to provide employment opportunities to the locals. (iv) Imports v/s Indigenous Production As the mineral in abundance is available indigenously so the import of the same is not required or economically feasible. (v) Export possibility A sizeable quantity of Gypsum produced in the State of Rajasthan. (vi) Domestic/Exports Markets There is vast domestic and export market for raw Gypsum. (vii) Employment generation (Direct & Indirect) due to the project This is fresh mining lease. Mine will provide employment to 15 direct people and 30 people will be indirectly benefitted by this proposed project of Gypsum. Preference will be given to local persons. 3.0 Project Description (i) Type of Project including interlinked and interdependent projects, if any. This is Gypsum mining project. No other project is interlinked with this mining work. (ii) Location (map showing general location, specific location, and project Boundary& project site layout) with coordinates. The area has been marked on Toposheet No. 44D/3, 44D/4, 44D/7 & 44D/8 including the mining lease location. This is a new mining lease (STP) of Project Proponent: Shri Ramlal Page - 12 Prefeasibility Report of Proposed project of Gypsum Mining Production Capacity 17250 TPA, N/v–Tanwarewala, Tehsil–Kolayat, District–Bikaner, (Rajasthan), Lease area–5.0 Ha. Gypsum, located near Village – Tanwarewala, Tehsil- Kolayat, District – Bikaner (Rajasthan) over an area of 5.0 hectares. (iii) Details of alternate sites considered and the basis of selecting the proposed site, particularly the environmental considerations gone into should be highlighted. No other site has been considered for the proposed project. The land has been allocated by government for the mining only. Site is adequate for Gypsum mining. (iv) Size and Magnitude of Operation Total reserves 69,000MT. Total area of mining lease is 5.0Ha. Proposed maximum annual targeted production of Gypsum from the mine will be 17250 TPA. (v) Project description with process details (a schematic diagram/flow chart showing the project layout, components of the project etc. should be given) A. Method of Mining Mining will be done open cast semi mechanized method. The mining is proposed for Gypsum. • The Mining of Gypsum mineral will be carried out up-to the 2 meter depth from the surface level. • JCB will be used for fast removal of overburden, excavation of mineral and for loading and unloading of the mineral. • Blasting is not required. • The mineral is proposed to transport by tractor and Dumper. Following machineries will be used for mining of Gypsum: Table 1.2 Showing Details of machinery proposed to be used at mine S.No Item Quantity 1 JCB 1 ( on hire basis) 2 Tractor 2 ( on hire basis) 3 Dumper 2 (on hire basis) (Source: Approved Simplified Mining Plan) Project Proponent: Shri Ramlal Page - 13 Prefeasibility Report of Proposed project of Gypsum Mining Production Capacity 17250 TPA, N/v–Tanwarewala, Tehsil–Kolayat, District–Bikaner, (Rajasthan), Lease area–5.0 Ha. B. Regional Geology REGIONAL GEOLOGY Recent Alluvium & Aeolian sand, sandy calcareous grit, kanker iron nodules,ferruginous bands and recent conglomerate. ------------------------Unconfirmity------------------------------------- Upper formani-ferruginous lime stone. White Clay mudh. Dirty brown to dark impure limestone with broken shells of ostrea. Upper horizon of fullers earth containing gray to grayish yellow & reddish fuller's earth wills shale's & sally limestone partings. Lower, horizons of fuller's earth containing a thin bed of gray yellow green fuller's earth. Lower foraminiferal limestone. White fossiliferous marl with intercalation yellow ochaceous shale impure. White Clay limestone & yellow calcareous siltstone. --------------------------------Unconfirmity--------------------------------- Upper, cretaceous to lower Paleocene (argilla- amaceofacies formation Clay) Ferruginous bands Ferruginous gritty sachariodal sandstone with glass sand & white siltstone with several interbeded beds of white Clay. C. Local Geology The area under consideration falls under Tertiary formation. All applied area is covered by the alluvium sand and no rock exposure is seen on the surface. Geological, recent to sub-recent formation having blown sand, pebbly grit and Clay beds are found. Litho units exposed on the surface in the applied area: D .
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