REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS OF TYNWALD COURT Douglas, Tuesday, November 19, 1974 at 11-15 a.m. Present: The Deputy Governor other Bills. I call upon the Chairman (Deemster G. E. Moore). In the Council- of the Finance Board. The Lord Bishop (the Rt. Rev. Vernon Nicholls), the Attorney-General (Mr. A. Mr. Bolton: Your Excellency, I beg to C. Luft), Messrs. J. B. 'Bolton, O.B.E., move:— E. N. Crowe, R. E. S. K erruish, G. V. H. Kneale, J. C. Nivison, W. E. Quayle, That permission be granted under A. H. Simcocks, with Mr. P. J. Hulme, Standing Order 27(6) for the following Clerk of the Council. In the Keys: The business to be considered. Speaker (Mr. H. C. Kerruish, O.B.E.), Messrs. R. J. G. Anderson, H. D. C. Mac­ The Deputy Governor: Is that agreed? Leod, G. M. Kermeen, J. C. Clucas, P. Radcliffe, Miss J. C. C. Thornton-Dues- It was agreed. ber.v, Messrs. J. R. Creer, E. Ranson, P. A. Spittall, G. T. Crellin, T. C. Farag- The Deputy Governor: We now have her, Mrs. E. C. Quayle, M essrs. W. A. four Bills for signature. Is it your wish Moore, J. J. Bell, E. M. Ward, B.E.M., that we proceed with the remaining E. C. Irvins, Miss K. E. Cowin, Messrs. business while the Bills are being R. MacDonald, P. G. HisIoD, Sir Henry signed? Sugden, K.B.E.,C.B.,D.S.O., wilh Mr. T E. Kermeen, Clerk of Tynwald. It was agreed. BILLS FOR SIGNATURE PAPERS LAID BEFORE THE COURT The D eputy Governor: There are three Bills for signature—South Ram­ The Deputy Governor: I call upon sey (Acquisition of Certain Land) Bill; the Clerk to lay papers. Land Speculation Tax Bill and Social Security Legislation (Application) Bill. The Clerk: I lay before the Court— In addition hon. members will have in front of them a Supplementary Agenda Appointment of Auditors—Finance which includes in it a further Bill, the Board Memorandum (Government Cir­ Road Traffic (International Agree­ cular No. 84/74). ments) Bill for signature. I do not know whether hon. members wish to ask for Additional Payments to Pensioners the first and second items on the Supp­ Scheme 1974. lementary Agenda to be dealt with at the same time as we are signing the Tourist Premises Improvement Act Bills for Signature—Papers Laid before the Court. T'178 TYNWALD COURT, NOVEMBER 19th, 1974 1974—T ourist Prem ises (Development Electricity Board for the year ended Incentives) Scheme 1974. 31st M arch 1973. Report of the Isle of Man Highway and Transport Board for Fishery Acts 1927 to 1965—F resh­ the year ended 31st March 1973. water Fisheries Bye-Laws 1974. Twenty-First Report of the Health Ser­ vices Advisory Council for the year Police (Isle of M an) Act 1962— Isle ended 31st March 1974. Second An­ of Man Police Pay and Allowances De­ nual Report of the Consumer Council term ination 1974. Isle of Man Police for the year ended 31st March 1974. Cadets Pay and Allowances Determina­ tion 1974. Isle of Man Police P ay and Industrial Development — Twenty- Allowances Determination (No. 2) 1974. Sixth Bi-Annual Report from the Indus­ Isle of Man Police Cadets Pay and Al­ trial Advisory Council to Tynwald. lowances D eterm ination (No. 2) 1974. Local Government Board’s Approval Consumer Protection (Isle of Man) to Petition—Approval dated 18th Oc­ A ct 1965—Toys (Safety) Regulations tober 1974 to the following Petition— 1974. Petition of the Laxey Village Commis­ sioners for authority to borrow £2,080, Weights and Measures Act 1971 — repayable within 20 years from the date Weights and Measures (Egg-Gradipg of borrowing, for the purpose of carry­ Machines) (Amendment) Regulations ing out certain works of improvement 1974. W eights and M easures (Sale of at the Quarry Road Camp Site, Laxey, Wine) O rder 1974 (dated 4th November such borrowing being in relation to the 1974). loan of £2,080 recently granted to the Petitioners under the Tourist Premises Licensing and Registration of Im provem ent Acts 1961 to 1971, also re­ Vehicles Act 1969 and Value Added Tax payable over 20 years. and O ther Taxes Act 1973—Road Vehicles (Licensing and Registration) Value Added Tax and Other Taxes (Amendment) Regulations 1974. Act 1973—Value Added Tax and Car Tax (No. 2) Order 1974. Value Added Isle of M an Post Office A uthority— Tax (Isle of Man) (Change of Rate) Isle of M an Post Office A uthority (Revocation) O rder 1974. (Overseas Parcel Post) (Amendment) (No. 2) R egulations 1974. Isle of Man Post Office A uthority (Overseas Parcel Post) (Amendment) (No. 3) Regula­ DELAY IN CIVIL AID CORPS tions 1974. LEGISLATION—QUESTION BY THE SPEAKER Manx Radio — Report to Tynwald of the Committee of Enquiry. The Deputy uovernor: Will hon. members please turn to the Question Annual Reports—Eleventh Annual Paper. Question number one. I call Report of the Isle of Man Civil Service upon the hon. Mr. Speaker. Commission for the year ended 31st December 1973. Report of the Isle of The Speaker: Your Excellency, I beg Man Assessment Board for the year to ask— ended 31st March, 1973. Report of the Isle of Man Sports Council for the On the 20th October 1971 Tynwald re­ period 21st July 1971 'to 31st March solved—“That the Report of the Select 1974. A nnual R eport of the Isle of Man Committee on the Establishment of a Papers Laid before the Court—Delay in Civil Aid Corps Legislation—Question by the Speaker TYNWALD COURT, NOVEMBER 19th, 1974 T179 Civil Aid Corps be adopted and the turned from the Home Office, alm ost six recommendations contained therein be months later, with queries on policy. and the same are hereby approved”. His Excellency in Executive Council has just shortly before this question was Why has the introduction of the legis­ tabled directed that this Bill be now in­ lation implementing this resolution been troduced into the Keys and that the so long delayed? policy comments be supplied to the Keys with the suggestion that the Keys Will Your Excellency arrange for the should consider these and if they think Bill to be delivered to the Keys for con­ fit appoint a committee. The Bill is due sideration in the three remaining ses­ to be considered for concurrence by the sions of the House before the Christmas Finance Board tomorrow and subject to adjournment? printing arrangements there need be no further delay whatsoever in presenting The Deputy Governor: Under Stand­ the Bill to the Keys. In order that the ing Order 37 I propose to call on the Bill may be considered during the three learned Attorney-General to reply. remaining sittings of the House of Keys before Christmas adjournment the hon. The Attorney-General: Your Excel­ Mr. Speaker may agree to processed lency, when the resolution of the 20 th copies of this Bill being used by the October 1971 was passed there was House to avoid the delay in obtaining available at that time one legislative the printed ones. If so, the answer to draftsman, apart from the Attorney- the second part of the question is “Yes”. General and it is apparent that during that period they could not. cope with the The Speaker: May I ask a supple­ Bills which were required to be drafted mentary, Your Excellency? First of all At times there were, I understand, as would the hon. Attorney-General agree many as 70 or more Bills being drafted that it is a sad reflection on an admini­ or awaiting drafting. It was a question stration when it takes three years to of priority. From Ju ly 1972 to Jan uary implement a very essential resolution 1973 there was just one draftsman. of Tynwald? Secondly, would he indi­ When I was appointed Attorney-Gene­ cate during the period when he says ral on the 1st January 1973 one of my there has been a very sad shortage of first concerns was to obtain additional legal draftsmen, what assistance has staff. At that time the Civil Aid Bill had been forthcoming from the Second a low priority; there was much legisla­ Deemster in view of the fact that the tion with a higher priority and some House indicated its wish that the Second measures which were subject to dead­ Deemster should assist with legal draft­ line dates such as the Postal Legisla­ ing as and whenever possible? Has this tion, Value Added Tax and the Euro­ been of benefit to your office? pean Economic Community, which had to be brought in during that session. In The Attorney-General: Your Excel­ fact no new draftsman was obtained un­ lency, I am in some difficulty about an­ til the summer recess in 1973, but when swering before I took office, and I do he was appointed in July the drafting understand that the Second Deemster of the Civil Aid Services Bill and other was giving aid to the office, b u t I am outstanding Bills was put in hand. By not aware of the extent of that. In the 11th October 1973 the Bill was drafted period since I was appointed, the whole and consultations were being held. resources of the office were fully em­ After the consultations the Bill was ployed on the postal and V.A.T. and sent to the Home Office on the 2nd E.E.C. legislation, because that priority Jan u ary 1974 for com m ent and was re­ as the hon.
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