ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY VOLUME 27 * JUNE 1985 * NUMBER 6 Leon H. Schmidt, Edlitor in Chief (1985) Robert C. Moellering, Jr., Etlitor (1987) Unlivevr.sity of Alabana in Bi-inif'/igllam NVw' Etiglant Dco(t0iesS ILHoJspital Birmiiinghattn Bostoti, Ma.so(lahsetts Herbert L. Ennis, Editor (1987) Christine C. Sanders, Editor, (1989) Roche Institiute of AMole(ula(l Biology Creightoni Universitv Sc(0hoolfoV'(lidcil( Nmutlev, Newi, Jer-seyv Omaha, Nebraska Robert L. Hamill, Editor (1985) Peter G. Welling, Eklitor (1988) Eli Lil//, & Colfnpany l(c. Warl Clr-La/Ub/t Co. Indiaina(lpolis, lntdianlal A tin Arbor, Michigall George A. Jacoby, Jr., Elitor (1985) John A. Washington II, Editor (1986) Massachusetts Generatil Hospital Mayo Clinic Boston Rochester. NIilhlC 'vota EDITORIAL BOARD Norris Allen (1986) Arthur English (1986) Joan Lusk (1986) Nlerle Sande (198>() Vincent T. Andriole (1987) Robert J. Fass (1985) R. Luthy (1986) NV. Eugene Sanders, Jr. (1987) Bascom F. Anthony (1985) Stuart Feldman (1985) Francis L. Macrina (1985) WV. NMichael Scheld (1986) George R. Aronoff (1986) Sydney Finegold (1985) Gerald L. Mandell (1986) Jerome J. Schentag (1985) Robert Austrian (1986) Robert J. Fitzgerald (1986) Garv R. Matzke (1986) Raymond F. Schinazi (1986) Richard H. Baltz (1987) Martin Forbes (1986) George H. McCracken (1987) Fritz D. Schoenknecht (1986) Rashmi H. Barbhaiya (1986) John N. Galgiani (1987) Antone A. Medeiros (1987) F. C. Sciavolino (1985) Arthur L. Barry (1986) Dale N. Gerding (1985) Gerald Medoff (1986) VW'illiam NI. Shannon (1986) John G. Bartlett (1987) Anthony J. Glazko (1987) NMichael Miller (1987) Charles Shipman, Jr. (1985) Michael Barza (1985) Irving H. Goldberg (1985) Barbara Minshew (1985) Robert NV. Sidwell (1987) William M. Bennett (1987) Jack Gwaltnev (1986) Thomas P. Moyer (1986) P. Frederick Sparling (1987) Richard F. Bergstrom (1985) Scott NI. Hammer (1986) Barbara E. Murrav (1987) Harold Standiford (1985) Karen K. Biron (1987) W. Lee Hand (1986) John D. Nelson (1986) I)avid A. Stevens (1986) Gerald P. Bodey (1986) H. Hunter Handsfield (1986) Harold C. Neu (1986) Stephen E. Straus (1987) Arthur E. Brown (1987) Joseph Hawkins, Jr. (1985) Lawrence A. Pachla (1987) R. Sutherland (1985) Lawrence E. Bryan (1985) Frederick G. Hayden (1987) Joseph S. Pagano (1987) Morton N. Swartz (1985) Ward Bullock (1987) Nlichael Higgins (1986) James 'T. Park (1985) Richard B. Sykes (1985) Tsun Chang (1986) David C. Hooper (1987) James E. Pennington (1986) Francis P. Tally (1987) Anthony Chow (1985) Richard Hornick (1986) T. J. Perun (1986) Alexander Tomasz (1985) C. Glenn Cobbs (1986) George Gee Jackson (1986) Lance R. Peterson (198X5) Ralph Tompsett (1985) Paul S. Cohen (1986) James H. Jorgensen (1987) Michael Rein (1986) Francis L. S. Tse (1986) William A. Craig (1987) William J. Jusko (1986) W. H. G. Richards (1986) Richard J1. Wallace, Jr. (1987) Naomi Datta (1987) A. W. Karchmer (1985) Richard Roberts (1985) Michael W'aring (1987) Lawrence E. Day (1986) Donald Kaye (1985) Ian M. Rollo (1985) Bernard XN'eisblum (1985) William E. Dismukes (1987) George S. Kobayashi (1985) Allan Ronald (1987) Richard NI. Welch (1986) R. Gordon Douglas, Jr. (1986) Donald J. Krogstad (1986) Richard Root (1986) Richard Wise (1986) John C. Drach (1987) Felix Leitner (1986) John P. Rosazza (1986) John S. Wolfson (1987) George L. Drusano (1987) Stephen A. Lerner (1986) Jon E. Rosenblatt (1985) Lowell Young (1985) Theodore Eickhoff (1985) Stuart B. Levv (1986) Robert H. Rubin (1987) Pauline K. WV. Yu (1985) Gertrude B. Elion (1987) Helen R. Whiteley, Chairman,ti. Publication.s Board Walter G. Peter III, Director of Publications Linda M. Illig, Managing Editor, Jourtnals Deborah J. Shuman, Production Edit(or Antimicrobial Agents antid Chemotherapy (ISSN 0066-4804). an interdisciplinary publication of the American Societs for Microbiology. 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006, is devoted to the dissemination of knowledge relating to all aspects of antimicrobial. antiparasitic. and anticancer agents and chemotherapy. Instructions to authors are published in the JamnuIary issue each year; reprints clre available fr-om the editors and the Publications Departmient. Antimicrobial A,cnts anditl CheMotherIaP is published monthly. and the twelve number-s are dividedc into two volumes per year. The nonmember suLbscription price is $157 per year: single copies are $21. The member subscription price is $31 (foreign, $41 [surface rate]) per year; single copies are $7. Correspondence relating to subsCIiptions, reprints, defective copies. illlability of back issues, lost or late proofs. disposition of submittedimanuscripts, and general editorial matters shouLld be directed to the ASM Publications Department. 1913 I St.. NW, Washington. DC 20006 (phone: 202 833-9680). Claims for missing issues from residents of the United States. Canada. and Mexico must be submitted within 3 months after publication of the issues; residents of all other countries must submit claiims within 6 months of publication of the issues. Claims for issues missing becaLuse of failure to report an address change or for issuLes "missing from files" will not be allowed. Second-class postage paid at Washington. DC 20006. and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Antimicrobial Agentts antd( Chemnthorapv. ASM. 1913 1 St.. NW. Washington. D)C 20006. Made in the United States of America. Copyright L': 1985, American Society for Microbiology. E] )f VeK.ki,,-JXI, RI jt All Rights Reserved. The code at the top of the first page of an article in this journal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the article mtlay be made for personal use or for personal use of specific clients. This consent is given on the condition, however, that the copier- pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clearance Ceniter, Inc.. 21 Congress St.. Salem, MI\A ((1970). for copying beyond that per-mitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent dloes not extend to other kinds of copying. sLuch as copying for- generll distributionl, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for- reslle. Author Index Alving, Carl R., 903 Gavan, Thomas L., 982 Kuhrt, M. F., 883 Raymond, Gilles, 928 Attfield, P. V., 985 George, W. Lance, 966 Reinhardt, John F., 966 Ayers, Leona W., 982 Gerlach, E. Hugh, 982 Lawrence, Adam G., 964 Rill, Wayne L., 903 Gilbert, David N., 897 Leathers, Timothy, 892 Ryan, D. Michael, 925 Beale, Angela S., 980 Giles, Penelope, 953 Lemieux, Michel, 928 Bennett, William M., 897 Giovenella, Albert J., 961 Lessard, Celine, 928 San Joaquin, Venusto H., 908 Bergeron, Michel G., 928 Gorbach, Sherwood L., 968 Lindqvist, Lennart, 943 Shalit, Itamar, 908 Berman, Jonathan D., 916 Grappel, Sarah F., 961 Lin, Jung-Chung, 971 Skold, Ola, 933 Boon, Ronald J., 980 Greenberg, Stephen B., 953 Luman, J. Ileice, 912 Smith, M. Carolyn, 971 Brander, Pirkko, 948 Sommers, Herbert M., 982 Brochu, Gilles, 928 Hadley, W. Keith, 958 Madigan, Sanford, 974 Steele, Lorraine C., 912 Brooks, Dandrea L., 912 Hanson, Brian D., 916 Marks, Melvin I., 908 Steen, Rolf, 933 Harris, Deborah, 953 Martin, R. Russell, 953 Stevenson, Roselynn M. W., 938 Canonico, Peter G., 903 Holland, Susan, 989 Mayor, Gilbert, 897 Suzuki, Yasuhiko, 921 Houang, Elizabeth T., 964 McColm, Andrew A., 925 Swartz, Glenn M., Jr., 903 Dale, Jeremy W., 989 Houghton, Donald C., 897 McKinlay, M. A., 883 Sweet, Richard L., 958 Dandu, Vijay R., 977 McLarty, Jerry W., 912 Sypherd, Paul S., 892 De Grandis, Stephanie A., 938 Jackson, Andre J., 977 Mdtras, Jacques, 928 Desaulniers, Denis, 928 Jacobus, Nilda V., 968 Mordenti, Joyce, 887 Despres, Jean-Paul, 928 Jokipii, Anssi M. M., 948 Tally, Francis P., 968 Diana, G. D., 883 Jokipii, Liisa, 948 Nagata, Akihisa, 921 Tuner, Kajsa, 943 Dias, M. Beatriz Souza, 968 Jones, J., 966 Nisbet, Louis J., 961 Didolkar, Mukund S., 977 Jones, Ronald N., 982 Nord, Carl Erik, 943 Waddell, David, 916 English, Jan, 897 Ohm-Smith, Marilyn J., 958 Wallace, Richard J., Jr., 912, 953 Kasbekar, Durgadas P., 974 Ono, Yasuko, 921 Welch, David F., 908 Fancher, M. J., 883 Katz, Eugene, 974 Otto, M. J., 883 Wilson, Rebecca W., 912 Fiore, Dario, 977 Kende, Meir, 903 Fowlston, S., 966 Kohlhepp, Sue, 897 Pagano, Joseph S., 971 Yamada, Takeshi, 921 Fox, M. P., 883 Kohnen, Paul W., 897 Pinney, R. J., 985 Yamanouchi, Takahisa, 921 AUTHOR INDEX VOLUME 27 Aalen, Odd, 107 Bowman, Bernard U., Jr., 399, Dale, Jeremy W., 989 Fliegelman, Robert M., 429 Adams, M., 275 404, 408 Dandu, Vijay R., 977 Fontana, Roberta, 828 Aiba, Shuichi, 367 Box, Quellin T., 181 D'Aquino, Miguel, 137 Forrest, A., 605 Alexander, W. James, 760 Brajtburg, Janina, 172 Datema, Roelf, 753 Fowlston, S., 966 Allan, J. Davis, 782 Brammer, Keith W., 832 David, Hugo L., 701 Fox, Jack J., 733 Alpert, Martin L., 422 Brander, Pirkko, 948 Debbia, Eugenio, 615 Fox, M. P., 883 Alvarez, Salvador, 646 Brandis, Henning, 836 De Grandis, Stephanie A., 938 Frank, Karl B., 445 Alving, Carl R., 903 Brater, D. C., 436 DeHertogh, Deborah A., 670 Freij, Bishara J., 431 Ambinder, Richard F., 217 Brier, Michael E., 812 Delaha, Edward C., 485 Friedhoff, Lawrence T., 263 Anderson, R., 257 Brier, Richard A., 812 Delatour, Frederique, 520 Friedman-Kien, Alvin E., 763 Anwar, Hosmin, 220 Brion, Nils, 520, 660 Del Bene, Victor E., 817 Fuchs, Peter C., 679 Aoki, Fred Y., 753 Brochu, Gilles, 928 DeLong, Donald C., 102 Fujii, Tadashi, 608, 612 Aoyama, M., 595 Brooks, Dandrea L., 912 de Lorenzo, Victor, 666 Fujiwara, Tatsushi, 65 Apicella, Michael A., 16 Brown, Michael R. W., 220 de Miguel, Constantino, 76 Arao, Nakako, 565 Brummer, Elmer, 363 De Mol, Patrick, 388 Galask, Rudi, 337 Araujo, Fausto G., 491 Bruns, Wolfgang, 632 Desaulniers, Denis, 928 Gallion, Corinne, 503 Arizpe, H. M., 184 Bryan, Elza R., 102 Desjardins-Giasson, Suzanne, Garaci, E., 625 Arnold, Keith, 192 Buck, R.
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