DOCUNEIT RESUME ED 124 338 RC 9'240 AUTHOR Redman, Kenneth W., Comp.; And,Others TITLE Mexican American .Bibliography.. A Guide to 'the Resources of the Library at the University of Texas at El. Paso. Seconddition,.1971. INSTITUTION Texas Univ., El Paso. NIB pITE 71 NOTE 38p.; For relAed document, see ED 119 923, Not available in hard copy due to marginal legibility of original document 7 EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 Plus Postage. HC Not Airaflable fromhR DESCRIPTORS *Bibliographies; Books; *Library Collections; li rany Materials; *Mexican Americans; Peiiodicals; Publications; *Reference Materials; *Univesity Libraries IDENTIFIERS *Chicanos; *University of Texas El Paso ABSTRACT A revision of a bibliography published in 1970, this bibliography cites approximately 340 books, periodical articles, and newspapers found in the Mexican Ameriban MaterialsCollection at the University of Texas at El -Paso. Thb materials, published between 1900 and 1971, are arranged alphabetically by author ortitle and are numbered sequentially. A short abstract is inclu ed for someentries.. This revised edition is more selective in two m or areas: history of. Mexico, and relations between Mexico and the Un ted States. In , addition to these changes, more periodical artic es have been included. Subject and co-author indices are prov ded. (NQ) ************1c****************************************************** * Documents acquired by ERIC include many informalunpublished * * materials: not available from other sources. ERICmakes every effort * * to 'obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless,items of marginal * *,reproducibility are often encountered and this of ects thequality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makesavailable * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS)1EDRS is not * * responsible for the quality of the original document.Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from theoriginal. * ************v********************************************************* 1 - 2 G. co tett mit 1-4 ic) MEX I CAN A E CAN>131 BE, I OGRAPi-IY uu A GUIDE TO THE RESOURCES OF THE LIBRARY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT EL. PASO BY '~ KENNETH W. HEDMAN' ASSISTED BY ELOY GALINDO, THOMAS ESTRADA AND CESAR CABALLERO SECOND EDITION BEST COPY AVAILABLE LIBRARY THE UNIVERSITY 'OFTEXAS ATEL PASO . L PASO,.TEXAS 1971 U S DEPARTMENT OFHEALTH. EDUCATION awELEARE NATIONAL INSTITUTEOF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT O HAS SEEN REPRO. OUCED EXACTLYAS RECEIVEO FROM . THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN.. ATING IT POINTSOF VIEW OR OPINIONS. STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL REPRE INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITIONOR POLICY A .4 1CONTENTS t., Introduction I. Book's and Periodical articles II. Periodicals. III. Co-author index 1V. Subject Index .4 ** * * * * * * * * * ,** * * **. *. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * OTHER BIBLIOGRAPHIES AND CHECKLISTS' AVAILABLE PROM THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT EL PASOLIBRARY African Att ;. a Bibliography of Books andPeriodical Articles Available at the UT El Paso Library , Guide to the University Archives The Literature of Spain and LatinAmerica; a Checklist of the Periodicals and Reference _CollectionsIn the UT El Paso Library LSD, Marijuana and Hallucinogens;. aBibliographical Check- list of Periodical, Articles , Mexican American Bibliography; a Guide tothe ResoUrces of the Library at UT El Paso, 1st &2nd ed. Microfilm Available in the UT El PasoLibrary Documents" Collection Ralph Nader: a UTEP/EPPL Bibliography elected US Government Serials andPeriodicals Women's Liberation; a UT El Paso/ El PasoPublid Library Bibliograpy INTRODUCTION TO THE SECOND EDITION 1 The Library has been ableto-augment and develop its-collec- tion of materials about Mexican Americans to aconsiderable degree sirfce the Eirslt bibliography on this subject waspublish 1970;OUring this year-the Library has obtained afairly large number of new and major studies, as well as othermaterial bearin. on Mexican Americans in various ways. In addition to this new .research material published, reprint companies have begun to,. publish earlier works on all aspects ofMexitan American life, and the Library has begun to selectandpurchase this material. Because of the greater availability of511-Thypea of materias pertaining to the Mexican American,this revised edition of the bibliography is mar- electiqe in two major areas: history of Mexico; and relations between MeXico andepthe United States. In addition to these changes, many;moreperiodical articles have been. .included in this edition. Cooperation from many colleagues in theLibrary has been mo helpful in developing,thia bibliography. Eloy Galindo and Thomas V Estrada assisted greatly in the areaof periodicalliterature.. doss E. DUggan, AssqciateLibrarian and editor of the Library's bibliog aphy series, provided guidancein all areas of this effor Ceaar Caballero has worked inbuilding the Library's instru- cc:Ale1ion periodicals and newspapers, and he has.been mental in the technical productionof this bibliography. Thanks are due especially toUniversity Librarian Baxter' Polk, who has encouraged and assisted us all. Alt ORGANIZATION OF ENTRIES AND INDICES AIL:books and periodical articles arearranged alphabetica by author or title, and are numberedsequentially.. Approach to the work's by subject or by additional authorcan be made by referring to the Co-author and Subjectindices which will give the entry number of t}"pertinent work or article. ARTI! BOOKS AND PERIODICALS -N. 1 Acuna, Rudolph. THE STORY OF THE MEXICAN AMERICAN; the N men and the land. New York, American Book Co., 469. 140p. illUb. (301.45372/Ac93c) Cultural understanding and appreciation are the goals of this history of the Mexican American in the SouthweSt. SuitabIe'or late elementary and secondary school stu- entS, this work includes biographical sketches of promi- 4" * pent Mexican Americans. ,2 Alcaraz Ramon. THEOTHER SIDE. New York, 1850. 457 p. (Microfilm' 436) Subtitle; "notes for the history of the war between Mexico and the Unitdd States." Translated from the spanish and edited, with notes by Albert C. Ramsey, 3 Alcstie Robles, Miguel. LAS DOS RAZAS. Mexico, Editorial.: Cultura; 1928- 309 p. (J /327.72/A125d) Allen, Steve. THE GROUND IS 0 R TABLE.Garden City; N.Y., DoU-Dieday, 1906. 141 p. il us. (331.67/A154g) A "personal account of he farm worker in the South:- west written "in anger" bec use '!hunger, poverty, and. squalor rob man of the dignity "he is capable of. 5 Allen, Vernon. L. PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS IN POVERTY../ Chicago, Markham Publishing Co., 1970. 392 p. (301.4523/A154p) Consists of recent theoretical and empirical develop- ments in behavioral science that apply to poverty. A number of papers published here for the first time. 6 American-CounCil'on Race Relations. MEXICAN-AMERICAN; A SELECTEtrBIBLIOGRAPHY. Ctdcago, the Council, 1949. 7p. (R/323..1272/Am35m) 7 Anderson, Amelia Brooks. THE NUMBER ABILITIES AND CONCEPTS OF SPANISH SPEAKING CHILDREN WHEN THEY ENTER GRADE ONE IN AN ENGLISH SPEAKING SCHOOL. El Paso, 1944. 90 p. (JHM/378.764/C686) A thesis presented to the faculty of the Department of Education oUT el Paso. Examines a program for testing Mexican American students on "ideas And concepts that are fundamental in number instruction."Both Spanish and English were used in this study. Arnold, Richard. "English as a second 1 n t 1age.." READING TEACHER (21:634-639) April, 1968. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. HISTORY OF THE NORTH MEXICAN STATES AND TEXAS. San Francisco, A. L. Bancroft and Co., 1884. (JHM/970.9/B221w/v.15) / 10 Barba, Alma A. "Project move aklead." AUDrOVISUAL INSTRUCTOR (14:34-5) December, 1969. 11 Barker, George C., PACHUCO: AN AMERICAN-SPANISH ARGOT AND ITS SOCIAL FUNCTIONS IN TUCSON, ARIZONA. University of of Arizona, Press, 1958. 5. roi., 12, Barker, George C. SOCIAL FUNCTIONS OF LANGUAGE IN 4 MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY.UniversitY of Chicago, 1947. 250 p. (Microfilm 35) This thesis examines the problem of "how language functions in the life of a bilingual minority group in the process of cultural change."Groups useage\of language and attendant attitudes are important sociolo- gical indices, the author Concludes. 13 BASTA! LA HISTORIA DE IESTRA LUCHA. Delano, California Farm Worker Press, 66, 72 p. illus. (331.8928348/, B295) V Enough! The Tale of Our Struggle is a phOtographic essay, with narration in Spanish and Englishtelling the story of the grape workers struggle for dignity and justice.. 14 Beals, Ralph Leon. NO FRONTIER TO LEARNING; THE MEXICAN IN THE UNITED STATUS..'Universitypf Minnesota Prest4 19,57. 148:p. (37,8.734369n) . Dealing'primarily.with the student from Mexico this study shows that the Mexican student "differs Signifi- cantly from students from-other cultures. A prolonged period of social and ePpnomic change in Mexico, coupled with-a more Mature natlpnalism, is associated with indi- vidual seriousness of purpose, strength of motivation and self-confidence.' 15 BeanWalton. CALIFORNIA; AN INTERPRETIVE HISTORY. New. Y rk, McGraw-Hill, 1968. 576. p. illus. (979.4/B376c) 'Deals with the history of the Spanish, Mexican and early Ameridan periods, as well as with modern 20th century history. 16 BIBLIOGRAFIA aiSTORICA MEXICANA. Mexico, El Colegid%ae MeXico, 1967. (R/972.00016/13471) 17 Binkley, William C. THE EXPANSIONIST MOVEMENT IN TEXAS, 1836-1850. University of California Press, 1925. (976.4/B514e) 18 _Blackmer, Frank w. sPANISH-INSTITOTIONS:0F THE_SOUTHWEST, Baltimore John Hopkins University Studies in HiStdrical and Political Science, 1891. 353 p. (JHM/91741/B565s) 19 Blatt,
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