Paqe B-8 THE PRESS Sund«y, February 26, Tele-Visions 'Bqchner Real Lover in 'Hong Kong' BY THORTON KANE Channel 9 to HOW COME9 Why don't we sec anything new and dif-j KABC's Englishman fcrcnt on TV? As a disgruntled viewer who has asked that 1 question about twice a v/eek for the past five or six years,! %vt were forced to accept a flat answer last week. That an­ Wows Tract Wives swer is in the three-month ratings published by all the KM.)-TV viewers will get B\ JOHN BARRY national rating services. double opportunity to Press TV Editor "Candid Camera" is the hit of the season, with rating^, watch the newest Los Ange­ .This is not one of those "he was born here, went to school at such and such hovering around the ?>1% mark for nearly every show., les entry into the a place, etc." pieces so prevalent profession­ in television magazines today. It's rather H story inspired by Another newcomer that has gone over the top is "The Andyi al ranks the Griffith Show." We mean no discredit to these shows 1 Los Angeles the person who shares my name in a tract, house in suburbia both ere excellent entertainment. : Angels on Saturday, March Los Angeles. When "Hong Kong" (.Channel 7's attempt to 111. buck the highly rated- * """ - -- ---- What is signiifcant is that "Candid Camera" is one of, the first shows ever seen on TV and dates back to the ! KH.I-TV. which wMI tele­ "Wagon Train" series on! for fear the smokey haze in earliest days of the industry. "The Andy Griffith Show" cast 26 Los Angeles baseball NBC, 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays) the room would obstruct the has not been on before, but it, I* a familiar kind of show [games during the 1!»G1 sea- entered the tubes last fall clear vision of the screen. in the pattern of "The Real XfcCoys." !son with the first one going adoring glances of the spouse Naturally I rebelled, cursing were directed away from her that I'ool Englishman, under Other top-rated shows were "Gunsmoke," "The Un­ 'from Palm Springs, Saturday, touchables," March 11, at 1:.'JO p.m., will ever-lovin to a tall, cleanlv my breath, of course. After "Ed Sullivan," "Danny Thomas" and so forth. replay the complete game via | shaven, slick-haired, pistol- last Wednesday's episode of Among the new ventures this year, "Family Classics" video tape recording at 12 carrying, British Chief In­ UK 1 asked the dearly be­ is to be cancelled, .raekie Glea.son leaves the air in May, midnight. spector with the real name of loved (courage took a long "Show of the Month" will not be renewed next year, and All of the 26 gamoK to be Llpyd Bochner. time in coming): "What's so "Peter Love* Mary" and "My Sister Eileen" are eonsid-j telecast live by KH.I-TV will] In November of '60 my wonderful about that guy, I ered to be the outstanding flops of the season. be replayed that, same eve- wife's adoration for Bochner thought Hod Taylor was the it's painfully evident why producers are notoriously ning at 12 midnight via vid­ reached such extremes I did star of the show?" adverse to new shows. Only die-hards like oursejves can eo tape recordings. not dare smoke a cigarette "So what. I prefer Lloyd continue to hope for better and more varied shows. It's (first names yet). He's so not impossible for a new show to be a hit; all of us remem-' masculine) handsome in the ber when "The Untouchables" started. cleanest sort of a way and yet In viewing the ratings, we have become convinced that he's so official." the problem of new shows stems from an inability to dis­ "Whadda you mean 'offi­ tinguish what is new and good from what is merely new. ' cial?' " I blurted. A bad show wil not survive more than one or two view- "Every women likes a take Ings before It is rejected. But, neither will a good new charge kind of guy. Maybe show fail to prove itself, granted that it is given enough Lloyd isn't the same off time. Xew ideas In television will be welcomed. They must screen as he is on but who he real ideas, though, and not the uninspired trivia that has cares. In the role of the Chief OLD FASHIONED? Lurene Turtle and Leon of the comedy series, "Life with Fathar," marked this year's series. Inspector of Hong Kong po­ Am«s portray Mother and Father Day, stars debating Monday, Fab. 27, 8 p.m., on KTTV. lice he's perfectly cast." "If 1 were a woman (ye CHILDREN, TOO 'for children and adult mem­ WELL WHADDYA KNOW—TV3* Gardner McKay Is Gods, perish the thought) I'd ( in lirPP 9 Wood decked patios out­ bers of the family. Both west­ net for his movie debut in "Th«* Right Approach"—let's go for Taylor. After all he's side various rooms of the ern red cedar and Douglas hope thin one in. ... Desl Arna/ is planning a serien based debonair, has a striking re- home will become a musfr in fir are popular for thcst on Jack London stories. Nick Adam* is 'adnm'anl about MR. NLS5 the future, with special decks wood decks. semblence to the young Gary doing a movie during hU three-month TV layoff. He's seen Grant of years ago, a color­ thor>e profits rise for some of his fellow-oater-stars. ful foreign correspondent who "National Velvet's" big sister, Carole Wells, Is a rhlrpwr. makes out with all the beau­ She'll lend her soprano talents to the March 12 March «f tiful girls on the show." COMING MARCH 6TH Dimes show. Reed Morgan of "The Deputy" •• M fbed "That's the trouble 1m eye patch in the upcoming episode, "(."•- 31 Lf with Al Bollington you men you never know Will Conduct Femme." With a title like that, he'll need both eyes •per. what women really admire in . Newest format out is on a show titled "Portofino." Iff your species. Bochner is com- Teachers Clinic •II about a young widow Who operates a Medlterranenr petant. He is the image of se­ in the afternoon and play hotel—aided by three buddies of her late husband. Ho curity. And honey, 1 don't a pops concert at night was that you said he died, fellows? Robert Stack, Mr. Ness to' on Monday, March 6. Free have to tell you how secure followers of the! Untoucha* tickets and further de­ I feel when your're bringing tails can be obtained in the money." bles," stars as Barry Conovan, "Let's forget about my mis­ ambitious newspaper reporter from erable pittance. So I gather in 18()*> who is sent to cover that Bochner is carrying the the causes of unrest in the NIKL MUSEC show, in your opinion?" 3820 S«pulv«da state of Texas, in a Channel Torrance Next week I start watching 4 movie "Men of Texas" view­ (Acrou from Stars) "Hong Kong" with added in­ ed Tuesday at 4:15 p.m. Al Bollington It ont of American terest. After all the gats are outstanding organists, rightly de­ serves the title "Keyboard Sol­ stacked a hell-of-a-lot better HANDSOME dier of Fotrune. His colorful than stateside. And that in­ background include* tours M The plank-and-beam. ex­ Cnqland and Canada, recordings cludes the "dashing" Boch­ posed wood ceiling so popu­ with British R<;A. He played ever one thousand solo broad­ ner! lar in many homes is prized casts on BBC and in 1*47 had for its decorative value. Thi» the unusual honor ol beino rated LLOYD BOCHNER is stun- by public ooll a* the most DOP- is especially true when such uiiii organist in England. He ha* ned at he listens to report ,iKo recorded background music handsome woods as Douglas tor the move studies and made that a lovely lass has disap­ fir or west coast hemlock are m.my appearances on TV, includ­ peared* used. ing the Lawrence W,elk Show. Mmm BONUS SAVING PLAN SUNDAYS ON CBS-TV presented by STATE FARM Laugh with the world's most care­ ful buyer, presented by your State Farm agent! And find out how you stand to save with State Farm's low rates for careful driv­ ers. Contact me today. JACK SMITH 2008 W. Carton, Terrance Room 105 FA 83803 STATE FARM MALIBU RUN Linda Law$on and Rony Ely fin «» MUTUAL AUTOMOHIIF INtUKANCt COMPANY an oceaniide retort but are interrupted by a murder-bent pa- HemeOHit*! 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