DOCUMENT RESUME ED 044 989 EL 002 025 AUTHOR Colehourn, R., Comm.; Cleeve, Marigold, Comp. TITLE Suggestions for the Classical Shelves of a School Library. INSTITUTION Joint Association of Classical Teachers, Oxford (England) . REPORT NO JACT-Pap-No-3-Rev PUB DATE Mar 68 NOTE 14p. EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$0.25 HC -$0.P0 DESCRIPTORS Ancient History, Archaeology, Architecture, *Bibliographies, *Classical Languages, Classical Literature, *Greek Literature, History, Instructional Program Divisions, *Latin Literature, Library Material Selection, Literary Criticism, Literary History, *Reference Books ABSTRACT This bibliography is suggested for use by students and teachers of Latin, Greek and ancient civilizations. Entries are compiled under the headings of: (1) bibliographies and journals including bocklists, periodicals, and hooks for teachers; (2) reference works in literature, mythology, history and antiquities, and language; (3) texts and anthologies; (4) commentaries on Greek and Latin classics;(5) translations; (6) literary history and criticism;(7) ancient history; (P) Roman 71ritain; (9) archaeology, antiquities, and society:(10) architecture and art including works on Greece, Rome, and Fturia; (11) philosophy and science;(12) the legacy of antiquity;(1?) later Latin, (14) fiction; and (15) nonfiction for younger pupils. Data on publisher and price are included for the approximately 550 entries. (RL) U.S. DEPAIITFAENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION P. WELFARE OFFICE OFEDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HASBEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT. POINTS OF The Joint Association of Classical Teachers VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECES. SARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU CATION POSITION OR POLICY SERVICE AND INFORMATION BUREAU. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CLASSICAL SHELVES OF A SCHOOL Paper No. 3 LIBRARY Revised March, 1968 00 Cr% This list is meant to suggest books useful for the study of Latin, or of Greek and Latin, and of ancient civilisation.Its range is extremely wide both in the ages of pupils and the O degree of specialisation.The actual choice of books will obviously depend on the needs C3 and views of the individual school.These suggestions are due to several contributors, 1.1.1 to whom JACT is again grateful. The books listed were, to the best of our knowledge, available, at the prices given, in February 1968.However a few books now out of print were thought to deserve inclusion (with the last recorded price in parentheses).In the case of a Penguin or Pelican title, the parentheses indicate that it did not appear in the February 1968 list of titles in print: but titles in demand are reprinted from time to time.The term "paper covers" indicates paperbacks on good-quality paper.Where two prices are given, the second is for paper covers. For books published after the compilation of this list, consult the lists and reviews in the termly Bulletin of JACT. Mention of illustrations implies that they are a prominent feature. 1.BIBLIOGRAPHIES, JOURNALS etc. (a) Book-lists and Bibliographies. A hand-list of books relating to the classics and classical antiquity. J.A. Nairn. (1960 edition now o.p.) Blackwell (21/-) Audio-Visual Aids Catalogue. Orbilian Society. 3rd ed'n (1967).Centaur Books, Slough.7/6. Paperbacks in print. Whitaker.(13th ed'n. October 1967).(consult esp. the sections entitled Classics, History, Philosophy, Science). Note:Particularly useful bibliographies are appended to the chapters in: The Greeks (ed. H. Lloyd-Jones) and The Romans (ed. J. P. V.D. Balsdon), both published by Watts (New Thinker's Library, 15/-). Fiction (old and new) dealing with persons and events of the classical world is listed comprehensively in: Classical Novels.W. B. Thompson (for A R L T ):4/- post free from the author, Dept of Education, the University, Leeds 2. (b) Periodicals Greece and Rome.Published for the Classical Ass'n by OUP .Annual subscription (2 issues) 25/- 0 Classical Review.'Published for the Classical Ass'n by OUP Annual subscription 42/- (Contains authoritative if sometimes tardy reviews). Latin Teaching.A ssoc'n for the Reform of Latin Teaching. Twice yearly (free to members of JACT) Acta Diurna.Published for the Orbilian Society by Centaur Books, Slough. Annual subscription (3 issues) 4/6 (c) Teachers' Books 40111 The Teaching of Classics.(Incorporated Ass'n of Assistant Masters) CUP (2nd ed'n 1961)20/- Suggestions for the Teaching of Classics.(Dept. of Ed. & Sci. pamphlet No. 37) HMSO 111111. (revised ed'n 1962) 5/- H. 2. WORKS OF REFERENCE. Ca) General, Literature, Mythology Companion to Greek Studies.ed. L. Whibley (orig. CUP) Hafner £6.10 Companion to Latin Studies. ed. J.E. Sandys (orig. CUP) Hafner £6.10 Oxford Companion to Classical Literature.ed. Sir P. Haryey. OUP 25/- Oxford Classical Dictionary OUP 60/- Everyman's Classical Dictionary.ed J. Warrington Dent 21/- Atlas of Ancient and Classical History. Philip 11/6 Everyman's Classical Atlas. Dent 18/- Classical Atlas.ed. G. B. Grundy. 2nd egg Murray 30/- Dictionary of Ancient Greek Civilisation. Methuen 1967. 400 illus. 90/- (Methuen Dictionaries of the Arts: covers art, literature, daily life) Lampriere's Classical Dictionary of Proper Names. (revised Wright) (covers mythology and history) Routledge 21/- Myths of the Greeks and Romans.M. Grant Weidenfeld & N.42/- Handbook of Greek Mythology (including its extension to Rome) H.J. Rose. Methuen 30/-; paper covers12/6 Gods and Heroes of the Greeks. H.J. Rose Methuen 10/6 Greek Mythology.(transl. from French) Hamlyn 12/6 (the Greek section of Larousse Encycl. of Mythology: lavish illus.) Fifty years of Classical Echolarship. ed. M. Platnauer Blackwell (b) History and Antiquities Nelson's Atlas of the Classical World.Van der Heyden & Scullard.Nelson 84/- Shorter Atlas of the Classical World. -do- Nelson 18/- (Both not strictly atlases but historical surveys with numerous illus maps, diagrams) Sources for Greek History between the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars. Hill (revised Meiggs and Andrews) (1951) OUP 30/- Greek Historical Inscriptions. M.N. Tod.2 vols. Vol.I - to end of 5th cent. B C OUP 21/- Vol. II - 403 to 323 B C OUP 35/- Sources for Roman History, 133 - 70 B C. Greenidge & Clay. 2nd ed'n rev. Gray (1960) OUP 21/- Documents illustrating the Reigns of Augustus and Tiberius. (2nded'n 1955) Ehrenberg and Jones. OUP 25/- Documents illustrating the Reigns of Claudius and Nero. M.P. Charlesworth CUP 7/6 Documents of the Principates of the Flavian Emperors (6896 A D) McCrum & Woodhead CUP 30/- A Selection of Latin Inscriptions. R. H. Barrow (annotated) OUP 15/- Greek Coins and their Values. L.A . Seaby. 1966. Seaby 30/- Roman Coins and their Values. D.R. Sear. 1964. Seaby 30/- (both the above are catalogues, with a fair number of line illus.) (c) Language Greek-English Lexicon.Liddell & Scott. rev. H. Stuart Jones. OUP £7.10 New printing 1968 incorporating new supplement £10. 0. Langenscheidt's Greek-English Dictionary. Hodder 12/6 Greek Grammar. W.W. Goodwin Macmillan 15/- Greek Particles. J.D. Denniston OUP 70/- Greek Prose Style. J.D. Denniston OUP 21/- Syntax of the Moods and Tenses of the Greek Verb. W.W. Goodwin (photographic reprint) Macmillan 20/- Decipherment of Linear B: J. Chadwick CUP 21/- Pelican (3/6) 1;:!77 -3- Greek Metre. P. Maas. tr. H. Lloyd-Jones OUP 18/- Greek Metre. D.S. Raven Faber 25/- The Sound of Greek.W. B. Stanford.(with record)Univ. of California andCUP 68/- The Metres of Greek and Latin Poetry. Halporn, Ostwald, & Rosenmeyer (American:on simple lines) Methuen 25/- Comparative Greek and Latin Syntax .R.W. Moore Bell 10/6 Latin Dictionary. Lewis & Short. OUP £4 Cassell's New Latin Dictionary (1959) Cassell 30/- 1..angenscheidt's Latin-English Pocket Dictionary Hodder 10/6 Syntaxe Latine.Ernout et Thomas Paris(Klincksieck) 28/6 Latin Grammar.Gildersleeve & Lodge Macmillan 16/- A New Latin Syntax.E, C,Woodcock Methuen 37/6 Latin Metre.D.S. Raven Faber 36/- Vox Latina(a guide to pronunciation)W.S. Allen CUP 22/6 The Latin Language.L.R. Palmer Faber 50/- 3.TEXTS,ANTHOLOGIES Plain texts: Oxford Classical Texts (list in OUP catalogue or obtainable separately) Teubner, Buds or other editions:see Blackwell or Heffer catalogues. Texts with facing translations in Loeb Classical series (Heinemann 25/- each) (The above are often obtainable second-hand, as are Poetae Scenici Graeci, Corpus Poetarum Latihorum, Greek Testament and Vulgate. Consult catalogues of specialist booksellers). Oxford Book of Greek Verse. ed G. Murray & others OUP 25/- Oxford Book of Latin Verse. ed H.W. Garrod OUP 25/- A Book of Latin Verse ed F. Britcain Penguin (7/6) (contains high proportion of medieval,: gives prose translations) Alive on Men's Lips. D. Pym and N. Silver Centaur Books 12/6 (a Latin anthology of all periods) limp Aestimanda. Balme & Warman limp OUP 9/6 Pericles to Cleophon: a source book and reader. ed. Warman, Sutherland and Macdonald. Rivington 12/6 Lyrica Graeca Selecta.ed. D. L. Page.(1968) Oxford Classical Texts 21/- GreeL. Lyric Poetry:A Selection, ed. D.A. Campbell, Macmillan, 1967. 36/- 4.COMMENTARIES (Classroom editions are not includedfor these consult the publishers' catalogues. Certain of these, however, notably some of Macmillans' red series and Methuens' Classical Seriesare valuable for reference and would merit inclusionhere.Volumes marked * do notcontain the text) Greek Aeschylus Agamemnon E. Fraenkel 3 vols. OUP £6 do Page & Denniston OUP 21/- Persae H.D. Broadhead CUP 52/6 Andocides De Mysteriis D. Macdowell OUP 45/- Aristophanes Peace M. Platnauer OUP 25/- Clouds K.J. Dover (1968) OUP 63/- Aristotle *Nicom.Ethics H.H. Joachim (rev. Rees) OUP 30/- Poetics I. Bywater Poetics D.W. Lucas (1968) OUP 50/- Euripides Alcestis A.M. Dale OUP 17/6 Bacchae E.R. Dodds OUP 21/- Electra J.D.
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