' Dedicated to the Ideal* Address And Interests of young UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Americans of Ukrainian SECTION descent. (mm 81-83 Grand Street Informative, instructive. Supplement of Jersey City 8, N. 1. УКРлШькнй щоденник • Ukrainian Daily Svoboda UKRAINIAN DAILV •-- Published by the TeL HEnderaoa 4~0237 Ukrainian National Ukrainian National Ass'n : Association. TeL HEnderaoa 4-1016 Hie Ukrainian Weekly Section Й:?*Л*" РПС LXIL 4. 92 SECTION TWO SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SECTION. SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1955 SECTION TWO No. 92 VOL. LXIU Right to Claim Ukrainian National­ Veterans to Hold June 12th, Formal UNA Soyuzivka Weekly Commentator ity by Citizenship Applicants Convention Opening Date Sunday, -June 12th, will by bus, auto or train to en­ represent Americans, Canadi­ Confirmed by Washington The Executive Committee of The Sixth Congress of Americans usher in the formal opening of able their members to make ans, Canadians, Brazilians, Ar­ the Ukrainian American Vet­ the famed vacation resort, the trip in comfort and on time. gentinians, Paraguayans, Ura- The Special Delegation, rep­ erans has announced that its Of Ukrainian Descent conference in Washington were 'Soyuzivka", of the Ukrainian The meeting was presided guayans, and Venezuelans of resenting the Ukrainian Con­ Eighth Annual Convention wil! Michael Purnak, Chairman, Mr. National Association, known over by Michael Piznak, Vice- Ukrainian descent. gress' Committee of America, be held June 17-19, 1955 at the Down through the years port for Ukrainian national Dmytro Halychyn, Dr. Waltei llso as the UNA Estate, locat- President of the Ukrainian Na­ And thus down through the the United Ukrainian Ameri­ U.N.A. Resort, Soyuzivka, at Ukrainian immigrants, their aspirations. Gallan, Mr. Stephen J. Jaremc ;d in the mountain ranges tional Association, with Міг years, throughout the four can Relief Committee, the Uk­ Kerhonkson, N. Y. American born sons and It was during that particular and Mr. George Wolynetz. near Kerhonkson. New York— Maria Demydchuk, UNA ad­ subsequent congresses of rainian American Lawyers As­ The choice of location is in daughters, and the new immi­ year that the Ukrainian Na­ Among the various immigra­ a three hours drive or there­ visor, acting in the capacity of Americans of Ukrainian De­ sociation and the Ukrainian pursuance of the policy of the grants have endeavored to uni­ tional Association together tion problems that were dis­ abouts from the New York secretary of the meeting. Мівя scent, held under the auspices American Veterans Associa­ UAVeterans of having their fy themselves under responsi­ with the Ruthenian National cussed was the refusal, by і Metropolitan Area. Josephine Gibajlo Gibbons of the Ukrainian Congress tion, conferred on April 21, annual conclave at a summei ble leadership to aid their kins­ Union (the latter now known number of personnel in tht Elaborate plans for this gave a financial report of last Committee of America, the Uk­ 1955 at the office of the Com­ resort for the better, enjoy­ men in enslaved Ukraine to as the Ukrainian Working- District offices of the Immi­ jrand opening of the "Soyu- year's Carnegie Hall 60th rainian American people have missioner of Immigration and ment of its members, families win and to hold their inalien­ men's Association) published gration and Naturalizatior :ivka". which vies in vacation UNA Festival, which was ap­ been strengthening their ranks Naturalization Service, U. S. ,)f members, friends and able right to national freedom m English a fine for its time Service in many parts of the ind cultural facilities with the proved. and increasing the tempo of Justice Department, in Wash­ quests. and independence. book in English, "Ukraine's country, to permit Ukrainian* finest resorts in this country their efforts, ever surging for­ ington, D. C. Present at the All Ukrainian Americans Present and taking part in They have channeled these en­ Claim to Freedom—An Appeal to designate themselves as of (and that to be sure!—to put ward toward their common who have served in the Armed the discussions at this meet­ deavors through various veins For Justice On Behalf of it colloquially) were drawn up goal, the liberation of Uk­ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Forces of the United States ing were Mr. Dmytro Haly­ of united action, all leading to Thirty-Five Millions," featur­ last Sunday by representatives raine. IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE are invited to attend and par­ chyn, Mr. Roman Slobodian. the heart of the matter—the ing articles by the famed Prof. of UNA branches in the NY-NJ WASHINGTON 25. О. C. ticipate in the convention with Mr. Gregory Herman, prcst- Ukrainian Cause. Michael Hrushevsky, Edwin It is very heartening, that area, whose total membership the members. The entire re­ dent, treasurer, secretary, re­ From the very advent upon Bjorkman, and others. in the vanguard of the UCCA extends well over 8,000, at a sort has been placed at the spectively, Mr. Peter Kuchma, these shores of our pioneeer Then, following World War activities are our younger gen­ 55882/926 meeting held that ufternoon at J^.V*' disposal of the UAV for this UNA auditor. fathers and mothers, descend­ I there was established in 1923 eration Ukrainian Americans, APR 2 9 19! the Ukrainian National Home 4 weekend, and a fine program ed of good stock and attract­ the "Obyednanye". United Uk­ sons and daughters of the old on 2nd avenue, New York City. A committee in charge of Ukrainian immigrants. las been developed for all. The ed to America because of the rainian Organizations of the These branches as well ав arrangements for the Jun- adies auxiliary will also have economic and political liberties United States, which in its We have every reason to those in the outlying regions 12th opening if the Soyuzivka Mr. Michael Pixoak і program of its own. which it offered to. them in earlier stages consisted of rep­ believe that their organizations, 51 Chaabsrs Street were urged to provide the was set up. It із headed bN Mr. Reservation forms may b< place of the servitude they bad resentatives of the four Uk­ clubs, societies, their Ukrainian )Iov York, N«v York proper tran.4j>ortation facilities Piznak. to endure in their enslaved rainian national fraternal bene­ National Association branches, procured at any UAV Post, or will be well represented at the by writing to Convention nation Ukraine, they did the fit orders, led by the Ukrain­ Dear Vr. Pitnakt best they could, individually ian National Association. coming Memorial Day week­ Chairman Walter Bacad, P. O. Offers Scholarship For U.N.A. organizationally, to lighten Following its dissolution, the end, Hotel Commodore, N.Y.C. Box 206, New York 3, N. Y. Thin refer* to your recent appearance at The Convention will begin on • the yoke resting upon the Ukrainian Americans once more We believe, too, that not this office la connection vtth the recognition Cultural Courses at Soyuzivka shoulders of those whom they united themselves in the na­ only will the younger genera­ of Ukrainian nationality in naturalisation pro­ Friday evening with a Wel­ had to leave behind. tionally representative Ukrain­ tion be just present but they ceeding*. come Dance, and the Banquet Would you , care to attend. enthusiastic 'response. and Dance will be held Satur­ the Ukrainian cultural courses I its student•vpcatlonecrs. It was with this purpose in ian Congress Committee of will also actively participate in 7ield offices of the Serrice are bvlng day night. Further details will this summer, August 2-30th at I It's an easay contest* The mind that back in 1915 rep­ America, established In Wash­ the Congress deliberations, and instructed that persona, apply lag for declara- under new business they will tlone of intention or for naturalisation вау be announced. the mountain resort "Soyuziv-1 winner will rtveivc .пеогденгу •» < resentative Ukrainian. Ameri­ ington, D. C. in 19-10'. Sub­ 1 sequently, in 1947, after, earli­ make.the necessary recommen­ claia Ukrainian nationality in their declara­ ka" of the Ukrainian National I $120.00 prize to' "covet*- thS*" * cans held their first congress tions or petitions'for naturalization. Association;? Loam more of 1 costs. n V ГдПНЗД er understanding and coopera­ dations and undertake willing­ Ill ' • • ;H 11 • , . at the historic Cooper Union— 1 ? ly the- various responsibilities Ukrainian-'things' in- general.1 The donor of this -fechoAa^ "* where "Abraham Lincoln' deliv­ tion with the equally national­ I ; • • ..,<,-.!. : . For those That ly representative •Ukrainian which will be placed on. then- 8±noerelyj-.!•' ft. - ****** **** ф-«Лоіуфьір 5.1^ЛвЙ?ВДгГ T ered MB famous address—at ; shoulder*. " • '•"•' • •.. if.unV.fl Ті kememb&r And for free?. And enjoy, at/,„ _ .. • . » \. - ..„v. which ^tlftrainl'an'siauatloh' Ckhadiau .Committee,, they ththU*»m„tlm*e same time , a fin*'flSKtt,fine'vacaiion' A ViCC-PreSldent ОЇ the UNA then was made, clear to all helped to estal>lisb"the Pan- We believe'.that, once again і— • •-.-—ТП (Send in your eniry to hiiji a; ЩЩ^^' We rnarked the remembrance I If so, write a hri#. essay on that at this Congress they h, and at which a public appeal American. Ukrainian Confer­ A. C. Deraney <Л~ Of our mothers in this monthI.the value of these courscsf s law offices, 51 Chamber*, will, as before, prove their was made for American sup­ ence, the members of which Assistant CosttlselonwF which is dedicated to Mary. J which Jast year.iirew^Mcb an J Street, New York City. worth- Acaminatlons Division And, of course, there is Mem-f POLISH AGGRESSIVE DREAMS Ukrainian nationality in na­ orial Day itself. Kodus Grants Three Scholarships turalisation proceedings. How fitting then tfiat in the Veterans Offer Scholarship For , With the publication of the plain*, They would,like to re­ The Immigration Commis­ current drive for the new St.
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