Associazione Culturale Provincia di Viterbo Università della Tuscia Comune di Acquapendente Punti di Vista Provincia di Savona LIFE 08 ENV/IT/425 progetto realizzato con il supporto dell’Unione Europea 7YW XE rojec M n exp l p t fo R a erimenta r E F mons bility de trating feasi of Under The Etruscan Sun: Environmental friendly Transport P I obili ergie m t to RedUceSevere Climate change ANthropic factors en s for sus le y Q e t alternativ ainab S otion of y and prom the or F the territ M P M X ] SRQIRXEP+ RZMV SZIV ) RER GI [[[PMJIIXVYWGERIY Under the Etruscan Sun. Environmental friendly Transport to RedUce ETRUSCAN Severe Climate change ANthropic factors a local governance experience for alternative mobility with renewable energy ETRUSCAN is a sustainable mobility project with a strong local development component: this The PartNERSHIP . www.provincia.viterbo.gov.it - www.unitus.it www.comuneacquapendente.it www.conventobolsena.org/associazione_en.html www.provincia.sv.it three problems because it allows: [[[PMJIIXVYWGERIY * Istat 2012 heritage of the area, the two buses oer a e project has also promoted the installation service for students from the Tuscia Univer- of an exhausted vegetable oil reforming plant. sity, helping to reduce the trac of private COLLECTION OF At the same time the Province of Viterbo has vehicles; for the students of the schools of the initiated a project to collect exhausted vegetable Province they represent a chance to travel in WASTE OILS oil from households with the future goal of the local area through alternative and intrigu- Following the start of ETRUSCAN, the conveying the collected oil in the system and ing routes. generate non-fossil fuel for buses. ETRUSCAN is also a project of territorial received from the Lazio Region funding to ETRUSCAN is a local project that is projected governance, with demonstrative and educa- into the global dimension. e global biodiesel from households on the territory. 320,000 5l tional objectives. e project aimed to create a production between 2000 and 2011 has local energy production model and local to the number of households which will increased by over 25 times. In Italy, the produc- resources management that could ideally receive the cans) and 150 containers of 220l tion increased moderately of only 7 times, is technical and experimental initiative achieve the closed cycle production. Two while consumption increased from 0 to 31 aimed to create two hybrid bus prototypes photovoltaic stations have been set up to barrels per capita per year- 11,200 barrels is the powered by electricity from photovoltaic generate electricity from solar energy and to total production. sources and biodiesel from recycled cooking charge, in a virtually autonomous way, the e imbalance between production and oil. Two buses with an innovative design, electric motors of the two ETRUSCAN buses. domestic consumption diers at European created in a vehicle workshop, assembling eir sizing is still well above the charging level: 177.690 barrels per capita produced, and existing components in a new and original needs of the buses at the current time, and the only 343.8 consumed. way, are now operating on the Tuscia territory. excess energy is therefore released into the Because of the archaeological and natural network. Production is growing as well as the demand. For now, however, it is almost entirely rst-generation biodiesel, produced from raw materials (crops) and not waste. e growth of world production is negatively impacting food security especially in poor countries and in developing countries where energy companies have practiced land- grabbing, water control, deforestation and monocultures not intended for food (with the resulting intensive use of pesticides and fertiliz- ers that deplete and contaminate the soil), but only for the production of biodiesel (or bioethanol, which grows even more rapidly in production and consumption). [[[PMJIIXVYWGERIY [[[PMJIIXVYWGERIY ETRUSCAN ENERGY towards the production of local renewable energy ETRUSCAN has chosen to use fried oil on advanced technology still very expensive, 'light' models to meet local needs - while on instead of biodiesel from raw materials so as therefore is unlikely that such conversion will the other side mobility needs and possible not to negatively impact on social and Every year in Italy take place in those countries suering the responses need to be rethought as well. - environmental conditions. As a matter of fact are utilised greatest impact in the short term. is unsus- As ETRUSCAN uses transesterication, the production on large plantations is tainable paradoxes of the rst generation having chosen to use wasted vegetable oils as contributing to the poverty of farmers who 1.400.000t biodiesel model (and biofuels in general), is raw material, other solutions - such as some are aected by the agricultural change of vegetable oil precisely what ETRUSCAN aims at overcom- local authorities are already trying to adopt - without receiving nancial benets, and ing, proposing a dierent model, consisting may recur to pyrolysis for solid urban waste, becoming vulnerable to global market corresponding to in the experiment conducted, in the replica- and the two systems can be combined for uctuations. e use of waste oil subtracts ca. 25Kg per capita tion of the energy governance as well as the higher quantity of resulting energy. land to agricultural production for human construction of hybrid vehicles. In fact, not and animal consumption, plus transforms only the majority of the production is agricultural areas in the impoverished mono- currently from agricultural crops, reason why culture plantations. is incredible series of they should be referred as agrofuels; but the negative impacts of biofuels is slowly gaining transformation remains concentrated in a the attention of media and public opinion. few large industrial plants, adopting an environmentally unsustainable production ETRUSCAN has helped to disseminate this 150.000t 55.000t 40.000t model related to the energy-consuming from from from kind of information and related data through households businesses food industry archaic oil extractive industry. is shows seminars, website and participation in public that there is no full innovation compared events. It is important to underline that the 20% of the oil consumed with the low impact that the concept of direction taken by the global market in less becomes a leftover biodiesel (and biofuels in general) entails. than ten years predominantly favoured large returning to the environment ETRUSCAN project proposal which aimed at investors for the production of biofuels, with as a non hazardous using wasted cooking oil, locally collected to systems located mainly in poor countries, special waste create biofuel and to be used on site is techni- considered as natural and human resources 280.000t cally an easy and simple model if scaled at the per year is the overall to be exploited rather than potential markets. local provincial level. Although the collection egeneration plant for ehauste egetable is direction seems unlikely to be inverted quantity of vegetable and processing of local cooking oil cannot oils ropert of the roince of iterbo an in the next ten years either: investments for II waste oil in Italy solve the entire oil transportation needs of installe near cuapenente generation biofuel plants are totally dierent the community that provides the raw mate- from those of I generation, and are dependent or 5KG per capita rial, it can open the way to the combination of If technical aspects are quite straightforward, A photovoltaic roof ...And one in THE BIOFUEL technical, bureaucratic issues related to the PRODUCTION PLANT production and use of biodiesel from vegeta- IN Viterbo... Acquapendente ble exhausted oils are hardly so. 1) A rst general diculty for Europe lies in e photovoltaic system has been realized on the barrel vaulted roof of the Tuscia the fact that biodiesel from waste is treated as all the rst-generation biofuels, and therefore University in Viterbo, former Faculty of a limit of 7% for vehicle use is set, with the Agriculture, Via S. Camillo de Lellis in remaining 93% characterized by traditional Viterbo. When projecting the recovery of the diesel - even in the presence of engines that vaulted roof, the use of insulated photovol- tolerate higher percentages. taic and shielding panels has enabled to 2) e second diculty lies in the authoriza- develop an energy production and saving system. e PV generator of 11.42 kWp, tion process, both in its length and duration required. During the project, the approval made of amorphous modules, fully procedures for reforming plants were integrated in the two vaulted roof structures, has also led to an improvement of the energy controlled at central level, therefore the inspection had to be submitted again when performance, and provided an opportunity the project was already in progress. Even if one for waterproong needs. of the two plants purchased is in perfect technical and working condition, it is still not operating at the end of the EU funded project. N To cope with this situation, biodiesel is N purchased, but the goal remains to activate the N production, for achieving the full demonstra- tive and innovative content. e aspiration to be able to achieve sustainable
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