Gr a de TM 4 Ac GEN b Text Collection Glenview, Illinois • Boston, Massachusetts • Chandler, Arizona • Upper Saddle River, New Jersey Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This publication is protected by copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permissions, write to Rights Management & Contracts, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458. ReadyGEN is a trademark, in the U.S. and/or other countries, of Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. Common Core State Standards: © Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved. ISBN-13: 978-0-328-78847-7 ISBN-10: 0-328-78847-3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 V063 17 16 15 14 13 RGEN14_SC4_V2_FM.indd 1 8/14/13 10:16 AM RGEN14_SC4_V2_FM.indd 4 10/15/13 2:46 PM 58 RGEN14_SE4_U4_SchoolNews.indd 58 10/1/13 3:08 PM COYOTE SCHOOL NEWS JOAN SANDIN 59 RGEN14_SE4_U4_SchoolNews.indd 59 10/1/13 3:09 PM Rancho San Isidro My name is Ramón On our ranch we have Ernesto Ramírez, but chickens and pigs and cattle everybody calls me Monchi. I and horses. The boys in the live on a ranch that my great- Ramírez family know how to grandfather built a long time ride and rope. We are a family ago when this land was part of of vaqueros. In the fall and Mexico. That was before the spring we have roundup on United States bought it and our ranch. Many people come moved the line in 1854. My to help with the cattle and the father has a joke about that. horses. Those are the most He says my great-grandfather exciting days of the year, even was an americano, not because more exciting than Christmas. he crossed the line, but because the line crossed him. In my family we are six kids: me, my big brother Junior, my big sister Natalia, my little tattletale brother Victor, my little sister Loli, and the baby Pili. My tío Chaco lives with us too. He is the youngest brother of my father. The real name of our ranch is Rancho San Isidro, after the patron saint of my great- grandfather, but most of the time everybody calls it the Ramírez Ranch. 60 RGEN14_SE4_U4_SchoolNews.indd 60 10/14/13 1:16 PM The things I don’t like about our ranch are always having to get the wood for the fire, and the long and bumpy ride to school. My tío Chaco drives the school bus. “It’s not fair,” I tell him. “We have to get up earlier than all the other kids at Coyote School and we get home the latest too.” “Don’t forget,” says my tío, “I wish President Roosevelt “you get first choice of seats.” would do something about these Ha, ha. By the time the last roads,” I tell my tío. kid gets in, we are all squeezed “Hey, you know how to together like sardines in a can. write English,” he says. “Write And the bus is shaking and him a letter.” bumping like it has a flat tire. “Maybe I will,” I say. americano (AH-mair-ee-CAHN-oh)—American tío (TEE-oh)—uncle rancho (RAHN-choe)—ranch san (sahn)—saint vaqueros (bah-CARE-rose)—cowboys 61 RGEN14_SE4_U4_SchoolNews.indd 61 10/1/13 3:09 PM Coyote School “Mira, mira, Monchi,” and Miss Byers says, “Hush, Natalia says, pinching my Chipito!” Then she smiles and cheek. “There’s your little waves at us. novia.” Miss Byers is new this She means Rosie. I like year. Her ranch is a hundred Rosie, but I hate it when miles from here, in Rattlesnake Natalia teases me. Rosie lives Canyon, so five days of the at Coyote Ranch, close enough week she and Chipito live to school that she can walk. in the little room behind the Always she waits by the road school. All of us like Miss so she can race the bus. Byers, even the big kids, “¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! Hurry because she is young and nice up!” we yell at my tío Chaco, and fair. We like that she lives but every time he lets her win. on a ranch, and we like her Rosie wasn’t first today swell ideas: anyway. Lalo and Frankie were. 1. Baseball at recess, Their horses are standing in the 2. The Perfect Attendance shade of the big mesquite tree. Award, Yap! Yap! Yap! Always 3. Coyote News. Chipito barks when he sees us, mira (MEER-ah)—look novia (NOVE-ee-ah)—girlfriend ándale (AHN-dah-lay)—come on; hurry up 62 RGEN14_SE4_U4_SchoolNews.indd 62 10/14/13 1:16 PM Coyote News All week we have been But Miss Byers did not get working on our first Coyote mad at Gilbert. She smiled News. Natalia made up the at him! And then she said name, and Joey drew the Spanish is a beautiful language coyote. First we looked at some that people around here have other newspapers: the Arizona been speaking for hundreds of Daily Star, Western Livestock years, and that we should be Journal, and Little Cowpuncher. proud we can speak it too! That one we liked best because Ha ha, Victor, you big all the stories and pictures were chismoso! done by kids. When we finished our “Monchi,” said Loli, “put stories and pictures, Miss me cute.” Byers cut a stencil for the “What?” I said. Sometimes mimeograph. Then she printed it’s not easy to understand my copies of Coyote News for us little sister’s English. to take home, and we hung “Miss Byers says you have them up on the ceiling to dry to help me put words to my the ink. My tío Chaco said story,” she said. it looked like laundry day at “Okay,” I told her. “But I Coyote School. have my own story to do, so hurry up and learn to write.” Loli’s story was muy tonta, but one thing was good. She remembered how to write all muy (MOO-ee)—very the words I spelled for her. tonta (TONE-tah)—silly Even if Victor is my chismoso (cheese-MOE-soe)—tattletale brother, I have to say he is a señor (sin-YORE)—Mr. big tattletale—chismoso. When grandote (grahn-DOE-tay)—great, big, huge Gilbert was writing his story for Coyote News, Victor told on him for writing in Spanish. 63 RGEN14_SE4_U4_SchoolNews.indd 63 10/14/13 1:16 PM 64 RGEN14_SE4_U4_SchoolNews.indd 64 10/3/13 1:55 PM Chiles Every day I am asking But I did not tell my father. He my father when we will have had told me not to ride in the roundup. He says I am making back of the truck, and I was him loco with my nagging and afraid he would be mad. that first we have to pick todos My hand was still hurting los chiles. this morning when Miss Byers All of us kids are tired of did Fingernail Inspection. picking the chiles. It doesn’t “Monchi,” she said, “what matter that we get home late happened to your wrist? It’s all from school, we still have to do black-and-blue and swollen.” it. And then, before the chiles “The chiles fell on him,” dry out, we have to string them Victor told her. “My father told to make the sartas. him not to ride in the back.” Last night we were taking “¡Chismoso!” I hissed at him. about 600 pounds of the chiles Miss Byers called my tío to my tío Enrique’s ranch. I Chaco over, and they had a was in the back of the truck long talk. when it hit a big rock. “Back in the bus, mi’jo,” my All the heavy sacks fell on tío said. “I have to take you to me. Oh boy, it hurt so much! Tucson.” 65 RGEN14_SE4_U4_SchoolNews.indd 65 10/14/13 1:16 PM “Tucson!” I said. “Why?” no problem! My tía felt very “You got to see the doctor,” sorry for me. She cooked my he said. So we drove all the favorite foods, and I got to pick way to Tucson to my tía Lena’s the stations on her radio. That house. At first my aunt was night Miss Byers called on the surprised and happy to see us, telephone to ask about me. but then my tío told her why She said she would come early we were there. Monday morning to drive me “Monchi!” my tía said. to school. “¡Pobrecito!” Then she told my tío On Sunday my tía took Chaco to go back with the bus me to the Tarzan picture and she would take care of me. show at the Fox Theater. It My tía took me to a doctor. was swell! After the show He moved my hand around. It we got ice cream and walked hurt when he did that. around downtown to look in “I’m afraid the wrist is the windows of the stores. I broken,” he told my tía. “I need saw many things I liked. The to set it and put it in a cast.” best was a silver buckle with a So I got a cast of plaster hole to put a silver dollar.
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