i \ 19784 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 15, 1970 \ 1 403. By the SPEAKER: A memorial of the State of Dlinois, relative certain benefits for kyu Islands, relative to removal of poison-gas State of Illinois, relative to amending the the mentally 111 under the Social Security weapons from the Ryukyu Islands; to t he !\ Social Security Act regarding rehabilitation Act; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Committee on Armed Services. sites for the mentally 111; to the Committee 509. Also, petition of the Gushikawa Cit y on Ways and Means. Assembly, Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands, relat ive 404. Also, a memorial of the Senate of the PETITIONS, ETC. to U.S. military personnel stationed on Oki­ nawa; to the Committee on Armed Services. St ate of Illinois, relative to amending the Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions 510. Also, petition of the board of com­ Social Security Act to provide certain treat­ and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk missioners, Newport, Ky., relative to exempt ­ ment for the mentally ill; to the Committee and referred as follows: ing the Delta Queen from the provisions of on Ways and Means. 508. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the the safety-at-sea law; to the Committee on 405. Also, a memorial of the Senate of the Gushikawa City Assembly, Okinawa, Ryu- Merchant Marine an d F isheries. EXTENSIO ~NS OF REMARKS BREAKTHROUGH IN CANCER Federal Government funding; his own cially inbred mice by the end of June. RESEARCH life savings, now exhausted; and public And now, the miracle. contributions of more than $25,000 raised Five minutes after I mentioned this when his financial plight was publicized last night, a Coronado woman called to HON. BOB WILSON primarily in the San Diego Independent. offer $5,000-enough to keep the lab open OF CALIFORNIA But the financial well is running dry, through July, another full month. But IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Government has refused another Dr. Strong must maintain his laboratory Monday, June 15, 1970 grant, and he has just enough to keep for several more months, to insure the going through June, after which he will Mr. BOB WILSON. Mr. Speaker, one fullest exploration of what ap'pears to have to phase out the lab in Sorrento be a significant attack on cancer. If you of the most remarkable scientists of our Valley, kill the 13,000 mice, and close the time, a man who may be on the verge of feel that you would like to help Dr. a breakthrough in cancer research, is 76- book on a lifetime of dedicated research. Strong in this endeavor, you may send year-old Dr. Leonell Strong, who among Desperate attempts are being made by whatever donation you can afford to his own peers is hailed as an unsung hero San Diego friends of Dr. Strong to con­ Leonell C. Strong Research Foundation, vince the National Institute of Health to 10457 Roselle Street, San Diego, 92121. of medicine. continue its support of his lab for at least There have been many disappoint ­ Six years ago, Dr. Strong retired after another 12 to 18 months-the time Dr. ments in the fight against cancer; this many years as a genetioist at the Yale Strong, still mentally vigorous at 76, be­ may be another one, but can we afford School of Medicine and later as head of lieves he needs for positive proof of im­ not to give it the fullest chance to suc­ the animal experimental laboratory at munity against cancer provided by the ceed? Roswell Park Institute in New York liver extract. But unless a miracle oc­ State, the oldest cancer research lab in curs, the Leonell Strong Laboratory ap­ the world. pears doomed to shut down. It would be POSTAL REFORM He came to La Jolla to join the Salk a sad culmination of a distinguished ca­ Institute for Biological Studies, had a reer during which-and few people know falling out with Dr. Salk, and a couple of this--Dr. Strong was nominated for HON. ARNOLD OLSEN of years ago became involved in a law­ a Noble Prize in Medicine, though he OF MONTANA suit in which Dr. Strong won damages. did not win the award. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES He then established his own laboratory The miracle has happened to keep Monday, June 15, 1970 in Sorrento Valley under auspices of a alive the remarkable cancer research by nonprofit foundation, pouring all of his Dr. Leonell Strong, the distinguished Mr. OLSEN. Mr. Speaker, I want to call to the attention of all my colleagues, life savings into the lab in order to con­ scientist whose labo~atory in Sorrento tinue research with mice for which he Valley, near Del Mar, has been threat­ especially in view of the business sched­ has become world famous. ened repeatedly with shutdown. ule for tomorrow, a commentary by During a half century's research, Dr. During the last 2 nights on these com­ Nicholas von Hoffman in today's issue, Strong has become acknowledged as the mentaries, I have told of the world-re­ June 15, of the Washington Post. This world's foremost authority in the study nowned studies by Dr. Strong of malig­ article is one of the most cogent I have of cancer through the use of inbred nant tumors in mice--studies that now seen on the subject of postal reform and strains of mice. His colonies of mice have may be reaching a breakthrough that gives some of the background informa­ been the source of such animals used in could unlock some of the mysteries of tion as to how this so-called reform has labs throughout the world. His first ma­ cancer. been lobbied to the :floor of this House. jor contribution to cancer research was A liver extract which Dr. Strong has I hope every one of my colleagues will development of a unique strain of mice been injecting into some of the 13,000 read it carefully before the House begins in which tumors grew spontaneously, mice at his laboratory has demonstrated its consideration of the so-called postal rather than being transplanted-mice in the capability of inhibiting the growth reform bill. which cancer was conveyed from one gen­ of tumors from one generation to the The article follows: eration to the next. next, to the point of complete elimina­ POSTAL "REFORM" Now he has developed a liver extract tion 1n the ninth generation. (By Nicholas von Hoffman) which when applied to mice, has resulted The liver extract is now being evalu­ The pressure is rising to pass the Post Of­ in virtuallY 100 percent elimination of ated in the world's oldest cancer research fice Reform Bill. People support anything cancerous tumors in nine generations of laboratory, the Roswell Park Institute called reform, especially these days when mice. Clinical experiments with human in Buffalo, N.Y., for possible clinical use action of any kind is beyond our enfeebled beings at Roswell Park Institute may be representatives. on human beings. Meanwhile, Dr. Strong One of the main arguments for this bill is the next step after scientists there isolate must continue his experiments for the that it will "take the Post Office Department the active ingredient in the liver extract. most com'plete scientific confirmation. out of politics." Politicians and politics The reason we are calling attention to Although Dr. Strong's research has being held in the high regard they are, any Dr. Strong's work tonight is that it is on been supported in the past by the Amer­ proposition to get rid of them always wins the verge of being shut down completely ican Cancer Society and the National near unanimous assent. for lack of financial support at the very Institutes of Health, a cutback in avail­ Alas, experience teaches us that it is im­ moment when this distinguished scien­ ability of research funds has dried up possible to get politics out of anything, not tist may be on the threshold of an im­ these sources. He has exhausted his own merely because politicians are tenacious fel­ in lows and like to hang in there close to the portant discovery the battle against life savings to keep his laboratory open. boodle, but also because politics, realistically cancer, right here in San Diego County. With financial aid no longer available, defined, is the business of deciding and Up to now, Dr. Strong has struggled he faced a complete shutdown, and ex­ carrying out policy, and you can't run any­ to maintain his laboratory with modest termination of the thousands of spe- thing without doing that. What this bill June 15, 1970 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 19785 actually does is transfer some of Congress' where they have already demonstrated what cases before the Court, and I have taught power over the Post Office Department to a they can do to national postal service when constitutional law at New York University board of directors who're supposed to be they decide not to report for work. School of Law for nine years. nonpartisan and operate the mail in a busi­ And that's what they're going to decide it In my judgment no information that has nesslike and efficient manner. reform in its present design goes through. so far come to light warrants the impeach­ This isn't a new idea in American life. "Our members won't stand for it," says Phil ment of Justice Douglas. The charges that We've been reorganizing things to get the Seligman, the executive vice-president of have been made by Mr.
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