Georgia College Knowledge Box Colonnade Special Collections 3-8-1941 Colonnade March 8, 1941 Colonnade Follow this and additional works at: https://kb.gcsu.edu/colonnade Part of the Higher Education Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Recommended Citation Colonnade, "Colonnade March 8, 1941" (1941). Colonnade. 368. https://kb.gcsu.edu/colonnade/368 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections at Knowledge Box. It has been accepted for inclusion in Colonnade by an authorized administrator of Knowledge Box. •..'•-• •*.••••"." Overton to fcead ^ T a l k s f [ie On Personal Problems 'r^--" 010 nh a e Grace Sloan Oerton, au- Volume XV. Z-122. Milledgeville, Ga., Saturday March 8, 1941 Number 20 thor of "Love, Marriage and Parenthood", will be the speaker for the annual In- stitute of Personal Relations Nino Martini Appears Here sponsored by the YWCA on March 27-30. A member of the Commit- tee on Marriage and the Hjome In Concert Series March 24 for *he Federial Council of Churches, Mrs. Overton has Nina Martini, young lead- had many years' experience ing tenor of the Metropolitan working with social groups Opera, will appear here in all over the United States as concert Monday, March 24, an expert in social relation- under the auspices of the Co- ship problems. operative Concert Associa- The program of the Insti- tion. The program, which tute of Personal Relations will be in Russell auditorium will be as follows: Thursday, will begin at 8:30. 10:00: "Youth and Its Di- At the age of ten, the lemmas"; 4:00 "Morals in a gentleman of Verona started Changing Culture"; 7:00 GRACE OVERTON horseback riding at the fam- "New Aittitudes Toward the ours Camp Delia Fiera, and Body'*. Friday: 10:30 "Ro- Y Speaker singing. He sang so vociferous miantic Mamage and Personal ly that his teacher, the local Integrity"; 4:00 "Making Tomorrow's Homes". Sunday: choirmaster, insisted that he Romantic Marriage Socially 10:00 "Marriage and Christ- stop for a while in order not Sound"; 7:00 "From Love to ian Integrity"; 6:45 "Can We to ruin his voice. Martini was Parenthood". Saturday: 10:- Have Faith in the Future?" later soloist and a member of 30 "Ai-e Children a Gamble?"; All meetings will be held in the choir of San Fermon's 2:00 "Today's Childi-en and Russell auditorium. church. The performance in which Martini made his operatic College Life h Theme debut at 21 as the Duke in I: f'Rigoletto'' so inspired! the audience that he was immed- For Texas DancelGroup iately signed for "I Puritini" an opera that had not been BY ANN WATERSTON sung for over 50 years in its lecture. "Education XYZ'^ original key because one of March 25 is the date Dr.- (mental hygiene) begins with the tenor arias called for F Anne Schley Duggan, Presi- a happy, well integrated above high C. HSs sensation- dent of the National Physi- group of students who suffer al success in "Puritini" result^ cal Education, and her Mod- ed in 16 succesive perform- successively the personality For the third of the Cooperative Concert Association pre- ern Dance Group from Texas difficulties included in a ance in Milan. Then he went State College for Women will course in mental hygiene. sentations, famed Metropolitan tenor Nino Martim will on a concert tour of Euro- be on our campus. They pass from their state of sing here M)onday, March 24 . pean music centers. Martini's Dr. Duggan will speak in integration through a perse- ikat ajppe^rance in concert chapel on Tuesday morning cution complex, delusion of joutside of Italy was maide and she will conduct a lecture grandeur—^in which individu- Ace Reporter with the famous Kurhaus Or- als confess themselves with YIVCA Plans chestra in (Dstend, Belgium demonstration on that after- and in Paris, he met Jesse noon at 4:30 in the Physical Stokowski, Napoleon and Cle- Lectures On Lasky. ' ' :' , • i i i'lC Education Building. All who opatra, and through the stag- Retreat Here are interested in the dance es of extreme depression and After being pei^uaded to and have had enough danc- elation. Happily, they return" liarcll 22,23 Overseas War come to Ajmjerica for five ing to know the fundamentals to their original state of in- (Continued on page 5) of it are invited to come as tegration. "Speech Clinic" DeWitt Mackenzie, author spectators or to participate. opens with a group of stud- Dr. Josiah Crudup of Mer- and newspapemvan, will be Tuesday night at 8:15 Dr. ents taking deep-breathing ex- cer University Iwill^ be Sthe featured here on the lyceum CGA Oiticials Duggan will present her ercises and reviewing assign- principal speaker at the Lead- series Thursday night, March Group in a recital in Russell ments prior to the bell which ership Training Retreat which will be sponsored by the 27. at 8:30 in Russell audir auditorium. Admission will summons them to the pre- ' torium. Retreating be free. All students, faculty sentations of individual clini- YWCA on this campus March 22 and 23. Mr. Mackenzie received his and town people who are in- cal cases. The assignment is New College Government Georgia colleges have been education at Black River Ac- terestd are invited to the the recitation of the familiar ademy, Ludlow, Vt.,. and Ajssociation officers, members dance. quatrain from Shakespeare's invited to send representa- of Upper Court, Student tives from their YW and YM Syracuse University, and be- Julius Ceasar which begins gan his career as a reporter Council, Honor Council, Miss One of the groups of dan- with "Friends, Romans, Coun- organizations to the retreat Ethel Adams and Miss Mary ces that the girls will present which will begin Saturday af- on the Syracuse Post Stand- trymen"—^Four cases perform ard in 1908. From there he Thomjas Maxwell left this af- is the CAMPUS SUITE which in turn—& timid student, a ternoon with a worship pro- ternoon, March 8, for the an- is composed of dances de- gram led by Dr. Crudup. The went on to the sports editor- "rah-rah" type, a girl who has ship of the Schenectady Gaz- nual spring retreat at Lake] veloped on themes closely re- had a great deal of elocution, program for the retreat will Laurel. lated to student life on the be as follows: 4:00-4:30, Get ette, N. J. Later he became and a very dramatic indivi- a member of the editorial Spring retreat is instigatec Texas State College for Wo- dual. Acquainted Tea; 4:30-6:00, men campus. "Registration" Program Laboratory, What staff of the Associated Press, fori the purpose of getting: commemorates the tribula- is the Real Purpose of the serving as foreign corres- new officers of College Gov- tions on registration day, in- Chilistian Association of a pondent to Ireland in 1916. ernment associated with prob- cluding line crashing, renew- Stevenson, Moore Campus? led by Mr. Henry Mackenzie was the first lems and plans for the com- all of acquaintances, iconsul- Speak at Tech Ware, Regional Y. M. Sec- journalist admitted to Egypt ing year, and to acquaint them tation of schedule sheet, and retary; 7:30, Banquet, guets after the outbreak of the with all phases of studeni difficulties in the boolcroom. "Labor in the Defense speaker to be Dr. Ctudup. The World War and he is accred- government. "Garden Party" portrays the Program" was the topic for Sunday schedule will include: ited with outstanding service Speeches, open discussions meeting of faculty and new discussion led by Doris Stev- 9:30-11:00, Program labor- to the British and Firench forums, proposed changes ii students and the popularity enson and June Moore at a altory. Ways By Which the armies in a journalistic capa- the Contitution, and suggest of the punch bowl, an in- program presented at Geor- -Purpose of the Christian As- city from 1917 to the end ed improvements in genera evitable adjunct of the garden gia Tech Wednesday, March sociation Might be Realized, of the war. will predominate Saturday af party. "In the Classroom" 5. Caroline Edwards, Merle led by Miss Elizabeth Stin- temoon and Sunday morning Representing the AP, Mack- The party will return Sun \ reviews typical classroom McKemie, and Josephine Bone Son,T.,secretary, Winthrop enzie, covered the peace con- procedures including roll call, completed, the deputation sent diiy morning, March 9 befon recitation, and a boring class by the YWGA. ::;,,: „ (Continued i^ page 5) (Contiriued on page six)' lunch. Ave Tw« TRS COLONNADS Saturday. March 8,1941 THE COLONNADE Page Three ^iOtfr^liaMK Saturday, March 8,1941 Rtqti2st For Student mi •--r-. THESE PEOPLE Drama Class Choir Awaits March 15 MAiaiNEWS Valtin Packs Drama Into To Head For^New|Orleans if' - By BLANCHE LATTON - Gives Plays For many months we have begged for more student True Story/Out oliliemglir Have you ever thought of The A Capella Choir, com participation in chapel; we haVe ^ k ^ fdi* m6re voic^ iii BY MILDRED BALLARD posed of girls from GSCW an( AVe Maria—Jacob Arcad- what one possession you'd Horror stories that chill the very blood have leaked the choice of programs; aiid we have promised better aud- like to have if you could have March 10 boys from GMCi, will leave ^elt. ience reaction if and when our first two objectives are out to us from the hotbed that is Nazi Germany today but Saturday, March 15, on theii Brother James' Air—Gor- any one thing you asked for? none bring with them quite Two plays, a comedy and accomplished.
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