Seaports of the World Seaports of the World by Country Seaports of the World by UN/LOCODE The following is a listing of 835 of the most active seaports and inland ports in the world. Several thousand additional ports exist yet more than 99 percent of the world's trade moves through these ports. We have omitted fishing ports and small ports that primarily handle private pleasure craft. Arrangement of Listings Listings are in alpha sequence by country and then by port. We also include: UN/LOCODE, Latitude and Longitude, GMT Offset, Telephone and Web URL (as available). UN/LOCODE UN/LOCODE is the acronym for United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations. It is a geographic coding system developed by the UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) for more than 40,000 locations worldwide. The UN/LOCODE is a combination of a 2-character country code and a three character location code. The first two digits refer to the country location based on the ISO 3166 alpha-2 Country Code. Refer to the Country Codes section for a complete listing of country codes. The next three characters are normally three letters and refer to a specific location in the country. In some cases, where the letter options have been exhausted, the numerals 2-9 may be used. All 40,000 UN/LOCODEs can be found at www.unece.org/cefact/locode/service/main.htm. Latitude / Longitude Latitude and Longitude are expressed as coordinates in the following format: Latitude 00° 00' N or S / Longitude 00° 00' E or W. Latitude refers to degrees (°) and minutes (') N (North) or S (South) of the Equator (0°), with the North Pole at 90° North Latitude and the South Pole at 90° South Latitude. Longitude refers to degrees (°) and minutes (') E (East) or W (West) of the Prime Meridian (0°), which runs North and South through the original site of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, England. Note that 180° East and West Longitude refer to the same meridian: the international date line which runs North and South through the middle of the Pacific ocean. GMT Offset This refers to the local time zone of the port as + (hours ahead) or - (hours behind) GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). Contact Information Telephone numbers are listed in the format: [country code] (city code) subscriber number. Refer to the Dialing Guide for information about making international calls. Web URLs are available for many, but all not ports. If you have information regarding these ports please contact us at [email protected]. Additional Information Additional information can be found at: www.fairplay.co.uk/ports_data.html www.portfocus.com; www.hal-pc.org/~nugent/port.html; www.ports.com Seaports of the World by Country SEAPORTS of the WORLD by COUNTRY Port = Port of; CODE = UN/LOCODE; Lat/Long = Latitude/Longitude; UTC = UTC Offset; [xxx] = Country Code Lat/Lon UT Telephon Country Port CODE Web g C e 41° 19' N Durres [355] (52) Albania AL DRZ / 19° 28' +1 www.apdurres.com.al (Durazzo) 222 028 E 39° 53' N [355] (85) Albania Sarande AL SAR +1 n/a / 20° 0' E 25-827 41° 49' N AL Albania Shengjjin / 19° 36' +1 n/a n/a SHG E 40° 29' N Vlore (Vlora, Albania AL VOA / 19° 29' +1 n/a n/a Vlone) E 36° 45' N [213] (21) Algeria Algiers DZ ALG / 003° 03' +1 www.portalger.com.dz 423-614 E Annaba (Ex 36° 58' N [213] (38) Algeria DZ AAE +1 www.annaba-port.com Bone) / 7° 47' E 863-131 DZ 35° 50' N [213] (70) Algeria Arzew +1 n/a AZW / 0° 8' W 122-949 Bejaia (Ex 36° 45' N [213] (34) Algeria DZ BJA +1 www.portdebejaia.com.dz Bougie) / 5° 5' E 211-807 36° 55' N [213] (21) Algeria Dellys DZ DEL +1 n/a / 3° 55' E 429-377 DZ 35° 6' N / [213] (43) Algeria Ghazaouet +1 n/a GHA 1° 52' W 323-345 DZ 35° 56' N [213] (45) Algeria Mostaganem +1 www.port-mostaganem.dz MOS / 0° 5' E 211-411 35° 43' N DZ [213] (41) Algeria Oran / 0° 39' +1 www.port-oran.dz ORN 332-449 W Skikda (Ex 36° 53' N [213] (38) Algeria DZ SKI +1 www.skikda-port.com Philippeville) / 6° 54' E 756-850 36° 35' N [213] (27) Algeria Tenes DZ TEN +1 n/a / 1° 18' E 767-276 14° 17' S American AS [1] (684) Pago Pago / 170° 41' -11 Samoa PPG 633-4251 http://americansamoa.gov E AO 5° 32' S / [244] 222- Angola Cabinda +1 n/a CAB 12° 11' E 392-646 12° 20' S AO [244] 722- Angola Lobito / 13° 34' +1 www.eplobito.com LOB 234-39 E AO 8° 48' S / [244] 222- Angola Luanda +1 www.otal.com/angola/index.htm#luanda LAD 13° 15' E 334-448 AO 15° 11' S [244] 222- Angola Namibe +1 n/a MSZ / 12° 7' E 390-034 10° 44' S AO Angola Porto Amboim / 13° 45' +1 n/a n/a PBN E AO 6° 20' S / [244] 222- Angola Soyo +1 n/a SOQ 12° 14' E 390-148 38° 47' S [54] 291- Argentina Bahia Blanca AR BHI / 62° 16' -3 www.puertobahiablanca.com.ar 457-3213 W 34° 36' S AR [54] (11) Argentina Buenos Aires / 58° 22' -3 www.puertobuenosaires.gov.ar BUE 4342-1727 W 45° 51' S Comodoro AR [54] (297) Argentina / 67° 26' -3 www.puertocomodororivadavia.com Rivadavia CRD 447-3096 W 32° 25' S Concepcion del AR [54] (344) Argentina / 58° 13' -3 n/a Uruguay COU 242-2814 W 38° 0' S / AR [54] 11 5 Argentina Mar del Plata 57° 32' -3 www.niverlines.com MDQ 236-7013 W 38° 31' S AR [54] (226) Argentina Necochea / 58° 46' -3 www.puertoquequen.com NEC 245-0006 W 42° 46' S AR [54] (296) Argentina Puerto Madryn / 57° 53' -3 www.appm.com.ar PMY 545-1400 W 51° 37' S AR [54] (296) Argentina Rio Gallegos / 68° 58' -3 n/a RGL 642-2352 W 32° 57' S AR [54] (341) Argentina Rosario / 60° 33' -3 www.enapro.com.ar ROS 448-7105 W 31° 39' S AR [54] (342) Argentina Santa Fe / 60° 42' -3 www.puertosfe.com SFN 455-8392 W 54° 49' S AR [54] (29) Argentina Ushuaia / 68° 18' -3 www.puertoushuaia.com.ar USH 143-5200 W 12° 31' N AW [297] 582- Aruba Oranjestad / 70° 2' -4 www.arubaports.com ORJ 6633 W 7° 56' S / Ascension Georgetown SH ASI 14° 25' +0 [247] 7000 www.ascension-island.gov.ac Island W 34° 51' S AU [61] 8 Australia Adelaide / 138° 30' +0 www.flindersports.com.au/portfacilities2.html PAE 8248 9300 E 27° 27' S AU [61] (7) Australia Brisbane / 153° 4' +10 www.portbris.com.au BNE 3258-4888 E 16° 56' S AU [61] (7) Australia Cairns / 145° 47' +10 www.cairnsport.com.au CNS 4052-3888 E 12° 28' S AU [61] (8) Australia Darwin / 130° 50' +10 www.darwinport.nt.gov.au DRW 8922 0660 E 41° 11' S AU [61] (3) Australia Devonport / 146° 22' +10 /www.tasports.com.au/port_services/devonport_info.html DPO 0036-6742 E 32° 3' S / AU [61] (8) Australia Fremantle 115° 44' +8 www.fremantleports.com.au FRE 9430-3555 E 38° 9' S / AU [61] (3) Australia Geelong 144° 22' +10 www.geelongport.com.au GEX 5226-6220 E 42° 53' S AU [61] (3) Australia Hobart / 147° 20' +10 www.tasports.com.au HBA 0036-6742 E 21° 6' S / AU [61] (7) Australia Mackay 149° 14' +10 www.mackayports.com MKY 4969-0700 E 37° 50' S AU [61] 1300 Australia Melbourne / 144° 58' +10 www.portofmelbourne.com MEL 857 662 E 33° 55' S [61] AU Australia Sydney / 151° 12' +10 (2)9296- www.sydneyports.com.au SYD E 4999 19° 15' S [61] (7) Australia Townsville AU TSV / 146° 50' +10 www.townsville-port.com.au 4781-1500 E 40° 20' N (99412) - Azerbaijan Baku AZ BAK / 49° 51' +4 www.bakuseaport.az 493 02 68 E 25° 00' N BS [1] (2242) Bahamas Freeport / 78° 46' -5 http://gbpa.com FPO 350-9051 W 25° 5' N / BS [1] (809) Bahamas Nassau 77° 20' -5 n/a NAS 322-8832 W 26° 12' N [973] 1775 Bahrain Mina Salman BH MIN / 50° 37' +3 n/a 7744 E 26° 9' N / [973] Bahrain Sitra BH SIT +3 n/a 50° 40' E 1775-7744 22° 19' N BD [880] (31) Bangladesh Chittagong / 91° 48' +6 www.cpa.gov.bd CGP 252-2200 E 22° 29' N BD [880] (46) Bangladesh Mongla / 89° 35' +6 http://ports.com/bangladesh/port-of-mongla MGL 627-5200 E 13° 6' N / [1] (246) Barbados Bridgetown BB BGI 59° 38' -4 www.barbadosport.com 430-4700 W BE 51° 14' N [32] (3) Belgium Antwerp +1 www.portofantwerp.be ANR / 4° 23' E 205-2011 Brussels BE 50° 52' N [32] (2) Belgium +1 www.portdebruxelles.irisnet.be (Bruxelles) BRU / 4° 21' E 420-6700 BE 51° 2' N / [32] (9) Belgium Ghent +1 www.portofghent.be GNE 3° 44' E 251-0550 BE 50° 40' N [32] (4) Belgium Liege +1 www.portdeliege.be LGG / 5° 34' E 232-9797 51° 20' N [32] (50) Belgium Zeebrugge BE ZEE +1 www.zeebruggeport.be / 3° 13' E 543-211 17° 29' N [501] 227- Belize Belize City BZ BZE / 88° 11' -6 n/a 2480 W BJ 6° 20' N / [229] Benin Cotonou +1 www.portdecotonou.com COO 2° 32' E 2131-2890 32° 17' N BM [1] (441) Bermuda Hamilton / 64° 47' -4 n/a BDA 292-1234 W 32° 22' N BM [1] (441) Bermuda St Georges / 64° 42' -4 n/a SGE 295-6575 W 1° 28' S / [55] (91) Brazil Belem BR BEL 48° 29' -3 3182- www.cdp.com.br W 9012 3° 41' S / BR [55] (85) Brazil Fortaleza 38° 33' -3 www.docasdoceara.com.br FOR 3266-8800 W 28° 13' S [55] (48) Brazil Imbituba BR IBB / 48° 38' -3 www.cdiport.com.br 3255-0080 W BR 3° 8' S / [55] (92) Brazil Manaus -4 www.portodemanaus.com.br MAO 60° 0' W 2123 4350 25° 30' S BR [55] (41) Brazil Paranagua / 48° 30' -3 www.portosdoparana.pr.gov.br PNG 3420-1100 W 30° 5' S / BR [55] (51) Brazil Porto Alegre 51° 15' -3 n/a POA 3211-5022 W 8° 4' S / BR [55] (81) Brazil Recife 34° 52' -3 www.portodorecife.pe.gov.br REC 3183.1900 W 22° 54' S [55] (21) Brazil Rio De Janeiro BR RIO / 43° 12' -3 www.portosrio.gov.br 2219-9542 W 32° 3' S / [55] (53) Brazil Rio Grande BR RIG -3 www.portoriogrande.com.br 52° 5' W 3231-1366 13° 1' S / BR [55] (71) Brazil Salvador 38° 35' -3 www.codeba.com.br SSA 3320-1285 W 23° 56' S [55] (13) Brazil Santos BR SSZ / 46° 19' -3 www.portodesantos.com.br 3202-6565 W 20° 19' S [55] (27) Brazil Vitoria BR VIX / 40° 17' -3 www.portodevitoria.com.br 3132-7314 W Brunei 4° 38' N / BN [673] 333- Darussala Kuala Belait 114° 12' +8 n/a KUB 5298 m E Brunei BN 5° 1' N / [673] 277- Darussala Muara +8 www.ports.gov.bn MUA 115°
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