TAILGATE RAMBLINGS, Vol. 1, No. 1 Tailgate Ramblings is published quarterly for members of the Potomac River Jazz Club. Subscription and membership $5 a year. EDITOR - Alan C. Webber ART DIRECTOR - Thomas E. Niemann TYPOGRAPHY - Fran Lewis SECRETARY'S (GULP!) REPORT those of you who climbed on board early. And we will do our collec­ A1 Webber, Secretary, PRJC. tive damndest to see that you get your money's worth and that your A line of doggerel runs something faith in the club is justified. to the effect that mighty oaks from We are not organized or staffed to tiny acorns grow. send out repeat mailings to potential A few weeks back, when we mailed members. Nor, bluntly, do we have out nearly 400 invitations to join the back-up funds. And since we're the P.R.J.C. and hand distributed all in a sink or swim situation, it another 100 or so, we thought it would help tremendously if every one would make a good lead on our ini­ of you could bring one or two members tial membership report. into the ranks (some of you have al­ Sad to say, it is going to re­ ready offered to do so, for which quire considerable rewriting. Closer many thanks). to the mark would be to say that a Most of you know other people to tiny acorn thus far has begat a whom we have sent membership invita­ slightly less tiny acorn, which is tions. If you could remind them that obviously no way to grow oak trees, in all probability they won't receive run a railroad, or build a jazz club. a second invitation to join by mail, At this writing, a month after the it might prompt one or two to dust mailings went out, our membership off their original application forms totals just under 50. And though and mail them in. we're not singing the blues - yet - If any one of you can whip in 10 it's no exaggeration to say that the new members, we'll reward your labors five of us who launched this barque on behalf of The Cause with: 1. The are mildly disappointed. three-record set of Larry Conger's Two Between sobs, however, we do want Rivers Jazz Band, featuring Charlie to extend most grateful thanks to Bornemann on trombone; or 2. Any three Fat Cat Records of your choice. where. To qualify, mail all 10 checks and At the risk of repetition, i'll application forms with a covering close with a reminder that whether letter designating which records you or not we enlist another member, the want to me, A1 Webber, 5818 Walton Rd., show will continue to go on. And we Bethesda. M d . 20034. i'll be out of hope to meet all of you at a picnic action most of July, so from June,25- in late summer or early fall with July 25, mail the checks to Tom Nie­ beer and Dixieland. If anyone is mann, 5502 Southampton Drive, Spring­ hep to the logistics of picnic run­ field , V a . 22151. ning, please contact Tom Niemann Two ugly rumors which have reached soon (461-7640). my ears from a local musician which I would like to squelch, once and for a l l : 1. The Potomac River Jazz Club is not "another record club deal." The THE PREZ SEZ.......... reduced rate on a few traditional labels is simply one benefit open to Tom Niemann members. It is also a personal pain in the tail to the Secretary. In all fairness to the Fairfax 2. The Potomac River Jazz Club Cultural Association, we should give is not a "front" or a promotion gim­ them a hand for their most worthy mick for the Bratwursthaus chain or efforts in organizing the Music of any other restaurant. Nor is it a the '40's Show of April 30. Felix promotional apparatus for any one Grant (and, pray tell, who else?) clique of local traditional musi­ was on hand to keep things running cians . in good order. Unfortunately, acou­ The P.R.J.C. originally consisted stics swallowed up the earlier small of five guys trying to push live combo work featuring Bobby Hackett traditional jazz in the area. We and so, for those not inclined to initiated the house band-plus-jam dance close to the bandstand, the session idea, and the Bratwursthaus result was a jumble of amplified in Arlington, V a . bought the idea. echoes, hardly befitting the rare So long as the P.R.J.C. consisted talent of these fine performers. of Mercer, McRee, Farmer, Webber and The big band of Fred Perry faith­ Niemann, that Arlington Bratwursthaus fully reproduced the music of Glen was "home" for the P.R.J.C. Three of Miller and, I'm sure more than a few us played there in Alexandria's Rag­ tears of nostalgia were shed as we time Band regularly, a fourth played all went back to high school and there occasionally, and a fifth re­ college proms for a short moment in corded the proceedings. time. Now the Bratwursthaus in Manassas, The rgal party started, however, V a . has taken up the Dixie banner; upstairs at Poppy's where Tommy Gwalt- and we hope other clubs in the area ney holds forth nightly with his fine do the same. And we intend to publi­ crew. Bobby Hackett came up to catch cize in TAILGATE RAMBLINGS every the show, protesting that he was a bit joint between Warrenton and Baltimore tired and probably wouldn't play. which features Dixieland or allied Springing to the cue, Australian cor- styles on a more or less regular netist and emissary of jazz, Tony New- basis. Furthermore, we intend to stead, came to the stand and along with publicize the doings of every organ­ Tommy, Charlie Butler, Van Perry, Skip ized Dixieland band within that area. Tomlinson and John Philips made with But we cannot report what we don't some truly great sounds of jazz. Lo know. If you are a musician, club and behold, Bobby was suddenly refresh­ owner, or friend of one, and you know ed and took to the stage to trade of some Dixieland action which should fours with Tony. What a show! Even appear in TAILGATE RAMBLINGS, drop me the fabulous Helen Ward came to the a line (same address as on the records) mike to please the fans again. Thank and tell me who, wtiat, when, and you Fairfax Cultural Association for -2- being the catalyst Cot such an Inspir­ graphies of their respective groups ing occasion! and several obliged. Say, ii you ever get the chance to If we overlooked any organized catch Wild Bill Davison on a recording group, we are sorry. There will be date, by all means, grab it. Especially plenty of room in subsequent issues when Bill is doing a solo bit with of TAILGATE RAMBLINGS for any omitted. Steve Jordan, guitar, Jack Lesberg, Band biographies, 450 words or less, bass, Cliff Leeman, drums, and John should be mailed to Alan C. Webber, Eaton on piano. Admittedly, with back­ 5818'Walton R d ., Bethesda, Md. 20034. up like this even a first-year beginner In the meantime, here are sketches would sound good, but Bill was at his of several deserving local groups as seasoned best and the end result was submitted by their respective leaders. some of the smoothest and prettiest sounds this humble listener has ever put an ear to. Of particular note was the soulful rendition by Bill of "But THE NEW SUNSHINE JAZZ BAND Beautiful" and his swinging punch on "Thou Swell". For a real treat, jazz The New Sunshine Jazz Band began fans, and a bit of topping to any mus­ in 1965 in a basement in Washington, ical cake watch for Fat Cat's release D.C., when Dave Burns, a USLA offi­ on this record! cer, put an ad in the paper inviting I don't know how many of you dug "all interested jazzmen to stop by." the series of recordings that Felix Dave served as host trombonist and laid on us a couple of months ago promoter until the band began to em­ featuring Art Tatum and Ben Webster. erge. Thornton "Tony" Hagert was Absolutely matchless in their quality elected leader and although Burns was and imagination. assigned overseas, the nucleus of the Since this is our first newsletter band has stayed together. let me take this opportunity to pro­ Besides leader Hagert on trumpet, pagandize you more on the good olde the band includes Dan Priest, cornet; PRJC. Gang, it's going to be a lot Don Rouse, clarinet; Gary Wilkinson, of fun and participation is the key! piano; Clayton Eakle, trombone; Fred None of you are on inactive status; Stork, banjo/guitar and Gil Carter, everybody swings in this scene. Our drums. noble Editor has speculated on the The original tuba, Lee Richardson, merits of a picnic and I think a has left the area and the Sunshiners proposition like this would fly. have used various basses from time to Man, an afternoon of jazz, hot- time. They are still looking for a dogs and beer all out under the permanent bass player. Leader Hagert sun and in front of Mother Nature can be reached at 1601 N. Randolph and everybody Wow! Actually, Street, Arlington. His phone number there is no end to the things we is 524-2707. can do....just goes to show you what While the everyday Dixieland band a little organization will do (heh plays an all-too-famillar list of heh).
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