![Broarrwung, / THIRTY -FIVE CENTS Li Ci 4'?J? Sat)]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
APRIL 11, 1960 BROArrwuNG, / THIRTY -FIVE CENTS li cI 4'?J? sat)]. g Fatic,vi )T x P= ,°4ILi30;; STOT 1<'. CITY. 'IOWA Networks on the ready -line for fall battle of ratings Page 27 How major auto makers spent their tv money in '59 Page 30 Little solace for radio -tv at NAB Chicago sessions Page 46 Equipment wonderland: bright spot of convention Page 94 oSNIDERearAARON? roor See Duke Snider battle Hank Aaron on starring MICKEY MANTLE ERNIE BANKS GIL HODGES FRANKIE ROBINSON WILLIE MAYS GUS TRIANDOS ROCKY COLAVITO EDDIE MATHEWS and many others. SOLD! ZIVUNITED ARTISTS INC. SCHLITZ BEER INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER 488 Madison Ave., New York 22. N. Y. CONSOLIDATED CIGARS JOHN LABATT, LTD. and many more. SAT PROMOTION ON KVTV DRAWS RECORD=SETTOG ICE CAPADES MAIL ORDER NO MATTER WHAT IT IS MORE OF YOUR SIOUX CITY CUSTOMERS ARE WATCHING KVTV Things looked bad for the Ice Capades Show in Sioux City last February. Winter storms and flu hit the city at the same time, and the wrong time. But mail orders from surrounding counties saved the day. People came from as far as 150 miles from parts of four states. The 10 Ice Capades shows drew near - capacity houses in spite of the weather and flu! The majority of the promotion budget was spent on a saturation spot schedule on KVTV Channel 9. As Bill Hawkins, promotion director for the Harmon - O'Laughlin Enterprises stated: With things against us the way they were I give TV, especially KVTV, the lion's share of the credit for saving the show." More proof that no matter what time it is - day or night - more people in the Sioux City area watch KVTV. PEOPLES BROADCASTING CORPORATION KVTV . Sioux City, Iowa WNAX . Yankton, South Dakota KVTV WGAR . Cleveland, Ohio WRFD . Worthington, Ohio CHANNEL 9 SIOUX CITY, IOWA WTTM . Trenton, New Jersey CBS ABC WMMN . Fairmont, West Virginia ONE MOVE TAKES ALL THREE RATTLE CRO The king of the Golden Triangle takes all three mid-Michigan markets with a city grade signal and gives you the jump on 46% of the state's population (outside Detroit). Nationally 11th in Retail Sales *, 26th in TV Households * *. Check these facts with Venard, Rintoul & McConnell, Inc, Your move! '701,YAK SRDS Consumer .:arket Data "Television Age 100 Top Markets 11/30/59 SERVING MICHIGAN'S wiLX is associated with e::,. ï ^ ,-lansin;/ BROADCASTING, April 11, 1960 3 viewers spend well and wisely , Ito ; $3,871,587,00 0 retail sales MULTI-CrrY ..TV MARKET There's a story of sales-security for your product in this far-reaching Channel 8 market. Here are prospects with money to spend. But, more potent SUOMI, AAAAA POITSVIlle is the fact that station WGAL-TV delivers an TOWN SCS.S audience which is greater than the combined ".""":"".. READING audience of all other stations in its coverage area. HARRISBURG LOCUM (See ARB or Nielsen surveys.) CUm AAAAAAA rota 1111011114SOO - LANCASTER YORK ..--... CO AAAAA IAMC1,111 GIIITYSIU110 ri-OVGAL-TV 111110VM rm. Citeutitze e Lancaster, Pa. NBC and CBS STEINMAN STATION Clair McCollough, Pres. Representative: The MEEKER Company, Inc. New York Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco 4 BROADCASTING, April 11, 1960 CLOSED CIRCUIT Triangle's quota KFSD -AM -TV San tives of both CBS -TV and NBC -TV. with its closed circuit operations in Diego is earmarked for acquisition by Those critics feel there was gentleman's major markets. While no estimate of Triangle Publications. Property (ch. 10 agreement to put public service corn - investment was given, it's known to run KFSD -TV on air since 1953, and 5 kw mitments into normal option time, as substantially into seven figures. 600 kc KFSD established in 1925) is CBS and NBC have done. ABC -TV TelePrompTer Corp. has repurchased 46.22 owned by Newsweek magazine, %, says it's amending station contracts to its European licensee, TelePrompTer Wells & Rogers, 42.55 %. bring 7 -7:30 into network option time and Fox, Ltd. of London. Company will serve in neighborhood on Tuesdays. Price believed to be It argues that this series as headquarters for European and over- with transaction under- of visits to famous places ought to of $7 million, be seas operations in closed circuit and to have been negotiated through available to youth as well as adults and stood related areas. Company also is entering Stark, broker. says that, indeed, possibility of thus Howard Asiatic field, according to Mr. Kahn, revising option time for public service who has just returned from round -the- Triangle, in addition to Philadelphia show was discussed with ex -FCC Chair- Inquirer, Tv Guide and associated pub- world trip, with emphasis on under- man John Doerfer in presence of top developed nations. lications, owns WFIL-AM -FM -TV Phil- CBS and NBC officials and that they adelphia, WFBG - AM - TV Altoona, did not protest. Watch for fm There's one problem WLYH -TV Lebanon, all Pennsylvania; confronting fm broadcasting that may WNBF-AM -FM -TV Binghamton, N.Y.; Harris and Sec. 317 Subject of spon- temper new enthusiasm for medium fol- WNHC - AM - FM - TV New Haven, sorship identification is going to get air- lowing NAB convention: With number Conn., and KFRE -AM -TV and KRFM ing even before May 2 deadline for of stations doubling, tripling and even (FM) Fresno, Calif. All tv outlets are comments on FCC's controversial quintupling in many markets, there may vhf except WLYH -TV. Fresno may be- March 16 interpretation. It is integral be temporary down -swing in average come uhf under pending FCC proposal part of HR- 11341, introduced by Rep. time sales. But fm's supporters figure (BROADCASTING, March 28). Acquisition Oren Harris (D -Ark.) just two weeks medium will recover through sheer of KFSD -TV would give Triangle full ago and among batch of bills to be con- momentum of spirited selling, attractive portfolio -five v's and two u's. sidered by Mr. Harris' House Com- programming and growth of circulation. merce Committee tomorrow (story page Make haste slowly Although several 92). Lead -off witnesses are FCC com- Last- minute escape Goar Mestre, hundred names have been advanced to missioners, and bill's Sec. 317 revisions Cuban broadcasting executive and busi- NAB selection committee for late Har- are bound to be related to FCC's action. nessman, got out of Havana one hour old Fellows' successor as NAB presi- before his properties and accounts were dent, there's little likelihood that fast Congressman Harris' bill goes step impounded and taken over by Castro action will be taken. Under chairman- beyond FCC posture on definition of government. Details are not revealed, ship of Howard Lane (KOIN-AM -TV payment or consideration. Bill identifies but he is now in United States. Mr. Portland) eight -man committee is use of "property" as payment -which Mestre, well known to American broad- screening suggestions and is soliciting would mean that any material given to casters and heretofore regular attendant more. If right man emerges, committee station would have to be counted as at NAB conventions, did not make Chi- could move swiftly in making its recom- commercial (free records, for example). cago sessions. Mrs. Mestre, an Argen- mendation to combined boards, but best This is doubly dangerous to broadcast- tine citizen, is applicant for new tele- guess is that several weeks -maybe ers for passage of bill would freeze vision facility in that republic, and Mr. months -may elapse before crystalliza- FCC's present position into statute. Mestre may build that station while tion. Nominees include many figures in awaiting outcome of events in Cuba. public life, leading broadcasters, mem- UPI and tape New audio tape serv- bers of Congress, judges and attorneys. ice for radio stations is being developed Inflation note Elroy McCaw's WINS by United Press International. There New York independent is object of More than cursory thought is being was test run last week when taped inter- many acquisitive attentions. Reports given to dual top echelon of NAB, with view with eloping heiress Gamble Bene- were current last week that offers as policy -level president and administra- dict and Andre Porumbeanu was of- high as $10 million had been made for tive -level executive vice president. fered to UPI radio clients and taken by station which was purchased by Mr. There's also suggestion, favorably re- some 30 stations. Tape service, expect- McCaw for $450,000 in 1953. ceived in some quarters, that board ed to start later this year, will deal pri- chairmanship (Mr. Fellows held dual marily with news -feature material and Network breather Shift of House Oversight's Dick role of chairman and president) be will be handled by mail. Clark hearings from tentative 21 rotated annually among top broadcast- April hearing to April 26 set some observers ers as is done in other associations. Re- Catv empire TelePrompTer Corp., thinking last week cipient of distinguished service award which now owns four community an- Chairman Harris might shoehorn in (Clair McCollough, chairman of tem- tenna systems in mountain states plus hearings on network regulation bills 11340, porary regency, was this year's selec- one microwave relay, is in final negotia- (HR others) April 20 -21, after tion) would automatically become board tions for four additional systems and Congress returns from Easter recess. chairman. has options on 11 others, plus two addi- But network sources say they had rea- tional microwave relays, according to sonable assurance network regulation ABC's option ABC -TV's placement Irving B. Kahn, president. Aside from bills won't be heard until May. If that of one of its "Doerfer plan" public independent operation of catvs, it's pre- schedule pans out, networks are rea- service half -hours in 7 -7:30 p.m.
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