УКРАЇНА НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ УНІВЕРСИТЕТ БІОРЕСУРСІВ І ПРИРОДОКОРИСТУВАННЯ УКРАЇНИ Кафедра англійської філології Ямнич Н. Ю., Данькевич Л. Р. ENGLISH FOR IT STUDENTS 1 УДК: 811.111(072) Навчальний посібник з англійської мови розрахований на студентів вищих навчальних закладів зі спеціальностей «Комп”ютерні науки» та «Програмна інженерія». Мета видання – сприяти розвитку і вдосконаленню у студентів комунікативних навичок з фаху, навичок читання та письма і закріплення навичок з граматики, а також активізувати навички автономного навчання. Посібник охоплює теми актуальні у сучасному інформаційному середовищі, що подаються на основі автентичних професійно спрямованих текстів, метою яких є розвиток у студентів мовленнєвої фахової компетенції, що сприятиме розвитку логічного мислення. Добір навчального матеріалу відповідає вимогам навчальної програми з англійської мови. Укладачі: Л.Р. Данькевич, Н.Ю. Ямнич, Рецензенти: В. В. Коломійцева, к. філол. н., доцент кафедри сучасної української мови інституту філології Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка В.І. Ковальчук, д. пед. наук, професор,завідувач кафедри методики навчання та управління навчальними закладами НУБіП України Кравченко Н. К., д. філ. наук, професор кафедри англійської філології і філософії мови ім. професора О. М. Мороховського, КНЛУ Навчальний посібник з англійської мови для студентів факультету інформаційних технологій. – К.: «Компринт», 2017. – 608 с. ISBN Видання здійснено за авторським редагуванням Відповідальний за випуск: Н.Ю.Ямнич ISBN © Н. Ю. Ямнич, Л.Д. Данькевич, 2017 2 CONTENTS Unit 1 Higher Education 5 Language practice. Overview of verb tenses 18 Unit 2 Jobs and careers 25 Language practice. Basic sentence structures 89 Unit 3 Tied to technology 103 Language practice. Modal verbs 115 Unit 4 Computers 135 Language practice. Passive 153 Unit 5 Communication. E –commerce 167 Language practice. Reported speach 173 Unit 6 Information. Collecting data 181 Language practice. Conditionals and wish sentences 190 Unit 7 The Internet 204 Language practice. Gerund and infinitive 217 Unit 8 Management Information Systems 229 Language practice. Infinitive constructions 238 Unit 9 Innovation Management 244 Language practice. Adverb clauses 257 Unit 10 Making a presentation. Attending a conference 264 Language practice. Connecting ideas 284 READER Your phone on steroids 297 The sky’s limit 302 Passé words 307 Consumer electronics and privacy 312 Online advertising 315 Ransomware. Your money or your data 319 New rules for IPOs in America 322 Getting hooked 325 A charged view 330 Artificial Intelligence 335 Augmented Reality 348 Mobileye and Intel join forces 364 3 Smartphones are Strongly Addictive 366 To sleep, perchance 374 Ready to runcible 381 Call the plumber 383 Watching the world go by 384 Sitting ducks 386 GRAMMAR TESTS 388 GRAMMAR REFERENCES 409 GLOSSARY 463 4 Unit 1 HIGHER EDUCATION 1.1. National university of life and environmental sciences The faculty of IT 1.1.1. Discuss the following questions: What do you know about the NULES? Why did you decide to enter this univesity? Who or what influenced your choice? Key vocabulary to span an independent educational institution to be established research institute forestry faculty engineering faculty veterinary to meet the needs to solve current problems of life sciences and environment branches of economy to widen educational activities to adapt to amendments to the Charter safety and soil fertility energy-saving agro-technologies to approve to conduct research the supervisory board environmental and legal management to solve current problems rural areas quality and safety of agricultural production 5 processing to improve the quality of people’s life 1.1.2. Read the article, then do the tasks that follow. The history of the NULES National University of Life and Environmental Sciences is one of the leading institutions of higher education in Ukraine. Its history spans more than one century when the Department of Agriculture was founded at Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (KPI). In 1918, it transformed into the Agricultural faculty, on the basis of which an independent educational institution - Kyiv Agricultural Institute - was established in 1923. From 1930 till 1934, Kyiv Institute of Agronomy, Kyiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, Kyiv Agricultural Engineering Institute of Sugar Industry and Agricultural Economic Institute were formed and began functioning there. These institutes were later reorganized into independent research institutes and faculties. Kyiv Forestry Institute began its history in 1840 as the Faculty of Forestry of the Institute of Agriculture and Forestry in the city of Marimont (Poland) which moved to the city Novoaleksandria (now Pulavy) in 1862. After the beginning of World War I (1914) the Novoaleksandrian Institute of Agriculture and Forestry moved to Kharkiv and in 1921 it became Kharkiv Institute of Agriculture and Forestry. In 1930 the Forestry faculty of Kharkiv Agrarian Institute was united with the Forestry Engineering faculty of Kyiv Agrarian Institute to form Ukrainian Forestry Technical Institute which was reorganized into Kyiv Forestry Institute the same year. In 1954, Kyiv Agricultural Institute was united with Ukrainian Forestry Institute into Ukrainian Agricultural Academy (UAA). During the period from 1956 to 1962, UAA functioned as the educational department of the Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural sciences. In 1957, Kyiv Veterinary Institute was added to its structure. In August 1992, on the basis of UAA, the National Agrarian University was founded. 6 To widen educational, research and innovative activities of the National Agrarian University and to meet the needs of the agro-industrial, environmental and other branches of economy, as well as the need to adapt these activities to the requirements of international research organizations, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine renamed the National Agrarian University into the National University of Life and Environmental Science of Ukraine (NUBiP) on October 30, 2008, as well as approved the supervisory board of the University and made amendments to its Charter. According to it status of the IV level of accreditation, it is the research institution, which conducts educational, scientific, research, innovative, production and extension activities aimed at developing modern methods to solve current problems of life sciences and environment, use, reproduction and balanced development of biological resources in land and water ecosystems, the introduction of new environmental agro-biotechnology, technology of recovery of safety and soil fertility, energy-saving agro- technologies, environmental and legal management in rural areas, monitoring and control of standards, quality and safety of agricultural production, processing and environment. The mission of the University is: - to create, systematize, store and share modern scientific knowledge in order to improve the quality of people’s life; - to train specialists according to European and world standards of intellectual and personality development. 1.1.3. Complete the text with the words: a) subdivisions, b) lecturers, c) academic, d) seekers, e) leading Structure of the university The National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine is one of the ……. (1) institutions of education, science and culture in Ukraine. More than 26 thousand students and more than 600 graduates, PhD students and ……. (2) study at three educational and research institutes and 13 faculties of basic university institution (in Kyiv) and 10 separate…… (3). 7 The …… (4) process and scientific research at the University are provided by more than 2,600 …….. (5), including more than 300 professors and doctors of sciences, over 1,000 assistant professors and PhDs. 1.1.4. Read the text and translate the words and phrases in bold. Educational and academic activity The educational conception of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NULES of Ukraine) is determined by its status as a research university. The University realises its educational, research, scientific, innovative, training and extension service activity directed to the development of the up-to-date technologies concerning life sciences and environment, reproduction, usage and balanced development of land and aquatic ecosystems. The University introduces modern nature conserving agrarian- biotechnologies, technologies dealing with revival, security and soil fertility as well as agricultural technologies dealing with energy saving, ecological and law management in rural areas, realization of monitoring and standard control of quality and safety of agricultural production, food processing and environment. University activity is directed at meeting individual, state and social needs and requirements in training and education in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, Laws of Ukraine on education, as well as the European educational requirements and standards. The teaching staff participate in different scientific, research programs and projects, collaborate with world leading universities and other overseas top partners. NULES of Ukraine offers the training programs for bachelor and master degree in the following specialties: “Veterinary Medicine”, “Plant Protection”, "Agronomy", “Ecology, Environmental Protection and Balanced Nature Management”, “Biotechnology”, “Management”, “Finance and Credit”, “Accounting and Audit”, "Philology (translation)", "Administrative
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