Cambridge University Press 978-1-316-61736-6 — From Stoicism to Platonism The Development of Philosophy, 100 BCE-100 CE Edited by Troels Engberg-Pedersen Index More Information Index Locorum Aëtius (Diels) Ch. 28 151–2 1.3.21 89 28.1, 181.20 151 1.6 207 28.2 151 1.7.33 207 28.392 1.25.5 164 28.4, 182.6–8 152 1.27.5 163, 164 29.494 1.28.3 164 Alexander of Aphrodisias 2.3M-R 164 De anima 4.11 123 71.22–4 337 Albinus 73.18–20 337 Prologue 76.18–77.23 337 149.17–20 308 De fato 150.21–2 126 11, 178.17–25 337 150.23 132 14, 183.30–184.11 337 150.33–5 126 De mixtione Alcinous 217.2–4 123 Didaskalikos 217.3–4 122 2.1–2, 152.30–153.9 136 218.10 123 2.3, 153.15–20 153 Ethical Problems Ch. 4 152–3 2, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19 341 4.6, 155.20–32 127, 136 23, 143.25–30 341–2, 343 4.6, 155.32 126 25, 149.17–19 338 4.7. 156.5–8 136 In Topica 4.8, 156.19–23 126 147.12–15 314 5.7, 158.3 133 Mantissa (ed. Sharples) 5.7, 158.4 126 17 118, 322–47 6.10 72 150.20–5 323, 325, 336, 344 6.10, 159.43–472 150.24–5 324 9.1–289 150.25–151.3 322 9.1, 163.14–15 150 150.25–8 327 9.2, 163.29–30 76 150.27–8 325 9.376 150.28–33 324, 326 Ch. 10 150, 151 150.31–3 327 10.1, 164.13–18 136–7 150.33–4 324, 326 10.3, 160.40 150, 209 151.2–3 325, 327 10.4, 165.10 126 151.3–152.15 323 Chs. 12–26 151 151.3–13 116 Ch. 12 81, 87, 89 151.3–6 328 12.1, 167.13 150, 165 151.13–18 329 14.3, 169.35–41 150 151.16–18 329 25.3, 177.45–178.10 131, 138 151.18–27 329, 337 373 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-316-61736-6 — From Stoicism to Platonism The Development of Philosophy, 100 BCE-100 CE Edited by Troels Engberg-Pedersen Table of Contents More Information 374 Index Locorum Alexander of Aphrodisias (cont.) 68.1–776 151.20–5 344 69.36–70.5 129 151.20–4 330, 338 Apocryphon of John 151.24–7 330 BG 24,4–5 294 151.27–9 331 BG 41,5–6 294 151.30–152.10 331 NHC II, 1: 3,15–17 294 151.30–4 331, 334 NHC II, 1: 17,10–12 294 151.31–152.4 332 NHC IV, 1: 4,27–8 294 151.31 335 Apuleius 151.33–4 339 De Platone 152.1–12 335 1.589 152.3–4 335 2.2 118 152.5–10 332, 333 [Archytas, ed. Thesleff] 152.5–6 334 On Universals 152.10–15 333, 338 22.5ff. 72 152.13 332 Aristotle 152.15–153.27 323 Analytica posteriora 152.15–27 325 83a22 74 152.16–17 336 100b2–3 131 152.17–35 336 Categories 152.17–22 336 1b25–774, 77 152.22–4 325 6b676 152.25–7 325, 336 6b12–14 77 152.28–30 325, 337, 344 11b10–11 77 152.28–9 336, 338 De anima 152.30–5 334, 337 404a10 131 152.33–4 331 415b1–7 192 152.36–153.27 334 Eudemian Ethics 152.36–153.5 332 1, 1217b27–874 152.36–153.3 333, 338 2, 1219a39 94 153.1–3 339 7.2 330 153.1–2 332, 335, 339 7.2.8 330 153.2–5 338 Metaphysics 153.5–13 339 I, 1068a8–974 153.5–8 339 Λ, 1069b9–10 74 153.12–14 340 Nicomachean Ethics 153.13–27 339 1, 1096a24–674 153.13–20 343, 344 1, 1098a16–18 94 153.13–17 341, 342–3 1, 1098b14–16 97 153.13–16 342 1, 1102a4–594 153.21–7 343 3.4 330 23, 172.17–30 337 5.11 146 Quaestio III Book 7 341, 342 13, 107.6–18 337 7.12 339 Anon., On Plato’s Theaetetus Books 8–9 328 5.3–8.6 145 9.2 329 6.20 147 9.4 328 7.14–19 147 9.8 328, 329 22.39–23.12 132 Book 10 342 23.1–12 127 10.4, 1174b23–5 341 46.43–9 127 10.5, 1175a10–17 343 47.37–48.7 127 10, 1177b33–1178a792 55.30 126 [Aristotle] 56.34 126 De caelo 67.34–68.15 72 280a1 187 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-316-61736-6 — From Stoicism to Platonism The Development of Philosophy, 100 BCE-100 CE Edited by Troels Engberg-Pedersen Table of Contents More Information Index Locorum 375 Aspasius Ad familiares In Ethica Nicomachea 1.947 44.20–34 328 1.9.748 Athenaeus 1.9.12 48 362c-d 28 1.9.17 49, 50 Atticus (ed. des Places) 1.9.18 48, 49 2.136–872 1.9.21 49, 50 fr. 26 89 1.9.23 51, 53 Augustine 6.6.552 De civitate Dei Ad Quintum fratrem 7.28 88 3.5.151 8.7 123 3.5.1–257 Brutus Baruch (Septuagint) 6–964 3.9–4.4 207 7–963 24 55 Calcidius 120 55 In Timaeum Commentariolum petitionis 165–744 46 53 205.3–5 150 De amicitia Cicero 13–14 223 Academica I De divinatione 17 55, 93 2.350 18–32 65 De finibus 21 129, 132 1.30 102, 114 22 130 2.34 111 29 164 2.68 84, 95 30–1 123 Book 395, 105, 114, 115 30 129 3.465 39 252 3.10 27 45 182 3.16–22 100, 102, 105 Academica II (Lucullus) 3.16–17 95, 102, 103 843 3.16 105 15 93, 185 3.17–18 105 21 130 3.17 114 30–2 125–6 3.20 103, 106 32 129 3.21–2 103, 114 42 123, 125 3.23–39 103, 105, 106, 108, 115 47 180 3.27–9 103, 106, 108, 115 87 312 3.36–8 103, 106 118 89 3.41 305 131 111 3.55 96 Ad Atticum 3.62–8 100, 102, 103, 105, 114 2.1.856 3.62–4 112 4.16.250 3.62 104 4.16.355 3.63 104 7.14.352 3.68 153 8.2.452 3.74 98, 186 8.11.1–251 Book 443, 102, 110, 113, 115, 183, 268 8.12.452 4.227 8.12.552 4.3–4 110 8.14.253 4.3 113 9.10.253 4.11 155 9.13.453 4.14–15 113 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-316-61736-6 — From Stoicism to Platonism The Development of Philosophy, 100 BCE-100 CE Edited by Troels Engberg-Pedersen Table of Contents More Information 376 Index Locorum Cicero (cont.) 1.36 62 4.16–18 110 1.37–960 4.18 155 2.861 4.22 27 2.11 58, 61 4.38–9 114 2.14 54, 58 4.43–5 313 2.16 58 4.57 27 2.23 58 4.78 305 2.30–363 4.79 28 2.41 59 Book 543, 84, 101, 110, 113, 114, 259, 329 2.45 59 5.762, 110 2.67–859 5.16–23 112 3.19–26 63 5.17 324 3.31–249 5.22 113 De natura deorum 5.23 110 1.763 5.24–76 100, 104 1.18 164 5.24–6 105 1.20 164 5.24 105, 333 Book 2 157 5.27–33 105 2.57–8 164 5.33 105 2.58 164 5.34–40 107 2.73 164 5.34–8 114 2.85 172 5.34 105 2.160 164 5.36–8 105 3.29–30 184 5.36 105 3.38 174 5.37 105 De officiis 5.38 106 Book I 63 5.39–40 105, 114 1.455 5.41–3 114 1.665 5.46 105 1.952 5.48–54 105 1.11–15 114 5.55 102 1.11–12 104 5.58–60 114 1.11 104 5.60 106 1.13–15 64, 104 5.61–4 106, 108 1.22 65 5.64–8 116 1.50–3 104 5.65–8 114 1.70ff. 153 5.65–7 105, 107 1.85 56 5.68–9 105 1.87 56 5.69–70 106, 108 Book 264 5.70–2 105, 113, 116 2.1–864 5.72–4 110 3.19–20 65 5.74 27, 113 3.33 65 5.77–95 102, 105 3.38–956 5.77–94 106, 108, 115 De oratore 5.77–86 105 1.1–450 5.88–94 113 1.28–954 De legibus 1.47 54 Book 1 259 1.263 54 1.8–950 2.40 54 1.15 54, 57 3.61 195 1.19 59 3.62 185 1.20 58 3.65–655 1.23 60 3.69 195 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-316-61736-6 — From Stoicism to Platonism The Development of Philosophy, 100 BCE-100 CE Edited by Troels Engberg-Pedersen Table of Contents More Information Index Locorum 377 3.80 51 Clement 3.129 54 Protrepticus 3.230 54 2.28.3–483 De republica Stromateis 1.4–11 51 1.14.61 83 1.16 56 1.16.80 83 1.25 51 306 1.39 59 4.8.59 269 1.45 51 4.19.122 83 1.64–851 5.8.46 83 1.65–856 314 2.356 Cleomedes 2.21–256 1.5.126 228 2.45 51 Colossians, Letter to (New Testament) 2.51 51, 56 1.18 293 3.23 56 Cornutus 3.33 60 2.1 280 5.851 3.1 280 6.356 3.2 281 6.12 51 6.1 281 6.15 223 6.5 281 6.26 223 6.27–856 Deuteronomy (Hebrew Bible/Septuagint) De senectute 223 4.24 160 Orator 6.22 197 5–10 255 Ch.
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