·"J * -ANtO ·N 'FFfAMEtj'BV'·i ' F~IEND"* OOM 'HENNfE MEETg:TH! "' P ' R' ESI ' DENT-' ~ ""~' ..' '. '.. 3UL/qO Monday July 23 Masire first head of state to visit independent Namibia' BOTSWANAN President Quett . Masire arrives in Namibia today for a four-day visit. His ardval marks the first official visit by a . head of state since Namibia gained independence in March. Masire will be given a colourful and ceremonial welcome at the airport, with festivities - includ­ ing traditional dancing - starting well ahead of his arrival at lOhOO. From the airport he is sched­ uled to go straightto State House, where he will have lunch with Namibian President Sam Nujoma, followed by official discussions later in the afternoon. Over the next days the Botswanan President will visit . Ruacana, Oniipa, the Elosba Game Reserve, the Rossing mine at Swakopmund, _the Windhoek I)OWNTOWN LUBANGO: Breweries and TransNamib . This photograph of the bustling .Masire is scheduled to be ac­ southern Angolan town was companied by a 32-strong dele­ taken by John Liebenberg . gation, including high-ranking Outrage over during Namibian Deputy government officials. Transport Minister Klaus .They include External Affairs Dierks' visit to Angola last week. Minister G K T Chiepe; the Dep­ SHE was certain that Antonhad·been framed by a friend acting as an.inter­ See also pages 6 and 7. uty Attorney-General I Kirby; N mediary for the SADF, Gaby Lubow­ S Moleboge, the Deputy Com­ ski, divorced wife of the Swapo leader detention of missioner o( Police; the head of who was assassinated in September the Botswana Special Branch, A last year, said yesterday. Hirschfeldt; Director of Water Mrs Lubowski was referring to the Affairs, M.8ekwale; as well as the RIOO 00.0, paid in three separate Pennanent Secretaries of the Presi­ instalments into Anton's Cape Town dent, External Affairs, Political, bank account. ll-year-olds the Ministry of Commerce and She said she believed that her for­ Industry, the Ministry of Works, mer husband had accepted the money from a friend to help him through TWO ll-year-old boys were allegedly chained, assaulted and Transport and Communication, difficult. fInancial times, and was forced to do hard labour while peing held by police at the Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs and the Ministry of Fi­ unaware of the fact that the friend Otjiwarongo and Kalkfeld for 20 days ~ was ~ frQnt for the SADF. nance and Development Planning. Som~ time after the killing of · In a statement to The Namibian, They were released on July 5 after Lubowski last year, South African the Swapo Youth League's northern Swapo Youth League (SYL) mem­ Minister of Defence Magnus Malan regional office arid the Swapo bers as well as the regional Swapo For the best in quality and service alleged that the Swapo leader had Women's Council expressed "great chief co-ordinator.visited the scene been a spy for the Defence Force. shock and gravity" over the alleged of their detention. let us develop and print your colour The allegation was 'substantiated' " unlawful" detention without trial The SYL said they regarded these by General Malan's reveiations of of the 11-year-olds. acts as unlawful and unconstitutional film and you can have a: . thre~ separate amounts of money, Otjiwarongo police district com­ and went as far as to demand the paid into his baDk account and to­ missioner, .Chief Inspector Loods replacement of all law enforcement FREE talling RlOO 000. Viljoen, confirmed the two boys had officers in the region. Mrs Lubowski said she remained been held and said they had been They claimed there were elements * ~ilm deterrninedto clear Anton's name arrested for housebreaking. He de­ who were wrongly ilitetpreting the but that she could say nothing further scribed them as well-known com­ government "s policy and programme * Foto file PLUS at this stage. She would work on all mon criminals. Viljoensaid the one to the extent that it was harmful to infonnation that came her way,she. youngster had·been kept in police national reconciliation. * Photo Album added. custody at his mother's request. The Swapo Women Council ex­ .Mrs Lubowski also reacted to the At the same time he said an official pressed its' 'heartfelt concern" over fact that the estate of the late Anton investigation had betm launched into the detention of ll-year-old boys. Lubowski had been settled. She de­ the alleged beating of the boys. , , As mothers we consider that act as scribed the amount of R400 000 which According to the Swapo statement, an offence and crime against human­ gerhard botha she could get from the estate, .as a the two young boys were arrested on ity, against our nation and the 'provisional' amount, and said this June 15 by the police at Otjiwarongo. constitution, and therefore it should fhotography i.ncluded the Sanderburg Road house They were later taken to a cell at be brought to justice,," they ·said. 44 KAISER STREET which was valued at R258 000. Kalkfeld after allegedly suffering a Approached for comment, Chief The alleged spy monies of RlOO "hard !;>eating" by the police. Inspector Viljoen said the two boys p()~ox 21907 000, she·added, were not inclu$1ed in At Kalkfeld ·the boys were alleg­ were arrested for alleged housebreak- WINDH~EK ing. the estate, as they had been paid into edly heavily chained, their clothes Tel (061) 3-5551 taken away and they were use~ for CON1'INUED ON PAGE 3 hard labour, CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 , •.1 .. , ~... • J" If. ; ~,. 'tfiE~ NAMiBiAN As rebel forces' close in DOE LOSES TRACK OF REALITY MONROVIA - Liberian President Samuel Doe was a virtual prisoner in his mansion on Sunday, held n · o by some 500 soldiers of his own Krahn tribe ,who refused to let him leave the capital as rebel forces YOUR DAlLY GUIDE TO EVENTS WORLD-WIDE closed in, military sources said. Other Krahn so.ldiers inside the So.urces inside the executive man- to. flee his capital-and leave Mo.nro.­ seafro.nt executive mansio.n were , sio.n said Do.e attended a meeting o.n via to. Taylo.r, who. co.ntro.ls two.-thirds pushing Doe to' leave quickly to' avo.id Saturday called by his Krahn bo.dy­ o.f the co.untry. a blo.o.dbath. gilards, who. to.ld him they wo.uld Do.e's eight-sto.rey, Israeli-built o There was bitter infighting between refuse to. let him leave unless their mansio.n resembles a deso.late mili­ EAST BERLIN - East Gennany's shaky co.alitio.n go.vernment ran into. the twO. factio.ns as rebels battled co.llect~ve safety was guarantt=l. tary camp, with so.ldiers ro.aming in renewed tro.uble o.ver the timing o.funificatio.n with West Gennany after two. with Do.e' s tro.o.ps in the streets o.f ' As the price fo.r allo.wing Doe to. empty hallways. The president is o.f its partners unexpectedly withdrew suppo.rt fo.r a tentative co.mpro.mise. The Mo.nro.via less than two. kilo.metres go., the Krahn so.ldiers wantea safe clo.seted in his fifth-flo.o.r apartment. East Gelman parliament appro.ved a state budget fo.r the seco.nd half o.f 1990 away, the so.urces said. passage to. their ho.me territo.ry in All regular go.vernment activity in which so.cial services benefit fro.m cuts in defence and fo.reign affairs, bo.th Do.e appeared to. have lo.st track o.f Grand Gedeh co.unty , the president's has sto.pped. Many civil servants have increasingly superfluo.us as po.litical unity nears. In BONN, a draft treaty o.n reality and was "co.nvinced he is last remaining stro.ngho.ld ap-Jrt fro.m no.t been paid fo.r mo.nths and all but Gern1an unificatio.n envisages reo.rganising federal states in the united co.untry invincible", o.ne diplo.matic so.urce a few square kilo.metres in central a handful have deserted their Po.sts. by the year.2000 so. that East Gennan states will no.t have dispro.po.rtio.nate , said. Mo.nro.via. ' In an effo.rt to. end the co.nflict po.wer,. po.litical so.urces said. As disaster came clo.ser, the 38- With the majo.rity Gio. and Mano. witho.ut a majo.r battle fo.r the man­ . DAR ES SALAAM - Abo.ut .40 000 Tanzanians are no.w o.fficially kno.wn to. year-o.ld fo.nner army master ser­ tribes fimuy o.n Taylo.r's side, the sio.n, a high-level go.vernment dele­ kve Aids, up fro.m 13 000 at the end o.flastyear, the go.vernment-o.wned Daily geant who. seized po.wer 10 years ago. seven-mo.nth-o.ld civil war has turned gatio.n urged Doe to. give up and News repo.rted. It quo.ted David Mwnkyusa, head o.fthe go.vernment medical was reverting increasingly to. the triba:l into. an o.utright trib!\l co.nflict. resign, but there was no. immediate department, as saying at the weekend that o.ne in eight patients admitted to. the belief that magic wo.uld save him, the . The United States embassy has respo.nse fro.m the president. main ho.spital in the capital Dar e~laam had the disease, fo.r which there is so.urce added. tried witho.ut success to. persuade Doe ( no.
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