Daniel 7 1 In the first year of . חֲזָה ֵחֶלם ָדִּנֵיּאל ָבֶּבל ֶמֶלך ְלֵבְלאַשַׁצּר ֲחָדה ִבְּשַׁנת 7:1 b·shnth chde l·blashtzr mlk bbl dnial chlm chze Belshazzar king of Babylon in·year-of (A) one (A) to·Belshazzar (A) king-of (A) Babylon (A) Daniel (A) dream (A) he-perceived (A) Daniel had a dream and visions of his head upon his bed: then he wrote the dream, [and] told the sum of ְכַתב ֶחְלָמא ֵבּאַדִין ִמְשְׁכֵּבהּ ־ עַל ֵראֵשׁהּ ְוֶחְזֵוי u·chzui rash·e ol - mshkb·e b·adin chlm·a kthb the matters. and·visions-of (A) head-of·him (A) on (A) bed-of·him (A) in·then (A) dream·the (A) he-wrote (A) : ֲאַמר ִמִלּין ֵראשׁ rash mlin amr : summary-of (A) matters (A) he-said (A) 2 Daniel spake and said, I ־ ִעם ְבֶּחְזִוי הֲוֵית ָחֵזה ְוָאַמר ָדִנֵיּאל עָנֵה 7:2 one dnial u·amr chze euith b·chzu·i om - saw in my vision by night, responding (A) Daniel (A) and·saying (A) perceiving (A) I-was (A) in·vision-of·me (A) with (A) and, behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea. ְמִגיָחן ְשַׁמָיּא רוֵּחי ַאְרַבּע וַאֲרוּ ֵליְלָיא lili·a u·aru arbo ruchi shmi·a mgichn night·the (A) and·behold ! (A) four (A) winds-of (A) heavens·the (A) ones-crushing-forth (A) : ַרָבּא ְלַיָמּא l·im·a rb·a : to·sea·the (A) vast·the (A) 3 And four great beasts ַיָמּא ־ ִמן ָסְלָקן ַרְבְרָבן ֵחיָון ְוַאְרַבּע 7:3 u·arbo chiun rbrbn slqn mn - im·a came up from the sea, and·four (A) animals (A) immense-ones (A) ones-coming-up (A) from (A) sea·the (A) diverse one from another. : ָדּא ־ ִמן ָדּא שָׁנְ יָן shnin da mn - da : ones-be ing-diverse (A) this (A) from (A) this (A) 4 ,The first [was] like a lion ָחֵזה לַ הּ נְשַׁ ר ־ ִדּי ְוַגִפּין ְכַאְרֵיה ַקְדָמְיָתא 7:4 qdmith·a k·arie u·gphin di - nshr l·e chze and had eagle's wings: I eastern-one (f)·the (A) as·lion (A) and·wings (A) that-of (A) vulture (A) to·her (A) perceiving (A) beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as וְּנִטיַלת גַפַּ יהּ ְמִּריטוּ ־ ִדּי עַד הֲוֵית euith od di - mritu gphi·e u·ntilth a man, and a man's heart I-was (A) until (A) that (A) they-were-scraped-off (A) wings-of·her (A) and·she-was-tilted-up (A) was given to it. וְּלַבב ֳהִקיַמת כֶּאֱנָשׁ ַרְגַלִין ־ ְוַעל ַאְרָעא ־ ִמן mn - aro·a u·ol - rglin k·ansh eqimth u·lbb from (A) earth·the (A) and·on (A) two -feet (A) as·mortal (A) she-was-cset-up (A) and·heart-of (A) : לַ הּ ְיִהיב אֱנָשׁ ansh ieib l·e : mortal (A) he-was-granted (A) to·her (A) 5 ,And behold another beast ְלֹדב ָדְּמָיה ִתְנָיָנה ָאֳחִרי ֵחיָוה וַאֲרוּ 7:5 u·aru chiue achri thnine dmie l·db a second, like to a bear, and and·behold ! (A) animal (f)(A) another (A) second (f)(A) one (f)-be ing-like (A) to·bear (A) it raised up itself on one side, and [it had] three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said ֵבּין ְבֻּפַמּהּ ִעְלִעין וְּתָלת ֳהִקַמת ַחד ־ ְוִלְשַׂטר u·l·shtr - chd eqmth u·thlth oloin b·phm·e bin thus unto it, Arise, devour and·to·part (A) one (A) she-was-cset-up (A) and·three (A) ribs (A) in·mouth-of·her (A) between (A) much flesh. K Q קוִּמי לַ הּ ָאְמִרין ְוֵכן ִשַׁנּהּ ִשַׁנַּיּהּ shni·e shn·e u·kn amrin l·e qumi teeth-of·her (A) tooth-of·her (A) and·thus (A) ones-saying (A) to·her (A) arise-you ! (A) : שַׂגִּ יא ְבַּשׂר ֲאֻכִלי akli bshr shgia : devour-you ! (A) flesh (A) abundant (A) 6 After this I beheld, and lo ִכְּנַמר ָאֳחִרי וַאֲרוּ הֲוֵית ָחֵזה ְדָּנה ָבּאַתר 7:6 bathr dne chze euith u·aru achri k·nmr another, like a leopard, in· in-place -of (A) this (A) perceiving (A) I-was (A) and·behold ! (A) another-one (f)(A) as·leopard (A) which had upon the back of K it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to ַגַּבַּיּהּ ־ עַל עף ־ ִדּי ַאְרַבּע ַגִּפּין ְוַלהּ u·l·e gphin arbo di - ouph ol - gbi·e it. and·to·her (A) wings (A) four (A) that-of (A) flyer (A) on (A) arched-back s-of·her (A) Q ְוָשְׁלָטן ְלֵחיְוָתא ֵראִשׁין ְוַאְרְבָּעה ַגַּבּהּ gb·e u·arboe rashin l·chiuth·a u·shltn arched-back -of·her (A) and·four (A) heads (A) to·animal (f)·the (A) and·jurisdiction (A) : לַ הּ ְיִהיב ieib l·e : he-was-granted (A) to·her (A) WLC : WLC_v 1.1 / WLC_tm 1.0 / CHES 2.0 AV © 2008 Scripture4all Foundation - www.scripture4all.org Daniel 7 7 After this I saw in the וַאֲרוּ ֵליְלָיא ְבֶּחְזֵוי הֲוֵית ָחֵזה ְדָּנה ָבּאַתר 7:7 bathr dne chze euith b·chzui lili·a u·aru night visions, and behold a in· in-place -of (A) this (A) perceiving (A) I-was (A) in·visions-of (A) night·the (A) and·behold ! (A) fourth beast, dreadful and K Q terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured ַיִתּיָרא ְוַתִקּיָפא ְוֵאיְמָתִני ְדִּחיָלה ְרִביָעָאה ְרִביָעָיה ֵחיָוה chiue rbioie rbioae dchile u·aimthni u·thqipha ithira and brake in pieces, and animal (f)(A) fourth (A) fourth (A) nterrifying (A) and·awful (A) and·mighty (A) exuberant (A) stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it [was] diverse from all the beasts וַּמֱדָּקה ָאְכָלה ַרְבְרָבן לַ הּ ַפְרֶזל ־ ִדּי ְוִשַׁנִּין u·shnin di - phrzl l·e rbrbn akle u·mdqe that [were] before it; and it and·teeth (A) that-of (A) iron (A) to·her (A) immense-ones (A) devouring (A) and· cpulverizing (A) had ten horns. K Q ְוִהיא ָרְפָסה ְבַּרְגַלהּ ְבַּרְגַלַיּהּ וְּשָׁאָרא u·shar·a b·rgli·e b·rgl·e rphse u·eia and·remainder·the (A) in·feet-of·her (A) in·foot-of·her (A) stamping-upon (A) and·she (A) עֲשַׂ ר ְוַקְרַנִין ָקָדַמיהּ ִדּי ֵחיָוָתא ־ כָּ ל ־ ִמן ְמַשְׁנָּיה mshnie mn - kl - chiuth·a di qdmi·e u·qrnin oshr mbe ing-diverse (A) from (A) all-of (A) animal·the (A) that (A) before·her (A) and·horns (A) ten (A) : לַ הּ l·e : to·her (A) 8 ,I considered the horns ִסְלָקת ְזֵעיָרה ָאֳחִרי ֶקֶרן וַאֲלוּ ְבַּקְרַנָיּא הֲוֵית ִמְשַׂתַּכּל 7:8 mshthkl euith b·qrni·a u·alu qrn achri zoire slqth and, behold, there came up scontemplating (A) I-was (A) in·horns·the (A) and·lo ! (A) horn (A) another (A) bit (A) she-came-up (A) among them another little K Q horn, before whom there were three of the first horns :plucked up by the roots ַקְדָמָיָתא ַקְרַנָיּא ־ ִמן וְּתָלת ֵבּיֵניֵהן ֵבּיֵניהן bini·eun bini·en u·thlth mn - qrni·a qdmith·a and, behold, in this horn between·them (A) between·them (A) and·three (A) from (A) horns·the (A) eastern-ones·the (A) [were] eyes like the eyes of K Q K man, and a mouth speaking .great things ֳקָדַמַיּהּ ־ ִמן ֶאְתֲעַקָרה ֶאְתֲעַקרוּ athoqru athoqre mn - qdmi·e they-swere-fell ed -to -stumps (A) they-swere-fell ed -to -stumps (A) from (A) before·her (A) Q ָדא ־ ְבַּקְרָנא אֲנָשָׁ א ְכַּעְיֵני עַיְנִ ין וַאֲלוּ ֳקָדַמהּ qdm·e u·alu oinin k·oini ansh·a b·qrn·a - da before·her (A) and·lo ! (A) eyes (A) as·eyes-of (A) mortal·the (A) in·horn·the (A) this (A) : ַרְבְרָבן ְמַמִלּל וּפֻ ם u·phm mmll rbrbn : and·mouth (A) mdeclaring (A) immense-thing s(A) 9 I beheld till the thrones . ְרִמיו ָכְרָסָון ִדּי עַד הֲוֵית ָחֵזה 7:9 chze euith od di krsun rmiu were cast down, and the perceiving (A) I-was (A) until (A) that (A) thrones (A) they-were-heaved (A) Ancient of days did sit, whose garment [was] white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his וְּשַׂער ִחָוּר ִכְּתַלג ְלבוֵּשׁהּ ְיִתב יִמין ְוַעִתּיק u·othiq iumin ithb lbush·e k·thlg chur u·shor throne [was like] the fiery and·transferring-one-of (A) days (A) he-sat (A) clothing-of·him (A) as·snow (A) pale (A) and·hair-of (A) flame, [and] his wheels [as] burning fire. נוּר ־ ִדּי ְשִׁביִבין ָכְּרְסֵיהּ ְנֵקא ַכֲּעַמר ֵראֵשׁהּ rash·e k·omr nqa krsi·e shbibin di - nur head-of·him (A) as·wool (A) immaculate (A) throne-of·him (A) flares (A) that-of (A) flame (A) : ָדִּלק נוּר ַגְּלִגּלִּהי glglu·ei nur dlq : rollers-of·him (A) flame (A) flashing (A) 10 A fiery stream issued ֳקָדמִהי ־ ִמן ְוָנֵפק נָגֵד נוּר ־ ִדּי ְנַהר 7:10 ner di - nur ngd u·nphq mn - qdmu·ei and came forth from before stream (A) that-of (A) flame (A) one-be ing-in -front (A) and·issuing (A) from (A) before·him (A) him: thousand thousands K Q ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten :thousand stood before him ְוִרבּ ְיַשְׁמּשׁוֵּנּהּ ַאְלִפין ַאְלִפים אֶלֶ ף alph alphim alphin ishmshun·e u·rbu the judgment was set, and thousand-of (A) thousands (A) thousands (A) they-are-mirradiating·him (A) and·ten-thousand-of (A) the books were opened.
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