Information Package International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU) Winter School 2013 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 19 January - 2 February 2013 RE- DO Beijing University of Technology Chinese University of Hong Kong NEW TOWN Chonnam National University HOW TO ENVISION A Delft University of Technology National University Singapore National Taiwan University HOMEFOR Sungkyunkwan University Seoul UPC Barcelona, Spain 160,000 Tsinghua University PEOPLE Yaşar University, Turkey IN HONG KONG IFoU WINTER SCHOOL 2013 www.arch.cuhk.edu.hk/urbandesign/winterschool2013.html School of Architecture The Chinese University of Hong Kong M.SC. (URBAN DESIGN) × CUHK IFoU CHI MSc AEPT Introduction The topic “Sustainable Communities - Fu- pared with new towns in the West and ture New Towns for Hong Kong” is a con- mainland China. In view of current at- troversial question: Is it still possible and tempts in Asia (and even in Hong Kong) desirable to plan new cities, and what are to build entire cites and districts, Hong the challenges and opportunities? In the Kong’s experiences deserve our attention. West, the “New Towns” of the 20th cen- tury are widely regarded as failures; here, The IFoU Winter School, the case of the cities are considered as already built. The Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area general demographics and resource dis- was selected which according to the HK- tribution point towards urban re-genera- SAR Government plan could become the tion rather than expansion. biggest new development for the next decade with an anticipated number of However, in other parts of the world, ur- 160,000 inhabitants. Considering this banization is continuing at high speed. number of planned residents, in other In China, which accounts for the biggest parts of the world, we would speak not portion of urban growth, in the last dec- just about a “development area” but an ade a series of “eco-cities” were planned entire big city. as experiments for more sustainable de- velopment. But despite high ambitions, Due to Hung Shui Kiu’s location in the far the results of these attempts often fall north-west of Hong Kong SAR, adjacent short, especially in regards of their abil- to Tin Shui Wai New Town and Shenzhen ity to create sustainable communities. As Bay, it offers opportunities to address the urban growth here still continues, it de- current isolation of Tin Shu Wai and re- serves the attention of urbanists, policy- consider Hong Kong’s relationship to- makers, planners, and designers, to learn wards its neighbour Shenzhen. Using this from mistakes. But it also gives an oppor- case, the symposium raises the questions: tunity for fundamental reconsiderations What can we learn from Hong Kong’s ear- on future ways of living. lier New Town planning and China’s re- cent eco-city experiments? How could the Hong Kong is in many regards well placed Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area for this re-envisioning of future cities: Its offer more diversity and vitality often combination of extreme urban density missing in other new towns? How could and preserved country parks, its highly its planning contribute to Hong Kong’s efficient public transport system and its future relationship to Shenzhen and the general vibrancy make it a unique urban PRD? And, how could the area become a laboratory. While the longest established more sustainable community? parts on Hong Kong Island and Kow- loon have drawn much attention, its New Towns have been less explored. Despite important shortcomings of some of the later new towns (especially Tin Shui Wai), others, such as Shatin, can be regarded as relatively successful especially when com- Design Studio An “Ideal City” To Be Description The Hung Shui Kiu urban design studio organized within of aesthetics, distinctive identity, sense of place, diversity the MSc in Urban Design programme, deals with new de- and quality of urban life. velopment on a large site within the North West New Ter- ritories that has been selected as a New Development Area. The students will be asked to first make strategic urban design proposals addressing the whole site of the NDA and The objective of the Hung Shui Kiu studio project for the secondly to make conceptual urban design proposals for 2013 IFoU Winter School will be to produce, in parallel different sectors and design sub-themes within this overall with the work currently being developed for the proposed strategy for the new town. So far, Hong Kong’s new towns new town by various public and private bodies, a set of rad- have been, on the whole, rather bland and generic: Hung ical proposals for the future, and to evaluate these projects Shui Kiu must be memorable: it must aim to be an “ideal not only in terms of their potential sustainability but also city”. in terms of broader intentions that could make of Hung Shui Kiu an “ideal city” on a par with Hong Kong, in terms Site Hung Shui Kiu, Hong Kong Brief Introduction of the Site The location of the Project is shown in Drawing No. NTNZ pied for low density residential development of not more 1556. The HSK NDA comprises residential development than 3 storeys, with smaller number of higher density de- with employment and community facilities. According to velopment. The agricultural land is generally occupied by the former NWNT Study, Hung Shui Kiu was identified cultivation, orchards and other farm uses, together with with an area of about 450 ha and had the potential to ac- areas of mixed commercial/industrial uses, the majority of commodate 100,000 strategic population and to create which are of a low intensity, local nature, many with more about 48,000 jobs upon full development. The present temporary types of structures. There are also numerous scale of the Project has to be investigated under the sub- business operations, including container yards, open ject Study. Brief description of the location of HSK NDA is storage and concrete batching. given below : The contribution of human occupation to the existing The HSK NDA is located in the Tuen Mun – Yuen Long landscape is largely negative. The overall impression in the Corridor. The NDA is partly bounded by strategic high- south is of urban sprawl, with more open agricultural land ways : Yuen Long Highway on the eastern and southern and some woodland further northwest. In the northeast, sides and the Kong Sham Western Highway on the west. the area is dominated by the concentration of containers It is bounded to the north and west by the foothill of Yuen stacked alongside the western edge of Tin Shui Wai New Tau Shan, and to the east by a number of traditional vil- Town. lages including San Wai, Sik Kong Wai, Ha Tsuen Shi, San Uk Tsuen, San Lee Uk Tsuen and Shek Po Tsuen. The existing land use is generally of a mixed urban-rural nature typical of a developing rural area on the fringe of a growing urban environment. Most building land is occu- 前言 引言 Foreword Introduction Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area (NDA) Boundary HSK NDA 二零零三年完成的「新界西北規劃及發展研究」(下稱「新界西北 he “Planning and Development Study on North West New Territories” 洪水橋新發展區的位置 后海灣 在研究」)已鑑定洪水橋為合適的新發展區,以滿足本港長遠發展的 (the NWNT Study), which was completed in 2003, identified Hung 深 T 圳 灣 (深圳灣) 發展區位於新界西北部,佔 Shui Kiu (HSK) as a suitable New Development Area (NDA) to cater for 公 需要。然而,由於當時人口增長和住屋需求放緩,我們遂把這項開拓洪 路 Deep Bay 大 橋 (Shenzhen Wan) 流浮山 新地約790公頃,位於屯門新 the long-term development need in Hong Kong. However, in the light S 水橋新發展區的建議擱置。 h e Lau Fau Shan n of a slower growth of population and housing demand at that time, the z 市鎮和天水圍新市鎮之間。根據新 h e n B 及後,「香港2030:規劃遠景與策略」研究重新審視在新界拓展新發展 HSK NDA proposal was shelved. a y 發展區的暫定範圍,在東面為天影 B r id 區的需要,並建議落實新發展區的發展,以應付長遠的住屋需求和創造 g Afterwards, the “Hong Kong 2030: Planning Vision and Strategy” e 路/屏廈路/橋洪路,東南面為 就業機會。行政長官在《二零零七至零八年施政報告》中,宣布在洪水 revisited the need for NDAs in the New Territories and recommended 元朗公路,西面為港深西部公路, 橋及新界東北籌劃開拓新發展區,以作為促進經濟增長的十大基建項目 proceeding with the NDA developments to address the long-term 北面為流浮山路及深灣道沿路的山 之一。 housing demand and provide employment opportunities. The Chief 坡。但新發展區最終的範圍將由研 Executive announced in his 2007-08 Policy Address the planning for 天水圍 Lantau Island Hong Kong Island 究確定。 自完成「新界西北研究」後,原來的規劃情況有所轉變。 the NDAs in HSK and the North East New Territories as one of the ten Tin Shui Wai 為了落實洪水橋新發展區計劃,土木工程拓展署聯同規劃署於二零一 major infrastructure projects for economic growth. K o n g 一年八月委聘顧問進行「洪水橋新發展區規劃及工程研究」(下稱「研 S Since the completion of the NWNT Study, there has been changes in h am W Location of HSK NDA 究」)。 e planning circumstances. To initiate the implementation of the HSK s te rn H NDA, the Civil Engineering and Development Department and the igh 在研究開展前, 我們已在二零一零年十一月進行第一階段社區參與首 wa he NDA, with an area of about y 港 Planning Department jointly commissioned the HSK NDA Planning 深 西 790 hectares, is located in the 輪活動,以引發公眾對新發展區的各個主要課題的討論,這些課題包括 部 公 T and Engineering Study (the Study) in August 2011. 路 該區的願景、策略性角色及規劃原則。我們已向多個法定及諮詢機構進 north-western part of the New Prior to the commencement of the Study, we convened the first round 元朗 Territories, midway between the 行簡介,並向公眾派發諮詢小冊子。期間我們收集了很多寶貴的意見。 Yuen Long activities of Stage 1 Community Engagement in November 2010 to Tuen Mun and Tin Shui Wai New 為了推動更深入的討論和讓各界就新發展區交流意見,我們正展開次輪 arouse public discussions on the key issues of the NDA including Towns. It is tentatively bounded 社區參與活動,以總結在首輪社區參與活動收集到的意見,並為顧問草 its vision, strategic role and planning principles. We briefed various by Tin Ying Road/Ping Ha Road/ Kiu Hung Road to the east, Yuen 擬初步發展大綱圖提供指引。除了與相關各個持份者會談,我們將於二 statutory and advisory organizations and distributed consultation pamphlets to the public.
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