TIM ARMSTRONG “A Transfinite Syntax”: Modernism and Mathematics “Surely infiniteness is the most evident thing in the world”1 – George Oppen In modernist studies, we are familiar with aCCounts of the impaCt of turn-of-the- century physics on literature. A list would include the influence of relativity and spaCe-time distortion on representation in the arts and literary Culture; the impaCt of X-rays and nuclear fission on ideas of the material and immaterial; and the influenCe of eleCtromagnetism on notions of field theory.2 In similar ways, the impaCt of post-Darwinian biology on literature has often been traCed. 3 In contrast, it has always intrigued me that the turn of the Century also saw a revolution in mathematical thinking, less-noticed in terms of its cultural correlatives and less directly related to the physical world.4 The work of David Hilbert, RiChard Dedekind, Georg Cantor, and others in number theory seemed to offer solutions to some of the major problems inherited from the Greeks—the problem of infinitesimals and infinity generally, which calculus had largely suppressed; and the problem of the Continuity of the number line (that is, of reConCiling Continuity with the discrete nature of any point on the line, a problem 1 George Oppen, New Collected Poems, ed. MiChael Davidson, intro. Eliot Weinberger (New York: New DireCtions, 2002), 184. Subsequently referred to in text as NCP. 2 The literature here is too extensive to readily survey: for a useful reCent overview see the introduCtion of RaChel Crossland, Modernist Physics: Waves, Particles and Relativities in the Writings of Virginia Woolf and D. H. Lawrence (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018). 3 See for example Margot Norris, Beasts of the Modern Imagination: Darwin, Nietzsche, KafKa, Ernst, & Lawrence (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985); Donald J. Childs, Modernism and Eugenics: Woolf, Eliot, Yeats, and the Culture of Degeneration (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001); Daniel Aureliano Newman, Modernist Life Histories: Biological Theory and the ExPerimental Bildungsroman (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2019). 4 On the (Contested) notion of “mathematiCal modernism,” see Jeremy Gray, Plato’s Ghost: The Modernist Transformation of Mathematics (PrinCeton: PrinCeton University Press, 2008). Affirmations: of the modern 6.1 Spring 2019 2 Affirmations 6.1 as old as the refutation of movement in Zeno’s paradox but refreshed by Henri Bergson’s analysis of motion). These sCientifiC and mathematiCal revolutions were in faCt Closely related. Riemann’s non-EuClidian geometry, first elaborated in the 1850s, Contributed to a sense of crisis as to the application of mathematics to the real, prompting attempts by Hilbert, Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell, and others to provide formal foundations for mathematical truth, rooted in logic and detaChed from the physical world—as well as eventually stimulating Einstein’s rethinking of the nature of physical reality. Through to the 1930s, intensely-debated questions of epistemology and mathematical truth continued to preoccupy both scientists— Ernst MaCh, Henri PoinCaré, Einstein himself—and philosophers like Ludwig Wittgenstein and Gaston BaChelard, stimulated by Complexities suCh as the existence of two apparently separate mathematical formalizations, involving waves and partiCles, needed to explain electromagnetic radiation.5 Cantor’s ideas were founded on Controversial premises. One was the mathematization of infinity, a problematiC Category whiCh (like zero) had often caused controversy. Many mathematicians, including Cantor’s own teacher Leopold KroneCker, refused to aCCept infinity as a proper objeCt for analysis, seeing it as a fiCtion. Another Controversy related to the manipulation of sets themselves, theoretical entities whiCh did not neCessarily have defined Categories for membership.6 Moreover, aspects of Cantor’s thinking were, like Einstein’s theories, seemingly Counter-intuitive: for example, his proposal that infinities could be defined by their “mappability” meant that there were as many rational numbers (i.e. all numbers expressible as integers and fractions) between 1 and 2 as on the rational number line in its totality. Cantor’s key insight was that the 5 See for example Albert Einstein, “Geometry and ExperienCe,” Sidelights on Relativity (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1922). For refleCtions on Wittgenstein’s position, see Ian HaCking’s Why Is There PhilosoPhy of Mathematics At All? (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014). An additional Complexity is that the empiriCist and realist Camps in sCienCe may have different ontologies informing their epistemology: Ernst MaCh, for example, is empiricist in both ontology and epistemology (there are only sense-data and discoverable mathematiCal relations between them). 6 For a general aCCount see Ivor Grattan-Guinness, The Search for Mathematical Roots, 1870-1940: Logics, Set Theories and the Foundations of Mathematics from Cantor through Russell to Gödel (PrinCeton: PrinCeton University Press, 2000). Armstrong: Modernism and Mathematics 3 real numbers (which inClude the irrational and transcendental numbers, like √2 and pi) are non-denumerable, that is, they Cannot be put in a one-to-one relation with the natural numbers. Real numbers have a different “cardinality,” a measure of the size of finite or infinite sets. This means that some infinities are larger than others. The rational numbers familiar to sChoolchildren—infinite integers and fractions carved ever smaller—were shown to be an infinitely tiny subset of the real numbers, inCluding an infinitude of transCendental numbers like pi and e whiCh go on forever (it is the transcendentals rather than the irrationals which make the reals unCountable). Indeed, the notion of the power set (the set of all subsets of a set) meant that there are an infinite number of exfoliating infinities of different cardinality. Such ideas led some to accuse Cantor (a pious Lutheran) of attempting to supplant God with mathematics. As I noted, we seem to see few traCes of the Cantorian revolution in the general culture. But there were in fact vectors for such a reception: Russell and A. N. Whitehead, A. S. Eddington, and others engaged with Cantor’s work, sometimes at a popular level. This, for example, is Whitehead explaining Cantor in his short Introduction to Mathematics (1911): We Can rearrange the fraCtions in a series like that of the integers, that is, with a first term, and suCh that eaCh term has an immediate suCCessor and (exCept the first term) an immediate predeCessor. We Can show how this can be done. Now this ordering is mathematiCally true, though it seems Counter-intuitive, given that we can place, between any two fractions, an infinity of smaller fraCtions. On the other hand, Whitehead adds, It Can be proved that it is not possible to arrange the whole series of real numbers in this way. This curious fact was discovered by Georg Cantor, a German mathematiCian still living; it is of the utmost importanCe in the philosophy of mathematical ideas. We are here in fact touching on the fringe of the great problems of the meaning of Continuity and of infinity.7 7 A. N. Whitehead, Introduction to Mathematics (London: Williams & Norgate, 1911), 59, 60-61. 4 Affirmations 6.1 Russell announCed that “Cantor’s Continuum is free from ContradiCtion,” and—at least for a period before some doubts Crept in—he celebrated the triumph of Cantor’s mathematiCal foundationalism.8 Russell was even willing to apply that thinking to narratology, pointing out the Cantorian “paradox of Tristram Shandy,” which meant that even though it takes Laurence Sterne’s character two years to chronicle the first two days of his life, a seemingly hopeless rate of progress, Tristram will always—given infinite time—catch up with any given day of his life: “This paradoxical but perfectly true proposition depends upon the faCt that the number of days in all time is no greater than the number of years.”9 This is part joke, but it might be related allegoriCally to a “slow” novel like Ulysses, in which reading takes longer than the events desCribed and in which some elements of the narrative took deCades to be understood. The question of the Cultural influenCe of mathematiCs is made more interesting by the fact that in some respects it was moving in a contrasting direction to physics, at least in terms of the gross metaphors that might be extracted from it. While thermodynamiCs and quantum meChaniCs were positing a Counter- intuitive, disContinuous, and gappy universe, in which basic units Could not be subdivided and spaCe was largely a matter of absenCe, set theory was in Contrast demonstrating an unprecedented depth to the number line, using ideas of density, countability, and uncountability to demonstrate that the real number line is formally “Complete.” Indeed, sinCe Cantor showed that three- or indeed n- dimensional space could be encompassed in the same methodology, space itself became mathematically denser. Until relatively reCently, mathematiCs and literature has not been a topic on whiCh a great deal has been written, outside of speCialities like numerology and a few movements like the Olipo. However, there has been a reCent surge in interest in the topic, with aCComplished books by Baylee Brits and Nina Engelhardt, and in the writing of a few recent mathematician-novelists, like J. M. Coetzee and David Foster WallaCe, around whom work has begun to gather.10 (WallaCe wrote 8 Bertrand Russell, The PrinciPles of Mathematics (1903;
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