2005 MINUTES XX1 City council met in regular session on January 4, 2005. Mayor Kaumo called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Members present included Councilmen Carl Demshar, John Cheese, David Tate, Neil Kourbelas, Rob Zotti, Chad Banks, Harry Horn, Kent Porenta, and Mayor Tim Kaumo. Department heads present included Vince Crow, Vess Walker, Brad Sarff, Paul Kauchich, Dave Silovich and Colleen Peterson and Cmdr. Lynnette Griffith. Circuit Court Judge Sam A. Soulé administered the oath of office to newly elected council members, Carl Demshar, Rob Zotti, Harry Horn and David Tate. Boy Scout Troop #66 presented a flag ceremony followed with an invocation by Rev. Bobby Ashley, pastor of the New Hope Baptist Church. Councilman Porenta nominated Councilman Banks to serve as council president for 2005. Seconded by Councilman Horn. Councilman Tate nominated Councilman Kourbelas to serve as president. Seconded by Councilman Demshar. Following secret ballot Councilman Banks was awarded the presidency. Councilman Porenta moved to approve the amended agenda. Seconded by Councilman Banks. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Cheese moved to accept the December 21 minutes. Seconded by Councilman Tate. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENTS President Banks presented mayoral appointments. Councilman Cheese moved to approve the appointment of Steve Shea to serve as city representative to the Joint Powers Telecommunications Board. Seconded by Councilman Kourbelas. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Councilmen Banks, Cheese, Tate, Kourbelas, Zotti, Demshar, Horn, and Porenta. Motion carried. Councilman Tate moved to approve the appointment of Councilman Kourbelas as council liaison to the Joint Powers Telecommunications Board. Seconded by Councilman Porenta. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Councilmen Tate, Cheese, Banks, Porenta, Horn, Demshar and Zotti; abstained: Councilman Kourbelas. Motion carried. Councilman Cheese moved to approve the appointment of Councilman Demshar as liaison to the Rock Springs Historical Board. Seconded by Councilman Horn. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Councilmen Kourbelas, Tate, Cheese, Banks, Porenta, Horn, and Zotti; abstained: Councilman Demshar. Motion carried. Councilman Horn moved to approve the appointment of John Ferrero to a second term on the Building Codes Appeals Board. Seconded by Councilman Tate. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Councilmen Banks, Cheese, Tate, Kourbelas, Zotti, Demshar, Horn, and Porenta. Motion carried. Councilman Tate moved to approve the appointment of Rob Zotti to the Christmas Committee. Seconded by Councilman Banks. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Councilmen Demshar, Horn, Porenta, Banks, Cheese, Tate, and Kourbelas; abstained: Councilman Zotti. Motion carried. President Banks confirmed all appointments. COMMENDATION Military Personnel Serving During Operation Iraqi Freedom Mayor Kaumo presented a plaque and T-shirt to John T. Barton upon his recent return after serving a one-year stint in Kuwait. A plaque and T-shirt were also presented to Jim Lockhart on behalf of his son Christopher who is currently serving with the military in Ft. Hood, Texas. Mayor Kaumo thanked the men for their service to the country. Outgoing Council Members Mayor Kaumo awarded outstanding service plaques to outgoing council members Kathy Gilbert and Steve Shea. He thanked them for their 6 and 12 years of service respectively and said their hard work and dedication has been greatly appreciated. He said the entire governing body made a good working team and the two of them will be missed. PUBLIC HEARINGS Request to Amend the Master Land Use Plan Map from HIR (High Intensity Residential) to C (Commercial) and Amend the City’s Official Zoning Map from R-5 (High Density Residential) to B-2 (Community Business District) for the Gateway Boulevard Extension Project There were no comments. Action to be taken under Ordinance 2005-01. Request for Planned Unit Development/Preliminary Development Plan for a Senior Housing and Assisted Living Development Adjacent to the Bluffs Subdivision Filed by Canyon Creek Development, Inc. There were no public comments. Councilman Porenta recommended an access road during construction be required and formalized in the motion for adoption of Resolution 2005-05. Request to Amend the City’s Official Zoning Map from R-2 (Low Density Residential) to R-3/PUD (Medium Density District with a Planned Unit Development Overlay) for a Canyon Creek Development Assisted Living Facility City planner Laura Crandall explained that if the developer decided not to develop this land under the conditions set forth, but instead opted to develop it strictly as an R-3 subdivision, another zone change process would be necessary. PETITIONS There were no petitions to come before council. OFFICERS AND STAFF REPORTS Councilman Banks moved to accept the Bar Incident Report for December and place it on file. Seconded by Councilman Demshar. Motion carried unanimously. 2 January 18, 2005 Legislative Session Mayor Kaumo announced that the 2005 General Session of the Wyoming Legislature will convene from January 11 through March 3. He urged as many people as possible to attend the session and to plead with state legislators to grant cities a greater portion of the state’s surplus than was distributed last year. COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND BOARD REPORTS Mayor Kaumo announced that a pro-tem committee will be established to select a municipal judge. CORRESPONDENCE The following correspondence was received: 1. an Emergency Management progress letter; 2. a letter of resignation from Municipal Judge Daniel E. Erramouspe; 3. a notice from the U.S. Department of Interior of a competitive coal lease sale; 4. a letter from Peggy Akin alerting the public to pet incentive programs; 5. a letter from Brooke Child offering suggestions to establish a young adults club; 6. a letter from Sweetwater County Sheriff David Gray regarding the status of the new detention center and a meeting to establish a hiring policy; 7. Christmas wishes from Igor Draksler, mayor of sister city Skofja Loka; and 8. a letter from Lauren Brough regarding litter in Rock Springs. BILLS AND CLAIMS The following bills and claims were submitted for payment: A&G Plumbing 45.00 Honnen Equipment Co. 75.49 American Red Cross 132.00 International Code Council 35.00 ARC3 26,960.00 J&A Enterprises 150.00 ASCAP 268.00 Jack’s Truck & Equipment 4,794.44 Bekakis, Mike 65.09 JFC Engineers, Architects 6,159.43 Bell, Kade 36.61 Jim’s Upholstery 130.00 Big W Supplies 57.21 John E Reid & Associates 890.00 Blanksvard, Carl 35.38 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 505.00 Bloedorn Lumber 8.25 Jon Unger 200.00 Blue Cross-Blue Shield 22,116.96 Kaman Industrial Tech 372.75 Brower, Dale 62.23 Lab Safety Supply, Inc. 1,823.27 Casper Star Tribune 202.80 Long Building Tech 11,500.00 City of Rock Springs 195,649.54 Lopez, Eddie 35.00 Communication Technol 1,845.85 Lundell, Shara 18.00 Copyex LLC 295.00 M & N International 195.12 Crum Electric 326.23 Magnatag 609.63 Culligan Soft Water Svc 14.00 Matthew Bender 169.30 Dewey, Denise R. 260.00 McLeod USA 866.39 Douglas Sawmill Supply 376.00 Memorial Hosp of Swtr. Co. 99.00 Electrical Svc & Prod 167.75 Nat’l Assoc of Amusement 360.00 Engineering Co. 90,312.88 Neve’s Uniforms, Inc. 1,199.90 Equifax Credit Information 5.00 Nu-Tech Specialties 1,550.77 Fastenal Company 144.75 Old Dominion Brush 2,807.64 Firefighters Bookstore 253.85 Oregon Dept of Trans 6.50 Foremost Promotions 227.78 Pacific Power & Light 4,804.34 Forest Line Construction 13,345.12 Paisley and Barnes Striping 2,113.05 Forsgren Associates 3,738.00 Patrick Construction 14,058.40 Gases Plus 383.64 Peden’s Inc. 677.42 Graphics House 201.00 Performance Overhead Door 127.80 Greiner Motor & marine 1,184.44 Peterson, Colleen 52.96 Hall, Ron 260.00 Piedra, Sindy 35.00 Hines Products Corp 1,045.00 Pitney Bowes 2,073.00 3 January 18, 2005 Plummer, Deborah 150.00 PMS Custom Screen Printing 1,162.00 Public Safety Warehouse 463.45 Questar Gas 23,861.82 Qwest 38.01 R.T. Rentals -18.00 Real Kleen Inc. 76.02 Roberts Construction Co. 800.00 Rock springs Newspapers 6,331.91 Rock Springs Recycling Ctr 3,750.00 Rocky Mtn Service Bureau 62.50 Seals, Nick 75.00 Sign Center 72.00 Smith Detroit Diesel 60.60 Spa World 55.00 State of Wyoming 16,802.07 Sun Life Assurance Co. 668.67 Sunrise Engineering, Inc. 4,922.20 Superior Lumber Co. 480.75 Sweetwater Co. Clerk 5,107.60 Swtr. Co. Health Dept. 200.00 Sweetwater Plumbing & Htg 1.05 Sweetwater TV Co. Inc. 74.63 Tabuchi, Ryan 75.00 Tire Den Inc. 1,067.02 UBTA-UBET Comm 96.77 United Parcel Service 28.66 Verizon Wireless 2,520.31 Walmart Community Brc 2,727.01 Webb, Regina 150.00 West Group Payment Ctr 2,096.79 Wilkinson, Charles Jr. 260.00 Williams, Penny 150.00 Winter Equipment Co. 1,086.31 Wire, Morgan 75.00 Wylie Construction 2,400.00 Wyo Assn Municipalities 135.00 Wyo Conf Bldg Officials 150.00 Wyoming Law Enf Academy 1,572.00 Zep Mfg Co. 193.92 Total 498,501.03 4 January 18, 2005 Report Checks for December 20 Employee Garnishments Employee Deductions 245.72 Internal Revenue Service Electronic Fund Transfer 85,235.82 Swtr. Fed. Credit Union Employee Deductions 31,771.74 Wyoming Child Support Child Support Payments 2,348.16 Idaho Child Support Child Support Payments 249.00 Total 119,850.44 December 20 Salaries $328,288.69 Prior to taking action on the bills and claims as presented, director of Parks and Recreation Dave Silovich asked council to consider partial payment in the amount of $10,500 be made to Everclear Pools for time and materials spent to date on renovations to the coed spa at the recreation center.
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