2 "JIB Questions and Answers. [ASSE:fifBLY ..J Ques:ions and Answers. iGr!JiXihtttbr Au;;;.emhly. p::-evicus question by the hon. mem­ ber for Leichhardt, the capital in­ Wednesday> 0 November> 1938. debtedness to the State has been fixed at £800,000. The total capital expenditure exceeds £2,000,000. ( 4) Section 19 of Printed Questions 1 and Answers-Questions without Notice--Industrial Employees: Annual Holi­ the J.VIeat Industry Act gives certain . days-The Budget (Fifth Day's Debate). rights to the Sydney }feat Preserving Company Limited and Riverstone !feat Mr. SPEAKER took the chair. Company Proprietary Limited, and also to other premises within the county of The OJ?ening Prayer was read. Cumberland, but outside an approximate radius of 15 miles from the State abat­ PRINTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. toir, which have been continuously oc­ cupied since 1st March, 1916. That sec­ HO:M:EBUSH ABATTOIR. tion of the Act was amended in 1934. Mr. :fifATTHEWS asked the J.VfrNis­ TER FOR HEALTH,-(1) Is it a fact that EXCHAXGE OF DIPROVE:\iENT at the present time all stock killed for LEASES l~OR FOREST LEASES. local sale and export within a radius Mr. DAVIDSON asked the SECRE­ of 15 miles from Flemington must be TARY FOR LA:-ms,-Is it a fact (1) That slaughtered at the Homebush Abattoir? improvement leases numbers 1842 to (2) Is it further a fact that all stock 1846, parish of Hermitage Plains, :so killed is rigidly inspected by duly county of Flinders, Nyngan land dis­ qualified meat inspectors and veterinary trict, formerly held by the Australian ·surgeons to safeguard the public against Estate and J.VIortgage Company have diseased meat being sold? (3) Is it a now expired? (2) That an effort is being fact that the Government has £1,350,000 made by interested pe-rsons to have these invested in the Homebush Abattoir? leases exchanged for forest leases? (3) ( 4) If the answers to the foregoing ques­ That there is no timber of commercial tions are in the affirmative will he con­ value on the land proposed to be ex­ .;hanged? ( 4) That the improvement sider the advisability of extending tbe eonditions of the leases have not been radius for compulsory killing at Homc­ fulfilled? (5) That, should the ex­ ~ush to embrace the whole of the county change be granted, there is a probabil­ vi Cumberland, to protect the consum­ ity that the proposed forest reserves will ·mg public by giving them disease-fre9 be leased by landholders in excess of a ~neat, and at the same time protect the living area? ( 6) That there are a num­ --revenues of the State, which are in­ ber of settlers in the vicinity of the ex­ ·volved in the capital invested in the pired leases who have less than a living cabattoir? area? (7) That the small landholders are anxious to obtain additionals to Answer,-(1) It is not a fact that all make up a living area? (8) That an stock killed for local sale and export effort is being made to prevent this mat­ within a radius of 15 miles from Flem­ ter being dealt with before the local ington must be slaughtered at the State land board? (9) vVill he prevent any Abattoir. The Sydney Meat Preserv­ exchange being granted before it is dealt ing Company's works are situated only with by the local land board? a few miles from Flemington, and there Answer,-(1) Yes. (2) One formal ;ne also a few other premises within the proposal has been made and there is Eome reason to expect others, to ex­ radius mentioned which are licensed to change privately held land for parts of slaughter. (2) All stock killed at the land formerly held under these licensed premises is inspected for the leases. (3) An inspection is now in purpose of safeguarding the public progress by an officer of this depart­ health. (3) As advised in reply to a ment and, pending receipt of his report, Questions and Answers. [9 Nov., 1938.] Questions and Answers. 2519 I am not in a position to say what tim­ in their rationed period to work three ber of commercial value is upon this and one-fifth hours, volunteered to work land. The Forestry Commission has, extra time so that the total time lost however, asked that part of the land of thirteen one-fifth hours would be com­ held under improvement lease 1842 pleted in the week. This is not a prac­ should be dedicated as a State forest. tice and was permitted on this occasion ( 4) The leases were inspected as to ful­ because of special circumstances. (3) filment of conditions on 31st August, No men were requested to start work 1937, and the position disclosed was re­ early or to work late. It is reported that garded as generally satisfactory. (5) a lunch hour meeting was held on 2nd If any of this land should be dedicated November and as far as the department .as a State forest the administration of is aware there was no resolution of pro­ leases over it would be a matter for the test. Forestry Commission. (6) Yes. (7) J\!any requests for this land to be made available for additional holdings have QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE. been received and will be given careful UNE~fPLOYED SINGLE MEN. consideration. (8) I am not aware. of anv such effort. (9) Any exchange propos;] Mr. BADDELEY: Can the Minis­ will, as a matter of course, be submittP'1 ter representing the 11:inister for to the land board for inquiry and report. Labour and Industry say whether it will be possible to give the unem­ ployed sing-le men of this State two WORKE\G CONDI'EIONS OF RELIEF wed;:s work before the Christmas holi­ WORKERS. days? JIIIr. HEFFRON asked the ~'[r~rSTER ~fr. .FOR \Vonr~s AXD LocAL GovER::-11IEXT,­ RICHARDSON: Statements (1) Has he given approval to relief wor­ have already been made by the leader kers being "·orked twelve hours a day of the Government and in this House to make up time lost through wet wea­ as to what the Government proposes to ther? (2) Is it a fact that men on do by way of Christmas assistaE.ce to the Drummoyne job were asked by the those who stand in need of it. I cannot ganger on 31st October to begin work carry the matter beyond that. at 5.30 a.m. and to continue till 6.15 p.m. with a break of forty-five minutes HOSPITALS: HOXORARY APPOINT­ for lunch? (3) Is it a fact that the MENTS. men agreed, through fear of victimisa­ tion if they refused; but that at a lunch­ JYir. SANDERS: Is the Minister for hour meeting on 1st November they Health vet able to inform the House unanimously carried a resolution pro­ with reg~rd to the position as affecting testing against the practice and asking the Royal North Shore Hospital man­ that it be stopped? agement and the appointment of present and past honorary medical officers, and Answer,-(1) No. (2) All men on can he say whether the report asked for this 1\ork lost thirteen and} one-fifth {rom the Crown Solicitor has been fur­ hours owing to wet weather in week nished? If so, can he state its nature? ended 27th October, 1938. During the following week it was necessary to carry Mr. FITZSIMONS: The report from out certain work because of favourable the Crown Solicitor was received by me tidal conditions prior to the usual com­ yesterday eYening at about 5 o'clock, and mencing time of 7.30 a.m. Ten men will now be considered by the Hospitals volunteered to start at 5.30 a.m. provided Commission which I have given instruc­ that they would be paid for the addi­ tions is to be called together for that pur­ tional time over and above their normal pose. After the Commission has given ·hours as an off-set against time lost consideration to the report, I will make during their first week. In addition, a statement to the House dealing with three men rather than return to wo:·k the whole position. 2520 Questions and Answers. [ASSEMBLY.] Questions and Answers. GOULBURN HOSPITAL. CHRISTMAS PARCELS: PENSIONERS. Mr. TULLY: Can the Minister for Mr. W. DAVIES: Can the Minister Health say whether it is a fact that con­ for Social Services say whether it is a siderable delay has occurred in connec­ fact that in 1936, Christmas parcels were tion with the preparation of plans and sent out to dole recipients and old age specifications for additions to the Gaul­ and invalid pensioners, and were appre­ burn Hospital, and is he now in a posi­ ciated by them? Is it the intention of tion to state definitely when the con­ the Minister this Christmas to send out structional work can be put in hand? similar parcels? I£ not, will the 111:in­ I£ the matter is likely to be further ister approach the Federal Government held up, will he see that the appoint­ with a view to getting it to send out ment of extra draftsmen is made by tht: parcels to old age and invalid pen­ department so that delays may be ob­ sioners? viated? :Mr. RICHARDSON: It was the prac·­ Mr. FITZSIMONS: I know of no tice to supply the articles to which the Teason for further delay since I last com­ hon. member refers at a time when municated with the hon. membo· on this additional food relief was 'granted.
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