,שיחיו To my dear fellow members of the Crown Heights community On the request of many you may find enclosed laws, customs which are pertinent towards the practicality in observance of the laws and customs of Erev Yom Kippur, Yom Kippur & Motzie Yom Kippur. With a blessing Gmar Chasima Tova Leshana Tova Umesuka. Things to be taken care of( or bought )before Erev Yo m Kippur: -who have a hard time fast (ל”ע A pregnant or nursing woman (or someone who is ill .1 ing should first consult a doctor regarding their situations and only then consult the Rav. This should be taken into account enough time before Yom Kippur so that it can be properly taken care of. Anyone who is on medication that must be taken every day should do the same. 2. Help in the home: women who have a hard time fasting, and especially with children around the house… should arrange for adequate assistance for the day of Yom Kippur. It is better for them to stay home and rest rather than going to shul and get tired etc. 3. Shoes for Yom Kippur: To ensure before-hand that everyone in the household (small children included) have non-leather shoes for Yom Kippur. 4. Kittel: Ensure the father has a Kittel to wear. (The first year after one’s wedding a Kit- tel is not worn). 5. Kaparos: Arrange when and where it will be done. .ערב יום כיפור for (לעקאח) Lekach: Buy or bake honey cake .6 7. 2-3 Yahrtzeit Candles: Buy at least two-three yahrtzeit candles; 1. One to light at home for Havdala which is called ”Ner Sheshovas” (meaning it be sure it lasts at least 26-7 – מוצאי יום כיפור until ערב יום כיפור should be lit from hours) 2. A second candle to take to shul - for those that have the custom to light a .(in shul (by the gabbai לעבעדיקע ליכט 3. And a third candle - for those that light a candle for a parent who has passed .נר נשמה away, which is called .ראש השנה Tashlich: For those who did not do it on .8 9. Honey: Ensure that there is honey in the house (for dipping the Chalo). .ערב יום כיפור Kreplach: Prepare Kreplach for the Seudah on .10 11. Food for Erev Yom Kippur: Food that are eaten/not eaten on :Erev Yom Kippur ערב Buy the appropriate foods for .(see below) .יום כיפור f Garlic, eggs and sesame should not be 12. Food for the Seudah on Motzoei eaten. Yom Kippur. f In the morning, it is permissible to eat 13. Coins for Tzedaka: Prepare milk products. coins that should be given to f We eat two seudois (meals): In the before ערב יום כיפור Tzedaka on first one (before Chatzos) we eat Mincha. Challah dipped in honey, fish, chick- 14. Sukkah: make the necessary en, soup, Kreplach, tzimmes etc. arrangements for the sukkah, be- eat light foods סעודת המפסקת f At the cause this year there is a Shabbos such as soup, chicken etc. The foods between Yom Kippur and sukkos should be without salt. We do not eat etc. seasoned foods. Preparations for Mincha Tuesday – Erev Yom Kippur: f Malkos: For the men. f Order of the Day (for the Fa- f Second Tvila: for the men. ther) at a glance: [Kaporos] Mik- vah, Shacharis, Ask for Lekach, Seu- f Bigdei Shabbos: many have the cus- Mikvah, tom to wear the Shabbos and Yom tov ,מלקות ,(dah (before Chatzos .Second Seuda clothing for Mincha ,(על חטא Mincha (with go f Tzdoko: as mentioned above (in ,ברכת הבנים ,hamafsekes) Mikvah) .(.coins etc .כל נדרי to Shul for f Kaporois. f Al Chet: Towards the end of the Ami- f In Shacharis: We do not say tacha- da, after the first Yihyu Lerotzoin, we .say Al Chet .אבינו מלכינו nor מזמור לתודה nun ,nor f After the Amida: Tachanun is not During the day recited nor Ovinu Malkeinu. f Tzedaka: It is customary to increase f Second Seuda (Hamafskes): see in the amount of Tzedaka that is given above what is eaten at this seuda. throughout the day, especially before f Tvila: Third tvila for the men. Mincha. Tzedaka should be given in the form of coins that make noise Before Yom Tov Begins: (The Baal Shem Tov said that the f The women who daven in shul, should .(קליפות noise of the coins dispels the arrange how their Machzorim will be f Lekach: we ask for Lekach. brought to Shul (as they may not car- f First Seuda (meal): before Chazos ry after lighting candles). (midday). See below which foods are f Light the Yahrtzeit Licht eaten. (“Ner Sheshovas”), and ensure that it f Married women should toivel in the is not put out, for it needs to be lit un- Mikva til Motza’ei Yom Kippur for Havdolo. f Those that also light a Yahrtzeit Li- cht for a parent who has passed away, should also ,נר נשמה which is called light it now. f The father blesses the children with During the Day f Netilas Yada’im in the morning and .ברכת הבנים והבנות f The father should remember to take after using the bathroom you wash the Tallis, Kittel, Machzor(im) and only until the knuckles (so it is advis- .(to Shul. able to prepare less water than usual ”לעבעדיגע ליכט“ f Talis and Kitul should be put on be- f In the morning Brachos we do not say .”שעשה לי כל צרכי“ fore shkiah Lighting candles f Children) or those that are ill r“l( that will eat do not need to make Kid- f Tzedaka is given. dush or Lechem Mishne ,but they do ביום and add ”יעלה ויבוא“ f Light candles. Two Brachos are recited: need to say הכיפורים הזה ביום סליחת העוון הזה ביום מקרא and then להדליק נר של יום הכיפורים first but if they forgot (any of the ,קודש הזה .שהחיינו above), they do not repeat Birchas On Yom Tov: Hamazon. f Concerning doing Melachos, the laws f Yizkor: Those that are unable to go to on Yom Kippur are just as Shabbos. Shul for Yizkor can recite it at home. f Additionally, one may not eat, drink, f Birchas Kohanim: Towards the end wear leather shoes, wash up (even in of Musaf is Birchas Kohanim. cold water), use perfume (even de- odorants), oils or ointments. Motza’ei Yom Kippur f Tefillos: In Maariv .אתה חוננתנו We say .1 f Before Kol Nidrei (by Shkia time)) “זכרנו לחיים מלך חפץ we say 9 chapters of Tehillim (see 2. If one said and did not yet say בחיים” .Machzor) and Al Cheit ”מלך immediately say ”וכתבנו“, f In Maariv, the women who said the and continue with the עוזר” Bracha of Shehecheyanu when light- Amida. However ,if one already ing candles should not recite the Bra- -then he should fin ”וכתבנו“ said cha of Shehechiyanu in Maariv after ish the Amida and then repeat it Kol Nidrei. It is a Mitzva to publicize .תורת נדבה as a this. or ”המלך הקדוש“ If one said .3 f Maariv begins from “Shir the Amida does”המלך המשפט“, Hamaalos”. not have to be said again. f In the Shema - “Boruch Shem kvod malchuso leolom voed” is said out After Maariv loud. f We wish one another Gut Yom Tov. f Before going to sleep we say the 9 f Netilas Yada’im is as is done in the chapters of Tehillim (see Machzor). morning, without a Bracha. f Krias Shema before going to sleep: is f Havdalah is said while wearing a Talis said like on Shabbos and Yom Tov and and Kittel. We make the Bracha for the “Boruch Shem kvod malchuso the wine (no Besamim). For the Bra- one should use ”בורא מאורי האש“ leolom voed” is said out loud. cha of the candle that has been lit through- .ויתן לך out Yom Kippur. We do not say f One can then wash up, put on leath- Shabbos Parshas Haazinu er shoes, and say Kiddush Levana. – 13 Tishrei – Yohrzeit of f By the Seuda after the fast, the Chal- the Rebbe Maharas”h lah is dipped in honey, and the meal ,f On Motzoei Shabbos, after Maariv .בהרחבה is served f One should begin work on the Suk- we do not say “Vihi Noam” nor “Ve- kah, or at least discuss it. ato Kodoish”. f We do not say Tachanun till the end f Havdolo is regular. of the month of Tishrei. Wishing you all a Gmar Chasima Tova and may we merit to see the Kohain Gadol in Kodesh Hakodoshim THIS YEAR!! Office Hours for the Rabbonim: 390 Kingston Ave | 718 604 8000 Ext 1 m שליט״א Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba Mara Daasro Office: Monday - Thursday In the mornings 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon In the evenings from 9:30PM to 11:30 PM by home telephone Friday after 2:00 PM Home Telephone: 718 771-8737 שליט״א Rabbi Shlomo Y. Halavi Segal Dayan & More Tzedek Office: Sunday - Thursday in the mornings 8:30 AM to 10:00AM In the afternoon from 2:00PM to 4:00 PM In the evenings 9:00PM to 11:00 PM Home Tel: 718 360-7110 אזהרת כשרות לאחרונה נתגלו בעיות חמורות בהכשרת העופות בארצוה”ב לכן ידע הקהל בהתקרב עיו”כ לעשות הכפרות תחת השגחה מתאימה המקומות המאושרים ובהשגחתינו הם NCFJE 824 Eastern Parkway Mendel Feldman Empire Shtible 489 Empire Blvd. CHK List of products and food establishments under the Hechsher - Tishrei 5773 במענה לשאלת רבים הננו בזה לפרסם את כל החנויות והמסעדות והמוצרים שעומדים תחת הפקוח והשגחה המהודרת של הבד”צ דק”ק קראון הייטס ובניהול ועד הכשרות וצוות המשגיחים המומחים דק”ק קראון הייטס Baked Goods: Bagels- Holsome Bagels | Bakeries- Albany Bakery / Oneg Bakery, Beigel’s Bakery, Gombo’s Hei- mishe Bakery, Gross Bakery, Roval Bakery, The Sweet Table / Mrs.
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