-: s/e(f% /02 r/e',A f- B/uez- Page No. 03/24/93 MALCOLMDEBATES IN 1992-93: Spike Lee's Movie and the Problematic of Mainstreaming Malcolm X Compiled by Abdul Alkalimat, aesisted by Mei-Ling McWorter AUTHOR TITLE SOURCE DATE Abrams, Garry The X Factor Los Angeles Times 02-06-92 Abrams, Garry The X Factor Los Angeles Times O2-L8-92 AIim, Dawud R Abdul What's in a Name? Malcolm "X" The American Muslim Journal 09-18-92 Man Not The Image Alkalimat, Abdul "Malcolm X: A warrior for these People's Tribune Volume tt-23-92 tlmeE" 19 Number 47 p.1 of special supplement Alkalimat, Abdul "Malcolm X and the struggle for the People's Tribune Volume Ll-16-92 future" 19 Number 46 p.4 AIkaIimat, Abdul "Did spike Lee do the right thing? People's Tribune Volume 12-28-92 I think not, and here's whyl" 19 Number 52 p.3 AIs, Hilton "Picture This: On the Set, the vilLage Voice tt/tolg2 Street, and at Dinner with X \*L-- Director Spike Lee" Ansen, David "From Sinner to Martyr: A Man Of Newsweek p.74 Lt-t5-92 4\ Many Faces" Armstrong, Jenice "X Marks Profit for Merchants" The Philadelphia Daily LO/30/92 News Atkins, Clarence "Trumpeter Terence Blanchard New York Amsterdam News l-L/14/92 Composes 'Malcolm X, Soundtrack" Austin, Curtis "Daughter's View of Malcolm X" USA Today tt / t6/e2 BaiIey, Ester "MaIcoIm X Rebel Without A pause" Spare Rib Magazine fssue 05-01-92 234 p.28-36 Bailey, Peter A. "MaIcoIm A White Man,s View" Emerge p.57 02-oL-92 Baraka, Arnir "SeIIing Out MaIcoIm and His The Washington Post tt-22-92 Memory" section G p.l and p.5 BarnicIe, Mike "X Marks the Main Issue" The Boston Globe LL/re/e2 Bates, Karen The X Factor Crosses Racial Lines Los Angeles Times 05-19-92 ,'ANTIHERO" Benjamin, Playtell Spin Volume 8, Number 9 t2-01.-92 p. 74-79 and 112-113 Benjamin, PlaytheII "The black messiah" The Guardian p.2-3 11-18-92 Bennett, Philip "New Kids creator is rumored ready The Boston Globe p.21 and l_1-18-92 to buy Malcolm X home', p.26 Page No. 03/24/e3 MALCOLMDEBATES fN 1992-93: Spike Lee'E Movie and the Problematic of Mainetreaming Malcolm X compiled by Abdul Alkalimat, assisted by Mei-Ling Mcworter AUTHOR TITLE SOURCE DATE Bennett, Philip Malcolm X Slept Here Bogton Globe 10-20-91 Few Recall His Home Berger, Carol Spike Lee,s potato Hot Christian Science Monitor O2-LO-92 Bey, Lee "The Renaissance of Malcolm X" Chicago Sun-Times n/Og/92 Bey, Lee "Role Rejected poitier by Basis of Chicago Sun-Times n/OB/92 Upcoming Film', Bey, Lee South Sider Christine Johnson Had Chicago Sun-TimeE LL/08/e2 1gt Row View of Real Story Bey, Lee power "Hales Students Feel the of Chicago Sun Times tt/Le Malcolm X,' /e2 Bey, Lee and Jim "Profiting From a Legend" Chicago Sum-Timee Ritter tt/08/92 Blake, John MaIcoIm X, Not King, Firing Up Atlanta .lournal oI-26-92 Younger Blacks Blake, John MaIcoIm X: From Convict to Atlanta ,Journal oL-26-92 Religious Martyr Blowen, Michael "Nameg & Faces" The BoEton Globe lI-2O-92 Boseman, Keith Movies In Review: Lost Chances,, Hyde Park Citizen p.12 O1-OZ-93 'X' Boxler, Matthias Makes for Good Theater, Even if Taunton Daily Gazette 12/06/92 History IEn't Accurate (Ma.) Boyd, Herb "The Legacy of Malcolm X'. ClaEs Volume 13, Number 9 11-01-92 p.30-35 Boyd, Herb "Malcolm X The reel Deal,, Class Magazine Volume 13 03-01-92 Number 3 p.32-37 Boyd, Herb "Will Malcolm X movie be premiered The New York Amsterdam OO-OO-92 at the Apollo?" News p.1 and p.50 Boyd, Herb "Spike Lee Does The Right Thing by New York Amsterdam News tt/14/e2 MalcoIm" Bradley, David "Malcolm' s MythMaking" Transition: An 00-00-00 International Review IsEue 55 p.20-46 Brail,sford, Karen ',Ma1colm" Interview p.100-105 11-01-92 Page No. 3 03/24/e3 }{ALCOLMDEBATES IN 1992-93: Spike Lee's Movie and the Problematic of Mainstreaming MaIcoIm X Compiled by Abdul Alkalimat, assisted by Mei-Ling McWorter AUTHOR TITLE souRcE DATE Brath, Elombe A Criticism of Spike Lee's Malcolm In Defenge of Marxism, no 02-00-93 x 103 Brennan, Mary "The Second Coming of Malcolm X" Seattle Weekly LI/I8/92 Briggs, Jimmie "X-Rap Vision: MaIcoIm in Mugic" The Washington Post p.C2 11-15-92 Caldwell, Earl "Spike the Malcolm X commercialism" Daily News p.31 LO-O7-92 Canby, Vincent "Malcolm X as Complex ae Its The New York Times 1l/I8/92 Subject" Canby, Vincent "Malcolm X aE Complex as lts The New York Times: Arts 11-18-92 Subject" Section C p.19 and p.23 Carr, Jay "How Spike Lee Made His Mark Before The Boston Globe lt/20/92 x' Carr, Jay "MaIcoIm X: Jugt see it" The Boeton Globe p.45 and 11-18-92 p.50 carr, Jay Coming Soon: Malcolm X, More BoEton Globe 09-13-92 Macaulay, Remakee Cava, Marco R. della "'60s message 'strikes a chord' in USA Today Cover Story p.1 11-06-92 the '90s" and p.2 Cema "spike Lees He'g Got It Like Thatt" Class Magazine Volume 13 03-01-92 Number 3 p.38 Chiles, Nick "Learning the Message" New York Newsday p.43 LO-25-92 Christon, Lawrence Going Her Way: Attilah Shabazz, Los Angeles Times 03-01-92 Oldest Daughter of MaIcoIm X C1ark, Mike "X EetE a standard for movie bios" UsA TODAY section D p.l 11-18-92 Clark, Steve February 1955 The Final Speeches (New York: Pathfinder) 00-00-92 (editor) Malcolm X Clarke, John Henrik Introduction to Talks on Mal-colm X In Defense of Marxism, no 02-00-93 Unblemished, Uncorrupted Leadership 103 Cohen, Richard "Spike Lee DoeE the Unconscionable Detroit Free PreEs 1:./10/92 Thing" Coleman, Slim "The Responge of the White Povrer AII Chicago City News p. L Lt-22-92 Structure To MaIcoIm -Then and Now" and p.4 Coniglandr Keenan ,X.rr Upgcale Volume 4, Number 10-01-92 2 p.30-35 Page No. 4 03/24/e3 MALCOLMDEBATES IN 1992-93: Spike Lee's Movie and the Problematic of Mainstreaming MaIcoIm X Compiled by AbduI AIkaIimat, aseisted by Mei-Ling McWorter AUTHOR TITLE SOURCE DATE Cosford, BilI "Malcolm X: Spike Lee's big The Miami Herald Section 11-18-92 picture" E p.1 and p.5 Coughlin, Ellen K. "Politics and Commerce In the The Chronicle of Higher r.O-07-92 Rebirth of Malcolm X" Education Section A p.8 and p.14 Cunningham, BiII and "Malcolm The Boston Years" The Boston Globe Magazine O2-L6-92 Daniel Golden p.15-19,p.24-30 and p.35-42 Curry, ceorge Malcolm X's Popularity Surging Chicago Tribune O4-t6-92 Daniels, Ron "Beyond Fad and Fashion 3 The Black Collegian 01-01-92 Understanding The Egsence of p.74-75 and 166-168 Malcolm X" Davis, Angela "Angela Davie on Malcolm X" Emerge Volume 4, IEBUe 3 L2-Ol-92 l7*- {icl{--n .+ lcr \ P' 3s-37 Delacoma, Wynne "Operas DoEs Shines AE 'Malcolm X' Chicago Sun-Times p.32 LL-I6-92 Lead" Doctor. Bernard l.talcolm X For Beginners (New York: Writers and 00-00-92 Aguina ReaderE Publishing, Incorporated DoweII, Pat "Bigger than life" In These Timea, the L2-L4-92 alternative magazine p.34-35 Durcanin, Cynthia King, Malcolm X Pursued Same GoaI, Atlanta Journal O4-O4-92 Conference Told Dwyer, .Iim "For Profit, x Marks the Spot" New York Newsday 00-00-00 Dyer, Richard Strong Music Sustains Malcolm X Boston Globe 08-30-92 Opera CD Set Dyson, Michael Eric "Martin and Malcolm" Transition: An 00-00-00 International Review Issue 56 p.48-59 Early, Gerald "Their Malcolm, My Problem" Harper's Volume 285, I2-OL-92 Number 1711 p.62-74 'Malcolm Ebert, Roger "Gripping X' Captures Chicago Sun-TimeE LL/18/92 Complex Life" Ebert' Roger "Spike Lee Makee His Mark: X" Chicago Sun-Times LL/LS/92 Page No. 5 03/24/e3 MALCOLMDEBATES IN 1992-93: Spike Lee'8 Movie and the Problematic of Mainstreaming Malcolm X Compiled by Abdul Alkalimat, assisted by Mei-Ltng McWorter AUTHOR TITLE SOURCE DATE Ebert, Roger "By Any Means Necessary: Spike Uses Chicago Sun-Times Ll/L5/92 His Clout" Ebert, Roger "Preaching the Word of Malcolm: Chicago Sun Times LL/22/92 Denzel Washington Puts Power Behind oratory" Editors "The Future in their past" The Economist Volume 325 t LL-2L-92 Number 7786 p.11 Editors "Hype" U.S. NewE and World 11-09-92 Report p.15 'The Editors "Malcolm X on Chickens Come The Revolutionary Worker L2/O6/92 Home to Roogt"' Editors "Learning from Malcolm X" Chicago Tribune 12/26/92 Edltors "The Meaning of Malcolm X" Revolutionary Worker Ll/22/92 Editors "Why the System Killed Malcolm X" Revolutionary Worker tL/29/92 Erickson, Steve "The Last American: Spike Lee LA Weekly II/2O/92 Forgives Us, Sort Of" Evanzz, Karl The Judas Factor, The Plot to Kill (New York: Thunder's 00-00-92 Malcolm X Mouth PreEE) Farrakhan, Louis "The Honorable Louis Farrakhan The Final Call LL/30/92 Speaks on the Malcolm X Movie" Fields, Suzanne "Which MaIcoIm X Will Be in Movie" Chicago Sun-Times 11-/17/92 Fine, Marshall "Celluloid Heroes: Truth Subjective Chicago Sun-Times Il/22/92 When FiIm, History Collide" Fox, David Director Lee llill Cut King Video Los AngeLes Times 09-29-92 From Film Fox, David 'Malcolm' Dispels Theater Owners' Los AngeleE Times 10-09-92 Concerns Fox, Robert Elliot "Afrocentrism and the X-tr'actor" Transition: An 00-00-00 Interntional Review fssue 57 p.t7-2s Frady, Marshall "The Children of MaIcoIm" The New Yorker p.
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