VISION Respecting the Past, Creating our Future. CORE PRINCIPLES Light Regional Council is guided by a focus on ‘Core Principles’ of Growth; Reform; Innovation and Discipline. AGENDA PAPERS for the meeting of LIGHT REGIONAL COUNCIL in the COUNCIL CHAMBER 93 Main Street, Kapunda TUESDAY, 28 JULY 2020 at 5:00pm Principal Office: 93 Main Street Branch Office: 12 Hanson Street Kapunda 5373 Freeling 5372 Telephone: 8525 3200 Facsimile: 8566 3262 o NOTICE OF MEETING ^ A Lic HT REGIONAL COUNCIL Mayor and Councillors, Notice is herebygiven pursuant to the provisions of Section 83 (3) of the Local Government Act, 1999, that the next Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held in the Council Chamber, 93 Main Street, Kapunda on Tuesdav, 28 July 2020 at 5:000m A copy of the Agenda for the above meeting is supplied as prescribed by Section 83 (3) of the said Act. , , 7/7 , . ^I^ , . TABLE OF CONTENTS for the meeting of LIGHT REGIONAL COUNCIL TUESDAY, 28 JULY 2020 Petitions, Deputations, Presentations: 7.2.1 Presentation by Chief Executive Officer – ‘July 2020 – Pre-COVID-19’ ..... 3 Reports for Information: 11.1 Roseworthy Township Expansion - Progress Update ................................. 6 11.2 Council ‘In-kind’ Support of Community-Managed Events ........................ 17 11.3 Community Grants Program – Delay in Opening of Round One 2020/2021 ................................................................................................................. 18 11.4 University of Adelaide Student Project ...................................................... 20 11.5 Story Trail at “The Pines” Conservation Reserve ..................................... 20 11.6 Legatus Board, Special Meeting Minutes July 2020. ................................ 22 11.7 Monthly Financial Report – June 2020 ..................................................... 22 Reports for Decision and Procedural Matters: 12.2.1 Loan Borrowings as at 30 June 2020 ....................................................... 23 12.4.1 Execution – Capital Road Works Funding Deed ....................................... 29 12.4.2 Adoption of Community Land Management Plan - Fiedler Road Ward Belt ................................................................................................................. 32 12.4.3 Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program Funding ................. 38 13.1.1 Boundary Proposals - Update ................................................................... 43 13.2.1 Legatus Group Executive Committee Nomination .................................... 47 13.2.2 Local Government Finance Authority (LGFA) of South Australia, Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Appointment of Council Representative .... 48 13.2.3 Local Government Reform Bill 2020 ......................................................... 51 13.3.1 Genetically Modified Crops Moratorium .................................................... 76 13.3.2 Kapunda Country Chic Craft Incorporated ................................................ 90 13.5.1 Final Light Regional Council Economic Development Plan 2020-2030 for adoption ................................................................................................... 94 14.3.1 Genetically Modified Crops – Notice of Motion by Cr Simon Zeller ........ 100 15.1 Roseworthy Township Expansion (RTE) -Kingford Regional Industrial Estate (KRIE) Water Scheme ................................................................. 101 AGENDA MONTHLY COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, 28 JULY 2020, IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, 93 MAIN STREET, KAPUNDA, COMMENCING AT 5:00PM 1. PRESENT 2. OPENING 3. APOLOGIES AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE 4. MINUTES 4.1 Confirmation of Council Minutes 5. COMMUNICATIONS 5.1 Mayor’s Communications 5.2 Elected Members’ Reports 5.3 Schedule of Meetings Attended 5.4 Delegate / Representative Reports 5.5 Requested Documents/Correspondence to be Tabled 6. PETITIONS 7. DEPUTATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 7.1 Public Communications 7.2 Representations 7.3 Youth Forum 8. ADJOURNED BUSINESS 9. BUSINESS ARISING 10. MINUTES - COMMITTEE MEETINGS 10.1 Infrastructure Committee 10.2 Strategy Committee 10.3 Economic Development Panel 10.4 Audit Committee 10.5 Other 11. REPORTS FOR INFORMATION 12. STATUTORY REPORTS FOR DECISION 12.1 Chief Executive Officer 12.2 General Managers, Business & Finance, and Governance 12.3 General Manager, Strategy & Development 12.4 General Manager, Infrastructure & Environment 12.5 General Manager, Economic Development 13. POLICY REPORTS FOR DECISION 13.1 Chief Executive Officer 13.2 General Managers, Business & Finance, and Governance 13.3 General Manager, Strategy & Development 13.4 General Manager, Infrastructure & Environment 13.5 General Manager, Economic Development 14. PROCEDURAL MATTERS 14.1 Questions Without Notice 14.2 Questions On Notice 14.3 Notice Of Motion 14.4 Motions Without Notice 15. CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 16. NEXT MEETING The next ordinary meeting of Light Regional Council will be held on Tuesday, 25 August 2020, commencing at 5:00pm in the Council Chamber, 93 Main Street, Kapunda. 17. CLOSURE Council Agenda – Tuesday, 28 July 2020 2011/2 4. MINUTES 4.1 CONFIRMATION OF COUNCIL MINUTES 4.1.1 Minutes of the meeting of Council held Tuesday, 23 June 2020. 4.1.2 Confidential minutes of the meeting of Council held Tuesday, 23 June 2020. 4.1.3 Minutes of the special meeting of Council held Tuesday, 21 July 2020. Recommendation 1. That the minutes of the meeting of Council held Tuesday, 23 June 2020 be confirmed as a true and correct record of that meeting subject to the following corrections, highlighted in red, being made to Item 13.2.2 Adoption of 2020/2021 Annual Business Plan, Budget and 2021/2030 Long Term Financial Plan and Declaration of Rates for 2020/2021 and Schedule of Fees and Charges 2020/2021:- 5. Declaration of General Rates i. on all rateable land attributed Land Use Category (a) – Residential, and Land Use Category 9(i) - Other, a rate of 0.44794 cents in the dollar of the capital value of the land; 10. Regional Landscape Levy That Council, for the financial year ending 30 June 2021 in exercise of the powers contained in Part 5 of the rate Landscape South Australian Act 2019, and Section 154 of the Local Government Act 1999, and in order to reimburse the Council for the amount contributed to the Northern & Yorke Landscape Board, being $342,802 declare a separate rate of 0. 00009140 cents in the dollar of the Capital Value of land, in respect of all rateable land in the Council’s area and in the area of that Board, the Capital Value of such land totalling $3,3,747,905,296. 2. That the confidential minutes of the meeting of Council held Tuesday, 23 June 2020 be confirmed as a true and correct record of that meeting. 3. That the minutes of the special meeting of Council held Tuesday, 21 July 2020 be confirmed as a true and correct record of that meeting. 5. COMMUNICATIONS 5.1 MAYOR’S COMMUNICATIONS 5.2 ELECTED MEMBERS’ REPORTS 5.3 SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS ATTENDED Elected members are reminded to submit their list of meetings and activities to the Minute taker should they wish to have these recorded in the minutes. 5.4 DELEGATE / REPRESENTATIVE REPORTS 5.5 REQUESTED DOCUMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE TO BE TABLED 6. PETITIONS Nil Council Agenda – Tuesday, 28 July 2020 2011/3 7. DEPUTATIONS 7.1 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS (Including Public Forums) Nil 7.2 PRESENTATIONS 7.2.1 Presentation by Chief Executive Officer – ‘July 2020 – Pre-COVID-19’ The Chief Executive Officer, Mr Brian Carr will provide the Council with a Presentation entitled July 2020 – Pre- COVID-19 and will receive questions from Elected Members. 7.3 YOUTH FORUM Nil 8. ADJOURNED BUSINESS 9. BUSINESS ARISING (excluding Confidential Items) Arising from Meeting of Tuesday 23 August 2016 12.4 GENERAL MANAGER, STRATEGY & DEVELOPMENT 12.4.3 Amended Mining Proposal / 294 At the January 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting Cr Response Document for Extractive Kennelly requested an update on the KARA Minerals Lease Application over Resources mining proposal. Mineral Claim (Kara Resources - Lot 2 Nain Road, Greenock) Staff have contacted Mr James Rowe acting on behalf of Kara Resources, who has advised that the assessment process with the Department for Energy and Mining (DEM) has taken longer than expected, however the application is still active. The Applicant has advised that they will contact DEM representatives to obtain an update on the assessment timeframe. Once the Applicant receives a response from DEM, they will advise Council accordingly. As additional updates are provided Council will be advised accordingly. Ongoing Arising from Meeting of Tuesday, 23 July 2019 14.3 NOTICE OF MOTION 14.3.1 Reducing waste to landfill in Light 252 KESAB review of waste collection has been Regional Council - Notice of Motion completed with the next steps to analyse the data and by Cr Deane Rohrlach, Dutton Ward develop a program to address deficiencies Ongoing Arising from Meeting of Tuesday, 24 September 2019 13.5 GENERAL MANAGER, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 13.5.1 Adelaide Wine Capital Cycle Trail – 310 Discussions with other partner Councils, the SRBA Project Update and RDA BGLAP are occurring, such that a revised project funding strategy can be considered. Ongoing 13.5.2 Naming Rights Agreements at 310 Further discussions took place on 18.6.20 with the Freeling Agriculture, Recreation & proposed Naming Rights partner. Further follow-up Multi-Use (FARM) Centre discussions to take place by community representative. Council Agenda – Tuesday, 28 July 2020 2011/4 Ongoing Arising from Meeting of Tuesday,
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