The NIH Record U.S. Department June 18 National of Health 1985 Institutes and Vol. XXXVII of Human Services No. 13 Health British Thyroid Association NCI Launches Campaign to Cut Cancer Rate Honors Dr. Bruce Weintraub Of American Blacks; Aretha Franklin Honored Dr Bruce D. Weintraub, chief of NIADDK's An educational campaign to deliver cancer recently established Molecular Cellular and prevention information to black Americans. one Nutritional Endocrinology Branch, presented of the Nation's highest cancer risk groups, was the Pitt-Rivers Lectureship at the annual meet­ launched by the National Cancer Institute on ing of the British Endocrine Societies In Oxford, May 30 in Detroit. England, Mar. 24 to Chief campaign spokeswoman Aretha Frank­ 28 lin, the popular singing star, was honored for This honor, includ­ her participation in the national drive. ing a stipend, was She was presented the first "Year 2,000 given to Dr Wein­ Award" for her outstanding support of NCl's traub by the British campaign to cut the cancer death rate in half Thyroid Association by the year 2,000. for his outstanding In 1981 , the most recent year for which such research contribu­ statistics are available, 211 per 100,000 black Singer Aretha Franklin Year 2,000 Award tions in the field of Americans died of cancer compared to 164 thyroid disease. white Americans, NCI reported. That same tions, Detroit officials, and political leaders. The lectureship year, 335 of every 100,000 whites were diag­ More than 150 black leaders attended the was established in nosed with cancer compared to 373 per meeting Featured speakers at the ceremonies Dr. Weintraub honor of Dr. Pitt- 100,000 blacks. were Stephanie Lee-Miller, HHS Assistant Sec­ Rivers, a renowned British endocrinologist, who Dr. Vincent T. DeVita Jr., Director of NCI, retary for Public Affairs; Dr. LaSalle D. Leffall, discovered trildothyronine- the principal thy­ launched the prevention campaign at a media chairman of the Department of Surgery at roid hormone Dr. Weintraub presented a sci­ briefing in downtown Detroit, the third city in the Howard University; and Jacqueline D. Bowens, entific lecture entitled "Regulation of nation in size of black population. representing the National Health Braintrust. Thyrotropin Biosynthesis, Glycosylation and A luncheon ceremony followed for leaders of Secretion." more than a dozen national black organiza- (See BLACKS AND CANCER, Page 10) Internationally Recognized Twenty-Five Hughes-NIH Scholars Picked; Dr Weintraub is internationally recognized for his contributions to both basic and clinical First Arrivals Expected on Campus in July research on the elucidation of thyrotropin biosynthesis and regulation. He has published more than 130 papers in The Howard Hughes Medical Institute During the interviews, Dr. Donald S. the scientific literature. His previous awards in­ (HHMI) and the National Institutes of Health Frederickson, President and Chief Executive clude the Van Meter-Armour Prize of the Amen­ have chosen 25 medical students who will par­ Officer, HHMI, and Dr. George F. Cahill Jr., Di­ can Thyroid Association and the Ernst ticipate in the first year of the HHMI-NIH Re­ rector ol Research, HHMI, spoke to the stu­ Oppenheimer Memorial Award of the Endo­ search Scholars program. dents about the history and objectives of HHMI, crine Society, which have been g iven for re­ These students come from 18 medical which was founded in 1953 and is one of the search contributions in the field of thyroid and schools, including Dartmouth, Wayne State largest private research organizations in the pituitary diseases. University, the University of New Mexico. Duke world. The Molecular, Cellular and Nutritional Endo­ University, the University of Illinois, Columbia Overview and Seminars crinology Branch performs both basic and clini­ University, the University of Washington, the cal investigations in the areas of endocrinology, University of Michigan, the University of North The students were also given an overview of neuroendocrinology, diabetes and other meta­ Carolina. the research activities of the intramural pro­ bolic diseases, nutrition, and growth and devel­ Also, Northwestern University, the Medical gram at NIH by Or. J.E. Rall, Deputy Director opment at the molecular and cellular levels. College of Ohio, Stanford University, Albany for Intramural Research, and Or Philip Chen The branch is comprised of three sections Medical College, the University of Pittsburgh, Jr., Associate Director for Intramural Affairs. reflecting its areas of investigation: Experimen­ Johns Hopkins University, Cornell University, A program of seminars, designed to intro­ tal Diabetes, Metabolism and Nutrition, headed the University of Oklahoma and the University duce the students to intramural research at by Dr. Samuel Cushman; Growth and Develop­ of Pennsylvania. NIH, were presented by Dr. Warren Leonard, ment, headed by Dr. Matthew Rechler: and Mo­ The first students are expected to arrive at NCI: Dr. Roscoe Brady, NINCDS; Dr. French lecular Regulation and Neuroendocrinology NIH in July Anderson, NHLBI; Dr. George Shaw, NCI; Dr Dr. Weintraub is also chief of the latter The students were chosen from finalists who April Robbins, NIADDK; Dr. Steven Wise, section . □ were invited to NIH in March for interviews by a NIMH: Dr Dean Hamer, NCI; and Dr. Thomas committee of scientists from HHMI and intramu­ Waldmann, NCI ral NIH. (See HUGHES SCHOLARS, Page 11) Six NIH Publications The NIH Record Win Blue Pencil Awards Six NIH publications were recently awarded Publtshed b,weekly a1 Bethesda, Md • by lhe Ed1tonal Opera­ prizes in the 1985 Blue Pencil Publications tions Branch. 01v1s1on of Public l nlormaoon, lor the rnformation Contest of the National Association of Govern­ of em ployees of the National Institutes of Heallh, Department of Healltl and Human Services. and circulated by reQuest to wn1e,s ment Communicators. ancl to researchers In b1omedicat and related l1elds. Tho content They were: is roprintablo without perm1ss1on. Pictures may be available on reQu est. Facts about Oral Contraceptives by Maureen B. Gardner, NICHD, won third prize in Publica­ The NIH Record reserves the oght to make corrections, tion for General Audience (one-color) category. changes, or dolet ions in subm1Ued copy in conformity with the Head Injury: Hope through Research by pollc,es of the paper and HHS. At a recent meeting of the National Library of Med­ Diane Striar, editor; and Julie Ann Miller, writer, NIH Record Office icine's Board of Regents, Or. John Duffy (I) pre­ NINCDS, won second prize in Publication for Bldg. 3'J, Room 28·03, Pnone 496-2125 sented a copy of The Ship's Medicine Chest and General Audience (two-or-three colors) Medical Aid at Sea, a book on emergency medi­ category. Editor cine, to board chairman Dr. L. Thompson Bowles. Carol Case, NCI, won honorable mention for Herschel Cribb Copresenter of the book Is Dr. C. Everett Koop (r), Breast Cancer Patient Education Series. Surgeon General of the U.S. Public Health Service. Lung Cancer by Marian G. Segal, Office of Steff Wrltere Editorial A ealatant Or. Duffy, Assistant Surgeon General, PHS, was Joyce F. McCarthy Marilyn Berman the book's editor-in-chief. This new edition, pre­ Clinical Reports and Inquiries. CC, won second Anne Barber pared for the Merchant Marine, Coast Guard, and prize in Publication of General Audience (four others who spend extended periods at sea, is colors) category. Stitt Correapondenta printed on waterproof paper. Dr. Koop acknowl­ The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute cc Richard McManus. DCRT Joan p Sobel. OPM. Harry edged the assistance of NLM in preparing the won third prize for Building Nutrition Coun­ Marshall, DAG Sue Meadows: DAR, Barbara Men,ck: DAS, Jim index. Doherty FIC, Susan P Stark. NCI, Patnc,a A Newman: NEI, seling Skills, Volume I: A Guidebook for Work­ Marsha Corbett. NHLBI. Larry Blaser. NtA Claire McCullough shop Planning in Publication for Technical or NIAID, Jeanne Wmmck. NIAOOK. Eileen Corttgan; NICHO, James Hadley, NIDA JOdy Dove. NIEHS, Hugh J Lee: NIGMS, Wanda Professional category. WarddcU: NIMH, Marilyn Sargenl , NINCOS. Carol Rowan NLM, FAES Health Insurance Open The Division of Computer Research and Roger L Gdkeson Season Begins on July 1 Technology, Information Office, received hon­ orable mention for OCRT 20th Anniversary The FAES Health Insurance Program will be­ Campaign, in the Visual Design category. D gin its Open Season during the month of July, TRAINING TIPS and rates will go up as of July 1. The program is open to employees who are American Councll on 11- ■nspl■nt■tlon The following courses are sponsored by the 01vi• not eligible for Government health insurance sion of Personnel Management, Development and coverage but who are employed by NIH in Training Operations Branch. fulltime positions. Guest workers and research­ Course Dead· ers may also subscribe. Administrative Systems Starts line "''"- (Call 496-6211 ) Change Status Delpro (for new user's only) 7/15 711 During July persons who did not enroll when first eligible can do so but a 10-month pre­ Technical/Occupational 7/30 7/17 existing condition clause will apply. Also current Related Training (Call 496-6211) subscribers may change their status. 8/1 7/19 Computer Literacy Due to increased costs of services, the rates will be increased as follows: Low Option: Individual $50 Training and Development Services Program Family $118 (Call 496-6211) High Option: Individual $63 Uniform Donor Card Family $171 Adult Education Program Information on benefits and rates may be ob­ (Call 496-6211) tained at the FAES office, Bldg. 10, Rm. Executive, Management 2C207A or in the FAES Bookstore, Bldg. 10, and Supervisory (Call 496-6371) Rm. B1L-101. 0 7115 6/28 Introduction to Supervision Making Time Productive 8/12 7/26 Communicating for Results 8/6 7/19 Summer Camp Weekend Planned Effective Communication 9/10 8/23 Join R&W for a summer camp weekend, July Uniform Donor Card: This organ donor card may 5.
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