I Rules Two mighty, ancient empires sail the seas, found new cities, erect glorious temples, and develop new technologies. However terri- tories and resources are limited, and soon peaceful coexistence threatens to change to military conflict. Who can best manage their state affairs? Who can benefit their people most when engaging the vagaries of fate? And who has the strategic genius to lead their legions and fleets to victory? The answer lies in your hands. II GAME MATERIAL 74 Wooden Pieces 34 City Tokens Coins 54 Cards DAREIOS DER GROSSE 24 galleys (12 per player color *549 V.CHR. brown and beige) 10 gold- 21 personages KÖNIG 24 legions (12 per player color 5 STÄDTE brown and beige) 12 marble- Resources AKADEMIE Kassiere auf Scientia für jeden Fortschritt des Gegners je 1 Gold, 2 game markers auch für Fortschritte ohne gelehrte scholar or not or scholar (brown and beige) whether How, 25 event cards opponent‘s Know- opponent‘s 1 per Gold 1 collect Scientia Scientia on When 12 wooden disks (6 per player 12 iron- ACADEMY color brown and beige) cieties 2 empty event 12 temples (white) 2 cards (may be 12 Town Walls fi lled with text as desired) 2. Erobern: 1. Bewegen: AKTIONEN: MANÖVER ANTIKE PERSÖNLICHKEITEN NEHMEN 3. 2. STÄDTE GRÜNDEN VORRÜCKEN UND AUF DEM RONDELL 1. 1–3 Felder sind frei, für jedes weitere Feld eine beliebige Ressource. Angreifer in der Region ≥ Kampfkraft der Stadt → Rekrutenablage Angreifer in der Region ≥ Kampfkraft Stadt → Rekrutenablage in der Region. Anzahl Verteidiger + +1 + Bonus: Stadtmauer +1, RES PUBLICA Galeere – 1:1, → Rekrutenablage. Kampf: Legion – bzw. 2 Grenzen. mit STRATA/NAVIGATIO nehmen. Der Gegner wählt je eine Ereigniskarte, ggf. Stadtmauern in den Vorrat + 1 Münze für jede benachbarte Stadt mit derselben Ressource. Je neue Stadt 1 Marmor + Eisen Gold bezahlen mindestens 1 Stadteroberung: Gegner wählt Ereigniskarte. Kampfkraft der Stadt = 1 (mit Tempel 3) Tempel Kampfkraft der Stadt = 1 (mit 1 game rules 5 Jede Legion/Galeere darf 1 rote/blaue Grenze überschreiten, (nur in Regionen mit Militärpräsenz) (DUELLUM) 1 quick intro 6 cards AKTION AUSFÜHREN short rules 1 almanac Resources are in de- The city tokens and town nominations of 1, 2 walls have the color of the and 5. game board other player on their back- The Gold chips are ABDERA AINOS LUGDUNUM displayed and are PELLA side respectively. AQUILEIA CREMONA TOLOSA ABYDOS 2 Special Units LEMNOS GENUA MASSILIA LARISA ANCONA EPIDAURUM gold colored. Mar- LESBOS PERGAMON NUMANTIA AMBRAKIA OREOS SARDES ROMA TARRACO CHIOS BRUNDISIUM DELPHI SAGUNTUM NEAPOLIS EPHESOS ATHENAE KEPHALONIA APOLLONIA ble chips are white BAECULA ANDROS CARALES OLYMPIA ARGOS CARTHAGO NOVA CROTON HALIKARNASSOS AGRIGENTUM SPARTA NAXOS PYLOS CAESAREA CARTHAGO SYRACUSAE TINGIS SIGA RHODOS and Iron chips are CYTHERA ZAMA KYDONIA TACAPE KNOSSOS blue. The game material comes in limited quan- or temples, the supply is empty. Only re- may use other counters such as pennies tity. If a player has no more legions or gal- source chips are unlimited. In the rare case to indicate chips are now worth double their leys, or if the bank has no more city tokens the resource supply is not sufficient, you denomination. SET UP The set up of the game is described in de- ing cities are marked with a city token. The kens next to the game board for use as tail inside the quick intro. Here is a short starting city with a gold symbol receives a needed. Sort the 21 personage cards into description of how to prepare for a game. gold city token etc. five stacks. 1. Player Set Up Each player receives a starting supply of 3 4. Event Cards Marble, 3 Iron, and 3 Gold chips Each player receives the wooden parts of The 25 event EARTHQUAKE BURGLARY ACADEMY When on Scientia 1 town wall Opponent loses every collect 1 Gold per of your choice second coin (loss is opponent‘s Know- is destroyed rounded down) How, whether his color: 12 galleys, 12 legions, 1 octag- 2. Start Player cards are scholar or not ohne gelehrte ohne (verlust abrunden) (verlust wird zerstört wird auch für Fortschritte Fortschritte für auch Münzen Münzen deiner Wahl deiner des Gegners je 1 Gold, 1 je Gegners des die Hälfte seiner seiner Hälfte die 1 Stadtmauer 1 für jeden Fortschritt Fortschritt jeden für Der gegner verliert verliert gegner Der Scientia Scientia onal game stone, and 6 wooden disks. In The start player is chosen randomly and shuffled and auf Kassiere ERDBEBEN DIEBSTAHL AKADEMIE addition each player receives 1 town wall. the other player receives 1 coin as com- placed as a Each player places 1 round wooden disk of pensation. draw deck their color at zero on the VP-track. beside the game board. 3 event cards are 3. Set up the bank drawn from top and used to form the open Both recruitment boxes receive 1 legion Place the marble, iron and gold chips, the card display. and 1 galley each. Each player’s 3 start- coins, the temples, town walls and city to- OVERVIEW OF THE GAME FLOW Both players lead an ancient civilization. tary units with gold while iron is used to arm additional defensive strength to its city. On the front game board, the Carthagin- and equip the legions and galleys. Knowledge of new technologies may dou- ians play against the Romans, and on the The nations expand their territories by mov- ble the moving distances of military units, reverse side the Greeks play against the ing their legions and galleys and founding boost the defensive strength of owned cit- Persians. Each nation starts with 3 cities new cities, which each cost 1 of each re- ies by 1, or strengthen the economy. which produce marble, iron, and gold re- source: marble, iron, and gold. Legions If a nation achieves certain goals it wins spectively. These resources are used to and galleys may also be used to conquer the favor of ancient personages. The fi rst develop the civilization. A nation can erect the opponent’s cities. Temples triple a cit- nation to own 9 personages wins the game. temples and build town walls with marble. ies capacity to produce, defend, and build It can develop technologies and recruit mili- new military units. The town wall provides III GOAL OF THE GAME ZARATHUSTRA In order to win, players try to be the fi rst to . *630 V.CHR. 5 SCHOLARS could be enough to gain a Navigator. Sea own 9 personages. regions are counted at the end of the turn For every new advance (new tech- after all possible fights are over when cal- GELEHRTER nology) a nation receives an a There are fi ve different types of personag- culating Navigators. es, which are received for reaching special FORTSCHRITT ALS 1. scholar. Any deserved personages are awarded at goals. SCIPIO AFRICANUS *236 V.CHR. 4 GENERALS the end of a turn. Once won, an ancient DAREIOS DER GROSSE *549 V.CHR. 6 KINGS For every temple a nation de- personage cannot be lost. This applies also For every 5 cities a nation owns it FELDHERR stroys it receives a general. A tem- when possessions that led to any awards TEMPEL ZERSTÖRT are no longer held. KÖNIG receives a king which are gained ple is destroyed with its city being 5 STÄDTE conquered. at the completion of city 5, 10, 15 Example: etc. HANNO DER SEEFAHRER UM *500 V.CHR. 2 NAVIGATOR A nation with 10 cities and two ancient kings PERIKLES loses one city (to conquest), so it no longer has *495 V.CHR. ITIZEN 4 C Sea regions without a city are in- the 10th city it needed to gain the second king. For every 3 temples a nation SEEFAHRER dicated by a galley symbol. These Nevertheless, it keeps the second king. Howev- 7 + MEERE BÜRGER owns it receives a citizen which regions count double for the pur- er when the nation has 10 cities again, it does 3 TEMPEL are gained at the completion of pose of gaining Navigators. Gain- not get another king. The third king is awarded temples 3, 6, 9 and 12. ing a Navigator requires control of 7 sea only when the nation possesses a total of 15 areas. A clever distribution of only 4 galleys cities. GAME FLOW Players take alternating turns. Each turn consists of 3 steps the same resource. Each adjacency counts, no matter whether it is LUGDUNUM taken in order: a (blue) sea border or a (red) land border, and no matter whether AQUILEIA it is an owned or an opposing city. Cities are founded one after CREMONA 1.Action Selection another, so that the amount of coins needed may increase as new TOLOSA A turn begins by placing the octagonal game stone on the circular adjacencies are created. rondel depicted here, and performing the indicated action. GENUA Example: MASSILIA On a player’s very first turn the position on the rondel may be freely Carthage wants to found ANCONA chosen. On each following turn, the game stone moves forward 2 cities, such as Baecula EPIDAURUM on the rondel in clockwise order. When moving forward, any of the and Saguntum. Numantia NUMANTIA next three fields ahead can be chosen free of charge. If the game cannot be founded because ROMA stone moves further than three fields, each additional field costs it does not contain a Car- TARRACO 1 resource of the nation‘s choice, i.e., a marble, iron or gold chip thaginian unit. For the or a coin. You may not stay in the same field twice in a row; exe- foundation of both cities BRUNDISIUM cuting the same action on two consecutive Carthage pays 2 gold, 2 SAGUNTUM NEAPOLIS turns would require moving forward 8 marble, 1 iron, and 1 coin fields, and paying 5 chips/coins.
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