SALE AND ISSUE OF BID DOCUMENT FOR (EESANON& frTANAAEMENT OF B UD@ ET A GGATIfrI ODd TION KUD EOI NO Dated: Signature of the issu Authority Patnitop DeveloPment AuthoritY Kud, District UdhamPur (J&K) Tef e-fa x: OT992-288L45, 288129 Expression of Interest (EOI) is invited from Financially Sound, reputed and havif,tg support experiencedEr{!yt:lIErrLsu Hoteliers/r rvLLrrLrr/ Hotelr rvLvr Management"^'- r^professionaLsf Individuals of professional staff for operation and Management cum outsourcing fo provide excellent services to guests and public for Budget Accommodation at Kq.d, District Udtrampur, Jammu and Kashmir State. Interested parties may submit their proposal with credentials and all relevant deteLils. Short listed agencies will be called for further proceedings. The complete deteriled. document .ur't b" had from the office of Chief Executive OfficeS, Patnitop qffice Development Authority, Kud District Udhampur, J&K from 06.L1-.2019 on hours i.e. 10.00 AM to 4.00 PM on a Non refundable cash/Cheque Payment of Rs. [-0000.00 or fee Rs. can be downloaded from our website www.patnitop.nic.in and the documerpt of in 10000.00 in that case can be submitted along with the EOI in shape of Dema[rd Draft favour of Accounts Officer, Patnitop Development Authority from any \ationalized Bank. Last date of submission of proposal shall be 22.11,.2019 upto 02!00 PM by CourierifRegd. Post Only. proposal should be sent in sealed envelope to super scribe as EOI{or Operation Executive and Management Cum outsourcing of Budget Accommodation, Kud to Chie{ officer, tlatnitop Development Authority, Kud District udhampur, J&K. The Committee, reserves the right to reject any or all of the propoSals without assigning any reasons. Chief Exe fficer Dated: .10.20L9 No: PDA/A DM-4't'4/ | 3<l( Instructions and ConditiQns to ProJ oser/Bidders 1,. Sealed proposals are invited from the reputed and experienced Hoteliiers/ Hotel Management professionals / Individuals with proven track record of operation and maintenance of hotels for at least three years' 2. The EOI should be send in sealed cover super scribed as Expression of fnterest for Operation and Management of Budget Accommodation to the offiqe of Chief Executive Officer, Patritop Development Authority, Kud and should leach by or before 22.11,.20\9 by Regd. Post/Courier. J. The proposal downloaded from website must be accompanied by nonrrefundable document fee of Rs. 10000/-by DD of Nationalized bank in favour of Accounts Officer, Patnitop Developrnent Authority, Kud. 4. The eligibility criterion of the EOI is at Annexure I. 5. The EOI will be opened in the office of Chief Executive Officer, Patnitop Development Authority Kud on 22.11.2019 at 02.00 PM or any other date convenient to the committee members' 8. During evaluation of proposal the Evaluation and Tender Opening Committee may at its discretion ask the Proposer/Bidder for clarification of its proposal. The request for clarification and its response shall be in wrifing. 9. The Evaluation and Tender Opening committee reserves all rights either to accept or reject any or all the proposal at any time without assigning any reasoll. 10 The agencies representative(s) may visit the Budget Accommodatiqn Kud for inspecton of site and appraisal of work involved, between 10.00 am to 3.00 pm on any working day between Monday to Saturday. Chief Exe fficer TERMS AND EONDI'TIONS Building:- The details of accominodation etc is as under:- Specification of Asset 1,4 Double Bed Rooms with 12' -0" x14' -0" each (Each) attached toilet 01 Restaurant 72'-0"x24'-0" 02 Dormitory 20'-0"x25'-0" (Each) 70'-0"x7.4'-0" 02 stores room with wash room B'-0" x10' -9" washrooms 72' -0" x5'-5" IS WHERE 1. The propery / s will be handed over to SUCCESSFUL BIDDER on ,,AS ISCONDITION".Theword,,ASISWHEREISCONDITION"meansthatthe "land. and building" available as on date of the Tender only' No improvements/modiiications/additions/alterations will be carried out in the land or building withol.rt approval of the Patnitop Development Authority. Arresting leakages, all type of maintenance work such as buildirlg, sanitary installations, water supply, electrical, horticulture operations etq including eviction of encroachmerrts will be the responsibility of the Successful Bidder only. 2. The Successful bidder should utilize the property only for the purpose of running of Hotel business/resort Wpe used etc and not for any other purposes' 3. The food should be prepared and served in hygienic manner by the Successful bidder. The Successtul Uldaer should also take steps to provide safe protected drinking water. residence like 4. The Successful bidder should produce documentary proof of their State Subject Certificate/Voter identification card' shall be made in 5. No additions, alterations, modifications to the existing building any manner without the written consent of the Patnitop Development Authority and the Successful bidder shall maintain the building and services in good condition. 6. The Successful bidder wil have to remit the annual Lease contract fees in advance every year in full within the due date as prescribed, failing which Patnitop Oevelopment Authority has the right to cancel acceptance without any intimation to the successful bidder. Further relaxation of due date will not be entertained at any cost. 7. The successful bidder should take over the franchised unit within one rrnonth time from the date of receipt of allotment orders, failing which the Patnitop Development Authority shall have the right to cancel allotment order and forfeit earnest money dePosit. after 8. The Outsourcing contract is for a period of Ten Years with 10olo inarease every 5 years. The contract is extendable to five years after successful running of contract for Ten Years and enhancement of lease fee on mutually agreed terms and conditions. 9. The successful bidder has to enter into agreement with the authority every year #ter depositing annual contract fee. 10. If there is any necessity for repairs, alterations, additions in the franchised unit by the Successful bidder at the time of taking over the unit, leave period will be given after hand.ing over the unit to the Successful bidder based on his wri('ten request subject to a maximum of 3 months from the date of taking-oYe-r or the date of commencement of commercial operations by the Successful bidder whichever is earlier. a of 30 11. The successful bidder has to enter into yearly agreement within period days from taking over the possession of the building which_ shall-bre renewed and if con-tractor fails to keep /maintain the terms and condipions of the "rruryagrelment or if at any point of time any complaint is received from t\e tourists / customers the contract/agreement so signed shall deemed to be cancelled ab initio. lacs) only 12. The base price of the leape contract will be Rs. 10.00 Lacs (Rs. Ten Per annum + taxes as applicable if anY. basis thrpughout the 13. The Successful bidder should operate the Unit on continuous fo4 a period of Lease Contract period. If, the Successful bidder fails to run the Unit three months continuously the Patnitop Development Authority shall issue a the Unit notice to Successful biddei and if the Successful bidder fails to operate to the even after one month on receipt of the notice the PDA shall re- en{er in further premises and resume the posseision and the operation of the unit without notice. In such case PDA will forfeit the advance money deposited' like 74. The Successful bidder qhall maintain the buildi.ng and movable properties and shall electrical installations, equipments, Sanitary Items etc' in good condition compensate the Itatnitop Development Authority for any damages to such prop erties with replacerrnent value. 15. All rates, taxes as applicable on the Lease Contract amount, claims, consent fee levied by the Pollution Control Board, demands and outgoings shall be borne by the successful bidder. The successful bidder shouid obtain the necess4ry licenses for operation of the complex. 76. After the expiry of Lease Contract period, the Successful bidder shalf surrender possession of all movable and immovable properties franchised, including leased superstructure and also constructed by the successful bidder with due consent of the PDA. 17. The Successful Bidder shall not claim any title to the superstructure already put up and to be put up by him or claim any compensation at the time of surrendering possession after the expiry of the Lease Contract. 18. All sanctions, permissions, no objections, letters of intent, consenlt, licenses, clearance, approvals etc. shall be obtained by the Successful bidder at his cost and such document shall be kept effective and in force at all times. 79. The building and other properties franchised shall be insured against fire, rioting and possible losses and the insurance policy to be taken in the joint n4mes of the Patnitop Development Authority and the successful bidder and the insurance premium will be borne by the successful bidder' 20. The Committees have the right to inspect the premises and also the book of accounts etc. at any time, 27. The Successful bidder shall submit verified statements, reports; accounts, documents and any other particulars as required by the Patnitop Dqvelopment Authority, from time to time. 22. The Successful bidder shall not encumber the Patnitop Development Authority, properties by way of pledge, hypothecation, mortgage, charge, lien, [ease, leave and license or in anY other manner. ZJ. The Successful Contractgr has to confine his activities only within ttrre specified area handed over to him. 24. The Successful bidder shall not permit his clients to use the open sPace available within the premises, which has not been allotted to him.
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