Sadržaj / Contents Projekat The Project From Noise to Sound 5 From Noise to Sound Kako zvuči How does a skulptura!? 9 Sculpture Sound?! Umesto destrukcije Instead of Destruction – - konstrukcija zvuka 17 Sound Construction razgovor sa Nikolom Macurom interview with Nikola Macura Političari nikada neće Politicians will Never razumeti javni prostor 33 Understand Public Space! razgovor sa Filipom Jurkovičem interview with Filip Jurkovič This project is co-financed by the Governments Zahvaljujući umetničkoj Pool Restored of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through instalaciji obnovljen bazen 41 Thanks to Art Installation Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. razgovor sa Petrom Vališkom-Timečkim interview with Peter Valiská-Timečko The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperaton in Central Europe. Javni prostor Public Space Is je stalno na udaru 49 Constantly under Attack razgovor sa Tomašom Drevičem interview with Tomasz Drewics Kič je u porastu Kitsch is on the u celoj Evropi 57 Rise across Europe razgovor sa Anjom Ingland interview with Ania England Istoriju ne možemo History Cannot Be samo izbrisati gumicom 65 Erased with an Eraser! razgovor sa Galom Tamašom interview with Gaál Tamás i Čilom Berkeš and Csilla Berkes Impresum 72 Impressum This publication is part The of the project From Noise to Sound supported by Project the International Visegrad Fund, coordinated by From the Academy of Arts, University of Novi Sad Noise to (Serbia) in partnership with the University of Sound Arts in Poznań (Poland), the Faculty of Music and Visual Arts, the University of Pécs (Hungary) and the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica (Slovakia). The project is an attempt to tackle the issue of the lack of the contemporary sculpture in Novi Sad through critical analysis and mutual work of students and teachers of art Ova publikacija from four cities: Novi Sad, Banská Bystrica, predstavlja deo Projekat Pécs and Poznań. The specific choice of the projekta From cities is justified by their many similarities in Noise to Sound From architecture but also our similar cultural and koji je podržao historical heritage left by former communist Međunarodni Noise to regimes. višegradski fond (International Sound While tackling the problem of the lack of Visegrad Fund) i contemporary sculpture in Novi Sad we koji realizuje Akademija umetnosti Univerzi- thought it was crucial to properly identify teta u Novom Sadu, u partnerstvu sa Uni- and diagnose the problem, as any recovery verzitetom umetnosti u Poznanju (Poljska), can only begin with a proper diagnosis of Fakultetom vizuelnih i muzičkih umetnosti the present condition. We are also deeply Univerziteta u Pečuju (Mađarska) i Akademi- convinced that the issue of the lack of jom umetnosti u Banskoj Bistirici (Slovačka). contemporary sculpture has to be raised from the professional point of view within Projekat predstavlja inicijativu ka problem- academic and artistic circles not only skom razmišljanju i delovanju u cilju re- because the main goal of our institutions šavanja problema nedostatka savremene is to educate in the field of art, but also skulpture u Novom Sadu, kroz zajednički rad considering the enormous potential of the studenata i profesora iz četiri grada: Novog young and creative energy of students who Vajar Nikola Macura u ateljeu / Sada, Banske Bistrice, Pečuja i Poznanja. represent the art community of the future. Nikola Macura, a sculptor, in the studio 5 Specifičan izbor upavo ovih gradova oprav- Having these ideas in mind, we organized davaju brojne sličnosti u njihovim arhitekton- an international workshop From Noise to skim obeležjima, ali i slično kulturno-istorij- Sound in May 2019 where prominent artists sko nasleđe bivših komunističkih zemalja. and professors from Pécs, Poznań and Banská Bystrica gave presentations on the Tretirajući problem nedostatka savremene topic of contemporary sculpture and public skulpture u Novom Sadu smatrali smo da space in their cities. The exchange of ideas, je veoma važno pravilno identifikovati pro- examples of best (and not so good) practice blem, jer znamo da svaki oporavak počinje in these cities have shed new light on the pravilnom dijagnozom trenutnog stanja. issues of public space and contemporary Takođe, duboko smo uvereni da pitanje sculptures in Novi Sad and indicated new nedostatka savremene skulpture mora biti and different approaches to this issue. postavljeno sa profesionalnog stanovišta Besides the analysis, the aim of this project umetničko-akademske zajednice, pre svega was also to offer a concrete solution to jer je osnovni cilj naših institucija da obrazu- this problem in the form of interdisciplinary ju u oblasti umetnosti, ali i imajuću u vidu sound installation. Our final installation was ogrman potencijal mlade i kreativne ener- presented at the exhibition/performance gije studenata koji predstavljaju umetničku From Noise to Sound on June 1, 2019 at zajednicu budućnosti. Sa tom idejom smo Svilara Cultural Station where besides the u okviru ovog projekta u maju 2019. održali Novi Sad team (which consisted of various Banske Bistrice. Izložba je bila veoma pose- Dogovori u Pečuju pre početka ćena a izrodila je i neke nove ideje i inicijative projekta - Nikola Macura i Čila Berkeš / međunarodnu radionicu From Noise to Sound artists and a scientist led by Assistant Meetings in Pécs before the start of the na kojoj su eminentni umetnici i profesori iz Professor and project coordinator, Nikola za buduće projekte u ovoj oblasti. project - Nikola Macura and Csilla Berkes Pečuja, Poznanja i Banske Bistrice održali Macura), the representatives of the partner prezentacije o savremenoj skulpturi i javnom academies in Pécs, Poznań and Banská Zašto savremena skulptura? prostoru u svojim gradovima. Razmena Bystrica also participated the exhibition / content within the public space is again ideja i primeri dobre i loše prakse u ovim performance. There were a lot of people Ideja za ovaj projekat nastala je kao prirod- becoming a hot topic. In this light, we feel gradovima bacili su novo svetlo na pitanja who came to see the exhibition, which also na reakcija na trenutnu situaciju u kojoj se that a project based on interdisciplinary javnog prostora i savremene skulpture u generated some new initiatives and ideas for nalazi savremena skulptura u Novom Sadu. work, international cooperation and shared Novom Sadu i ukazali su na drugačije načine future projects in this field. Savremene skulpture (i instalacije) gotovo experiences of Serbian and Visegrad artists pristupa ovom problemu. Međutim, pored da nema. Sa druge strane, uz novostečenu could put a different light on the problem of analize želeli smo da ponudimo i konkretno Why contemporary sculpture? titulu Evropske prestonice kulture 2021, čini contemporary sculpture in Novi Sad. rešenje ovog problema u vidu interdisci- se da je pitanje javnog prostora Novog Sada, plinarne zvučne instalacije. U postavljanju The idea for this project came as a kao i umetničkog sadržaja unutar javnog Bojana Borković konačne instalacije, koja je predstavljena na natural reaction to the current situation prostora, ponovo aktuelno. U tom svetlu završnoj izložbi/performansu From Noise of contemporary sculpture in Novi Sad smo smatrali da projekat koji se temelji na to Sound, 1. juna u Kulturnoj stanici Svilara, which hardly has any contemporary interdisciplinarnosti, međunarodnoj saradnji pored novosadskog tima (koji je činio naj- sculptures (or installations) in the public u oblasti umetnosti i zajedničkim iskustvima raznovrsniji skup naučnika i umetnika i koji space. On the other hand, with the new srpskih i višegradskih umetnika, može da je predvodio doc. Nikola Macura, koordina- title of Novi Sad as the European Capital pruži drugačije svetlo na problem savreme- tor projekta), učestvovali su i predstavnici of Culture 2021, it seems that the issue of ne skulpture u Novom Sadu. partnerskih akademija iz Pečuja, Poznanja i public space in the city as well as artistic Bojana Borković 6 7 Nikola Macura, How does a sculptor, has been trying a Sculpture to sound the objects found Sound?! on military waste for several years. He is searching for a new meaning and different energy of these used objects so they are no longer destructive, but constructive. We will agree that this is something that we lack the most in the region where the weapons have been constantly rattling. There is far more destruction and killing than music, joy and creation. These completely transformed rifles and mortars send anti-war message: it is better to play than shoot! However, this is not enough for this versatile Već nekoli- and energetic artist. He is wondering: how ko godina Kako does a sculpture sound!? And he is not just vajar Nikola searching for any sound, but genuine music Macura zvuči pieces composed for rifles and helmets. pokušava That is why he has called professionals da ozvuči skulptura?! from other fields for help: musicians Nikola predmete Macura, a saxophonist and Milica Svirac, nađene na vojnim otpadima. On tim rasho- a cellist; Željko Škrbić, a physicist dealing dovanim objektima pronalazi novi smisao with acoustics as well as Milan Aleksić, a i drugačiju energiju. Više ne rušilačku i composer. Macura is an artist who creates destruktivnu, već konstruktivnu. A, složiće- while communicating with the environment. mo se, toga ponajviše nedostaje na ovim He wants to induce action and reaction in prostorima gde se oružjem stalno zvecka. passive observers. Besides interaction, play
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