Staff Report to the MPL2017-10036 Municipal Planning Board Item #6 January 16, 2018 CENTRAL FLORIDA FERRARI-MASERATI Audi City Furniture Jaguar Mercedes Porsche Offices Mall at Millenia Location Map Subject Site S UMMARY Applicant Property Location: 4891 Vineland Staff Recommendation: Approval of Rd. (south side of Vineland Rd., be- the Master Plan request, subject to con- Jason Mahoney tween Radebaugh Way and N. Walden ditions in this staff report. Lochrane Eng., Inc. Cir., northwest of Interstate 4) (Parcel # Owner 17-23-29-0027-00-021; ±3.9 acres, Dis- Public Comment: Courtesy notices Onofrio Triarsi trict 6). were mailed to property owners within Ccfm Properties, LLC 300 ft. of the subject property the week Applicant’s Request: The applicant of January 1, 2018. As of the mail-out Project Planner is requesting Master Plan approval to of the staff report, staff has not received construct a ±48,000 sq. ft. Ferrari and Jim Burnett, AICP any inquiries relative to the Master Plan Maserati sales/ showroom and vehicle request. service center on a vacant property in the Millenia neighborhood. This will re- place the previously approved master plan (MPL2015-00032). Updated: January 8, 2018 Page 2 FUTURE LAND USE MAP SUBJECT PROPERTY Mercedes Porsche Mall at Millenia Z ONING MAP PD SUBJECT PROPERTY Mercedes Porsche Mall at Millenia AC-2 Page 3 PROJECT ANALYSIS Project Description The applicant is requesting Master Plan approval to construct a ±48,000 sq. ft. Ferrari and Maserati sales/ showroom and vehicle service center on a vacant property in the Millenia neighborhood. The property is zoned MU-2 (High Intensity, Mixed Use Corridor) and is within the Millenia Development of Regional Im- pact (DRI). Previous Actions 8/1985: Property annexed into the City of Orlando (City Doc. #19669); assigned Mixed Use Classification, High Intensity future land use and MU-2 (High Intensity, Mixed Use Corridor) zoning. 1992: Original Schrimsher Southwest (later Millenia) DRI development order approved. 1999: Property platted as part of Legacy Point Phase 1. 6/2015: DRI amendment approved to allow conversion of office uses to hotel, residential and retail uses for Parcels L & M (DRI2015-00004). 1/2016: Master Plan approved (MPL2015-00032) for construction of a ±55,000 sq. ft. Ferrari & Maserati dealership; Property acquired by current owner. 9/2016: Mass grading permit (ENG2016-00717) issued. 10/2017: Building permit (BLD2017-09184) submitted for new dealership; staff noted need for Final Site Plan (FSP) determination, submitted 11/2017 (DET2017-10060); staff determined that overall site lay out had substantially changed to require a new Master Plan. Project Context The property is on the south side of Vineland Rd., between Radebaugh Way and Shingle Creek, and north- west of Interstate 4. Adjacent uses, zoning and future land use designations are shown in Table 1 below. Table 1 - Project Context Future Land Use Zoning Adjacent Use Northeast Mixed Use Corridor, High Intensity MU-2 (High Intensity, Retention Pond & (MUC-HIGH) Mixed Use Corridor) Shingle Creek Southeast MUC-HIGH MU-2 Interstate 4 Southwest MUC-HIGH MU-2 Porsche Dealership (under construction) Northwest (Across Vineland Rd.) R-3B (Medium Intensity Walden Pond Condominium & Residential Medium Intensity Residential Development) Oak Grove Apartments Master Plan Criteria (LDC Section 65.335) The Municipal Planning Board and City Council shall consider the following factors in their review of Master Plan applications: 1. Purpose and Intent. The purpose and intent of the use and all other requirements of the LDC. 2. Growth Management Plan (GMP). The consistency of the proposal with all applicable policies of the City's adopted GMP. 3. Use and District Requirements. The proposal must conform to the requirements of the zoning district(s) in which it is located and, where applicable, to the requirements of Chapter 58 for the particular use or activity under consideration. 4. Performance and Design Regulations. The proposal must conform to all applicable performance and de sign regulations of LDC Chapters 58, 60, 61, and 62. 5. Public Facilities and Services. Necessary public facilities (both on- and off-site), such as transportation, sanitation, water, sewer, drainage, emergency services, education, recreation, etc. will be adequate to serve the proposed use. Page 4 Conformance with Growth Management Plan and Zoning The property is designated Mixed Use Corridor, High Intensity on the City’s Future Land Use Map and is zoned MU-2 (High Intensity, Mixed Use Corridor). The property is within GMP Subarea Policy S.24.2, which references the property’s location within the Millenia Development of Regional Impact (DRI). Auto- mobile sales is considered an intensive retail use and is permitted in the MU-2 zoning district; location of the site within Parcel L of the Millenia Development of Regional Impact (DRI) requires Master Plan approv- al prior to permit submittal. As previously noted, a Master Plan for a similar Ferrari-Maserati dealership was previously approved in January 2016 (MPL2015-00032), but the site plan was drastically altered when ini- tial building permits (and Final Site Plan determination) were submitted in late 2017, requiring approval of a new master plan. The southern portion of Parcel L was previously developed with a 6-story office building and 2-level parking deck (Millenia Park One) in 1999. A 71,000 sq. ft. Porsche dealership is under construction on the middle portion of the parcel to the south. A master stormwater tract (located to the northeast) was created when the property was initially platted in 1999. With ±48,000 sq. ft. of proposed auto sales/showroom and 2nd floor vehicle storage area, the applicants will need to secure (from the Millenia master developer) an updat- ed trip and retail area assignment for the proposed car dealership (same condition as the previous 2015 Master Plan). Property development standards are pro- Table 2 - Development Standards (MU-2 zoning) vided in Table 2 at right. The proposed Setbacks (Minimum) (ft.) FAR ISR Master Plan is consistent with the GMP Proposed Max/ Max/ Use: Area Front Sides Rear Prop. Prop. and Land Development Code. (acres) (Vineland) (NE & SW) (I-4) Transportation ±48,000 sq. ft. 0 0 20 1.0 90% High-end auto The vehicle dealership will be accessed 66 (ne); sales use ±3.9 172 63 0.28 78% from Vineland Rd. via ingress/egress 32 (sw) points, one shared with the Porsche deal- ership (via cross-access easement) to the southwest, with the northerly access lining up with the existing signalized intersection of (north) Walden Ct. Table 3 - Parking Requirements (per LDC Sect. 61.322) Parking for the project is shown in Proposed Use Min./Max. Parking Ratios Required Spaces Table 3 at right. The proposed (sq. ft.) (sp/1,000 sq. ft. GFA) Parking (sp.) Provided use is parked per Code require- Auto dealership 4 sp./initial 3,000 sq. ft. GFA, plus 49 ments. (48,000) 1 sp/1K remaining GFA (no max) Urban Design 144 42 Vehicle Storage spaces being provided (not required) The ±48,000 sq. ft. vehicle dealer- ship will be 2-stories (43 ft.) tall (to Totals 49 min. top of parapet), with much of the building transparency on the rear (I-4) and northeast elevations. Trans- parency and architectural ornamentation is being added to the north (Vineland Rd.) elevation to mask a ramp to the 2nd story vehicle storage area. Floor Area Ratio (FAR) will be 0.28, less if the 2nd story vehicle storage area is not heated or air conditioned. Buffers & Landscaping. The proposed Table 5 - Sign Area (per LDC 64.201 & 64.246) use abuts Vineland Rd. to the north Building Frontage (Linear Ft.) x2 Allowed (sq. ft.) Sign Area and Interstate 4 to the south, with an- 254.67 ft. x 2 = 509.34 (sq. ft.) other vehicle dealership (Porsche) to the southwest and a retention pond to (Per LDC Section 64.246) If high-rise signs are used, allow- 254.67 be- the northeast. Adequate buffers are able sign area is halved (÷2) so 692 sq. ft. (sign area) ÷ 2 = low 30 ft. being provided for the proposed vehicle High-Rise Sign Allowance (per LDC 64.246) dealership use. 5 sq. ft./1,000 sq. ft. Gross Floor Area 238.2 high- 47,643 (GFA), not to exceed 800 sq. ft., on no rise (119 Signage. Per LDC Section 64.226, total (building GFA) sign area is based on linear building more than 2 sides of the principal bldg. per side) frontage facing Vineland Rd. (frontage on I-4 is not afforded sign area). Table 5 (above) indicates how Page 5 much sign area is allowed for signs lower than 30 ft. elevation (wall, window, monument signs) and how much sign area is allowed for high-rise sign area. A single monument sign is proposed at the northern (proposed) signalized entrance from Vineland Rd., with a style consistent with the Millenia DRI Sign Stand- ards. The proposed building elevations show separate “Ferrari” and “Central Florida” high-rise wall signs on the south (I-4) and northeast building elevations. Code allows not more than two (2) high-rise signs, so the gap between “Ferrari” and “Central Florida” will need to be reduced to satisfy Code. Per Table 5 on the preceding page, each of the combined “Ferrari - Central Florida” signs cannot exceed 119 sq. ft. and be of similar appearance, color and size. High-rise signs must also glow white at night. Logos can remain non- white colors at night. With high-rise signs, the total allowed sign area for the site is reduced by half (again, shown in Table 5), leaving 254.67 sq. ft. for other lower wall and window signs, directional signs and the front monument sign.
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