For offiCial use only CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR EDITING, CODING AND RECORD MANAGEMENT OF INDIVIDUAL SLIPS PART-I MASTER COPY-I OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR GENERAL&. CENSUS COMMISSIONER. INOI.A MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS NEW DELHI CONTENTS Pages GENERAlINSTRUCnONS 1-2 1. Abbreviations used for urban units 3 2. Record Management instructions for Individual Slips 4-5 3. Need for location code for computer processing scheme 6-12 4. Manual edit of Individual Slip 13-20 5. Code structure of Individual Slip 21-34 Appendix-A Code list of States/Union Territories 8a Districts 35-41 Appendix-I-Alphabetical list of languages 43-64 Appendix-II-Code list of religions 66-70 Appendix-Ill-Code list of Schedules Castes/Scheduled Tribes 71 Appendix-IV-Code list of foreign countries 73-75 Appendix-V-Proforma for list of unclassified languages 77 Appendix-VI-Proforma for list of unclassified religions 78 Appendix-VII-Educational levels and their tentative equivalents. 79-94 Appendix-VIII-Proforma for Central Record Register 95 Appendix-IX-Profor.ma for Inventory 96 Appendix-X-Specimen of Individual SHp 97-98 Appendix-XI-Statement showing number of Diatricts/Tehsils/Towns/Cities/ 99 U.AB.lC.D. Blocks in each State/U.T. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS This manual contains instructions for editing, coding and record management of Individual Slips upto the stage of entry of these documents In the Direct Data Entry System. For the sake of convenient handling of this manual, it has been divided into two parts. Part·1 contains Management Instructions for handling records, brief description of thf' process adopted for assigning location code, the code structure which explains the details of codes which are to be assigned for various entries in the Individual Slip and the edit instructions. Part-II of the manual contains various appendices giving State-wise details of Towns, Talukas, Cities/Urban Agglomerations 1 lac ~ CD Blocks and Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes. The mcmual has been split into two parts on the consideration that coding/editing staff will need reference to Part-II of the manual mostly in respect of its own State. Therefore, separate bound copies of Part-II of the manual have been prepared State-wise and are betng sent to the concerned States only. 2 To meet the requirement of Tabulation Plan, the Individual Slips will be processed In three stages as per details given in the Management Instructions In order to ensure that none of the schedules is missed, It will be essential that all the Regional Tabulation Offices are advised to despatch in advance the details of the blocks in an operational unit so that at the time of receiving Individual Slips, it isensured that records of all the blocks have been received The schedules received alongwith the accompanying inventories will reqUire to be taken on charge after proper vf:rificatron as per details given in the Management Instructions 3 The Coding/Editing Cells will have to be organised In a manner that the schedules after receipt and proper verification, are passed on to the Coding/Editing Cells for undertaking various edit procedures indicated in the edit instructions The edited schedules will then be transferred to the coding staff for aSSigning various codes as per the code structure enclosed. On completion of the coding, the schedules will be passed for the Direct Data Entry In the manner explained in the Management Instructions 4. Location code is Cl very important code and, ther,efore, detailed instructions for assigning this code have been included as a separate chapter 5. A reference to code list for mother tongues' as per Appendix I and 'religions' as per Appendix II would indicate that code 9999 for 'mother tongue' and 999 for 'religion' has been indicatea under the heading 'unclassified: If the name of mother tongue and religion do not appear in the list at Appendix 1111 respectively, such mother tongues/religions will have to be treated as 'unclassified' mother tongues and religions. Therefore, while coding mother tongue as 9999 and religion as 999, wherever applicable, the details of such entries will have to be maintained on a separate tally sheet which will include name of mother tongue/religion and male/female population in that category In the end these details will have to 1 be consolidated for each enumerator block as per Appendix V in the case of mother tongue and Appendix VI in the case of religion. These consolidated details may be prepared in three copies for distribution as given .below: (a) Mother tongue/language 1. Language Division. Calcutta 2. Data Processing Division. R.K. Puraml Pushpa Shawano New Delhi 3. File copy (b) Religion 1. Social Studies Division. R.K. Puram, New Delhi 2. Data Processing Division. R.K. Puraml Pushpa Shawano New Delhi 3. File copy 1. ABBREVIATIONS USED FOR THE URBAN UNITS The following abbreviations have been used for urban units. 1. C Corporation 2. CANTI. Cantonment 3. C.B. Cantonment Board 4. C.M.C. City Municipal Council 5. C.P. Commune Panchayat 6. C.T. Census Town 7. E.O. Estate Office 8. F.C.A. Faridabad Complex Administration 9. G.P. Gram Panchayat 10. I.N.A. Industrial Notified Area 11. M Municipality 12. M.B. Municipal Board 13. M.C. Municipal Committee 14. M.CL. Municipal Council 15. M.CORP. Municipal Corporation 16. M.P. Mandai Panchayat 17. M.TS. Municipal Township 18. N.A. Notified Area 19. N.A.C. Notified Area Committee 20. N.M. Non-MuniCipal 21. N.M.A. Non-Municipal Area 22. N.M.C.T. Non-Municipal Census Town 23. N.P. Nagar Panchayat 24. N.T.A.C. Notified TOlllln Area Committee 25. O.G. Out Growth 26. P Panchayat 27. P.TS. Panchayat Township 28. S.B. Sanitary Board 29. S.RLY. ADMN. Southern Railway Administration 30. S.T. SpeCial Town 31. T.A. Town Area 32. 1.A.C. Town Area Committee 33. T.C. Town Committee 34. T.M.C. Town Municipal Council 35. T.P. Town Panchayat 36. IS. Township 37. U.A. Urban Agglomeration 38. V.P. Village Panchayat 3 2. RECORD MANAGEMENT INSTRUCTIONS FOR INDIVIDUAL SLIP Every system whether manual. mechanical or electro-mechanical calls for a ~ood deal of planning and perfect set of working frame. In data processing particularly a system hasto be evolved to regulate the flow and handling of records ,.~~t from the stage of receiving the data till the printing of results. Suitable controls are to be provided to ensure that none of the schedules is missing at any stage of processing. Initially in stage I, the Individual Slips will be processed on 10% sample in case of major states having population of 10 million and above and on full count in respect of remaining smaller states and union territories The Individual Slips containing data of HHI, OW, marginal workers and non-workers seeking/available for work will be processed on full count in stage II. Lastly in stage III, Individual Slips relating to scheduled castes/scheduled tribes will be processed on full count. The schedules are expected to be received from the R.T.Os after checking for a district. tehsil/town, C.O. Block, village/ward and enumerator block etc. separately for rural and urban areas. The lowest unit for which the records are expected to be transferred to the editing and coding cells is at Tehsil/Taluk/P.S.lOevelopment Block/Circle/Town/City/U.A for a district. The schedules are expected to be delivered after arranging properly for villages/wards within a tehsil/town and enumerators block within villages/wards. After the schedules are received, they should be checked for their completeness and diarised immediately in a "Central Record Register" to be maintained in the format given at Appendix VIII in the Record Section. The columns 1 to 3 of this format are to be filled immediately on the receipt of records in the Record Section and column 4 of the register is to be filled after the bundling process. Batching of the pads should be done in bundles of about 500 schedules each, so that the schedules are arranged properly for enumerator's block within village/ward and villages/wards within a tehsil/town (the bundle should contain complete enumerator's block meaning thereby that Enumerator Block should not be broken up to bring it to the above figure of 500 Individual Slips). It is emphasised here that all the enumerator's blocks witt}in a village are to be kept in continuous order i.e., if a village has three enumerator's blocks, namely, 51. 52 and 62 then the schedules for all these three enumerator's blocks should be arranged in continuation at one place and thereafter the schedules for second and subsequent villages should be placed in a bundle of a Tehsil/Town. Within each bundle an index slip is to be attached for each enumerator's block as per speCimen given below: INDEX SLIP (ENUMERATOR BLOCK) State code District code Tehsil/Taluk/I".S./Oevelopment Block/Circle/Town/City/U.A. Village/Ward o...de Enumerator Block code Serial No. of pads Numbers of Slips to be coded 4 Each bundle is to be erosl stringed, serial marking is to be done on each page of the pad (if not already marked) so that no J'898 is lost. On each bundle an Index Slip is to be attached as per specimen given below: INDEX .SUP (BUNDLES) Bundle No ............... State code District code TehsillTaluk/P.S.lOevelopment Block/Circle/Town/City /U.A. VillagelWard code Enumerator Blocks Numbers of Slips to be coded Coded by .........................
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