American Indian Biographies Index A ABC: Americans Before Columbus, 530 Ace Daklugie, 245 Actors; Banks, Dennis, 21-22; Beach, Adam, 24; Bedard, Irene, 27-28; Cody, Iron Eyes, 106; George, Dan, 179; Greene, Graham, 194-195; Means, Russell, 308-310; Rogers, Will, 425-430; Sampson, Will, 443; Silverheels, Jay, 461; Studi, Wes, 478 Adair, John L., 1 Adams, Abigail, 289 Adams, Hank, 530 Adams, Henry, 382 Adams, John Quincy, 411 Adario, 1-2 Adate, 149 Adobe Walls, Battles of, 231, 365, 480 Agona, 150 AIF. See American Indian Freedom Act AIM. See American Indian Movement AIO. See Americans for Indian Opportunity AISES. See American Indian Science and Engineering Society Alaska Native Brotherhood, 374 Alaska Native Sisterhood, 374 Alaskan Anti-Discrimination Act, 374 Alcatraz Island occupation; and Bellecourt, Clyde, 29; and Mankiller, Wilma, 297; and Oakes, Richard, 342; and Trudell, John, 508 Alexie, Sherman, 2-5 Alford, Thomas Wildcat, 5 Allen, Alvaren, 466 Allen, Paula Gunn, 6-9 Alligator, 9-10, 246 Allotment, 202, 226 Amadas, Philip, 371 American Horse, 10-12, 26 American Indian Chicago Conference, 530 American Indian Freedom Act, 30 American Indian Historical Society, 116 American Indian Movement, 21, 129, 369; and Bellecourt, Clyde H., 29; and Bellecourt, Vernon, 32; creation of, 530; and Crow Dog, Leonard, 128; and Fools Crow, Frank, 169; and Means, Russell, 308; and Medicine, Bea, 311; and Oakes, Richard, 342-343; and Pictou Aquash, Anna Mae, 376 American Indian Science and Engineering Society, 391 American Revolution, 66; and Cayuga, 281; and Cherokee, 61, 346; and Creek, 288; and Delaware, 544; and Iroquois, 63, 66-67, 69, 112-113; and Lenni Lenape, 224; and Mahican, 341; and Miami, 277; and Mohawk, 68; and Mohegan, 345; and Ottawa, 387; and Senecas, 52; and Shawnee, 56, 85, 115, 497 Americans for Indian Opportunity, 207 ANB. See Alaska Native Brotherhood Annawan, 12 ANS. See Alaska Native Sisterhood Anthony, Scott, 50 Anthropologists; Bushotter, George, 77-78; Deloria, Ella Cara, 141-142; Dorris, Michael, 150-151; Dozier, Edward Pasqual, 152; Hewitt, John N. B., 211; Hunt, George, 227; Ishi, 232-233; McNickle, D'Arcy, 291-293; Medicine, Bea, 311; Murie, James, 330; Parker, Arthur Caswell, 359; Tyon, Thomas, 517 Antonio, Juan, 13-14, 177 Apache removal, 90 Apache Wars, 182-183, 519 Apes, William, 14-15 Aquash, Anna Mae Pictou. See Pictou Aquash, Anna Mae Aquash, Nogeeshik, 376 Arapoosh, 15-16 Argall, Samuel, 380 Army scouts; Bad Heart Bull, Amos, 20; Big Bow, 39; Bloody Knife, 53-54; Chatto, Alfred, 89-90; Curly, 131; Gladstone, James, 187-188; Little Wolf, 279; Naiche, 333; Otherday, John, 356; Two Moon, 515; White Man Runs Him, 545-546; Winnemucca, Sarah, 550-551 Arpeika, 16 Arthur, Chester A., 148 Asah, Spencer, 17 Astor, John Jacob, 109 Atkinson, Henry, 48 Atotarho, 18-19, 137, 212, 214-215 Attakullakulla, 154 Auchiah, James, 17, 19-20 Autobiographers; Apes, William, 14; Blacksnake, 52; Bonnin, Gertrude Simmons, 57; Chona, Maria, 94-95; Copway, George, 111; Crashing Thunder, 116; Crow Dog, Mary, 129; Eastman, Charles Alexander, 159-161; Lame Deer, 267; Mankiller, Wilma Pearl, 297-300; Momaday, N. Scott, 320-321; Mountain Wolf Woman, 328; Mourning Dove, 329; Standing Bear, Luther, 476- 477; Waheenee, 525; Winnemucca, Sarah, 550-551; Wooden Leg, 552 Awa Tsireh, 20 B Bacon's Rebellion, 402 Bad Axe, Battle of, 48 Bad Heart Bull, Amos, 20-21 Balanchine, George, 486 Banai, Edward Benton, 29 Banks, Dennis, 21-23, 31-32; and Peltier, Leonard, 369; in poetry, 3 Bannock War, 495, 550 Barboncito, 23-24, 141 Barlowe, Arthur, 371 Barnes, R. H., 513 Barnwell, John, 200 Bascom affair, 104 Bascomb affair, 295 Basketry, Washoe, 134 Battey, Thomas C., 258 Beach, Adam, 24-25, 28, 474, 479 Beale, Edward F., 13 Bear Hunter, 25-26 Bear Paw, Battle of, 541 Bear River Campaign, 25 Bear's Heart, James, 26-27, 226 Bedard, Irene, 27-29, 130 Bellecourt, Clyde H., 29-32 Bellecourt, Vernon, 31-33; and Peltier, Leonard, 369 Bender, Elizabeth A., 98 Benjamin Church, 12 Benson, Robby, 318 Bent, George, 33-36, 277 Bent, William, 33 Betzinez, Jason, 36-38; and Chatto, Alfred, 91 BIA. See Bureau of Indian Affairs Bible; and Cherokee language, 170, 454; interpretation of, 344; and Sioux language, 415 Big Bear, 38-39 Big Bow, 39 Big Dry Wash, Battle of, 337 Big Foot, 39-41, 44, 123, 227, 458, 517, 555; and American Horse, 11 Big Hole Valley, Battle of, 541 Big Tree, 39, 41, 448; and Satank, 446 Big Warrior, 42 Black Bonnet, 448 Black Dog, 387 "Black drink," 528 Black Elk, 42-45, 119, 124, 168 Black Elk, Nicholas, 376 Black Elk, Wallace, 376 Black Hawk, 45-49, 505; and Keokuk, 255; and Pokagon, Leopold, 384 Black Hawk War, 48, 256, 356, 456 Black Hills War, 256 Black Kettle, 49-50, 276; niece of, 35 Black Seminoles, 548 Blackbird, Andrew, 51 Blacksnake, 52-53 Bloody Knife, 53-55 Blue Eagle, Acee, 55 Blue Highways (Heat-Moon), 210 Blue Jacket, 55-56, 85, 278 Bly, Robert, 72 Boas, Franz, 78, 142, 227 Bolon, Andrew J., 253 Bonnin, Gertrude Simmons, 57-58, 323 Bono, Sonny, 92 Boone, Daniel, 56 Boudinot, Elias, 58-59, 417, 435, 533; home of, 170; murder of, 59 Boudinot, Elias Cornelius, 60-61 Bourke, John G., 90 Bowl, 61-62 Bowlegs, Billy, 16, 62-63 Bozeman Trail, 516; cavalry forts, 407; closing of, 120; opening of, 120; and Red Cloud's War, 11, 154, 172, 222, 274, 279, 403, 407, 515; and Sacagawea, 440 Brant, Joseph, 52, 63-68; and Hiawatha, 212; and Jones, Augustus, 238 Brant, Molly, 65, 68-69 Bronson, Ruth Muskrat, 70 Brown, Adam, 96 Bruce, Louis R., 70-71 Bruchac, Joseph, 71-73 Buffalo Hump, 73-74 Bull Bear, 74, 406; brother of, 269 Bull Head, 413 Bull Hump, 156 Bull Lodge, 75-77 Burdick, Usher, 542 Bureau of Indian Affairs, 70, 414; and Deer, Ada Elizabeth, 135; and Cobell, Elouise, 99-101; finances of, 99; takeover of headquarters, 207, 310 Bushotter, George, 77-78, 330 Bushyhead, Dennis Wolf, 79 Bushyhead family, 193 C Caduto, Michael J., 72 Cairook, 230 Calhoun, John, 375 Calling Myself Home (Hogan), 219 Camp Grant massacre, 146, 166 Campbell, Ben Nighthorse, 79-81 Campbell, Walter Stanley, 217 Canby, Edward, 174, 223 Canonchet, 81-82 Canonicus, 82-83, 316 Captain Jack, 83-84, 107, 223, 449-450, 549 Carlisle Indian School, 57, 160, 323, 477 Carr, E. A., 334 Carr, Paddy, 312 Carrington, Henry B., 120 Carson, Kit, 141, 175, 480 Cartier, Jacques, 149 Cass, Lewis, 356, 504 Catahecassa, 84-85 Catches, Pete, 85-87 Catches, Peter V. (son of Pete Catches), 86 Ceremony (Silko), 460 CERT. See Council of Energy Resource Tribes Chaffee, Adna, 337 Chakaucho Kama, 507 Charbonneau, Toussaint, 438 Charcoal, 87-88 Charlot, 88-89 Chase Wounded, 272 Chatto, Alfred, 89-91 Checote, Samuel, 234 Cher, 91-93 Cherokee Mounted Rifles, 534 Cherokee Phoenix, 58, 170, 435, 533 Cherokee syllabary, 58, 170, 434, 453-454 Cheyenne Outbreak, 156, 552 Chihuahua, 333 Chiksika, 498 Chisholm, Jesse, 94 Chisholm Trail, 94 Chivington, John, 34, 50, 275 Cholera; and Kiowas, 149; and Omahas, 264 Chona, Maria, 94-96 Civil War; and Boudinot, Elias Cornelius, 60; and Bowlegs, Billy, 63; and Cherokees, 436; and Choctaws, 378; and Creeks, 390; and Isparhecher, 234; and Little Raven, 275; and Opothleyaholo, 350; and Parker, Ely Samuel, 360, 362; and Pitchlynn, Peter Perkins, 377; and Porter, Pleasant, 390; and Seminoles, 63; and Shoshones, 26; and Watie, Stand, 533-534 Clark, George I., 97 Clark, William, 109, 268, 438, 525 Clarke, Peter Dooyentate, 96-97 Cleveland, Grover, 90 Clinch, Duncan, 10, 246 Clinton, Bill; and Deer, Ada Elizabeth, 135; and Looking Horse, Arvol, 286; and McDonald, Peter, 288 Clinton, DeWitt, 196 Cloud, Henry Roe, 97-98 Cobell v. Norton, 101 Cobell, Elouise, 99-102 Cochise, 102-105; and Geronimo, 182; and Mangas Coloradas, 295; son of, 333 Cody, Buffalo Bill; and Dumont, Gabriel, 158; Wild West Show, 11, 44, 466, 477 Cody, Iron Eyes, 106-107 Cogewea (Mourning Dove), 329 Cohoe, 226 Colorow, 107-108 Comanche Wars, 73 Comcomly, 109 Connor, Patrick E., 26, 120 Conquering Bear, 109-110, 118 Cook-Lynn, Elizabeth, 110-111 Coppermine expedition, 308 Copway, George, 111-112 Cornplanter, 52, 112-114, 410 Cornstalk, 115; and Logan, James, 281; and Tarhe, 491 Corti, Espera (Iron Eyes Cody), 106 Costo, Jeannette Henry, 116 Costo, Rupert, 115-116 Council of Energy Resource Tribes, 287 Cradleboard Teaching Project, 442 Crashing Thunder, 116-117, 328 Crawford, William, 224, 497 Crazy Horse, 21, 43, 117-125, 155, 472; and Crook, George, 400; and Gall, 173; and Hump, 227; in poetry, 3; and Short Bull, 457; and Two Moon, 515 Crazy Snake. See Harjo, Chitto Crazy-Sister-in-Law, 399 Creek War, 42, 171, 294, 353, 400, 402, 433, 536 Croghan, Catharine, 66 Crook, George; and American Horse, 11; and Apaches, 37, 90, 146, 336; and Cheyennes, 121; and Geronimo, 183, 245; and Lakotas, 121, 400; and Poncas, 475 Crow Allotment Act, 559 Crow Dog, 125-127, 472 Crow Dog, Henry, 127-128 Crow Dog, Leonard, 127-130 Crow Dog, Mary, 27, 129-130 Crowfoot, 130-131, 272 Culbertson, Alexander, 336 Curling Hair, 167 Curly, 131-132 Curtis, Charles, 80, 132-133 Cushing, Howard Bass, 245 Custer Died for Your Sins (Deloria), 145 Custer, George Armstrong, 131, 481; and Battle of Little Bighorn, 43, 122, 131, 172, 379, 400, 413, 465; and Bloody Knife, 53; and Crazy Horse, 121; and Crook, George, 400; death of, 404, 541; scouts of, 131, 546; Washita River attack, 50, 484 Cut Nose, 327 D Dade, Frank, 10, 246 Dalai Lama, 286 Dances with Wolves (film), 194, 195, 479, 545 Datsolalee, 134 Dawes Commission, 202, 391 Dawes Severalty Act, 100, 160, 374, 392 De Soto, Hernando.
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