·... A HENRI PETETIN, INC. ~la,.,··~J :!Jal[y':l ~ ABOUT A QUARTER TO NINE (W) Weirick Fox Trot Ole black 1 123 Carondelet Street .liFTER ALL YOU.RE ALL I'M AFTER (H) Paul Fox Trot God's Wisd '"~Y Sally. .liFTER YOU (H) Weirick . ..Fox Trot C 11 om In her New Orleans, La. Phone: RA 9597 I..H SWEET MYSTERY OF LIFE (W) Katzman. Waltz a s to her Pi k . ~Yes, AIN'T SHE SWEET (A) Dale •• .. .•. .Fox Trot Then points up\:nthinmek~' :\IN'T WE GOT FUN (R) Sears. .. .. .....Fox Trot e s Jes. ALL MY LOVE (H) Warrington...... ............... .. • .. ....... ... Waltz ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT (H) PauL ... ..... ··- ·-·... ...... .Fox Trot Saying "now see h . t ALONE TOGETHER (H) PauL......... • .... ...•....•.......• .Fox Trot De GorJd Lawd lib uh, chlllen, ALCJNG THE SANTA FE TRAIL (H) Mason.. _ .•.Fox Trot An He's got de up dar, AM I BLUE (W) Schoen............. -··· ·· .• •... .. ..... .. Fox Trot WHAT'S THE HIGHEST? A.NYTH!NG GOES (H) Sterling... •.. ... .. .... .Fox Trot An sees yo eber~~h~~~ e.ves, by 6 APRIL IN PARIS (H) Murphy ·--··· .. .. .. .Fox Trot Jerry Lofgren L3 APRIL SHOWERS (H) Sterling .. ·······--·-- ..... ...... .Fox Trot And all d t· ARE YOU FROM DIXIE? (W) Taylor _ _ On.t Step-Two Step Not lazin~ o~ne_ Yo' n:us' be 1 Below is a list of the highest ~ ARE YOU MA{{IN' ANY MONEY (H) Paul . Fox Trot ~ mountains on each continent. Can f' AS TIME GOES BY (H) Mason.......... ····· ······-----··········--····· Fox Trot Fo de 1\fars'a ~~~~n I~· jams; 3 you match the mountains with their -1 ~UF WIEDERSEHN. MY DEAR (A) Deutsch.• _ ··-- ···-····--· Fox Trot 1\fa precious littl' la~s. au, port) is a crumb AUTUMN NOCTURNE (A) Osser ....•..•..•............. ....• .Fox Trot continent? Give each correct answer crepe suzette . • • A superior AVALON (R) Dale ........... .• ... ..... ···· ······-······ ·· ........ .........Fox Trot E ten points. A score of fifty or above [ Don't cha be m holdover is "Dreamboat.·' with a, rates you as an excellent moun- 5 107 No reason What ean and 1yin' ' taineer. 2 Cllfton Webb making the farcical An don cha n Yo needs, confection a jollypop .•. "Wag- 8 Or do dem ebber steal-no iJ 1. Africa a. McKinley ~ onery deeds. 2E 2. Asia b. Kilimanjaro ons West" is typical humpty- BABY FACE (R) Weirick....... .. •. ......... ................................. Fox Trot 3. Europe c. Elbrus dumpty •• . " The Brigand" is tALJZING BAMBALINA (H) Mason .. ..........•.... ................ .. .. ... .Fox T_rot But, chillens, jes' v 4.. North America d. Everest CL r outine Jack-and-Jillodrama. IN BEGIN THE BEGUINE (H) Mason .... ·- · ········-····-······-···-·-- .....•... Begu1ne Dem feelins to d . ? memba dt..GIN THE BEGUINE (H) Shaw ... ... .... ..... ..........Fox Trot Den look u . espise, s 5. South America e. Aconcagua Ll E> J ody Lawrence is the boy-toy . .• BE SURE-"No Quiero Que Me Quieras" (R) Clar up defe-j-t1FI11 _.Yo f~eJs up . 6. AntarCtica f. Kosciusko Thriving "King Kong" is ho- ~MALs (English and Spanish Text) Cole ··············-··---------······ Bolero BIDIN' MY TIME (NW) Paul.... .................. ... ... ...... ....Fox Trot n IS Sk1es!" 4 7. Australia g. Thorvald Nilson ham. In a word: Cinemaciated. 11 Answers- BIRTH OF THE BLUES (H) SchoebeL.. .............. .. .. .. ... .Fox Trot -Lulu. Mit~.rrra 18 dynami-.:.1 BLACK BOTTOM (H) PauL ............. ·· ·······---·--·············-·-··-········Fox Trot 25 1-b; 2-d; 3-c; 4-a; 5-e; 6-g; 7-f s. It all BLOW GABRIEL BLOW (H) PauL................ .. ........ _______ Fox Trot COMPLIMENTS OF YOUR REPRESENTATI VE selection BLUE ROOM. THE (H) Murphy ................ ....................................... Fox Trot BLUES IN THE NIGHT (R) Sc:hoen ......................... ...........................Fox Trot OCT. 1954 r l'IIV v • .L<:1i.) ~ ..., .......... J.::>O'i . QVO'I'J<; Y.'OR Gl{ADUA 1'ES i JOSEPH P . AUCOIN .1 had a 1 SMT WT F S SMTWTF S SMTWTFS ~ a com,Panion wl1ich nn ew words 1 • I 1 z 3 4 5 6 ___ ! § J - ~ !gg~wf~~E ~~Ylictmt;s;~~~: ::. • ·::~ ..: ... ~. -:::.: ···: · : .:. .: :-~ : ·~~=-:·~~· : :··~~·-~· · ~:: - • !~~ ~~~i I tie. / 1 to gre?.t BOULEVARD OF BROKEN DREAMS (R) Weirick.. ................... Fox Trot press, no crime can ll in his BOY SCOUT IN SWITZERLAND (A) stroy, no enemy l'an Scott-Mourant ...... .. .......... ...................................................Novelty Fox Trot aid: ·so1- BROTHER CAN YOU SPARE A DIME? (H) PauL............. ........ Fox Trot alienate, no rles~ti.,m ers nom youma pyramkl . 40 BUMBLE BOOGIE SAMBA. THE (R) (English ~an en slave'' - .Jn~fPh I and Portuguese Text) Ga6 ............ ·- -··········-··········-················-- ..... ..Samba ~nt~ries look· down upon vou:• BUT NOT FOR ME (H) PauL .. ... ·······-······- ............................... Fox Trot Addi~on pd again, when he w!ts to at• ·,y THE LIGHT OF THE SILVERY MOON (R) Weirick. .... Fox Trot mpt crossing the Alps mto Italy; BY THE LIGHT OF THE SILVERY MOON (R) Shoen. ... ... ... Fox Trot e exclaimed: "The.-e shall be no BYE BYE BLACKBIRD (R) Mason ·····-···· . .....•.... •... .... .. Fox Trot Ips!" Words tha• were d;r- ( amic. Numberless _words echo dO\~n CALIFORNIA, HERE I COME (W) Dale......... ...............•.......•..... -.........Fox Trot 1e centuries, spoken by tho~"' CANADIAN CAPERS (R) Skinner...... ............................................................. Fox Trot j1o forged them wl:lun n,elr CAN THIS BE LOVE (H) Murphy..... ............................................................ Fox Trot I CAN"T WE BE FRIENDS (H) Sears ........................................................... Fox Trot '",arts. Li ''e t?,at_ senten~e .': CAN'T WE TALK IT OVER (R) Weirick ................................................. Fox Trot I p.trick HerJ Y· r,rvc me h~e.rty, _ _ - Jr give me death." The wr1hngs 3 11 of Shakespeare are f1lle<i with JAN. JUNE GARNET AUG. r dynamic expressions th1.t PEARL SARDONYX continuously quoted. CONSTANCY-FIDEL TY e HF.ALTH AND LONG LIFE FELICITY On the other hand, _v.. •ords FEB. JULY SEPT. not need to be explosJVe to . be AMETHYST RUBY SAPPHIRE ,.. greatly infh1ential. How soothmg SINCERITY CONTENTED MIND WISDOM and inspiring are the words, sa MAR. OCT. beautifully "formed, as BLOODSTONE 1 0 COURAGt. TKU fHFULNESS OPAL in the Psalms of David in t~e HOPE Biblt The writings c. L·lfeadio APRIL NOV. Hearn· have always inhigued me 5 DIAMOND CO LEMAN E. ADLER & SONS TOPAZ because of their magic of e NNOCENCE INCORPORATED FIDELITY sion. ~ had a poetic mind. MAY 722 & 724 CANAL STREET EMERALD NEW ORLEANS DEC. Words are too1~. and someti11es HAPPINESS TURQUOISE ) are formed il1to sharp ciarts that PRO(SPERITY-sucass9 il lodge in the heart-even when no! 7 8 intended. There can be rare '~auly to wc•rds aptly c..ontr;r • d when \Happed in 'S . 'ndness, thc:y C·'ll flood an c Beautiful rainbow, y with joy and ._atlsf ~ning Oh 11e may be lm11ted m \'ihat YOUR BIRTHSTONe gh e mat1'r1ally. h•ll '\ r · b:i'idge arching over the sky! · qys have a greai· 1 tis ready ;:~nd apt to make ou seem to be a border of flower~ ot1 -Q. life mo ·e content and py. Krn.d won s become the \Va~·( n the sky's gar~en after the sJ:. nVvj~rs. of us--that radiate iar and WlC -endkssly. They can easily r come dynamic! ] HENRI PETETIN, l t 123 Carondelet Strf New Orleans, La. Phon, J WHAT'S THE HIG~ I s:: • as - by QJ Jerry Lofgren 1 Below is a list of tb' 1 •• 2 mountains on each conti 3 you match the mountains continent? Give each corn '8 llr'( ,.... E ten points. A score of fift • .p $l ~ - f rates you as an excellt Cl 0 tot ~ ' taineer. 0 • ,a ... Ht. Africa a. MeR • ..c: .d 2E 2. Asia b. Kilir ~ .p ...., ,....• 3. Europe c. Elbr a 8 ~ r-1 <1. North America d. Evet s 5. South America e. Acf'~ rl e 6. AntarCtica f. Km / c 4 7. Australia g. Th1 Q t§ Answers- ..p 25 1-b; 2-d; 3-c; 4-a; 5-e; s-4 c .....c OCT. 1954 1 nv v • .. .,..,~ OJ \X) ... •• .s SMTWTFS SMTWTFS ~ 1 • I 1 2 3 4 5 \'\ 0 ( ""' A...., ..... Hv.-. ...... en ~:;;~-Po lool ~~~.... lrn l c... , ~ :;;:: 0 ~ .,__ -.:1 0) <:.11 ..,.. W N ,_. M- '"1 M- (') '-' '"' ~ CD >'!() ';""~· • • • • • • ?:>p:>~oo;:j ~~ ~ ~ > > w z t'=j > > s· c; :::s g. >== g ~ ~ ..... ~ >== :=s g 8 = f!). ~ ~ rn '0 s· c:l :=s ...... :I: ~ - rn M- • · • M ,_., o ;::> ,.... o == >'leo •'"M-p:>M-M-O"'n"! .... rop;?:><! ):> 0 ~ U1 0. ;2 1-j "! ::r ::r'O ?:> • '< :=s ::::! M- .... <; l:!,.,_.trj 0. .... l":: ~ r ) -. I ?:> r. ' ro o M- ,.... (') :=s -1 co~..., ' en .,,_ :::::: :::;. > > >== ~ . .., ::r rn t::· - Q ,,..., ....::... ~ - ~ ' • ,l . .' ------- __.; ~A:':\ pv~n-'<-~~ (}__ /~..,~ Jtflfl: J!g ::fi LESSON 2 J ~ l. What is description? Description 1a that kind of discourse that ' suggests how a particular thing appealed to the senses of the writer or. speaker: 2. How is description sometimes divided? Description is sometimes divid~d into scientific and artistic groups. If its chief purpose is to entertain, it is called artistic description. If its chief purpose is to appeal -to the understanding, it is called scientitio description. 3. State an example of eaoh. - An artistic description of a bouse might give details that caused the author to -reel that the building was old, such as a ttsagging roof":~ "fallen chimney•• "decayed siding", uleaf-strewn poreh". 1 ~ - A so1ent1tio description of a house might give the e:x:act size, shape, and position of the parts, and other mechanical details, 4. P-repare a brief artistic description of any of the following: A fairy castle A sumxn~erme ':::1 1 ~ Our gardener's appearance , -•· Cf'~ My doll ,house. Pont~artra n Beach City Park Audubon Park 5. Pronounce th1 · t'9llnl!ling oorrec,tlyl whether wander poetry ~ - weather for wonde~ poultry 6 . Explain the meaning of the follow~ng: "If a man em{ltY his purse into his head, no one can take it from him • • Benjamin Franklin. 7. Suggest a number of words that might be used in speski~ of: a.
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