Butterfly Descriptions for Android App Hesperiidae Carcharodus alceae — Mallow Skipper Flight Time: April to October Elevation: 500-2600m Habitat: Meadows, forest clearings, and grassy hills. Food Plants: Malva sylvestris (Common Mallow), Althaea officinalis (Marshmallow) Life Cycle: Univoltine or multivoltine depending on elevation. Hesperia comma — Silver-Spotted Skipper Flight Time: Late June to early September Elevation: 2000-4000m Habitat: Mountainous meadows, steppes, and scree areas Food Plants: Festuca ovina (sheep’s fescue) Life Cycle: Eggs are laid singly on F. ovina. Species overwinters as an egg, hatching in March. Univoltine Muschampia proteus — No Common Name Flight time: June to August Elevation: Up to 2600m Habitat: Steppes, dry meadows, xerophytic gorges. Food Plants: N/A Life Cycle: N/A Pyrgus malvae — Grizzled Skipper Flight time: May to early July Elevation: 1000-3000m Habitat: Forest clearings, mountainous meadows, steppes Food Plants: Potentilla spp. (cinquefoil) and Rosa spp. (wild rose) Life Cycle: Eggs laid singly on host plant. Species overwinters as an egg. Likely univoltine. Spialia orbifer — Orbed Red-Underwing Skipper Flight time: Univoltine from May to August, bivoltine from April to June and July to August Elevation: Up to 3200m Habitat: Mountainous steppes, xerophytic meadows, and cultivated land. Food Plants: Rubus spp. (raspberry) and Potentilla spp. (cinquefoil) Life Cycle: N/A Thymelicus lineola — Essex Skipper Flight time: May to August. Elevation: Up to 2600m Habitat: Xerophytic slopes and grassy areas Food Plants: Dactylis spp. (cocksfoot grass) Life Cycle: Eggs are laid in a string near host plant. Species overwinters as an egg. Univoltine Lycaenidae Aricia agestis — Brown Argus Flight time: May to September Elevation: 1700-3800m Habitat: Dry meadows or steppe areas Food Plants: Erodium spp. (storcksbill) and Geranium spp. (cranesbill) Life Cycle: Eggs are laid singly. Species overwinters as larva and pupates in the spring. Univoltine or bivoltine. Celastrina argiolus — Holly Blue Flight time: April to September Elevation: Up to 2000m Habitat: Mesophytic areas with trees or bushes. Food Plants: Berberis spp. (barberry) and Cuscuta spp. (dodder) Life Cycle: Species overwinters as pupa. Bivoltine. Cupido buddhista — Buddhist Blue Flight time: June to September Elevation: 2300-3400m Habitat: Alpine biomes with lots of herbaceous plants Food Plants: Oxytropis spp. (locoweed) Life Cycle: N/A Glaucopsyche alexis — Green-Underside Blue Flight time: May to July Elevation: Up to 3000m Habitat: Mountainous meadows and river valleys Food Plants: Hedysarum spp. (sweetvetch) Life Cycle: N/A Lycaena phlaeas — Small Copper Flight time: June to August Elevation: Up to 4500m Habitat: Lowland and mountainous meadows Food Plants: Rumex acetosa (sorrel) Life Cycle: Eggs are laid singly on the host plant. Species overwinters as a larva. Pupa is attended to by ants. Bivoltine Phengaris rebeli — Mountain Alcon Blue Flight time: June to August Elevation: 1500-2000m Habitat: Meadow-like slopes facing north or west Food Plants: Gentiana cruciata Life Cycle: Species overwinters as a larva. As an immature it is a brood parasite to a species of ant, Myrmica schencki, pupation occurs inside the ant nest. Polyommatus icarus — Common Blue Flight time: May to September Elevation: Up to 3000m Habitat: Grassy meadows, xerophytic slopes and river valleys, and mountainous areas Food Plants: Medicago spp. (burclover), Onobrychis spp. (sainfoin), Trifolium spp. (clover) Life Cycle: Eggs are laid singly. Species overwinters as larva. Larva is attended to by ants (From the genera Lasius, Formica, Plagiolepis, and Myrmica) Typically bivoltine. Thersamonia thersamon — Lesser Fiery Copper Flight time: April to October Elevation: Up to 3000m Habitat: Meadows, steppes, and semideserts. Food Plants: Polygonum aviculare (Common Knotgrass) Life Cycle: Overwinters as an egg or larva, multivoltine Vacciniina fergana — No Common Name Flight time: May to July Elevation: 800-3000m Habitat: Xerophytic slopes, steppes, and gorges. Food Plants: Astragalus spp. (milkvetch) Life Cycle: N/A Nymphalidae Aglais urticae — Small Tortoiseshell Flight time: April to September Elevation: Commonly found up to 3000m but can sometimes be found up to 4000m Habitat: Open areas and mountain gorges with a high density of the host plant Food Plants: Urtica spp. (stinging nettle) Life Cycle: Adults overwinter in a state of hibernation begun around October. They emerge during early spring. Argynnis pandora — Cardinal Fritillary Flight time: May to August Elevation: Up to 2500m Habitat: Steppes, meadows, and adjacent mountain slopes of forest biomes. Food Plants: Viola spp. (violet) Life Cycle: Species overwinters as a small larva. Usually univoltine. Argynnis paphia — Silver Washed Fritillary Flight time: June to August Elevation: Up to 2500m Habitat: Meadows and river valleys in mountainous areas Food Plants: Viola spp. (violet) and Prunus spp. (plum, cherry, apricot etc.) Life Cycle: Eggs are laid 1-2 meters above ground in tree bark near host plant. Eggs hatch in August and the newly hatched larva immediately begins hibernation. Adults emerge in June. Univoltine. Boloria generator — No Common Name Flight time: July to September Elevation: 2500-4500m Habitat: Moist mountain meadows and stream banks Food Plants: Polygonum alpinum (Alpine Knotweed) Life Cycle: N/A Clossiana erubescens — No Common Name Flight time: June to August Elevation: 2000-3600m Habitat: Mountain meadows and stream valleys Food Plants: Violaceae (violets and pansies) Life Cycle: N/A Inachis io — European Peacock Flight time: March to September Elevation: Up to 3200m Habitat: Open areas in mountainous and steppe biomes Food Plants: Urtica dioica (stinging nettle) and Humulus lupulus (hops) Life Cycle: Eggs are laid in spring in groups of up to 400 on the host plant. Species overwinters as an adult. Univoltine. Issoria lathonia — Queen of Spain Fritillary Flight time: April to October Elevation: Up to 3500m Habitat: Low elevation plains up to subalpine biomes Food Plants: Violaceae (violets and pansies) Life Cycle: Species can overwinter as a larva or pupa. Bivoltine or multivoltine. Fabriciana adippe — High Brown Fritillary Flight time: June to August Elevation: Up to 3000m Habitat: Mountainous meadows Food Plants: Violaceae (violets and pansies) Life Cycle: Species overwinters as either an egg or larva. Fabriciana niobe — Niobe Fritillary Flight time:June to September Elevation: Up to 3000m Habitat: Mountainous meadows Food Plants: Violaceae (violets and pansies) Life Cycle: Species overwinters as a larva. Melitaea ala — No Common Name Flight time: June to August Elevation: 1400-3000m Habitat: Mountain meadows Food Plants: Stachys spp. (betony), Eremostachys spp., Phlomoides oreophila, Pedicularis spp. (lousewort) Life Cycle: Species overwinters as a larva. Melitaea didyma - Spotted Fritillary Flight time: May to September Elevation: Up to 2500m Habitat: Steppes, vallies, and stoney slopes Food Plants: Stachys spp. (Betony), Plantago spp. (Plantain), Phlomoides spp., Linaria spp. (Toadflax), Veronica spp. (Gypsyweed), Verbascum spp. (Mullein), Artemisia spp. (Wormwood), Pedicularis spp. (Lousewort), Carduus spp. (Plumeless Thistle), Echinops spp. (Globe Thistle), Centaurea spp. (Knapweed), Trifolium spp. (Clover), and Scabiosa spp. (Pincushion Flowers). Life Cycle: Species overwinters as a larva. Bivoltine or multivoltine depending on location. Melitaea fergana — No Common Name Flight time: May to August Elevation: 1500-4200m Habitat: Scree on mountain slopes Food Plants: Veronica spp. (gypsyweed), Phlomoides spp. Life Cycle: Species overwinters as a larva. Melitaea solona — No Common Name Flight time: June to July Elevation: 2700-4000m Habitat: Humid alpine meadows Food Plants: Pedicularis spp. (lousewort) Life Cycle: N/A Neptis rivularis — Hungarian Glider Flight time: June to August Elevation: Up to 2500m Habitat: Stream or river biomes, dry mountain slopes, foothills with bushes Food Plants: Spiraea spp. Life Cycle: Overwinters as a larva. Usually univoltine Nymphalis antiopa — Mourning Cloak or Camberwell Beauty Flight time: April to September Elevation: Up to 3000m Habitat: Stream or river biomes with willow and birch trees present Food Plants: Salix spp. (willow) Life Cycle: Eggs are laid in a ring group on a branch of the host plant. Species overwinters as an adult. Nymphalis xanthomelas — Scarce Tortoiseshell Flight time: March to October Elevation: Up to 2700m Habitat: Stream or river biomes with willow and birch trees present Food Plants: Populus spp. (poplar, aspen, cottonwood) and Salix spp. (willow) Life Cycle: Species overwinters as an adult. Vanessa atalanta — Painted Lady Flight time: March to October Elevation: Up to 3000m Habitat: Open landscapes from deserts to mountains Food Plants: 27 different host plants including Carduus spp. (plumeless thistle), Plantago spp. (plantain), and Salvia spp. (sage) Life Cycle: Species overwinters as an adult. Vanessa cardui — Red Admiral Flight time: May to November but in Ala Archa only in Autumn Elevation: 600-1800m Habitat: Valleys and foothills Food Plants: Urticae dioica (Stinging Nettle), Humulus lupulus (Hops) Life Cycle: Overwinters as an adult. Papilionidae Papilio machaon — Old World Swallowtail Flight time: April to November Elevation: N/A Habitat: Found in virtually any ecosystem from lowlands to high mountains. Food Plants: Prangos spp. (), Artemisia spp. (Wormwood), Haplophylum spp. (), Ferula spp. () Life Cycle: Eggs
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