Евразиатский энтомол. журнал. Том 11. Прил. 2: 27–34 © EUROASIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2012 Mayfly biodiversity (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) of the Russian Far East Áèîðàçíîîáðàçèå ïîä¸íîê (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) ðîññèéñêîãî Äàëüíåãî Âîñòîêà T.M. Tiunova Ò.Ì. Òèóíîâà Institute of Biology and Soil Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, Far East Branch, 100 let Vladivostoku ave. 159, Vladivostok 690022 Russia. E-mail: [email protected]. Биолого-почвенный институт ДВО РАН, просп. 100 лет Владивостоку 159, Владивосток 690022 Россия. Key words: Ephemeroptera, mayfly, fauna, Russian Far East. Ключевые слова: подёнки, фауна, Дальний Восток, Россия. Abstract. The mayfly fauna of the Russian Far East Наибольшее сходство видового состава подёнок currently includes 176 species from 39 genera and 18 fami- Дальнего Востока России с прилегающими территория- lies (i.e. 70 % of the total number of species known in ми отмечено для Японии и Кореи. Russia). The greatest diversity of mayflies is recorded from В биогеографическом отношении в фауне подёнок the southern part of the Russian Far East, including the доминируют палеархеарктические виды, составляющие basins of the Ussuri River, Amur, and the Sea of Japan. более 43 % фауны подёнок Дальнего Востока России. Species with Palaearchearctic ranges represent 43 % of the Наиболее обильны по числу видов с палеархеарктичес- mayfly fauna of the Russian Far East. Mayfly species com- ким и восточно-палеарктическим типами ареалов водо- position of the Russian Far East is similar to surrounding токи бассейнов рек Уссури, Амура и Японского моря. territories of Japan and Korea. Резюме. Фауна подёнок Дальнего Востока России Introduction представлена 176 видами из 39 родов и 18 семейств, что Biological diversity presents balance between for- составляет около 70 % фауны подёнок России и около mation and extinction of species over the course of the 4 % мировой фауны. Анализ распространения подёнок по регионам Дальнего Востока России на уровне видов development of a biosphere. There are three basic показал, что наиболее богатыми регионами в видовом levels of the conservation and study of biological di- отношении являются бассейны рек Уссури (119 видов) versity: population/genetics, species and ecosystem. и Амур (121 вид), где сконцентрировано соответственно When developing strategy to conserve biological di- 67 % и 69 % дальневосточной фауны подёнок. Фауна versity, the species level is the most convenient to подёнок бассейна Японского моря включает в настоя- work, considering a species as a set of populations. щее время 100 видов, острова Сахалин — 61, Куриль- A fourth level is biogeocenosis, which is between the ского архипелага — 40, Охотского моря — 62, бассейна species and ecosystem levels. Biogeocenoses, that is, озера Ханка — 75, водотоков Камчатки — 28 и Чу- communities of organisms, form ecosystems. Thus, котки — 17 видов. Среди 176 видов дальневосточной conservation of biological diversity on the ecosystem фауны подёнок 36 видов встречаются только на Даль- level leads to conservation of the biogenesis of an нем Востоке России. Показан различный удельный вес семейств в той или ecosystem, the ecosystem’s species and their popula- иной стране. Так, представители семейства Behningiidae tions, i.e., all levels of the organization of biological отмечены только на территории Дальнего Востока Рос- diversity are addressed. сии, где они составляют 14 % от мировой фауны. В Япо- The Russian Far East occupies an area of 3,016 нии, Корее и Китае отсутствуют представители семейств million square kilometers and extends from Wrangel Ametropodidae и Acanthametropodidae. Наибольшее ви- Island (71° N) in the south to Khasan Lake (42° N) and довое разнообразие представителей семейств Potaman- from Dezhnev Cape (170° W) in the west to the thidae, Ephemeridae и Neoephemeridae отмечено в Китае, Stanovoi Range (120° E). Sakhalin Island and the Kuril Palingeniidae и Isonychiidae — на Дальнем Востоке Рос- Archipelago also belong to the Far East. In the territo- сии, Polymitarcyidae — в Японии, Heptageniidae, Ametro- podidae, Ameletidae, Siphlonuridae и Baetidae — в Ка- ry covered by the Far Eastern region, there are more наде. При этом отмечено, что, при различии числа видов than 940 thousand rivers, which account for approxi- в России и Канаде практически в два раза, удельный вес mately 30 % of all Russian rivers. The main river of ряда семейств довольно близок. Это относится к таким the region is one of the largest rivers of the world — семействам как Potamanthidae, Neoephemeridae, Metreto- the Amur River, the basin of which occupies more than podidae, Acanthametropodidae, Oligoneuridae, Caenidae. half of the Far Eastern region. Regarding the water 28 T.M. Tiunova discharge volume, the Amur River is only surpassed by the Yenisei, Lena and Ob rivers. The main tributaries in the territory of the Far East are the Zeya (1242 km), Ussuri (897 km), Amgun (723 km), Selemdza (647 km), Bureya (623 km), Bikin (560 km, tributary of the Us- suri River) and Tunguska (544 km) Rivers. The second most significant river of the Far East is the Anadyr River — the largest river in the northeast part of Rus- sia, which extends 1170 km. There are more than 470 thousand rivers at least 100 km in length in the Russian Far East, and there are approximately 460 thousand rivers at least 10 km long. Currently, more than 2 million living organisms have been discovered, that at a synonymy average level in 20 % allows the establishments to consider as the described about 1.868 million species, of which 1.450 million are terraneous organisms and 318 thou- sand are aquatic organisms [Reaka-Kudla, 1997; Adri- anov, 2003; Adrianov, Tarasov, 2006]. Among aquatic species, 90 % (274 thousand) are found in the sea, and approximately 10 % are found in freshwater (approxi- mately 40 thousand). The mayfly fauna of the world includes approximately 4.5 thousand species (insecta.bio.pu.ru/z/Eph-spp/Contents.htm). In Russia, there are approximately 250 species [Tshernova et al., 1986; Kluge, 1997], and the Russian Far East is home to 176 species [Tiunova, 2008a]. Thus, the Far Eastern mayfly fauna represents 0.4 % of all freshwater organ- isms of the World and approximately 70 % of Russian mayfly fauna. Fig. 1. Map of study area in the Far East of Russia. The level of scrutiny of mayflies in the Russian Far Ðèñ. 1. Êàðòà-ñõåìà îáñëåäîâàííîé òåððèòîðèè Äàëüíåãî East has not been sufficiently in depth. Detailed infor- Âîñòîêà Ðîññèè. mation is available for higher taxa (families) that are already included in determinants [Tshernova et al., country’s total. The greatest diversity of mayflies is 1986; Kluge, 1997]. However, even in these books, recorded from the southern part of the Russian Far only attribute tables for genera are given for some East, including the basis of the Ussuri River, Amur, families (for example, Ameletidae, Siphlonuridae, Iso- and the Sea of Japan [Tiunova, 2008a]. nychiidae), and data on species composition are absent The Ussuri River is one of the biggest tributaries of because of a low level of scrutiny [Kluge, 1997]. There- the Amur River, running for 897 km. From a point of fore, it was practically impossible to estimate a satura- confluence with the Sungacha River up to its mouth, tion species of typical biotopes of river ecosystems of the Ussuri River forms the boundary with China. different regions of the Russian Far East in the absence We surveyed the basic tributaries of the Ussuri River, of species lists of local faunas. Therefore, since 1987, large rivers and its tributaries including Bolshaya Us- the author has surveyed more than 300 rivers and surka (440 km), Bikin (560 km), Khor (453 km), and a streams across all of the territories of the southern part series of smaller streams (Kabarga, Malinovka, Shivki, of the Russian Far East (Fig. 1). These data provide the Kiya, and others). In its basin, 119 species are found, chance to investigate the taxonomy of mayfly fauna in that is about 67 % of the entire mayfly fauna of the Far the Russian Far East and its individual regions [Kocha- East of Russia. The faunal list of mayflies includes 85 rina et al., 2003; Tiunova et al., 2003; Tiunova, Po- species for the Ussuri River, 72 for the Bolshaya Us- tikha, 2005; Tiunova, Tiunov, 2007, 2010; Tiunova, surka River, 77 for the Bikin River, and 63 species for 2009; Tiunova, Gorovaya, 2011]. the Khor River [Tiunova, 1995a, 2007a, 2008a; Tiu- nova et al., 1997]. Results and discussion Another region equally rich in mayfly diversity is the Amur River basin up to the border with the Chitin- The mayfly fauna of the Russian Far East currently skaya oblast. Here, 121 species, or 69 % of the Russian includes 176 species from 39 genera and 18 families Far East mayfly fauna, are found. Our investigation (Table 1), or 70 % of the total number of species followed the largest tributaries of the Amur River, the known in Russia [Tshernova et al., 1986; Kluge, 1997; Anui, Gur, Yai, Amgun’, Bureya, Zeya, Arkhara, Tiunova, 2007a, 2008a], despite of the fact that the Bolshoi Ol’doi, Amasar, Bira, and Bidzhan, and in- area of the Far East of Russia is only 18 % of the cluded streams of the Evreiskaya Avtonomnaya Ob- Mayfly biodiversity of the Russian Far East 29 Table 1. List of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of the Russian Table 1. (continuation) Far East and their distribution patterns Òàáëèöà 1. (ïðîäîëæåíèå) Òàáëèöà 1. Ñïèñîê ïîä¸íîê (Ephemeroptera) Äàëüíåãî Âîñòîêà Ðîññèè è òèïû èõ àðåàëîâ Species Distribution 39. Ecdyonurus levis (Navas, 1912) EP Species Distribution 40. E. scalaris Kluge, 1983 EAc Potamanthidae 41. E. simplicioides (McDunnough, 1924) AP 1. Potamanthus formosus Eaton, 1892 EAci 42. E. rubromaculatus You, Wu, Gui et Hsu, 1981 EAc 2. P. luteus oriens Bae et McCafferty, 1991 EP 43. E. yoshidae Takahashi, 1924 EAci 3. Rhoenanthus coreanus Yoon et Bae, 1985 EAc 44. E. vicinus (Demoulin, 1964) EP Ephemeridae 45. Epeorus anatolii Sinitshenkova, 1981 EP 4. Ephemera japonica McLachlan, 1875 EAci 46. E.
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