MALI LIVESTOCK FOR GROWTH (L4G) QUARTERLY REPORT FY2018 QUARTER 1 MALI LIVESTOCK FOR GROWTH (L4G) QUARTERLY REPORT FY2018 QUARTER 1 Contract Number: AID-688-C-14-00004 Submitted to: USAID | Mali Prepared by: AECOM International Development DISCLAIMER: The authors’ views expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. FY2018 Quarter 1 Report | Mali Livestock for Growth (L4G) i TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................. ii LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................... iii INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................ 5 TIMBUKTU EXPANSION ......................................................................................................... 6 COMPONENT 1 INCREASED LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION ............................................... 8 1.1 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION, DISSEMINATION, AND MANAGEMENT .... 8 1.2 INCREASED ACCESS TO QUALITY INPUTS AND SERVICES .................................................. 200 1.3 IMPROVED PASTURELAND AND WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT............................. 200 1.4 IMPROVED COMMUNITY LITERACY, NUMERACY, NUTRITION, AND HYGIENE PRACTICES .................................................................................................................................................. 211 COMPONENT II: INCREASED DOMESTIC AND EXPORT TRADE .............................. 244 2.1 STRENGTHENED MARKET LINKAGES AND ACCESS ................................................................. 244 2.2 DECREASED BARRIERS TO TRADE ........................................................................................................ 36 GENDER AND YOUTH ........................................................................................................... 37 MONITORING AND EVALUATION ..................................................................................... 39 COLLABORATING WITH PARTNERS ................................................................................. 39 OPERATIONS AND ADMINISTRATION ........................................................................... 400 ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE ....................................................................................... 40 ANNEX I: FINANCIAL REPORT .......................................................................................... 411 ANNEX II: INDICATORS ...................................................................................................... 412 SUCCESS STORY: .................................................................................................................... 46 FY2018 Quarter 1 Report | Mali Livestock for Growth (L4G) ii LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AMRAD Association Malienne de Recherche-Action pour le Développement AVRDC World Vegetable Centre AE Auxiliaires d’Élevage APESS Association pour la Promotion de l’Élevage au Sahel et en Savane CARE Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere CILSS Comite Inter-Etats de Lutte contre la Sécheresse au Sahel COP Chief of Party CSA Climate Smart Agriculture DCOP Deputy Chief of Party DNPIA Direction Nationale des Productions et Industries Animales DRSV Regional Directorate of Veterinary Services DLEC Developing Local Extension Capacity FEBEVIM Fédération des groupements interprofessionnels de la Filière Bétail et Viande FFS Farmer Field School FOFBEV Fédération des Operateurs de la Filière du Bétail et de la Viande ICRAF World Agroforestry Center ICD Initiatives, Conseils, Developpement ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ICT4Ag Information Communication Technology for Agriculture IESC International Executive Service Corps ILRI International Livestock Research Institute IR Intermediate Result IP Implementing Partners L4G Livestock for Growth FtF Feed the Future FFS Famer Field School LMIS Livestock Market Information System M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MFI Microfinance Institution MNLB Multi-Nutritional Licking Blocks MoL Ministry of Livestock MOLF Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries MSME Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises NGO Non-Government Organization FY2018 Quarter 1 Report | Mali Livestock for Growth (L4G) iii OMA Observatoire des Marches Agricoles PO Producer Organisation PPCB Cattle Pneumonia RBA Réseau Billital Maroobé SOW Scope of Work SOGEBA Societe Generale de Business Agricoles SPM Senior Program Manager STTA Short-Term Technical Assistance SWOT Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats SVPP Service Vétérinaire Privé de Proximité ToT Training of Trainers UN United Nations USAID United States Agency for International Development VA Village Animator VEGA Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance WATIH West Africa Trade and Investment Hub WLBP Women’s Livestock as a Business Platform YLBP Youth Livestock as a Business Platform FY2018 Quarter 1 Report | Mali Livestock for Growth (L4G) iv INTRODUCTION This report covers the period extending from October 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017. It highlights major activities and progress made under each component or strategic objective during the period under review. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The USAID Mali Livestock for Growth (L4G) program, implemented by AECOM International Development, made important steps towards meeting the goals established in its annual workplan, as well as its indicator targets. USAID’s request that the program temporarily slow down activities and spending during the first quarter of FY2018, however, did have an impact on the program’s ability to follow its workplan strictly. Nonetheless, several significant milestones were achieved. Notably, after several quarters of sometimes daily efforts by L4G, the Kayes slaughterhouse LAHAM Industries and the Koro Fatteners’ Network signed a Tripartite Forward Contracting Mechanism (TFCM) in November that will provide a consistent supply of cattle to LAHAM, as well as consistent income to the fatteners’ network. With this forward contract, fatteners will be able to more easily access credit to expand their businesses. Access to finance remains a strain on livestock value chain actors’ ability to grow their businesses. L4G is tackling this problem head on by supporting its clients in applying for USADF grants and microfinance institution loans, but also by linking animal fatteners with well-established traders who would agree to establish a TFCM so fatteners can gain access to small amounts of credit to grow their businesses. On December 21st, L4G held a meeting to link these livestock value chain actors. And to grow sustainable businesses strong business management skills are important. In Quarter 1, L4G performed analyses of its clients’ businesses organizational capacities with a view to provide more tailored trainings. To promote the capacity building and networking of its partner producer organizations (POs), L4G also facilitated a site visit for producers from Koro and Bankass who traveled to Madiama in Djenne to learn from their peers who have been designated “lead farmers” for their display of acumen and motivation surrounding implementing best practices in the fields and in their businesses. Crop promulgation was the focus of this field trip, and the participants could very clearly see the difference between enhanced methods and traditional farming practices. Koro and Bankass producers were inspired by this visit and L4G has observed an increase in the drive of these POs to implement improved farming practices back in their respective communities. In Quarter 1, two new Youth as a Business Platforms (YBPFs) were founded in Mopti and Djenne Cercles with a view to empowering youth to become more active and entrepreneurially-organized within the livestock value chain sector. L4G’s partner SVPP veterinarians reported profits of $17,789 USD from vaccinations during the quarter. Individual L4G clients and Producer Organization partners reported sales of multinutritional licking blocks (MNLBs) totaling $3,347 USD, which adds a small additional source of revenue to clients’ primary sources of income. Overall, $ 537, 083 worth of livestock were sold domestically by L4G clients during the quarter and $208,188 worth of livestock were exported. Indeed, in Quarter 1 L4G worked hard to meet its targets, which built the foundation for deeper gains for the rest of the fiscal year. This report outlines activities completed, challenges faced, and successes harnessed during this period. FY2018 Quarter 1 Report | Mali Livestock for Growth (L4G) 5 TIMBUKTU EXPANSION Key activities implemented by AMRAD our sub-contracting partner during this period included: Awareness raising with distribution of Farmer Field School (FFS) tools for 10 facilitators in Tindirma Management of 0.25 ha of irrigated cowpea at Godie (Tindirma) Meeting facilitated between fattners and exporters who took animals to Bamako during the Tabaski Festival Meeting with producers in charge of producing irrigated cowpea in three communes in Dire Introducing fattening techniques to producers in the targeted communes of Goudam A view showing distribution of FFS tools Use of AKVO tools for tracking areas planted with improved seeds to producers in Godie
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