Michael Levey The World of Ottoman Art I with I07 illustrations, I I in colour, and 2 maps 'i' Thames and Hudson T&H London ~{03 Contents Introduction 7 ) I Early cities and style 17 2 Istanbul: creation of a new capital 41 3 The Age of Sinan 61 4 Achievement amid decline 95 5 Intimations of Rococo II2 6 The exotic West 129 Glossary 145 B'rief historical outline 146 Books for further reading 149 Sources of illustrations 15 0 Index 15 1 Index Numerals in italics refer to monochrome illustrations; italic roman numerals indicate colour plates Abbas I, Shah of Persia 102 Corn, Prince 35, 48, 60; and see Cem Ibrahim~ Grand Vizier 66, "4, 119 AbdiilAziz, Sultan 14, 22,134,138-40 tiirbe, Bursa Ibrahim, Sultan 101, 107, lI5 Abdiil Hamid I II3, 124, 126 Cem tiirbe (Bursa) 35 , 56, 60,31 Ibrahim Pasha Saray (Istanbul) 66 AbdiilHamid 1I8, 10, 123, 130- 1, 134, Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor 12, Ibrahim Sarhos 'the Drunkard' 63 140-3, 96 34, 64- 5, 80 Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique 130 Abdiil Mecid 134- 8, 88 Chinese porcelain 54, 60, 123 Isfahan 10, 102; Masjid-i-Shah 102 Abdiil M ecid 1I, Caliph 143 <;:iragan palace 1]2, 136, 138, "40 Iskele Oetty) mosque (Uskiidar); see Adrianople; see Edirne Constantinople 7, 14, 15, 26, "44; Mihrimah complex (Uskiidar) Ahmed I 38, 100, 101, 102, 103, 107, and see Istanbul Istanbul 10, 14, 15, 20, 35, 39, 41-8, 51, 130, 137 Constanzo da Ferrara 42, 5 I 58,60,66,68,73,80,88, 90,95,97, Ahmed III 12-13, 95, 97, 109, 112, 113, cottons 24 101 , 107, 113, 114, 116, 120, 123, II4-20, 137 124,13 1,143,144,21; painters in, 8; Ahmed III fountain (Istanbul) 6, 12, Dallam, Thomas 129, 130, 142 and see Constantinople IJ7, II9-20, 123, 76 Damascus 38 Izmir (Srn yrna) 13 I, 144 Ahmediye complex; see Blue Mosque Dervishes 22, 38- 9 Iznik (Nicaea) 17,22- 4,38 Ala ad-Din mosque (Konya) 5 Dimctoka 60 Iznik tiles ]2, 61- 2, 68- 70, 83, 87, 102, Alajehir 28 Disraeli, Benjamin 130 105-6, 123, 1, VIII; and see tiles; Ali bin Il yas 29 Divan Yolu (Istanbul) 133 ware 24, 48, 51, 54-5, 61 - 2, 64, Amasya 58 Dolmabah\=e Palace 121 , 13 I, 133, 69- 70, 100, 129,28, 29,35, III Anatolia 13, 17,20,24 136-8, 140, 90, 9'; Hacr Mehmed Ankara 28, 13 I Emin Fountain 121, 78; Hacr Emin Janissaries, 10, 12- 13, '26, 46, 60, 73, Atatiirk, Kem~l 12, 13 I , 143, 144 kiosk 121 95 , 96,100, 107, 112,114,120, 124, Ayasolug (Ephesus) 24,25 Duplessis, Jean-Claude 114, 120, 130 127,131,1]2 Aydm dynasty 24 Jetty Mosque; see Mihrimah complex Azapkapr mosque (Istanbul) 93 Edirne 14, 27, 28, 35, 42, 46, 58, 84, jewellery/jewels 9, 64, 65- 6, 96, 120, 88, 90, 96, 101 123,131,138,142,77 Baghdad 100; 109 Egypt 60, 65, I I 3 Julius 1II, Pope 80 Balat (Miletus) 24, 25 Erivan 100, 109 Justinian 17,43 Balian family 133- 4, 136, 137, 138, Eugenie, Empress 14, 138 139; Karabet 133; Kirkor 133 Eversley, Lord 10 Karatay medrese (Konya) 18 ,4 Bahkesir 28 Eyiip 46, 125- 6 Kenan Pasha TOO Barbarossa, Khair ad-Din 67, 68 kiosks 8, 10, 14,35 Basra 80 Fatih complex (Istanbul) 43 - 6, 47, Knolles, Richard 34, 66 Belgrade 84 124,21,22 Konya (Iconium) 17, 18,22,51,139 Bellini, Gentile 42, 130, 135, Il; Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor 65 Kopriilii family roI Giovanni 54 fountains 28, 94, 119, 120, 126 Koran 7, 14,21,33 Bergama 28, 144 Fran\=ois I of France 12, 64- 5, 80, 113 Kosova 27 Bernini, Gian Lorenzo 61 Franz Josef, Emperor of Austria 13 0 Kiitahya 123 Be.likta§ palace 1]2, 85 Frederick the Great of Prussia 127 Beyazid I 'the Thunderbolt' 27-8 Labrouste, Henri 133- 4 Beyazid 1I 'the Pious' 48, 56- 60, 78, 84 gardens 10, 12, 34, 61, 79, JIO, 140; Laleli (Tulip) mosque/complex Beyazid complex (Amasya) 58, 78 love of 8, 42 (Istanbul) 124, 134, 81 Beyazid complex (Edirne) 58- 9, 33 George IV of England 1]2 Layard, Sir Austen Henry 142 Beyazid Mosque (Bursa) 28, 12 Gibbon, Edward 26 Layard, Lady "42 Beyazid Mosque (Istanbul) 57, 59-60, Gladstone, William Ewart 67, 142 Lepanto 84 34 Goes, Hugo van der 58 Levni 114, 115- 16, 123, 72 Beylerbey 125 Goksu 126 Louis XV 112, 114, 116, 120 BeylerbeyPalace 130, 1]2, 139, 83, 92 Golden Horn ware 48 Louis XVI 127, 132 Birgi 24 Grand Bazaar (Istanbul) 39 Ludwig II of Bavaria 127 'Black Pen' 56, 30 Great Mosque (Ulu Cami) (Bursa) 27, Liileburgaz complex 93, ro8 Blue Mosque (Ahmediye) (Istanbul) 43, 11 23,38,93, 95, 100, 101-6, 64- 66 'Great' mosque (Ulu Cami) (Manisa) Mahmud I 97, 120, 121- 2, 130 Borromini, Francesco 105 2 4,10 Mahmud I fountain (Tophane) 120 brocades 25, 48 Green Mosque (Yqil Cami) (Bursa) Mahmud II 112, II3, 124, 125, 131-2, Budapest ~o 15, '7, 18, 21, 23, 28 , 29- ]2, 43, 133,136; tomb 133, 134 Bursa (Prusa) 14, 15, 17, 22, 23, 24, 111, 3,7, 13,14 Mahmud Pasha complex (Istanbul) 25-6,27,28,29-35,38,51,144 Green Tomb (Yqil Tiirbe) 29, ]2-4, 47,25 Byron, Lord 112 . 15, I Manisa (Magnesia ad Sipylum) 10, Guardi, Francesco 100 24,25, 3~39,46, 88 ca lligraphy 57, 64, 100, 133 , 136,32, Marlowe, Christopher 28, 29 37 Hacr Ozbek mosque (Iznik) 22, 23, 8 Mary of Burgundy 68 Carlowitz, Treaty of 95,97 hans 17, 19- 20 Mecca 9, 22 carpets 19, 51, 123, 130, 1I; and see Hirkai Serif Mosque (Istanbul) 136 medreses 17, 19, 44 Ushak Holmes, Sherlock 140 Mehmed, Prince 67, 68, 69, 79; and Catherine the Great of Russia 123 'Hiidavendigar' mosque (Bursa) 26, see ~eh zade Mehmed mosque Catherine de Medicis 68 27 M ehmed I 28-9 ISI Mehmed 11 'the Conqueror' 34, 39, Pertevniyal Valide Mosque (Istanbul) Sultan Han 19, 6 41 -5~ 60, 130, 143, 20 139- 40 ,93 Surname 98- 100, 60, X Mehmed IV 95, 96,100- 1,115 Pisanello 56 Syria 60 Mehmed Aga 102- 5 Pi us Jl, Pope 42 Szigetvar 84, 93 Michelangelo 80 Piyale Pasha Mosque (Istanbul) 92- 3 Mihrimah, Princess 67, 90, 91 Plovdiv 27 Tabriz 29, 60 Mihrimah complex (Istanbul) 67, Pompadour, Mme de Il2, TT3 Tamburlaine see Timur 91-2, 105, 55 pottery 54 tents 95, 59 Mihrimah complex (Oskiidar) (Iskele printing TT 3 Thornton, Thomas 131 or Jetty mosque) 67, 90, J 17 Prusa see Bursa 'Three-balconied Mosque' (Edirne) Mihrijah Sultan 125- 6 Prusias I ofBithynia 17 35--9,44, 17,18 Mongols 14, 17 'Thunderbolt' complex (Bursa); see Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley 114 Rabia Sultan 125 Beyazid Mosque mosques 9- 10, 17,20- 2,23, 38 , 46,63, Raklm 133 'Tiled Medrese' (Konya) 18 72-3,78, 131 Raphael 123 tiles 18- 19, 24, 39, 47, 87- 8, 93, 105, Mozart 1I3, 127 123, 13, 23, 41, 42, IV; and see rococo II3~I4, 117, 120- 2, 124, 130 Murad I 26-7 Roxelana 35, 67, 68, 70, 78, 84; and Iznik tiles Murad II 34--9 see Siileymaniye complex Timur (Tamburlaine), Timurid style Murad III 13 , 63, 88-90, 97-8, 115 Rubens, Sir Peter Paul 8 - 28, 29,35,46, 51, 55 Murad IV 95,100, 107, 109- 1 1, 68, 69 Rum Mehmed Pasha (Andrew tombs 17,19,22,34,79,120, 121 Murad V 140 Palaeologus) 47 Topkapl Saray (Istanbul) 12, 39, 47, Muradiye (Bursa) 10,34- 5,16- Rumeli Hissar 42 58,70- 2,87,101,102, 105,115,117, Muradiye mosque (Edirne) 38--9, 19 Riistem Pasha 66, 67, 90 124, 126- 7, 129, 136, 13 8, 142, 43; Muradiye mosque (Manisa) 73, 88--9, Riistem Pasha mosque (Istanbul) 66- 7, Tiled Kiosk 46, 47, 51, 109, 1I8, 23, 52 90- 1,93 , 105,39,54, IV 24; Cage 13; Baghdad Kiosk 95, Mustafa, Prince 35 100,109,110--11,70; Revan Kiosk Mustafa I 107 100, 109, 1I0, I TT ; Sofa Kiosk 114, Mustafa II 97 Samarkand 130 "9, 120, 71; Treasury 66, 120,144, Mustafa III 123- 4 Sancta Sophia (Constantinople) 39, 95; Sultan-Mother's bedroom 106, Mustafa IV 131 41, 43A6, 59, 80, 83, 85, 86, 88,100 126; Sultan Ibrahim's bower 101 , Sandys, George 102 107,63; Pearl Kiosk "5; Ahmed III Nakjedil Sultan Tomb (Istanbul) 125 , Sans Souci 127 library II7- 19, 74, 75; Osman III 87 Sanudo, Marin 65 kiosk 122, 80; harem 122- 3, 42, IX; Napoleon I II 3 Sarukhan dynasty 24 Abdiil Mecid kiosk 136, 89; Selim Napoleon III 130, 138 satin 48 Ill's salon 82; Ahmed IlI's fruit Nash,John 1}2 ~ehzade Mehmed mosque (Istanbul) room 1'4, XI Nedim II4 69,72,78- 80, 82- 3,84,88, 105, 119, 'Tulip Age' 10, 12, 13,95 Nicaea; see Iznik 44 , 45 tulips 61, 62, 91, 1I4, 115 Nicholas I of Russia 138 Selim I 'the Grim' 60 Tunca River 35 Nigari 68, 98, V Selim 11 'the Sot' 35, 84, 88, 93 Turhan, Valide 100, 108 Niliifer Hatun hospice (Iznik) 23, 28, Selim III 112, 113, II7, 124, 125, Turkish influence on Europe 1I2-13 9 126-7, 131, 1]2 Ni; 17, 27 Selimye mosque (Edirne) 35, 72, 78, Urban VIII, Pope 61 Nuruosmaniye mosque (Istanbul) 112, 82,84- 8,92,93,94, 1,49- 52 Ushak carpets 62, 36 121- 2, 123, 124,79 Selimye Mosque (Haydarpas,a) 124 Oskiidar (Scutari) 47, 90, II7, 124 Nusretiyecomplex (Istanbul) 9, 1]2- 3, Seljuks 17- 18, 19, 20, 23, 131 13 6,2,86 Sheikh Hamdullah 57, 58, 32 Velazquez, Diego 8 silks 24; caftans 26,27; in Bursa 14, 25 Velican 97 Offenbach, Jacques 130, 140 'Silver Tomb' (Bursa) 14, 15 velvets 25 Ogier de Busbecq 72, 83 Sinan 9, 35, 37- 8, 59, 60, 63-4, 66-8, VenetiansjVenice 24, 25, 65, 90, 95, 'Old' Mosque (Edirne) 36 70-94, 105, 108, 133 , 1, 39, .41, 102, 130; Venetian helmet for Orkhan 14, 20, 22, 23, 25-6, 80 44 - 58, IV, VI, VII; tomb 94, 58 Siileyman 65-6, 130,38 Osman I 13, 17,25- 6,139, -142 Sinan Bey 4 I , 20 Victoria, Queen I25, 130, 135 , 138 Osman II 107 ~ijli Mosque (Istanbul) 144 Vienna 66, 95,101,130 Osman III 122- 3 Sobieski, John 96 Osman (painter) 98, X Sofia 17, 27 White, Charles 1]2 Otranto 42 Sogiit 139 Wilkie, Sir David 135, 88 Sokullu Mehmed Pasha 67, 93, 102 Winchilsea, Earl of 129, 130 painting 8, 48,55- 7,63,67-8,97- 100, Sokullu Mehmed Pasha Mosque wood-carving 19 107, II5- 16, 127, 130,30, 40, 60- 2, (Istanbul) 93, 56 World-view Pavilion (Edirne) 35,42 69,72, V, X; portraits 41,55, 110 stained glass 9,63,70,94, 102, 105 Palladio, Andrea 9, 90, 105 Stanislas of Lorraine 112 Yeni Valide complex (Oskiidar) JI7, paradise 7, 9, 10, 106 Siileyman 'the Magnificent' 12, 13, 73 Pardoe, Julia 126, 130, 132 35, 60, 63- 84, 101, 130, 142, 37, Yeni Valide mosque (Istanbul) 100, Pasha"a~e 100, 62 38,40, V 107- 9, 67 Passarowitz, Peace of 1 14 Siileymaniye complex (Istanbul) 19, Y,ld,z Park (Istanbul) 8, 136, 140- 3,94 Pehlevan Ali 109 61,63,67, 73,80- 4,85, 90, 94, 102, Persia 7,17,51,60,102,109 105,41,46-8, VI, VII Zsitva-Torok, Treaty of 101 .
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