Cainozoic Research, 18(2), pp. 89-176, December 2018 89 The lower Pliocene gastropods of Le Pigeon Blanc (Loire- Atlantique, northwest France). Part 5* – Neogastropoda (Conoidea) and Heterobranchia (fine) 1 2 3,4 Luc Ceulemans , Frank Van Dingenen & Bernard M. Landau 1 Avenue Général Naessens de Loncin 1, B-1330 Rixensart, Belgium; email: [email protected] 2 Cambeenboslaan A 11, B-2960 Brecht, Belgium; email: [email protected] 3 Naturalis Biodiversity Center, P.O. Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, Netherlands; Instituto Dom Luiz da Universidade de Lisboa, Campo Grande, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal; and International Health Centres, Av. Infante de Henrique 7, Areias São João, P-8200 Albufeira, Portugal; email: [email protected] 4 Corresponding author Received 25 February 2017, revised version accepted 7 July 2018 In this final paper reviewing the Zanclean lower Pliocene assemblage of Le Pigeon Blanc, Loire-Atlantique department, France, which we consider the ‘type’ locality for Assemblage III of Van Dingenen et al. (2015), we cover the Conoidea and the Heterobranchia. Fifty-nine species are recorded, of which 14 are new: Asthenotoma lanceolata nov. sp., Aphanitoma marqueti nov. sp., Clathurella pierreaimei nov. sp., Clavatula helwerdae nov. sp., Haedropleura fratemcontii nov. sp., Bela falbalae nov. sp., Raphitoma georgesi nov. sp., Raphitoma landreauensis nov. sp., Raphitoma palumbina nov. sp., Raphitoma turtaudierei nov. sp., Raphitoma vercingetorixi nov. sp., Raphitoma pseudoconcinna nov. sp., Adelphotectonica bieleri nov. sp., and Ondina asterixi nov. sp. One new name is erected: Genota maximei nov. nom. is proposed for Pleurotoma insignis Millet, non Edwards, 1861. Actaeonidea achatina Sacco, 1896 is considered a junior subjective synonym of Rictaxis tornatus (Millet, 1854). The data presented here concur with that discussed in previous parts of this monograph, suggesting that average Sea Surface Temperatures off the NW French coast in the Zanclean early Pliocene may have been higher than they are at these latitudes today, possibly similar to those found today off the southern Portuguese coasts. KEY WORDS: northwestern France, lower Pliocene, Neogastropoda, new taxa Introduction Geological setting, material and methods In this paper we continue our studies on Neogene gastro- (see Van Dingenen et al., 2015: 75-79, figures 1, 2). pod fossil assemblages of northwestern France (see Ceu- Systematics are updated following Bouchet & Rocroi lemans et al., 2014, 2016a, b; Van Dingenen et al., 2014, (2017). 2015, 2016, 2017): Gastropods of the order Neogastropo- da (Conoidea) and Heterobranchia are revised. The study Abbreviations: is restricted to the locality of Le Pigeon Blanc, which we consider to be the ‘type’ locality for Assemblage III gas- IRScNB Institut Royal des Sciences naturelles de tropods (of Van Dingenen et al., 2015). Belgique, Brussels (Belgium). In his unpublished thesis, Brébion (1964) of the Centre MNHN.F Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (collec- National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris recorded 44 tion de Paléontologie), Paris (France). species within the groups covered in this paper from Le NHMW Naturhistorisches Museum Wien collection, Pigeon Blanc and six from other Assemblage III locali- Vienna (Austria). ties, some of which were described as new. However, as FVD Frank van Dingenen private collection, Brecht the thesis was never published, the names do not comply (Belgium). with article 13 of the ICZN code (1999) and must be con- LC Luc Ceulemans private collection (Rixensart, sidered nomina nuda. Belgium). * For nr 3 in this series see Vita Malacologica 15: 35-55. 90 Ceulemans, Van Dingenen & Landau. The lower Pliocene gastropods of Le Pigeon Blanc. Neogastropoda (Conoidea) and Heterobranchia Systematic palaeontology relatively narrow, simple (edge damaged in all speci- mens), irregularly lirate within. Columella callus poorly Superfamily Conoidea Fleming, 1822 expanded, closely apressed, thickened, bearing broad Family Borsoniidae Bellardi, 1875 fold mid-aperture, developed to a variable degree. Sipho- Genus Asthenotoma Harris & Burrows, 1891 nal canal short, open, slightly posteriorly recurved and notched at tip. Type species – Pleurotoma meneghinii Mayer, 1868, by original designation, Miocene, Italy. Discussion – Asthenotoma lanceolata nov. sp. co-occurs with Asthenotoma ornata (Defrance, 1826) in the lower 1875 Oligotoma Bellardi, p. 21. Type species (by origi- Pliocene of northwestern France (see below) but is less nal designation): Pleurotoma meneghinii Mayer, common. It differs from A. ornata in being larger, in 1868, Miocene, Italy (non Westwood, 1836 [In- having a relatively higher spire, shorter last whorl and secta, Embioptera]). siphonal canal, the last whorl is less inflated mid-whorl 1891 Asthenotoma Harris & Burrows, p. 113. Nom. nov. and less constricted at the base and the sculpture is fin- pro Oligotoma Bellardi, 1875, non Westwood, er, especially the spiral cords, which are subequal and 1836 [Insecta, Embioptera]. crowded, whereas in A. ornata they tend to be of alter- nate strength. The genus Asthenotoma in the Italian Neo- gene was reviewed by Gatto (1997). None of the species Asthenotoma lanceolata nov. sp. reviewed is as tall spired as A. lanceolata. Plate 1, figs 1-2 Distribution – Lower Pliocene: Atlantic, NW France (this Type material – Holotype NHMW 2015/0133/0557, height paper). 20.7 mm, width 5.6 mm (Pl. 1, fig. 1); paratype 1 NHMW 2015/0133/0558, height 20.8 mm, width 6.3 mm (Pl. 1, fig. 2). Asthenotoma ornata (Defrance, 1826) Plate 1, figs 3-5 Other material – Maximum height 20.8 mm. LC (1). Le Pigeon Blanc, Le Landreau, Nantes area, Loire-Atlan- *1826 Pleurotoma ornata Defrance, p. 390. tique department, NW France. 1848 Peurotoma semicolon (?) J. Sow. – S.V. Wood, p. 54, pl. 6, fig. 3b (non J. Sowerby, 1816). Etymology – Latin ‘lanceola, -ae’, diminutive of ‘lancea’, 1854 Pleurotoma Ornata Defr. – Millet, p. 161. noun, meaning like a small lance. Asthenotoma gender non 1877 Pleurotoma ornata Defr. – Bellardi, p. 238, pl. 7, feminine. fig. 25 (= Asthenotoma bellardiana Gatto, 1997). 1878 Pleurotoma granulina Nyst, pl. 3, fig. 7. Locus typicus – Le Landreau, Le Pigeon Blanc, Loire- 1882 Pleurotoma granulina Nyst, p. 43. Atlantique department, NW France. non 1890 Pleurotoma (Oligotoma) ornata Defr. – Hoernes & Auinger, pl. 34, figs 16, 17 [= Asthenotoma co- Stratum typicum – Zanclean, lower Pliocene. lus (Dujardin, 1837)]. non 1891 Pleurotoma (Oligotoma) ornata Defr. – Hoernes Diagnosis – Asthenotoma species of medium-size, high & Auinger, pl. 50, fig. 27 [= Asthenotoma colus conical spire composed of flat-sided whorls, finely re- (Dujardin, 1837)]. ticulated sculpture composed of crowded spiral cords non 1912 Asthenotoma ornata Defr. – Friedberg, p. 221, pl. and stongly sinuous close-set axial ribs, short last whorl 14, fig. 2. and siphonal canal, small aperture, outer lip lirate within, non 1915 Oligotoma ornata (Defrance) – Harmer, p. 216, columella bearing broad fold. pl. 27, figs 1, 2 [= Asthenotoma colus (Dujardin, 1837)]. Description – Shell medium-sized, high conical spire, 1915 Oligotoma festiva (Döderlein in Hörnes) – Harmer 54% of total height. Protoconch not preserved. Teleoconch (partim), p. 216, pl. 27, fig. 6 (only). consisting of nine straight-sided whorls with periphery 1915 Oligotoma decorata (A. Bell, MS) Harmer, p. 217, at abapical suture. Suture incised, shallow. Sculpture of pl. 27, figs 3, 4. low, narrow, close-set, strongly sinuous axial ribs crossed 1915 Oligotoma bipunctula (S.V. Wood, 1848) – Harm- by fine, irregular, close-set spiral cords, somewhat more er, p. 218, pl. 27, figs 12-15, pl. 28, figs 5-8 (non crowded on adapical half of whorl, forming fine reticulat- Pleurotoma bipunctula S.V. Wood, 1848 = Gem- ed surface pattern. Last whorl relatively short, 46% total mula sp. fide Gatto, 1997). height, adapical half straight-sided, broadly rounded at 1915 Oligotoma bipunctula var. proxima Harmer, p. periphery, moderately constricted at base; base slightly 219, pl. 28, figs 3, 4. concave, delimited abapically by poorly defined, low si- non 1937 Asthenotoma ornata Defr. – Montanaro, p. 166, phonal fasciole. pl. 7, fig. 72 (= Asthenotoma bellardiana Gatto, Anal sinus broadly U-shaped, with apex placed just 1997). above mid-whorl. Aperture small, 29% of total height, non 1938 Asthenotoma ornata Defrance – Peyrot, p. 279 [= Cainozoic Research, 18(2), pp. 89-176, December 2018 91 Asthenotoma colus (Dujardin, 1837)]. blage I specimens (BL unpublished data) but not seen in 1946 Asthenotoma (Asthenotoma) bipunctula (Wood, the Le Pigeon Blanc specimen illustrated here, as the pro- 1872) – Beets, p. 101, pl. 6, figs 2-4 (non Pleu- toconch surface is abraded. For further comparison with rotoma bipunctula S.V. Wood, 1848 = Gemmula its congeners see Gatto (1997). sp. fide Gatto, 1997). Millet (1854, p. 161) recorded this species from Assem- 1954 Asthenotoma ornata Defrance, 1826 – Glibert blage I localities (Renauleau, Sceaux-d’Anjou, Thorigné). (partim), p. 35, pl. 1, fig. 15, pl. 5, fig. 8a, c-e (not Brébion (1964, p. 569) added St-Michel and Beaulieu, 8b). Assemblage II localities (Apigné, Le Temple du Cerisier) non 1963 Asthenotoma (Asthenotoma) ornata (Defr.) – Ven- and Assemblage III (Le Pigeon Blanc, Le Girondor, Pal- zo & Pelosio, p. 126, pl. 11, fig. 12 (= Asthenoto- luau). ma falunica Peyrot, 1938). 1964 Asthenotoma ornata Defrance, 1826 – Brébion, p. Distribution – Upper Miocene: Atlantic (Tortonian): NW 568. France (Glibert, 1954; Brébion,
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