Offshore terror preparedness in the Barents Sea “Preparing for the unexpected” EN310E: Master of Sciences in Energy Management Karin Dahl & Marte Haugan Master thesis – Master of Sciences in Energy Management Bodø, 2014 Preface This master thesis represents the final semester of a two-year Master of Science degree within the Energy Management program at Bodø Graduate School of Business and MGIMO University in Moscow. We have faced many challenges along the way in this study. This is mainly due to the limited information shared about terrorism, both from public and private actors. We have gathered highly important, interesting and informative material from our interviews with representatives from the petroleum industry and already published data. Throughout the study we have been confirmed by several participants the importance of this study for the petroleum industry’s security. First of all we want to give a sincere thanks to our supervisor, Odd Jarl Borch, for constructive criticism and guidelines along the way. He has been an incredibly important resource for us in terms of relevant literature, areas to focus on, interesting discussions and topics and especially to obtain interview candidates. Finally we will gratitude all the interview participants for their willingness to participate in this study sharing their knowledge and experience within the topic studied. Their input and information has been essential and highly necessary for the ability to conduct this research. Bodø, 20th May 2014 Karin Dahl & Marte Haugan Keywords: Preparedness team, Preparedness system, Terrorism, Barents Sea, Managerial roles, Security Bodø Graduate School of Business i Master thesis – Master of Sciences in Energy Management Bodø, 2014 Summary The petroleum industry is constantly moving further north on the NCS, where oil and gas operators are facing new challenges in more complex environments. The ability to respond quickly in crisis situations is important both economically and socially. Oil platforms are a central and important part of the Norwegian infrastructure, where activities both onshore and offshore represent a large part of the Norwegian economy and are sensitive targets and legitimate goals for terrorist and violent extremists. New terror attacks and regulations in the past years have created national and regional discussions, which calls for oil companies to strengthen their preparedness system dealing with terrorist threats. This has created new demands of upgrading and improving the preparedness system and security strategies. This paper examines what measures to be done by the national preparedness system and the oil companies and their 2nd line preparedness teams to strengthen their preparedness and security against terror threats in the Barents Sea. Our research question is as following: “How should the managerial roles within the 2nd line preparedness team be strengthened to handle terror threats in the Barents Sea?” Companies in the petroleum industry faces challenges related to security and preparedness of offshore installations in the Barents Sea such as: lack of resources, long respond time, long distances, harsh weather conditions, communication and cooperation difficulties between a highly number of participants, lack of full-scale practices and lack of knowledge and experience handling terror threat situations. One way of meeting these challenges is to strengthen the 2nd line preparedness team within the oil companies. The preparedness team consists of several managerial roles that are responsible of assisting the 1st line preparedness team located on the platform. The managerial roles within the 2nd line are responsible of the following areas during a crisis situation: handling the media, contacting the authority, protecting the environment, contact with the rig team, logistic and resources assistant and allocation, ensuring personnel care and an action manager managing the whole preparedness team. It is limited what changes that can be done within the 2nd line preparedness team to strengthen the preparedness against terror attacks in the Barents Sea without strengthening the oil companies preparedness system and the national preparedness system. It is therefore needed to examine what changes that can be done within these two preparedness systems to Bodø Graduate School of Business ii Master thesis – Master of Sciences in Energy Management Bodø, 2014 strengthen the performance of the 2nd line preparedness during a terror threat situation in the Barents Sea. The main findings in study show that the 2nd preparedness team should establish two new managerial roles: 1) Expertise of handling terror threat situation and 2) Local and regional expertise handling crisis situations in the Barents Sea. Due to the complex environment and the high number of preparedness participants full-scale exercises should be held in the Barents Sea region more frequently practicing on different terror attack scenarios. A clear and common terror threat picture between the oil companies and the authorities needs to be in place to implement necessary measures such as: physical security of installations, increased regional resources and improved infrastructure to prevent and prepare for terror attacks in the Barents Sea. Bodø Graduate School of Business iii Master thesis – Master of Sciences in Energy Management Bodø, 2014 Sammendrag Petroleumsnæringen beveger seg stadig lengre nord på den norske sokkelen, noe som fører til at olje og gass selskapene står ovenfor stadig nye utfordringer i mer komplekse omgivelser. Evnen til å reagere raskt under krisesituasjoner er nødvendig både på grunn av økonomiske og sosiale grunner. Oljeindustrien i Norge representerer en sentral del av den norske verdiskapningen hvor offshore oljeinstallasjoner vil være potensielle terror mål for terrorister og voldelige ekstremister. Tidligere terror angrep har skapt nasjonale og regionale diskusjoner, og det er et behov fra oljeselskapene sin side å styrke sitt beredskapssystem for å håndtere terror trusler. Dette har ført til nye krav om oppgradering og forbedring av beredskapssystemet og sikkerhetsstrategier. Denne oppgaven undersøker hvilke tiltak som må gjøres innen det nasjonale beredskapssystemet og av oljeselskapene for å styrke beredskapen og sikkerhet av olje installasjoner mot terrortrusler i Barentshavet. Vår problemstilling er som følgende: ”Hvordan skal lederrollene i andrelinje beredskapen styrkes for å kunne håndtere terror trusler i Barentshavet?” Petroleumsindustrien står ovenfor utfordringer knyttet til sikring og beredskap på oljeinstallasjoner offshore hvor det er en mangel på ressurser, lang respons tid, store avstander, vanskelige vær forhold, samarbeid og kommunikasjonsvanskeligheter mellom mange beredskapsaktører, mangel på fullskala øvelser og kunnskap og erfaring med å håndtere terror situasjoner. En måte å møte disse utfordringene på er å styrke oljeselskapenes andrelinje beredskapsteam. Andrelinje beredskapsteamet består av flere lederroller som er ansvarlig med å bistå førstelinje beredskapsteam på olje plattformene. Lederrollene innen andrelinje teamet er ansvarlige for følgende områder under en krisesituasjon: media håndtering, kontakt med myndighetene, beskytte miljøet, kontaktpunkt med ulykkesstedet, fordele og skaffe nødvendige ressurser, sikre personell og i tillegg hvor det er en overordnede som har ansvar for å lede beredskapsteamet. Det er begrenset hvilke endringer som kan gjøres i andrelinje for å styrke beredskapen rettet mot terrorangrep i Barentshavet uten å se på hvordan oljeselskapenes beredskapssystem og det nasjonale beredskapssystemet kan styrkes. Bodø Graduate School of Business iv Master thesis – Master of Sciences in Energy Management Bodø, 2014 Det er derfor nødvendig å undersøke hvilke endringer som kan gjøres innen disse områdene for å styrke kapasiteten til andrelinje beredskap under en terrorsituasjon i Barentshavet. De viktigste funnene i denne oppgaven er at andrelinje beredskap bør etablere to nye lederroller. Den først med kompetanse til å håndtere terrortrussel og den andre med lokal og regional kompetanse for å håndtere krisesituasjoner i Barentshavet. Barentshavet befinner seg i et kompleks miljø hvor terror beredskapssituasjoner krever deltakelse fra et høyt antall aktører. Det bør derfor holdes flere ”fullskala øvelser” i Barentshavet der alle aktørene som deltar under en terror krisesituasjon er med. Det er også behov for å etablere en sterkere felles forståelse av terrortrussel bildet i Barentshavet mellom oljeselskapene og myndighetene. Et samlet trusselbildet vil gjøre forbedringsprosessen av beredskapssystemet lettere hvor man ser de samme behovene for fysisk sikring av installasjoner, økt ressurs behov og forbedring av infrastrukturen i Barentshavet for å håndtere terror angrep. Bodø Graduate School of Business v Master thesis – Master of Sciences in Energy Management Bodø, 2014 Terms and definitions Adverse events can be used as a generic term for all types of accidents, crisis disasters etc. These are events that derivate from the normal, and there are actions to prevent and limit the damage of an adverse event (Sommer, 2013). Crisis is an event that has the potential to threat important values and weaken an organizations ability to perform their essential functions (NOU, 2000:24). A crisis could develop into a disaster, which is an event with serious injuries and losses (NOU, 2000:24). Intentional adverse event is a type of adverse event that people do intentionally, examples here are terrorism,
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