Re,d. No. NE 907 • 1,9IS,. Issue No. 47 VOL. XXV Aizawl, Friday, 6.9.1996,.Agrahayana I, S.E. Gnvernment of Mizoram Part I AJIp<>intmenls, POSlin.. , Transf,,", Power. and � J'orfOilal NoiiCd jIDd·OnIers.· ,,�. ,. o � � , ,__ , (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) • NOTIFICATIONS No. A. 22012/4/89-PERSi(B), the 18th November, 1996. Tn partial modi­ fication of this department's Notification of even number dt, 22, 8. 96 and in the interest of public service, the Governor of- Mizoram is pleased to Qrder trans­ fer and postingofPu Zothanmawia, MCS, A.D.C., Lunglei as Circle Officer, Lunglei with "immediate effect and until further orders. The Governor of Mizoram is further pleased to order that Pu Zothanmawia, MqS, C.O., Lunglei will also fun�tioa as P.S. to Vice Chairman, HPC, Lunglei in addition to h;s own duties as C.O., Lunglei. Tlanglianruma, Deputy Secretary to the GoVt. of Mizoram . • No. A. 22012/4/89- PERS (B) 'Pt. II, the 21st November, 1996. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order trl!llsf ers I!Ild postings of the followin, M.C's. Officers as shown against their !\I!Illcs... with immediate \ • effect and until further orders : _ R-47j96 2 SENIOR GRADE - - .- - - --- - - - -- - - ---- - - - o. -l\jame of 01licer Pn:sent posting SIN - Transferred to - ---- - ----- --- ---- -- ---- - -,- - 1. Pu Ngurhuzauva S.D .0. ,Kolasib ii.A.C. ,Aizawl 2. Pu R. Liankima Under Secy., Home S.D.O., Kolasib 3. Pu V. Lalremthanga L.O., Silchar lJIS, DP&AR (GSW) 4. Pll Jimmy Vanlalruata UiS, DP&AR (GSW) P.S., to C.M. 5. Pu Rodney Lalrinoma E.O., Saiha L. 0., Silchar 6. Pu C.Z. Tumluaia A.O., Siata E.O., Saiha 7. Pu Biaktluanga E.A.C., Aizawl VIS, Home JUNlOR GRADE 8. Pu H. Bazirama A.S.O-ll, Kolasib A.D.C. (P). Aizawl 9. Pu Laltbarmawia B.Ll.O., Khawzawl A.D.C. (Aizawl.) 10. Pu B. Lalhmingthanga A.S.O-ll, Aizawl 1>.0.0., Khawzawl II. Pu R. Lalhmangaiha Asstt. Dir., Revenue G.D.O., W. Phaileng 12. Pu Lalthantluanga BDO" W. Phaileog A.S.O.-II, Aizawl 13. Pu K. Hmingthanzauva S.Dy.M., Champh.i A.O., Bilkhawthlir 14. Pu R. Lalramnghaka S.Dy.M., Kolasib A.S.O.-II, Kolasib 15. Pu Lalzirma wi. Chhangte B.D.O., Hnahthial "-.0., Vairengte 16. Pu Zairenunawia B.D.O., Lawngtlai �.Dy.M., Champhai 17. Pu V. Lalsangliana BDO. Thingsulthliah A.O., Thingsai 18. Pu Rothangvunga B.D.O. Tlangnuam S.Dy.M., Kolasib 19. Pu F.J. Liantluanga A.O., Tawipui B.D.O., Hnahtbial 20. Pu Hrelian Chinzah A.O., Khilwhai B.D.O., Lawngtlai 21. Pu Beila F. Joseph A.O., Chakhang B.D.O., Tlangnuam 22. Pu Laluaplian. A.O., Lungdai A.O, Lungdai attached to DRDA, Aizawl. 23. Pu Vanlalngena A.O. Falkawn B.D.O, Thingsulthliah They will move in the following orders :- (a) SI. I, SI. 7, SI. 2. (h) S •. 5, SI. 3, SI. 4. (c) S1. 12, SI. II, 51. 10, SI. 9. (d) SI. 21, 51. 18, �1. 14, 51. 8. <e) 51. 20, SI. 16, SI. 13. (f) SI. 19. SI. 15. (g) SI. 23, S1. 17. (h) SI. 6 and SI. 22 will move independently. No. A. 22012/8/89-PERS (B)I Pt, the 20th November, 1996. In the interest of public service; the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of Pu C. Thanchhuma, MCS, Add!. D.C. Aizawl as Joint Director, Transport (M.V.Wing) with illlmediat.! effect and until further orders. I 3 R-47/96 No. A. 22012/IO/S2-APT (A) the 20th November, 1996. In the interest of public service and on the recommendation of the Miwram Public Service Com­ mission, the Governor of Mi7or�m is pleased to order �romotion of Pu F. Lallura, Joint Director, School Education to the post of DIrector of School Education, Education & Human Resources Department in the scale of pay of Rs. 4500-150- 5700/-P.M. plus all other allowances as admissible from time to time with imme­ diate effect. Vanhela Pachuau, Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No.A. 31013/lj92-EDC the 19th November, 1996. In partial modification to this Department Notification No.A. 31013/1/92-EDC Dt 15.7.96, the effective date of confirmation should be read as "16.2.96" instead of IS.2.96 in respect of Pu Daya­ Nand Harit, Lecturer, Gov!. Kolasib College. No.A.220IS/I/85 -EDN the 18th November, 1996. In the Inlerest of public ser­ vice, the Governor of Miwram is pleased to appoint Pu V.T. Zuala as Principal in the scale of pay of Rs. 3700-5700/- p.m. with immediate effect and until fur- • ther order. However, he should continue to hold the post of Principal, J.B. Co­ llege on deputation. R.K. Singha, Deputy Secy. to the Gov!.of Miwram, Education&Human Resources Department. No.A.32012/3/94-AH&V the 22nd November, 1996. On the recommendation of the Mizoram Public Service Commission Vide their letter NO.A .. 12026/11/91- MPSC dated 12.9.96, the Governor of Miwram is pleased to appoint tile follow­ ing persons as Vety Assistant Surgeon/Manager in the scale of Pay of Rs. 2200- 75-28oo-EB-l00-4000/- p.m plus other allowances as admissible under the Rules from time to time with etTect from the date of joining. Further, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order posting of the newly appointed Officers as shown against each of their names below until further order. SI. \ Name of Officer I Place of I Post Creation Head of No. & designation I posting I order No & date I Account ----_._------ 1. Dr. H. Pachhunga Vety Dispy A. 11013/3/86-AH&V 2403-AH. VAS. Sangau Vety dt.24.3.88 101-V.S &"'H 101(1)-Hospy & Dispy (NPl R-47/96 4 2. Dr. Lalhmangaiha, Vety Dispy NO.A.IlOI3/82 -do- V.A.S. Tuipang -A.H. & Vety dt. 28.2.83. ,. Dr. H. Vanlalhma- C. B.F VET. 1/73/161 2403-AH&V ngaihzuala, Saiha dt. 31.10.73 102..cattle Dev. Manager. 102(1)-Cattle Dev. (NP) C. Lalchhuma. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, A.. H&Veterinary Department. No.A.22013/1/96-P&E/5 : the 8th November, 1996. In the interest of public service. the Goyernor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the foUowing Assistant Engineers/Sub-DIvisional Officers (Elect) and (Civil) under Power & Electricity Depar1Jnent as rr:cntioned below :- ---- - - - --- - - - - - -- - - -- ar s SI. I Name of Officer & I Place of posting -I Rem k No. I Present posting I I ----- I 2 I 3 4 --- ---- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - ---- - - l. Shri O.K. Bhadra S.D.O. Elect. SID, - Vice W.C. - SDO(T.C.) Maint. Divn. II, .Darlawn Lalchhuan--- - Aizawl. liana transferred.---- 2. Shri ·W.C. Lalchbuanliana, A.E., L.E.C· Vice. Monibar SOO, Elect. S/O, Dar/awn, Singh transferred. 3. Sbri Monibar Singh, S.D.O.,Elcot. SID, Vice S.K,Dey A.E., L.E.C. Sliiha transferred. 4. Shri S.K. Dey S D.O,Scrlm 'B' Vice P.B. S.D.O. Elect., SID, Saiha Store S/D,Bilkhaw­ Sangmawia , tblir 5. Shri P.B. Sanr.','awia S.D.O.,Elect.S/O Vice Ngur­ S.D.O. Serlui 'B' Store Kolasib sai).ova. SID, BilkhawtWir Sailo transferred. 5 R-47/96 6' Shri Ngursailova Sailo S.D.O.,R.E. SID, Vice Zoding­ S.D.O.,Elect.S/D,kolasib Hnahthial liana transferred. 7. Shri Zodingliana S.D.O.,�laicham S/D-l Vice-G.-Lal­ • S.D.O.,R.E. S!D,Hnahthial N. Vanlaiphai thanmawia transferred. 8. Shri G. Lalthanmawia S D.O. (TC) Kolasib Vice H. Van­ S.D.O.,Maicham SID.! Elect. Divn. lalhlima transferred. 9. Shri H. Vanlalhlima S.D.O ..Elect. S/D, Vice Saphne­ S.D.O. (TC) Kolasib Divn Champhai hwva trans­ ferred 10. Shri Saphnehzova S.D.O.(TC) Maint. Vice D.K. S.D.O.,Elect.S/D, Champhai Divn.lI, Ailawl. Bhadra transferred. I!. Shri Lalhmuakliana S. D.O., Transmission Vice Roman­ • AE, e.E.(P) Office SID, Lungsen Trika transferred. 12. Shri Roman K. Trika S.D.O.(TC) Constn.Div. Vice Jai Kumar S.D.O. Trans SID Lungsen Aizawl transferred. 13. Shri Jai Kumar S.D.O. Elect SID, Vice Veera Pandian S.D.O.(TC) Constn. DlV. Zawlnuam transferred. Ailawl 14. Shri Veera Pandian S.D.O (TC) Lunglei Vice S.K. S.D.O. Elect SID, Elect.Div M uffizuddin Zawlnuam transferred IS. Shri S.K. Muffizuddin S.D.O. Maint SID, Vice M.C .. Singh, S. D.O.(TC)L.E.D. Vairengte tran -sferred 16. Shri M.e. Singh A.E., L.E.C Vice R.Romawia S.D.O.Maint SID Vairengte transferred • 17. Shri R.Romawia S.D.O. Tuirivang Vacant A.E. L.E.C. Elect SID, Aizawl 18. Shri R.P.Bhomick S.D.O. Elect. SID, Vice 'C.Lal­ S.D.O (TC) CTP Elect. Khawzawl ramlian3 Divn Saiha transferred _ ... _-- R- 47j96 6 - ---------- --�------------- --------------- 1 2 3 4 --------------- - -----_.----------._-------- 19. Shri C.Lalramliana S.D.0.132 KV SjS Vice H. Zonun­ S.D.C. Elect SjD SjD Lunglei sanga Khawzaw1 tran �ferred • 20. Shri H. Zonunsanga S.D.O.,Maint.SjD. Vice Laldn­ S.D.O., 132 KV SjS SjD (.. e ntral, Aizawl maWIa Lunglei Promoted.
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