10 At Baker Lake in 1954, Kigjugalik 'bLcr I :)<I'r 1954-'Jn'."J Oamani'tuarmi 1954-ngutillugu (mother of Barnabas Pirjuaq) was p .... ~c-' (A ' ...<1 < <I':':, Kigjugalik (Pirjuaq anaanaa) tuni­ awarded a "good citizenship" :)cr"'~,-~>" "ac-C",,,,~·...nr·" jaulaupuq "ilitarijaujjutimik" medal by the Government of b... C~< ~<L·d'f"cr'. d,-r.,.~ ..." kanataup gavamakkunginnit. lIagi­ Canada. She was one of 10,000 10,OOO-cr' :)cr"'~"'cr' o....'r­ jaujuq 10,OOO-nit tunijaujunit Canadians from all walks of life ~C.,,' Ccr :)cr"'~'bC~"'cr C< ~r~ nanirmiutaluktaani tunijauqataujuni who received this medal, which ac-C",,,,~· ...nr·. a'~~L"'~­ taapsuminga ilitarijaujjutimik. commemorated the Coronation of cr'~~... ' da' dc-~A II da"J"­ itqaumajauniksanganut Oueen Oueen Elizabeth II in 1952. The nC~cr~ 1952-r. a~a' C'<cr Elizabeth II kuinnguqtitauninga people in this photograph are: <I'i"c-~"(L"" ~d<l'J"": (1) 1952-mi. Inuit tatvani ajjiliuqsima­ (1) Aliqtiksaq (Pirjuaq's brother); <lc-"n' ~" (A ' ...<1 < <I~"'<I): jut ukuangujut: (1) Aliqtiksaq (2) Michael Amarook; (3) Basil (2) Lad <lL? "; (3) i.~ (Pirjuaq angajua): (2) Michael Kiblakoot; (4) Betty Hughson: 'f><,-'d'; (4) An Ha~('; Amarook; (3) Basil Kiblakoot; (5) Oalrulaaq; (6) Kigjugalik; (5) ~'?":"; (6) P • ... k·; (4) Betty Hughson; (5) Oalrulaaq; (7) Emima (wife of Aliqtiksaq): (7) aLaL (<lc-'n' ~~< ... r<l~); (6) Kigjugalik; (7) Emima (8) RCMP officer; (9) Michael (8) >P"Cc-'; (9) Lad (Aliktiksaup nulianga); (8) Pukiq­ Peryouar; (10) Inukpaaluk A''''<I'; (10) a~'<-" (A' ...<I< talik; (9) Michael Peryouar; (Pirjuaq's wife). ...c-<l~) • (10) Inukpaaluk (Pirjuaq nulianga). ,,*-· Indian and Northern Affaires indiennes I ... Affairs Canada et du Nord Canada Published under the authority of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. Ottawa 1986. C~J4 4~~~nc~~( 6~~~~~d( 4~~~b~~~( <i:xr. 1986 . Taakkua ajungiliqtitaujut inulirijikkut angajuqkaangannut. Ottawa, 1986. Publication No. as-8376-010·HE·A1 • Minister of Supply and Services Canada Table of Contents C~<cr::>lI. Inuktitut Tavvanitun lnuktitut magazine is published 10 provide Canada's Inuit with information relating to the government's programs in the North, to promote the exchange of cultural infor­ mation between Inuit groups in Canada and to encourage Fall, l> P<l' 0.:", Ukiaksaaq, 1986 No, 64 the development of fnuilliterature. Published three or four times a year, lnuktitut is mailed on request. The views expressed are not necessarily those of Indian and North­ ern Affairs Canada. Written contributions and photo­ graphs from readers are invited. For further information and rates paid write to: 2 Editorial <i~'f'" t.~.nJ( t>"rLI. m<;'ct><:'>'" !>a.crr>' fu,1J.< J\t>Lfl<­ l>.i'r' JLJ' l.<:L'" , A<:~(""4nCr\ ... • t>pt>'c')r. A.-'III)".,..' Aaqqiksuijimit )'t>Ln(n,,{ct>n<:~... 4~Lj( A~\ ... • d~~~(J... • ba.cr . ~Ll.J ~'ro'Ja-' m<j·IL~... «~(""<I·n«(k'U(. rY1<;'­ Cll-<:'..I'I' t\'I,.)l!.<,J',.,n.j~cr=< n"'Lll~I'...n·j~cr=< <P<;JC­ ·d'f'~ 5 Life as It Was L< b...C1>( lI..o<-n.. ... ... {, ll... ·n){ <lP"'f'.><r A?t><:·)'"' <ilr-t> • ...><r (l'I,(lJ< <l'w <l""-->cr. m<;~r'L"" ... • ... ·r't>~?ll{ l>.";()'b"a-~ <l~n-t>1.1l~..J 'bt>.....,'Ct>{()<l' ...<l')< m<;'ct>"r't>~?t»ll~... ­ Inuusituqaviniq n..<l,,'LC. Cd<l t>'bt>Ct>""< c·<:... ll... ,..n..":'bd~ ...'!,.,-n..'f')(. 'bt>... {n<l·b~ ... ?LJH 'b..." <lPr'Ct>nr<:\L'ic CL·d ...'!,.. <l()m<;<..t>n..{ t><'l..: 21 Nadlak's Ancient Campsite Inuktitut Uqalimaagaq titiratauvakpuq Canatamiut Inuit ~cL~r )A'b'''''a-)'b~ tusaumatittumamut gavamakkut pivallialitamingnik ukiur· tartumi, i1iqusituqanik tusaumatittiqattautivalliajumamut Naatlarmi Tupiqarvivinituqaq Inungnik i1agiingittunik Canatami ammalu Inuktituur­ tunikitirarsimajuqalirpalliatiltijumamut. Titirartauvaklulik pingasuirsurlutikluunniit tisamaisurlutikluunniit arraagu­ 28 Can Kayaks Come Back? tamaat Canataup Inulirjikkunginnit, lnulditut akiqanngiluni pijauvakpuq atiliurluni titiqatigut ammalu apiriluni. Taakua 'b'7l>.' t>n? \0.~~<C? uqautaujut bakvani inulirijituqakunningalaringitut. Titirar­ Qajait Utirungnaqpat? simajunik naksiujjait ajjilugaillu qaujisartaultiarniarput titiartauqasiujjautuinnariaqarmata. Qaujittiakkanniru­ maguvit qanuq akilirtautigivangmangaata tamakku· nunga, atii titiralaurit uvunga: 35 The ICC at Kotzebue, Alaska !:J..JJ!:J.c rc..'<'<lrLr bnL'<'<l'a-'l,' <l,> br fnuktitut Magazine, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, b'rAI>. Ottawa. K1A OH4 Tele: (819) 994-0563 Inuit SHarjualimaami Katimarjuarninga, Kotzebue, Alaskami Working on this Issue: 43 Inuit Art "<L.~:;) ... !:J..JJ!:J.c \o.I>L'f" Sanalautun: Inuit Sanaugangit David Webster, editor Cf..' f..<'C~. <1"'PI.1.,.:>o 8asil KibJakoot 1\) 'if'<t..~d( Ruth Annaqtuusi Tulurialik's Tour Sam Metcalfe ~L r' b', 51 Deborah Evaluarjuk O:><j 6(J6 ~.J< ?c <l"o.~~j( JJn.<lrt>< 1><l'7'a-'l, Roy Vontobel, consulting editor Ruth Annaqtuusi Tulurialiup Uajarninga ?6 (Lj>... .1.b~"'.J.c1<JO'" nn'i"'n 58 Father Franz Van de Velde Honoured I Are you moving? Nuktirniujarpiit? <lCC ~<L ~L nML' l>'i'n.'7I>a-'l, I .s>'n'crl>""'t\C? Ataata Franz Van de Velde Utjirijauninga I I Name: I <Jri'" : 59 I Came Here to Give I Atiin: _ CLI>'l,c..I>\L JCT(7~~J~(L <J'l, Tamaungalaurama Tunisijaqtuqsimaplunga I Old Address: I :J, ?ri:J"'b!J.' : I Turarutin: _ I New Address: I ...C"" :J<; ?ri ... : I Nutaqturarutiin.: _ I Mail to address above I ~d~O'" :J~,'~?n..J' <Jt>"'L~n"'JJ L ~ Editorial Aaqqiksuijimit by Dave Webster riA' A<-C< A.~4~?~ Dave Webster piliriarijanga We often receive articles that do not np'A~L"">J' "A.n.<h?«" <l'I"­ fit into a "theme" issue but are too r"rC\f'a-' Pr'<la- A~..><l'L( nn<;'­ good not to publish. We have included \('&.O"'~\o <1~'iQ.'i• ."n •. (LCder'!.. 6.rr'?­ a number of these in this issue, and ':">J' C'<:a- nn<;"c<n'.. , Ct.L they are about everything from tradi­ ~~..>'C~"" t.;tJ~'r' ~~''''<lrLr tional life to the Inuit Circumpolar t.~t.' bnLa-\f'~' b'tA~. <l~'br, Conference held in Kotzebue, Alaska, ~Jn~n'..>J. during August. <i'''P'~t.I''~<..>'L Il.,'nJi, bntL""­ As editor of Inuktitut, I get to meet >"l. .6..o\cr lt t>Pt>'i"c~:JrI>Ccr~ o..pJIt­ These Greenland women, in many people from all over the North. C". bnrCt.'~L~"<'..>'L, <lLL bn­ brightly-coloured beaded costumes, As well as making new acquain­ ((..[><;"<".,,"l. .6.c... L a- lo Cd \'frL L o-lt were some of the many performers tances, I often meet friends I haven't ~ P~a-' <lr ~a-' . A< ?<l~~,-~"Jr. at the Inuit Circumpolar Conference seen for many years. Last February, 'dA<l~,-~">'L ~'b'bn'b"->'l. <lCe Van General Assembly in Kotzebue, I had the pleasure of speaking with de Velde-r'. t.,-,~~?~ ~P~a-' Alaska. See photostory starting on Father Van de Velde, a dear friend I ~r~J C~rL~Jcr· Cd'\('rc...I>L~. page 39. hadn't seen for fifteen years. Over the Pr'<la- ~P~'J"'a- J~"<'>'l. ;'a-dt.a-' years though, I have heard of his ~p~"e"Jr~e~'bn\f'.. '. <lCe Van «d<l <ld P'J'rl>' <l'~t.'. many accomplishments from other de Velde <iJ<:..J' np,-~' L' ~a-<;­ Cc;u,n. It )O"'It <I ... .oCj·c;.:J'iftr'L.... C. northerners. Father Van de Velde had ?'r', ~~'t<l'r. t.ren.7~'",nCn.­ Ac..l>c..l>c;lt)C Cdl,.It,,-?c:..cr 6..06 ( come to Ottawa from Hall Beach, <l"J"->a--Knight In The Order Of r'c... "...'<JrLr bnL",c;":>'icr'L.D"Lt>..'cr NWT, to receive a medal-the Knight The Crown-r"-.oo..t\cr'iICTC 8el­ b'tAl>. <l~'br. edr<l?' of the Order of the Crown- from his gium-r' t.ren.?~'",nr?r<T' Arn.<l­ <I .. ra-c-l>n.. .. tT",;.c Ar<lc;,,)'i. native country Belgium as recognition n... ... crdrcr. t>P[><; lo cC;lt:>r l>Pt>'Jc..t>'iIo)(J'" L' A<la- 39. for the work he has done in the Arctic e'rL' <l'Lt.'a-. ~t.'j<..>J nn<;~t­ over the last fifty years. A short arti­ ~L';">" Ja-?~a-'L. Taapkua akukitturmiut arnait, cle appears in this issue about the taqsariktunik annuraaqtuqsimajut, medal presentation. bn'",n'b"n'..>r' <lCC Van de ilaulauqtut takujaksarunaani inuit Velde-r'. bfk...~n.<:<; <lCC Charles silarjualimaami katimajaqtur­ At the reception for Father Van de Choque. t.'-'~n.?<;<e~" ~P~a-' ninganungngaujuni kaatsipiu. Velde, I met Father Charles Choque, <Iricr" Arn..r'Lr'i.:J~ I>Pl>c;lt cc; ft :J< alaaskami. Takugiaruk ajjiliurin­ another friend who spent many years J't<l'A\f'a-. <lCe Choque <iJ<:r~­ niviniit pigiaqtuq makpiani 39. serving the Church in the Arctic. Cl>r'ilt)'ilo l>"'brLrt>'-..Jn... L..r~r'L <..Jer...) Father Choque is now living in Ottawa A'",nr'a-' t.'t<;''''<la-' I>p~"e"Jr Tikitviugajukpugut "piliriarijapta" ajji­ and is busy researching and writing Arn...r'L~CTIt .6.~r'J.Cb,,'r\a-. CLa.. gingngitanginnik kisiani piuluarmata books about priests who served in the nn<; ~t'br"tL"''' t.;t Aa-~..' <lCe titirangnginniq ajurnaq&utik. Tamat­ Arctic for most of their lives. He is Ducharme-~< • <l'i"'dn'b?A' <lCe kuninga ilisirunaaqpugut tatvani titi­ currently writing a biography of Ducharme-r'. 'b~i"L"''l. <lCe raqtaptingni, taima sunaluktaangujut Father Ducharme. If you have any Choque 'dl\<l<L?'L' t.LL'b <lJ"j,­ inuusituqarmit nunarjualimaami Inuit photographs of Father Ducharme, I ..><l<;7'a-?rr' ~'b.Lr<lr<T. J<;'?C katimaninginnut Kotzebue, Alaska-m!. know Father Choque would appre- ed ,~~"''' ~'brLr<l\fe nn<;~t~a-'La- August-ngutillugu.
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