ANNUAL REPORT 2011 REPORT ANNUAL BY DESIGN BY URBAN RMIT UNIVERSITY » ANNUAL REPORT 2011 OBJECTS OF RMIT UNIVERSITY GLOSSARY Extract from the RMIT Act 2010 AASB Australian Accounting Standards Board The objects of the University include: AIA Advertising Institute of Australasia (a) to provide and maintain a teaching and learning environment ALTC Australian Learning and Teaching Council of excellent quality offering higher education at an international APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation standard; AQTF Australian Quality Training Framework (b) to provide vocational education and training, further education ARC Australian Research Council and other forms of education determined by the University to ATAR Australian Tertiary Admission Rank support and complement the provision of higher education by the University; CELTA Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults CEQ Course Experience Questionnaire (c) to undertake scholarship, pure and applied research, invention, innovation, education and consultancy of international standing CRC Cooperative Research Centre and to apply those matters to the advancement of knowledge CRICOS Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for and to the benefit of the well-being of the Victorian, Australian Overseas Students and international communities; DDA Disability Discrimination Act (d) to equip graduates of the University to excel in their chosen DEEWR Commonwealth Department of Education, Employment careers and to contribute to the life of the community; and Workplace Relations (e) to serve the Victorian, Australian and international communities DSC RMIT College of Design and Social Context and the public interest by: DVC Deputy Vice-Chancellor (i) enriching cultural and community life EFT Equivalent full-time (ii) elevating public awareness of educational, scientific and artistic EFTSL Equivalent full-time study load developments ELICOS English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (iii) promoting critical and free enquiry, informed intellectual ESOS Education Services for Overseas Students discourse and public debate within the University and in FSC Forest Stewardship Council the wider society; GCA Graduate Careers Australia (f) to use its expertise and resources to involve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of Australia in its teaching, learning, research GDS Graduate Destination Survey and advancement of knowledge activities and thereby contribute to: GFC Global Financial Crisis (i) realising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander aspirations HDR Higher Degree by Research (ii) the safeguarding of the ancient and rich Aboriginal and HE Higher Education Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage; HECS Higher Education Contribution Scheme (g) to provide programs and services in a way that reflects principles HR Human Resources of equity and social justice; IELTS International English Language Testing System (h) to confer degrees and grant diplomas, certificates, licences and ICT Information communications technology other awards; IT Information technology (i) to utilise or exploit its expertise and resources, whether LSL Long service leave commercially or otherwise. MBA Master of Business Administration MOU Memorandum of Understanding NCVER National Centre for Vocational Education Research NHMRC National Health and Medical Research Council OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OHS Occupational health and safety PD Professional development Program A collection of courses leading to a University award PVC Pro Vice-Chancellor QS Quacquarelli Symonds international rankings RMIT RMIT University SCH Student contact hour SEH RMIT College of Science, Engineering and Health Published by: SNAP RMIT Schools Network Access Program RMIT University Marketing and Communications SOS Student Outcomes Survey Building 1, Level 2 124 La Trobe Street TAFE Technical and Further Education Melbourne UAE United Arab Emirates GPO Box 2476 Melbourne VIC 3001 UG Undergraduate Australia VCAL Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning Tel. +61 3 9925 2000 ABN: 49 781 030 034 VCE Victorian Certificate of Education CRICOS Provider No: 00122A VET Vocational Education and Training Project manager and editor: Pauline Charleston Design and layout: Leon Powell, Joanne Chow VOC Volatile Organic Chemicals Production coordinator: Vince Lowe VP Vice-President RMIT University’s 2011 Annual Report and previous reports are available online at: www.rmit.edu.au/about/annualreport 145 12176 0312 CONTENTS Letter of Transmittal Inside front cover Organisational Overview Mission, Vision, Goals and Values 4 Chancellor’s Statement 5 Vice-Chancellor’s Statement 6 About RMIT 8 Senior Officers 10 2011 Gallery 12 Organisational Chart 13 Statistical Snapshot 14 Financial Performance 15 2011 Focus Creating Sustainable Urban Futures 18 Review of Activities Our Students 24 Learning and Teaching 28 RMIT Awards 30 Research and Innovation 32 Academic Schools 36 College of Business 38 College of Design and Social Context 42 College of Science, Engineering and Health 46 Vocational Education and Training 50 International Education and Engagement 53 RMIT Around the World 56 Development and Engagement 59 Buildings and Campus Environment 62 Sustainability 65 Our Staff 67 University Governance Governance 72 Council Members 73 Council Committees 74 Compliance Management 75 Risk Management and Internal Audit 76 RMIT Subsidiaries 77 RMIT Associated Entities 78 Consultancies 79 Compliance Index 80 Financial Statements Certification of TAFE Key Performance Indicators 84 Attestation on Compliance with Risk Management Standard 84 Declarations 85 Independent Auditor’s Report 86 Independent Auditor’s Report on TAFE Key Performance Indicators 87 Income Statement 88 Statement of Comprehensive Income 88 Statement of Financial Position 89 Statement of Changes in Equity 90 Statement of Cash Flows 91 Contents to the Notes to the Financial Statements 92 Notes to the Financial Statements 93 Balance Sheet for the Years 2011 to 2007 inclusive 143 Income Statement for the Years 2011 to 2007 inclusive 144 Objects of the University 145 Glossary 145 RMIT UNIVERSITY » ANNUAL REPORT 2011 1 RMIT UNIVERSITY » ANNUAL REPORT 2011 2 ORGANISATIONAL OVERVIEW RMIT UNIVERSITY » ANNUAL REPORT 2011 3 MISSION, VISION, GOALS AND VALUES MISSION OF RMIT UNIVERSITY The University brings knowledge within reach through education and research to enrich and transform the futures of individuals, cities, industries and nations. RMIT’S VISION TO 2015 RMIT will be a global university of technology and design. As a university of technology and design, RMIT will focus on creating solutions that transform the future for the benefit of people and their environments. We will collaborate with partners to ensure the global impact of our education and research, and we will reach out through our presence in cities across the world to make a difference. GOALS To achieve our vision, we will be: 1. Global in attitude, action and presence, offering our students a global passport to learning and work. 2. Urban in orientation and creativity, shaping sustainable cities and drawing inspiration from the challenges and opportunities they provide. 3. Connected through active partnerships with professions, industries and organisations to support the quality, reach and impact of our education and research. CORE VALUES Creative Fair Committed to making a difference » RMIT creates opportunities for students » Learning opportunities support » Our graduates are creative, skilled, and staff to explore, test and fulfil their a diverse range of students, including highly employable and purposeful. potential. those who may be disadvantaged. » Knowledge and skills developed in » Imaginative curriculum and research » Respect for Indigenous cultures our students and staff serve the needs solutions are sought, applied and is reflected in our work. of and bring benefits to individuals, rewarded. » Intellectual freedom and tolerance are cities, industries and nations. » RMIT fosters a creative and inventive nurtured and debate encouraged. » Our staff are constructive and agile culture which values achievement. » A physically, culturally and socially safe in meeting the needs of individuals, cities, industries and nations. Connected work and study environment is provided » Students’ aspirations, experience and for all staff and students. needs are central to evaluating our » Ethical, honest and open dealings performance and shaping improvement. characterise relationships with students, » Industry and community are active staff and partners. partners in our education and research. Passionate » Global networks formed around » Building enthusiasm and a sense of knowledge, industries and cities underpin achievement in our students and staff our operations. is a high priority. » Collaboration and teamwork is » Excellence in teaching, scholarship, encouraged and a sense of belonging research and service is rewarded and for students and staff is supported. supported. » Cultural and social diversity is encouraged and celebrated. RMIT UNIVERSITY » ANNUAL REPORT 2011 4 CHANCELLOR’S STATEMENT RMIT University is a special place – contemporary, urban with a culturally diverse student population, architecturally innovative, and with a unique legacy connecting today’s higher education programs with yesterday’s trade skill-building mission. This past year has presented the University with predictable challenges: increased local and international competition for students and staff, a complicated economy,
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