The REALIST Issue Number 75 - June, 1967 - Page 01 scans of this entire Issue found at: http://www.ep.tc/reallst/75 Case History Legal and Actual o f the Concentration Manchester Caper Camps in America by Paul Krassner by Charles R. Alien, Jr. Once there was upon a time a face While fascism is many things, re­ painted on the hand of Senor Wences flected in unnumbered manifestations, that magically became a real person it is, quintessential^, the art of the named Jacqueline. She kissed a senator end square—carried to a terrible sci­ in a Spearmint ad, and he in turn be­ ence. Hitler, Mussolini, Trujillo, Batis­ came a real person named Jack. They ta, Franco—and, of course, tod a y’s were married by Chief Justice Earl variant, Johnson—were, and are, above Warren and lived in good taste for not all proto-type squares. quite ever after. It's not only that each in his own Suddenly he was slain by the man way — Mussolini with his castor oil who had most to gain—Mark Lane— ’treatm ent,’ Hitler with his concentra­ who in turn was killed at the police tion camp system leading directly to station by Vaughn Meader. the ‘Final Solution’ (the last, desperate (Continued on Page 13) (Continued on Page 5) Blow-Up, Psychedelic Sexualis and The War Game — or, David Hemmings Is Herman Kahn in Disguise Ready for another little trippypoo? reads McCall's ads in the N.Y. Times, another who in­ Start with this letter from a subscriber: " I ’ve re­ sulted Joe Pyne, etc. In this way, the story appears to cently heard rumors that Paul Krassner d o e sn ’t exist be the exploits of one man, the mythical Paul Krassner. and that he is, in fact, a composite of a number of I ’ve also heard that a conspiracy has developed by fulsome individuals. These people, it ’s said, each sub­ which one faction of Paul Krassners is seeking to gain ject themselves monthly to a strange experience, then control over the rest through the use of CIA terror e v e ry o n e ’s experience is compiled into one story which tactics. Is this the reason I h aven ’t received issue #75?” is subsequently given some idiotic moral (much in the Now the whole world knows. same way Time magazine writes its articles). In issue This has been Vietnam Summer, a men's cologne, #74, for example, the Crazy SANE to Loving Haight more fragrant than Spring Mobilization, which spon­ story was actually written by a Krassner who attended sored an anti-war march on April 15, in San Francisco, S A N E ’s rally, another w h o's an ascetic but takes acid, where then-f?ampart$-publisher-not-to-be Ed Keating another who visited Haight-Ashbury, another who (Continued on Page 17) No. 75 35 Cants http://www.ep.tc/realist THE REALIST ARCHIVE PROJECT T h e REALIST Issu e N um ber 75 - June, 1967 - P a g e 02 scans of this entire issue found at: http://www.ep.tc/reallst/75 Kosher Indelicacies soon be over. T h ey ’re rehearsing a love Cartoonist Bill Mauldin was “up scene for the movie version of Funny No, Virginia front in Israel” for the Chicago Sun- Girl.” It was a delightful picture, show­ Times. Presumably his famous Willie ing Barbra reclining on a cpuch with by Alan Whitney and Joe would be replaced by two new Omar grasping her around the waist privates named Sheldon and Mark.... and nuzzling her neck. Both were There was a hassle in Wayne, New laughing and obviously having a great Jersey when a board of education offi­ time. You would think that it would New Contest, Enter Now have had a certain reader interest in A Columbus, Ohio paper carried this cial opposed the election of two Jews to that body on the grounds that they New York, which has about half of the headline: nation's Jewish population and a good­ Area Boy's Anus would be ethnically impelled to throw ly slice of the Arab contingent. But Wins Fair Ribbon money around like it was two cents plain. The real story is that the appar­ none of the metropolitan papers would Gray Flannel Mouth Dept. ent anti-Semite was a B’nai B ’rith touch it. In a society so hostile to love When your grandmother lived in plant subtly undermining the stereo­ and good humor, does anybody really that sprawling frame farmhouse in the type of the tight-fisted Jew. T h ere’s wonder why the young rebel? hills of Vermont, was her kitchen well a number in Cabaret in which the em­ stocked with “chocolate liquor; whole The Best News cee dances with a gorilla and sings a A young nurse from the Philippines and defatted milk solids; manitol; song to the effect that the animal isn ’t can teach us all the meaning of class. cocoa butter; lecithin, an emulsifier; so bad when you get used to it. In its Corazon Amurao, whose eight dormi­ vanillin, an artificial flavoring; sorbi­ present form the lyric ends: “She isn't tory mates were murdered in Chicago, tol, natural and artificial flavors"? It a meeskite [ugly person) at all." The was beseiged by book and magazine must have been, because those are the original line was “She d o e sn ’t look publishers to sell her story for the ingredients listed on the label of some sadistic titillation of the great Ameri­ “old fashioned homemade chocolates" I didn't buy the other day. can public. She turned them all down Anytime the advertising industry is because “I d on ’t want to profit from the deaths of my comrades.” o n ‘th e defensive (i.e., anytime) we are assured that it doesn't really make a The Swinging Nun profession out of lying; at worst it I goofed. Three years ago, when the just tells the good parts and leaves out Singing Nun was No. 1 on the charts, the bad ones. So how come a TV per­ we were solemnly assured that she son called Eydic Gorme assured me was going to stay in the convent and that "Plymouth dealers arc having a never use her talent for commercial great sales year” and the next day I purposes. I should have written that read in the papers that their sales are by mid-1967 she would have gotten off 14% from last year? out of the habit, engaged an atheist Indian Extenders manager, begun preparations for a Fact magazine is much given to ex­ U.S. television tour and written a song posing the misleading advertising and in praise of the birth control pill. commercial legerdemain of other insti­ At first I would have been accused tutions. I recently received a letter of another vulgar attempt at anti­ from Fact reading, in part: “. we clerical satire, but by now I would have are extending your subscription to been vindicated in every particular. Fact for six months absolutely free Jewish at all,” but the producer in­ Luc Dominique, as she currently calls [emphasis theirs). However, in order sisted on having it changed. Sam herself, has left the nunnery, wears to accomplish this, we are required by Lefrak is a hard-working real estate tight pants and high heels and will be the Post Office to collect the sum of tycoon who has built thousands of over here in the spring to appear live $1.88_____ " apartments in Queens. He has an 18- and on TV. Not only has she written year-old daughter named Francine Glory Be to God for the Golden Pill; TV Good Guys with whom any red-blooded American she is also instructing the Pope on CBS gets this month's award for boy would like to tour the old man's what he should do about it. He has to fairness beyond the call of duty, or master bedrooms. Lately Francine has okay it because “it ’s the only intelli­ maybe for publicity at any price. Dur­ burst on the cafe society scene, com­ gent, right thing to do. I t ’s shocking ing the broadcasting strike, the net­ plete with press agent. But it seems that The Pill sh ou ld n ’t be made avail­ w ork ’s press department sent out pic­ that in a business which routinely ad­ able to everyone who wants it.” tures of AFTRA members picketing vertises fire escapes as terraces, it Okay, I'm not going to be caught its own studios. would be unthinkable to market a short again: Within ten years she will Let Them Eat C-Rations superdeb under the Lefrak label. So have married, produced a male heir, The P en ta go n ’s own total casualty our h ero in e’s publicitor bills her as taught him to play the guitar and figures support the view that the poor Francine Le Frak, and has the Gaul signed a contract for the movie sequel, are fighting the war in Vietnam. When to complain when it d o esn ’t come up Son of Singing Nun. Remember, you the raw state-by-state death statistics that way in print. But at least one read it here first. are related to population, a pattern newspaper stoutly sticks to Lefrak and emerges. Most of the Northern and has told the tub-thumper it will use Sho ‘Nuff Note Lc Frak only when shown documentary This sign was displayed next to a Western industrial states showed one stack of rightist pamphlets in a store evidence that the spelling has been le­ death for every 25,000 to 30,000 people.
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