The Thomas Hardye School NNEWSLINESEWSLINES www.thomas-hardye.dorset.sch.uk Summer 2010 THS identifi ed as in the top 30 Arkwright Scholars and the top 10! The UK needs engineers and The Arkwright Scholarships are the UK’s most prestigious awards for students expecting to take Math- Thomas Hardye has been identifi ed amongst the top 30 ematics and a Design subject in the Sixth Form schools nationally when using results and levels of progress leading to a career in Engineering. This year for all its students. Essentially this means we are one of the 850 students from all types of schools applied best schools in the UK to provide for young people the high- for these awards and three of our Year 11 were est results but also the most progress. The School has been successful! Only one other school achieved allocated a section in a publication entitled ‘Outstanding this feat. Congratulations to the students and Schools’ which will be published in October 2010 – this will Mrs Wardlaw who has worked with them be sent to all schools. We have also been recently visited by Alistair Smith, a major educational thinker in the UK, who has identifi ed Thomas Hardye as one of the top ten schools in terms of leadership and progress. He has been commissioned to explore the key elements of successful school leadership through some of the highest achieving schools nationally. His project is entitled ‘10 by 10’ as there are 10 schools identifi ed and Thomas Hardye is one of them. Goodbye To All That! It is the time of year when we say goodbye to colleagues. This year we have ten teachers leaving, which in terms of the size of the school is a very small number – it is so pleasant here at Thomas Hardye! Numerous generations of students have been taught both mathematics and ICT by Mrs Mathias. She began teaching in Dorchester in 1976 and with the creation of this school in 1992 became responsible for ICT. Many will know that the results in her Area are superb and she leaves with out best wishes and thanks. Similarly Mrs Fecher-Roberts has done an exceptional job in leading German and has provided many contacts for the School especially in creating Exchanges. Others leaving us are Miss Garcia, Mrs Halse, Miss MacKinnon, Mr Morgan, Miss Mowlam, Mrs Pringle, Miss Shaw and Mrs Swaine. We are grateful to all these teachers for their hard work and commitment. News of new teachers will be in the next edition of Newlines. Newslines Summer 2010 YEAR 9 NEWS nternal examinations are next year so the students can term Presentation Assembly. Inow over and your fi rst report back on matches and full school Report is due to club activities, not just on Away from the sports fi eld, be posted before the end special events such as Sports a number of students are of the term. At this time, Week or Sports Day. taking part in ‘Managing your son or daughter will Emotions’ Workshop under also fi nd out the options Sports Week, organised the guidance of Rachel Worle they have been allocated by Miss Priest in the the Student Support Worker. for their return in Year 10. PE Department, was a It is hoped to off er more of School has continued to enormous success with Year these next year. off er lots of opportunities 9 students. All were off ered and challenges to Year 9 the opportunity to take part Peer Mentors were very students. All students were in an activity which is not helpful and supportive to actively involved in the off ered as part of the school Year 9 students when they Spectrum Science Road curriculum and that they had joined Thomas Hardye Show, which involved active not experienced before. The School last September. It work in the classroom and coaches and staff who came is really encouraging to see talks from Southampton in to work with the students that so many have off ered University. A group of were very complimentary to train as Peer Mentors to students took part in the BBC about their enthusiasm and work with the new intake of Nationwide News Reports work ethic. students for this September. - this occurred in the time These students will have running up to the General Sports Day takes place on to follow a comprehensive Election. The students used 15th July, so tutor groups training programme which this as the theme for their have been organising will take place during the report and interviewed the their teams in readiness. summer break. local candidates. Their work Under the guidance of Mrs We hope all parents and was broadcast on the BBC Matthews, the Year Council students have a pleasant website and shown to all have nominated ‘Julia’s summer break. Year 9 students during an House’ as the local charity assembly. for this term. The Council The Year 9 Team will be organising the sale of Following on the success of refreshments on Sports Day this, twenty-one students are to support this good cause. STOP PRESS - Thanks to 9JG currently involved in a BBC The Sport For All Rounders who raised £55 and 9BR Sports Reporters Project, and competition has been very who raised £40 for Julia’s we look forward to seeing well supported by the tutor Hospice Sponsored Silence. the results of their labours groups and the winners on line in the near future. It and runners up will be is intended to continue this announced in the end of Page 2 www.thomas-hardye.dorset.sch.uk Summer 2010 Newslines YEAR 10 NEWS ear 10 have had an This terms Presentation about future skills. It took Yexceptionally busy term. assembly will be the second place over two days on 8th The students have sat an opportunity for students to and 9th July and students unprecedented number receive ties in recognition have exhibited a diverse of external exams. All of their academic, range of interests. Students students will have taken sporting and community have also been able to attend at least two exams achievements and all specifi c career focused with some students curriculum areas have information sessions within taking as many numerous students to school. These are being as eight. Students nominate. Presentation run in conjunction with are also taking Evening provides Connexions. part in controlled another opportunity assessments in Modern to celebrate the Year 10 are being asked to Foreign languages success of Year 10 become the new cohort of and all Food students and the term Peer mentors. This will be Technology will end in a very positive run by our student support students will have had an atmosphere. worker and we hope to assessed practical before the build on the success of last end of the summer term. Our construction and years work by being more The behaviour of the retail students have available and delivering students going into exams completed two weeks specifi c courses in areas like and during these exams of work experience. A low self esteem and anger has been excellent and valuable opportunity to management. is a real credit to the Year learn new skills and gain an groups growing maturity. appreciation of a full time Year 10 have done well As ever the staff have working environment. I have this year and I have every provided extensive support no doubt that the students confi dence September will for their students and after will acquit themselves well bring some excellent results school help sessions in all and maintain the high for all the students who have subjects have been very well standards and expectations worked so hard in the run attended. of the school. up to exams. The students will begin their fi nal year Students will spend a day Around 60 students who in a strong position with a on PSHCE and another day are unsure what direction positive frame of mind. on Work Related Learning. to take at the end of Year 11 Both days promise to be have attended the Careers Enjoy the long holiday and informative and active College Event. This was an return refreshed for the start and will provide a change opportunity for students to of Year 11. from the pressures of the attend taster sessions in four curriculum. work areas and a conference The Year 10 Team www.thomas-hardye.dorset.sch.uk Page 3 Newslines Summer 2010 Year 11 Prom Year 11s celebrated sunssuunu shones ono the dreweewwwtoawtwto totooa a closeccl the the end of their GCSE venue,v nuu gloriouslyoorrioiooouuss y studentsstudensstud ntts momov movedovv from exams with their bedeckedbbeeedeeckeccked in n redre redd rosesro ooss thetthhhee disco sccoo out utt onto Promrroomom ata KKingston and balloons,ballooballoonlloooons,ononsnsss, ititwt waswwaass thehe terrace ter ceetetoe tto enjoy MaurwardMauauurwarardrdd Houseusesese ono wonderfulw too sseseeeeee aaGaGl GlastonburyesqueGGlaGlGlasto Glastonlastolasttotonoonbnburnbb Tuesday 299tht June.JJuunune.ne.e thetthhe YearYeaY11tdtYeaea 11 students studenuddeeenntnts lazerlalazlazzerzzeer light lilligiightghtg t finafinfi finale nalenanalealee tot t All studentstss araarrivedrrr d lookinglookl kinkingkinnngg so ooe elegant eleelegeeleganellelegeegganntt and d theththhee evening.eve eveningvevenvenning.niinnggIt It I wasw wa beautifullyy dressedd sophisticated. AAfAftAfterftefttee alsol greateateaattttos tot seeseee so s for the red ccacarcarpetarrppetppeeett thethhee dramatic ddraammaatiticc entrance entntrntranttrrraanncenccee manym y staffs st enjoyingeennnjjoyyinying entrancerananceinvencee iinn vvevehicleseehiehhhi thehtd studentsdeentsennt enjoyed enjoyjooyooyeyyededed thehee companycco paaannyn of offt the tth thathahathatt rangrrangera ranrangedangeeddfd fromfroffr romomm thetthhe casino,caassinsininononno,, chocolatec latelatee studentsstuststuudd inn suchsucsuuucchh a Ferraris,FeFerererraris,errrrararis,raarisarriss Aston A n Martins, MartinMaMartMMarartartinsrtins,rtrtintinins,nsn , fountain,foountain,ouuntainunntataainnnc cockcoccocktailckttaiailaill barb baarr relaxed atmosphere. andnddLi Limousines LimLi s toooIc IceIcee andaannddthd there thh was wwaas eeveevevenvenvena a Overall a truly Cream Vans,nsns,s,s CementCeC visitvvisisitsititt fromffromthm thetht e JamesJameees memorable evening Mixers andnddT TractorsTracTTraTrraaacactc BondBonBoondonndv villainvillai v ainaiiin Blofeld.BlofelBBll feeel was had by all.
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