Attend Congratulations Manhasset Game The Port Weekly To Band VoL XVI—No. 21 SENIOR fflGH SCHOOL, PORT WASHINGTON. LONG ISLAND. N. Y« FRIDAY. MAY 24, 1940 Price; FITS M. Lewis Takes Over Editorship Coming Sporting Band Wins National Contest; Of Weekly For '40-'41 Season Attractions Port Gets Only One Rating Friday, May 24, Baseball Robert Cornell, June Johnson, Paul Williams In Other Game, Port vs. Manhasset at Eight Soloists Receive Highest Ratings At Albany; Manhasset. Important Positions; Staffs Replace 'Contributors' Friday, May 24, Tennis Game, Manso, Villani, Helfrich, Kirkup Triumph Also Port vs. Manhasset at Manhas- Martin Lewis has been chosen as editor-in-chief of The set. Once again Port Washington t r i u m p h e d in the National Port Weekly for next year, succeeding Walter McQuade. Monday, May 27, Tennis Band Contest at Albany. The band was the only such organ- Other staff members have been designated as follows: Game, Port vs. Garden City ization to receive the highly superior rating of I. The judge, The news editor will be Robert Cornell, taking over the at Garden City. William D. Revelli, in commenting on their performance, post of Gordon Ross, and the place of Everitt Hehn and Tuesday, May 28, Baseball said, "It was a real pleasure to sit and listen to the band Angela Caparella as co-feature editors will be taken by June Game, Port vs. Mlneola at from Port Washington". Although Port has received al Port. Johnson. A new position, that<f> *for the last two years in the Na- Thursday, May 30, Memorial of homeroom editor, has been Day Recess. tional Contest, this is the first created, and Paul Williams is in Friday, May 31, Baseball Weekly To Have year they have been the only charge of the operations of this Our School Game, Port vs. Garden City at band to receive a I, a feat rarely department. This new post will Garden City. Marionette Show accomplished. Thus, Port Wash- have considerable importance in Board ington has good reason to be the new set-up. Saturday, June 1, Long Is- land Track Meet at Patchogue. On Tuesday, the 4th of June, proud of this splendid organiza- tion which has earned so much Jean Swain's music editorship Due to the resignation of Tuesday, June 4, Port Week- The Port Weekly is to sponsor praise and so many honors from will be handled by Ida Harrison, three Trustees recently three ly Marionette Show. two special benefit performances and the sports division will be vacancies in the ranks of the by the Lesselli Marionettes in the accomplished professional music- taken care of by Bob Bessell, School Board resulted. The Senior High School Auditorium. ians. James Barrett, Betsey Franklin, annual school election which The Lessellis are a talented or- Helfrich Has 1 Ratios and Emma Tomlet. was held on Wednesday, May Honor Roll Honors ganization that has toured the Port Washington also triumph- Associate editors will be Mollie 8, filled these vacancies. Mr. country for several years, and ed in the solo and ensemble con- Copp, Ruthanne Studebaker, and John Strockbine, Mr. Harold 16 Seniors while marionette shows are often, test and where we have eight of Anne Ross. Ray, and Mr. Frederick John- among high school students, con- the highest ratings of I. Angelo Woodward—Copy Editor son were elected to the posi- I n the Honor Roll list of this sidered as being "silly", their Manso, last year's national The copy desk editor is to be tions vacated by Mrs. Harri- recent marking period, the sen- shows are full of interest. cornet champion, repeated his Kat'hryn Woodward, and Albert son Thomas, Mr. Ralph Ran- iors lead with 16 students and the The matinee show will be at splendid performance and also Murray will replace Eleanor Bes- kin, and Mr. John MacEnulty. senior home room 202 lead other 2:30, the administration cooperat- received a recommendation for a ton as exchange editor. Eliza- The two candidates who were homerooms with ten people on ing with us in permitting stu- scholarship. John Villani, bari- beth Dargan will be business defeated by the trio of men the honor roll. Eleven juniors dents who are attending to be tone, received a I rating, as did manager, and Pete Loiseaux and were two women, Mrs. Harri- are honor students; twelve sopho- dismissed early, and the evening Richard Kirkup, french horn; Bob Fitz will take the advertising son Thomas and Mrs. Mildred mores, and two P. G.'s. performance will be given at Harry Helfrich, bassoon; Neal department. Jean Rankin sue. Block. Those who served as Room 101— 8.00. The same program will be Hinrichs, sousaphone. In the ensembles, the Brass Sextet ceeds Mollie Copp as circulation trustees during the previous Helena Adams. given at both times. Admission manager. achieved a I rating. The Clari- year are Mr. Haggerty, Dr. Robert Cornell. for students will be twenty cents net Quartet also got a I. The Next year a change will be John Eppig, Mr. Harold Sea- Room 102— at both matinee and evening man, and Mr. William W. Brass Quartet received a I rat- made in the classification of Jack Ferrisi. times, and the price for adults Lewis. ing and the Brass Quintet re- regular contributors to the paper, Anne Ross. will be forty cents, also at both as they will be divided into two ceived a 2 plus. Paula Read, clar- The Port Weekly staff on Doreen Dendieval. times. separate groups, the news staff inet, received a I. behalf of the student body, the Room 103— I t has not yet been definitely and the feature staff. Anyone Other commendable ratings faculty, and the citizens of Jean Galloway. decided what the program will that desires to get on either staff were: Fred Smith, sousaphone, Port Wastiington wishes to ex- Room 105— be, but it is hoped to have the ^ould see Mr. Kezar or the edi- II; Peter Aspinwall, trombone, press their thanks for the ef- Ruthanne Studebaker. Lessellis' version of Lewis Car- tor. Tentative selections for the III; Paul Smith, French horn, I I forts and work of the previ- Emma Tomlet. roll's "Alice In Wonderland", feature staff to date include Mary plus. ous School Board Trustees, and Kathryn Woodward. plus several acts from their pop- L . Teta and Dale Ely, and for the also to congratulate the new- Everett Wilson. ular variety show and circus. Band Rates 1 news staff, Everett Wilson. l y elected Trustees and to Room 107— B y the time this paper appears, The Band left early Friday- With the resumption of publi- wish them theb est of luck in Ryder Amthor. i t is hoped to have tickets dis- morning in private cars, their cation next fall. The Port Week- their new capacities. We have Joan Anderson. tributed to all members of the destination being the Hotel De- l y will enter its seventh year of appreciated their achievements Room 108— staff of The Port Weekly for sale W i t t Clinton where they publication, and it is hoped that and are looking forward to Holm Hinrichs. to the student body and residents stayed. The Band played at five i t will be a better publication for the cooperation of our new Room 109— of the community. o'clock and thence went into the .the students than ever before. School Board. Martin Lewis. The price of the tickets will be sight-reading room where they Dorothy Lunde. 20 cents for the students, 40 cents received a I in sight-reading. Room 111— for adults. However, the next highest rating Port Light Card Bill Helfrich. was II so that didn't lower our Mr. Potter Informs Room 201— already high rating. Southamp- Party Is Success Edward Bailey. Louise Moore Wins ton received second place in the Mary Church. contest with a rating of II plus. The Port Light bridge party Future Aviators Room ZOZ— Latin Honor The contest was held at the Al- turned out to be quite a success bany High School and State Rosemary Williamson. when 48 persons turned out on Mr. Norman Potter, of the Casey Teachers' College. Much credit Yvonne Williamson. Friday evening, May 17. Tiiere Jones School of Aeronautics, A t New York University the is due to Mr. Van Bodegraven spoke in room 202 last Monday, Patricia Fairbanks. were nine tables of students and Latin Sight Reading contest was who has contributed largely to to the students interested in avi- Harry Helfrich. three tables of adults. This event held on April 6, with students the success of the band and who ation. He touched on the most Eleanor Jenkins. was supposed to be a bridge par- entering from all over Long Is- cannot receive enough praise. It important phases of aviation. Beverly Lawrence. t y but before the evening was land. From our own school, is regretable that the orchestra Jean Lewis. over, tables were playing "mah- Mr. Potter gave the students an Louise Moore, standing third in and choir were not able to attend Elodie Loiseaux. jong", "poker", "michigan". adequate idea of what training the graduating class of 1940, was due to lack of funds but they Wastebaskets served as prizes and background a student needs William Savage. awarded a silver medal for the hope to attend next year. for the winning team at each ta- for the different departments per- Nancy Shakespeare. highest score in the Long Island ble. Miss Jean Starkweather, taining to aeronautics. He also Room 204— region. Louise Moore, Jeanne Editor of the "Port Light", re- explained the different ways of William Smalley.
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