DISEASES OF AQUATIC ORGANISMS Vol. 70: 261–279, 2006 Published June 23 Dis Aquat Org COMBINED AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX (Volumes 61 to 70, 2004–2006) A Antoniadou C, see Rayyan A et al. (2006) 70:251–254 Aoki M, Kondo M, Kawai K, Oshima SI (2005) Experimental Aas-Eng A, see Shivappa RB et al. (2004) 61:23–32 bath infection with Flavobacterium psychrophilum, indu- Abollo E, Novoa B, Figueras A (2005) SSU rDNA analysis of cing typical signs of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss Kudoa rosenbuschi (Myxosporea) from the Argentinean fry syndrome. 67:73–79 hake Merluccius hubbsi. 64:135–139 Aoki T, see Supungul P et al. (2004) 61:123–135 Abraham M, see Azad IS et al. (2005) 63:113–118 Aragort W, Alvarez MF, Leiro JL, Sanmartín ML (2005) Blood Adams A, see McCarthy Ú et al. (2005) 64:107–119 protozoans in elasmobranchs of the family Rajidae from Adams A, see Morris DJ et al. (2005) 66:221–226 Galicia (NW Spain). 65:63–68 Adams AM, see Golléty C et al. (2005) 65:69–74 Aragort W, see Álvarez MF et al. (2006) 70:93–100 Adams MB, see Morrison RN et al. (2005) 66:135–144 Arana S, see Adriano EA et al. (2005) 64:229–235 Adriano EA, Arana S, Cordeiro NS (2005) Histology, ultra- Aranguren F, see Nunan LM et al. (2004) 62:255–264 structure and prevalence of Henneguya piaractus (Myx- Archakunakorn S, see Sritunyalucksana K et al. (2005) 63: osporea) infecting the gills of Piaractus mesopotamicus 89–94 (Characidae) cultivated in Brazil. 64:229–235 Arias CR, see Welker TL et al. (2005) 63:129–138 Aeby GS, see Work TM (2006) 70:155–160 Arie B, see Stewart JE et al. (2004) 62:197–204 Aguirre-Guzmán G, Ascencio F, Saulnier D (2005) Patho- Arkush KD, McBride AM, Mendonca HL, Okihiro MS, genicity of Vibrio penaeicida for white shrimp Litope- Andree KB, Marshall S, Henriquez V, Hedrick RP (2005) naeus vannamei: a cysteine protease-like exotoxin as a Genetic characterization and experimental pathogenesis virulence factor. 67:201–207 of Piscirickettsia salmonis isolated from white seabass Agustí C, see Aznar FJ et al. (2005) 67:239–247 Atractoscion nobilis. 63:139–149 Ahrens P, see Einer-Jensen K et al. (2005) 67:39–45 Arkush KD, Mendonca HL, McBride AM, Yun S, McDowell Alavandi SV, see Vijayan KK et al. (2005) 63:107–111 TS, Hedrick RP (2006) Effects of temperature on infectivity Alcorn S, Murray AL, Pascho RJ, Varney J (2005) A cohabita- and of commercial freezing on survival of the North Amer- tion challenge to compare the efficacies of vaccines for ican strain of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV). bacterial kidney disease (BKD) in chinook salmon 69:145–151 Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. 63:151–160 Arkush KD, see Mendonca HL (2004) 61:187–197 Alday-Sanz V, see Escobedo-Bonilla CM et al. (2006) 68: Arrighi S, see Bosi G et al. (2005) 64:45–51 181–188 Arzul I, see Garcia C et al. (2006) 70:193–199 Alfaro-Shigueto J, see Van Bressem MF et al. (2006) 68: Ascencio F, see Aguirre-Guzmán G et al. (2005) 67:201–207 149–165 Assavalapsakul W, Tirasophon W, Panyim S (2005) Antiserum Ali SA, see Azad IS et al. (2005) 63:113–118 to the gp116 glycoprotein of yellow head virus neutralizes Alker AP, see Kim K et al. (2006) 69:95–99 infectivity in primary lymphoid organ cells of Penaeus Allen EJ, see Drew A et al. (2006) 68:245–250 monodon. 63:85–88 Allen LJS, see Drew A et al. (2006) 68:245–250 Athanassopoulou F, Karagouni E, Dotsika E, Ragias V, Tavla Alonso M, see Rodriguez S et al. (2005) 67:183–190 J, Christofilloyanis P, Vatsos I (2004) Efficacy and toxicity Alonso MC, see Rodríguez JM et al. (2006) 69:175–183 of orally administrated anti-coccidial drugs for innovative Álvarez F, see Paramá A et al. (2004) 62:97–102 treatments of Myxobolus sp. infection in Puntazzo pun- Álvarez MF, Aragort W, Leiro JM, Sanmartín ML (2006) tazzo. 62:217–226 Macroparasites of five species of ray (genus Raja) on the Atkinson RJA, see Small HJ et al. (2006) 69:185–195 northwest coast of Spain. 70:93–100 Atkinson SD, see Hallett SL et al. (2005) 65:137–152 Alvarez MF, see Aragort W et al. (2005) 65:63–68 Atkinson SD, see Hallett SL et al. (2006) 69:213–225 Alvarez-Pellitero P, Quiroga MI, Sitjà-Bobadilla A, Redondo Audemard C, Sajus MC, Barnaud A, Sautour B, Sauriau PG, MJ, Palenzuela O, Padrós F, Vázquez S, Nieto JM (2004) Berthe FJC (2004) Infection dynamics of Marteilia refrin- Cryptosporidium scophthalmi n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Cryp- gens in flat oyster Ostrea edulis and copepod Paracartia tosporidiidae) from cultured turbot Scophthalmus max- grani in a claire pond of Marennes-Oléron Bay. 61: imus. Light and electron microscope description and 103–111 histopathological study. 62:133–145 Audoorn L, see Escobedo-Bonilla CM et al. (2006) 68:181–188 An EJ, see Do JW et al. (2005) 64:193–200 Avenant-Oldewage A, see Székely C et al. (2004) 61:95–102 Anas A, Paul S, Jayaprakash NS, Philip R, Bright Singh IS Avendaño-Herrera R, Magariños B, Toranzo AE, Beaz R, (2005) Antimicrobial activity of chitosan against vibrios Romalde JL (2004) Species-specific polymerase chain from freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii larval reaction primer sets for the diagnosis of Tenacibaculum rearing systems. 67:177–179 maritimum infection. 62:75–83 Anas A, see Jayaprakash NS et al. (2005) 68:39–45 Azad IS, Shekhar MS, Thirunavukkarasu AR, Poornima M, Andersen B, see Gustafson LL et al. (2005) 65:167–176 Kailasam M, Rajan JJS, Ali SA, Abraham M, Ravichan- Andree KB, see Arkush KD et al. (2005) 63:139–149 dran P (2005) Nodavirus infection causes mortalities in © Inter-Research 2006 · www.int-res.com 262 Dis Aquat Org 70: 261–279, 2006 hatchery produced larvae of Lates calcarifer: first report Bergh Ø, see Vik-Mo FT et al. (2005) 67:87–92 from India. 63:113–118 Bergman S, see Thébault A et al. (2005) 65:9–16 Azevedo C, Padovan I, Corral L, Padovan P (2005) Ultrastruc- Bergmann SM, see Enzmann PJ et al. (2005) 66:187–195 tural description of an unidentified apicomplexan oocyst Bernet D, Wahli T, Kueng C, Segner H (2004) Frequent and containing bacteria-like hyperparasites in the gill of Cras- unexplained gonadal abnormalities in whitefish (central sostrea rizophorae. 65:153–157 alpine Coregonus sp.) from an alpine oligotrophic lake in Aznar FJ, Perdiguero D, Pérez del Olmo A, Repullés A, Agustí Switzerland. 61:137–148 C, Raga JA (2005) Changes in epizoic crustacean infesta- Berrill M, see Greer AL et al. (2005) 67:9–14 tions during cetacean die-offs: the mass mortality of Berthe F, see Garcia C et al. (2006) 70:193–199 Mediterranean striped dolphins Stenella coeruleoalba Berthe FCJ, see Thébault A et al. (2005) 65:9–16 revisited. 67:239–247 Berthe FJC, see Audemard C et al. (2004) 61:103–111 Bertone S, see Huys G et al. (2005) 66:197–204 Binuramesh C, see Prabakaran M et al. (2006) 68:189–196 B Black J, see Snow M et al. (2004) 61:11–21 Blanco-Méndez J, see Paramá A et al. (2005) 64:151–158 Bain N, see Snow M et al. (2004) 61:11–21 Blaustein AR, see Romansic JM et al. (2006) 68:235–243 Balasubramanian CP, see Vijayan KK et al. (2005) 63:107–111 Blazer VS, see Iwanowicz LR et al. (2006) 70:219–225 Balazs GH, see Work TM et al. (2004) 62:163–176 Boettcher KJ, see Maloy AP et al. (2005) 67:155–162 Balfry SK, see Tierney KB et al. (2005) 67:81–86 Bogan AE, see Gustafson LL et al. (2005) 65:159–165 Ball N, see Graham DA et al. (2006) 70:47–54 Bolton S, see Lund ED et al. (2005) 67:217–224 Balseiro P, see Cremonte F et al. (2005) 64:85–90 Bonami JR, see Sahul Hameed AS et al. (2004) 62:191–196 Balseiro P, see Novoa B (2004) 61:89–93 Bonar CJ, Poynton SL, Schulman FY, Rietcheck RL, Garner Bandín I, see Romero-Brey I et al. (2004) 61:1–10 MM (2006) Hepatic Calyptospora sp. (Apicomplexa) infec- Bang JD, see Choi DL et al. (2004) 61:165–168 tion in a wild-born, aquarium-held clutch of juvenile ara- Barber BJ, see Friedman CS et al. (2005) 63:33–41 paima Arapaima gigas (Osteoglossidae). 70:81–92 Barber BJ, see Maloy AP et al. (2005) 67:155–162 Boomker J, see Taraschewski H et al. (2005) 63:185–195 Bargelloni L, see Zappulli V et al. (2005) 65:53–61 Borger JL (2005) Scleractinian coral diseases in south Florida: Barja JL, see Prado S et al. (2005) 67:209–215 incidence, species susceptibility, and mortality. 67: Barnaud A, see Audemard C et al. (2004) 61:103–111 249–258 Barnes AC, see Møller JD et al. (2005) 64:201–209 Bosi G, Arrighi S, Di Giancamillo A, Domeneghini C (2005) Bartholomew JL, Ray E, Torell B, Whipple MJ, Heidel JR Histochemistry of glycoconjugates in mucous cells of (2004) Monitoring Ceratomyxa shasta infection during a Salmo trutta uninfected and naturally parasitized with hatchery rearing cycle: comparison of molecular, serologi- intestinal helminths. 64:45–51 cal and histological methods. 62:85–92 Bosi G, see Dezfuli BS et al. (2005) 66:245–254 Bartie K, see Huys G et al.
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