KnightLineJUNE 22, 2005 VOL. 22 • NO. 9 www.kofc.org NEWS FOR KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS LEADERS ‘This Can Be Best Year’ in Knights’ History, Supreme Knight Tells Order’s Leaders The Knights of Columbus is poised for continued strong growth, says Supreme Knight upreme Knight Carl A. Anderson those in need can be found in the results told the Order’s top leaders that of the 2004 Survey of Fraternal Activity. Snow is an extremely exciting and Previous records for charitable contri- rewarding time to be a Knight and espe- butions and hours of volunteer service cially to be a leader of the 1.7 million were broken last year. member Catholic fraternal service Supreme Knight Anderson an- organization. Addressing the Order’s 70 nounced that Knights raised and distrib- state deputies June 10 at the organiza- uted to charity more than $135 million, tional meeting for the 2005-06 exceeding 2003’s total by more than Columbian year, Anderson said the $5 million. The survey also showed that Order’s strengths in all areas of opera- the estimated number of volunteer tions and programming mean the hours by Knights for charitable causes Knights can contribute greatly to the grew to more than 63 million hours. Church and society. Cumulative figures show that over “I can’t think of a more dynamic or the last 10 years, the Knights has donat- stronger Catholic organization in the ed $1.174 billion to charity and provid- Church today than the Knights of ed in excess of 560 million hours of vol- Columbus. This can be the best year in unteer service. the life of the Knights. We are poised for “This is a fantastic record,” Ander- great growth,” he said. son said, “but we can do better next Anderson announced that the 1.7 year.” The key, he said, is for the millionth member had been recruited. Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson address- Knights to become an organization He is Gerry Kissell, who joined Im- ing state deputies at their organizational more rooted in the Eucharist. maculate Conception Council 13681 in meeting. The state deputies met under the “Christ is doing things today Springfield, Mo. He was recruited by theme, “Experience of a Lifetime.” through us,” he said. “When we say Grand Knight Dr. James Shelley. Both ‘Vivat Jesus,’ we are saying ‘Jesus is Kissell and Shelley will be guests of alive. The Church is alive.’ That was honor of the Order’s Board of Directors gram and its products as attracting SEE ‘MEETING’ PAGE 2 at the Supreme Council meeting in many new Knights. Anderson also said Chicago, Aug. 3-5 the variety of ways members can get involved in the Church and the com- TOP 10 JURISDICTIONS munity mean more men find something IN ‘I can’t think of a more they can contribute to the Knights CHARITABLE GIVING dynamic or stronger Catholic once they have been recruited. “Our goal remains to have the organization in the Church Knights connected to the life of the ONTARIO — $7,655,212 CALIFORNIA — $6,572,879 today than the Knights.’ Church at the parish level, in our schools and in our hospitals,” Anderson QUEBEC — $5,752,883 said. ILLINOIS — $5,595,344 “Hitting the 1.7 million-member “Every practical Catholic ought to FLORIDA — $5,555,056 mark represents an enormous mile- see a potential home in the Knights of TEXAS — $5,513,976 stone in the history of the Knights,” Columbus, and if not yet a home, then MICHIGAN — $5,268,878 a hand that’s reaching out to help. Anderson said. NEWJERSEY — $4,049,657 Credit for the Order’s continued That’s our future,” he said. MINNESOTA — $3,395,356 growth, he said, can be attributed to many things. He cited the strength of RECORD YEAR IN GIVING The success the OHIO — $3,353,995 the Order’s $55 billion insurance pro- Knights is having in reaching out to 1 FROM ‘MEETING’ FROM PAGE 1 SUPREME KNIGHT Though state deputies do not face the CARL A. ANDERSON Pope Benedict XVI’s message in his worldwide challenges of the Holy inaugural Mass homily. If we focus on Father, Bishop Lori noted, they should the first principle of our Order, charity, likewise begin their term of service in a 10 Keys to we can make Christ more manifest in spirit of humility, putting God first. the world.” “As state deputies, you have been Success placed in a position of trust and leader- NEWSUPREME CHAPLAIN TAKES PART IN ship by your brother Knights,” the uring this month’s state depu- MEETING That was a message Supreme supreme chaplain said. “You have ties’ meeting, I reviewed with Chaplain Bishop William E. Lori of assumed a heavy set of responsibilities Dthe newly elected leaders my Bridgeport, Conn., highlighted in his on top of family, work and social obli- 10 keys to success. homily at a Mass offered at St. Mary’s gations” Only total reliance on the What will help him lead your juris- Church during the meeting. It was the grace and mercy of God will give you diction to greater growth in 2005-06, first international meeting Bishop Lori the strength to perform your duties can also help you at the council level. had attended since being appointed su- well, he added. Here, then, are my 10 keys to success preme chaplain in April. “Leadership in all forms brings with for grand knights, council officers and Those who assume leadership posi- it the burden of giving a good example,” appointed personnel: tions in the Knights of Columbus Bishop Lori observed. “For you, it 1. Be Membership-Growth Ori- means modeling for others the ideals of ented 365 Days a Year. Every activity Columbianism, to implement the your council undertakes should be Model for others vision and the mission of the Knights of geared to membership growth. the ideals of Columbianism; Columbus. But first the vision and plan 2. Establish Long-Term Goals for must begin in the heart and the mind of Growth. Long term should be at least implement the vision and one who is always being purified.” At the conclusion of Mass, Bishop five years. mission of the Knights. 3. Create Team-Oriented Council Lori led the congregation in the prayer Officers. Work as a team toward a com- for the canonization of Father Michael mon goal, whether it be a service proj- should follow the example of Pope J. McGivney at the tomb of the Order’s ect or a recruitment goal. Benedict XVI and reflect first on their founder. 4. Maintain a Positive Attitude and inadequacy for the job and their Communicate It. You must instill a absolute need for God’s assistance, CHALLENGES AHEAD By adhering to its positive attitude — “The best is yet to Bishop Lori told the state deputies. principles and the vision of its founder, come” — “This year will be better than Pope Benedict possesses rare intel- the Order will advance the Culture of last year, and next year will be even lectual and spiritual gifts, he said in his Life and withstand challenges from the better.” homily at a Mass held June 10 in St. culture of death in the next fraternal 5. Focus on Youth and Youthful Mary’s Church. Yet he began his papa- year, Supreme Knight Anderson told Leadership. Conduct programs that cy acknowledging his human weakness the state deputies. attract younger men and their families, and need for God’s help, and asked for SEE ‘MEETING’ PAGE 3 such as our popular free-throw pro- prayers of the saints and the faithful. gram. 6. Take Advantage of Leadership Training Programs. The Supreme Villa Maria Visit Council and your state council wants your council to succeed. Attend grand knight training seminars, state meet- ings and functions. 7. Establish Accountability. Be accountable to your fellow officers, your chaplain and to your members. Give them direction and know what you expect of them. 8. Have and Communicate Clear Priorities. Repeat them often at meet- ings and through newsletters, e-mail or regular correspondence with your offi- cers and members. 9. Be Open to Change. Constantly assess your performance and adjust The wives of the Supreme Officers, directors and state deputies visited Villa Maria, the pro- life retreat center run by the Sisters of Life, while their husbands attended the organiza- your program to meet overall goals. tional meeting. Their visit included Mass, a tour of the facility and talks by Mother Agnes 10. Use Your District Deputy. He is Mary Donovan, superior general (far left) and Sister Mary Grace, superior of the center (third an invaluable resource to you and your from left). The Knights of Columbus opened the international retreat center in cooperation fellow officers. with the Sisters of Life and the Diocese of Bridgeport, Conn., last fall. Vivat Jesus! 2 ‘MEETING’ FROM PAGE 2 Holy Family Chapel Blessed The institution of marriage is being challenged in Canada, and in the United States a battle over anticipated Supreme Court vacancies is heating up. If the right people are named to the highest court, the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in the United States may be overturned, he said. Calling membership “the number one priority,” Anderson urged a strong finish in recruitment for the 2004-05 fraternal year and a strong start come July 1. He recommended that every council undertake the membership Blitz parish drive in October. To highlight the need to recruit young members, the supreme knight threw a basketball and a soccer ball from the podium into the audience of Bishop Lori incenses the altar in the redesigned Holy Family Chapel at the Supreme Council state deputies.
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